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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. They have become that recently, but they were never intended to be this.
  2. Those were points dark also raised ingame while we were discussing that. Hence why its in the discussion phase still.
  3. Getting balance isnt hard if you have the time to invest. You dont even need to know how to fight if you talk with friends and get help. This essentially just removes the restriction completely. This isnt a compromise it just means people are stuck with their creatures once advanced. You had some rather foolish players lead you if you were told that :P There is discussion amoung Mur and I to permit MP3's to attack anyone. Keep an eye on the announcements to see if this gets implemented :)
  4. Here I publically apologise for calling the first post trolling. Ackshan explained his point more clearly here, and now we can all discuss it rather than it being a spammish comment that looks like he thinks RPC's are still around. I disagree entirely here. They were removed becuase the structure didnt work. Why remake an organisation that didnt work? I am considering remaking the RPC structure but I most definately will not be remaking it like it was. Your tense structure is plainly wrong also. Its what they did, not do. I did call it out? Unsure what you mean here. Agreed here Rophs, And for information all RPC's were demoted, the WP list is coded badly so it only updates the names when the person gets a WP. Grido last got a WP back in the days he was RPC. This stands for all those who have odd/wrong playernames.
  5. I was CC'ed into a number of emails concerning this item, Peace was requested to post that the reason she did not get the item made at the time because she was requred to send the description and it was never sent in, She did not post this on the forum so I was asked to do so EDIT: Apparently she edited it, But this didnt bump the topic so im leaving it here.
  6. From what I read, he is giving you gold coins, not silver. So that indeed makes him a "profit" Actually this isnt really a new thing, Its been done for years really, when people want gold fast, people sell it to them for 16 silver.
  7. Unless im very much mistaken, you are trolling this again. Further trolling and I will have to ban you from any of my development/discussion posts again Ackshan. It gets very old becuase you do this to nearly everything. Surely option 2 is very likely to lead to option one just due to the vast differences in population of the main lands and other lands?
  8. That is essentially the second proposal, Just be creating a number of non PC groups, like nims new role. Unless you are suggesting they need to be in a PC like group in some way?
  9. Indeed have a good birthday Poe :) Come play MD again one day.
  10. Not really, there were a number of key differences between PC and council, the primary one being how they are chosen.
  11. It "could" work more fluidly with two. I didnt say it did.
  12. Re-organising twitter/facebook is something on my todo list. I will contact you.
  13. Yes, I said this to them repeatedly about the meetings being too long but they always ran on. I was attempting to get them to follow a meeting format, agenda and such, and a couple of the times i pushed/ran it myself to ensure it stayed to time, but I really didnt have time to do that each week, and like most meetings with people not used to holding them, they get caught on little things. Thats essentially what i was trying to do. Im not sure what you mean here. This would be great, Ideally just to ensure that it stays in a nice meeting format. Although During the meetings they would be asking me questions, But if it was nicely agendaed and had a good chair that could work.
  14. Its still around, I have the login details for it all and was organising some things until I realised i really didnt have time.
  15. Why with a PC? Why not any number of other ways?
  16. This is a good idea. See Public/Private Key infrastructure Murry, Look up how X.509 certificates work. I can look into throwing something together if you want. Public key, everyone can decrypt the code to prove its real, only you can encrypt it and generate the serial number.
  17. Two more? In a specific category? The idea of having 4 was to ensure that no vote would be "won" by two people siding on one side. It means things are thought through more rather than two people just steamrolling things.
  18. I was heavily involved (even as king) of a land and it wasnt unbalanced. I even did less for MB than the other lands specifically to show a lack of favouritism.
  19. Yes I agree with this, However I devoted quite a large amount of time to organising them and getting them "ready", E.g. I normally had a 3 hour meeting with them every week which I could have spent time on coding (for them or generally). There was organisational issues as described above, Nothing actually gone done because each idea was talked about and then "stored" and never looked at again. Time wasnt used as efficiently as it could have been in the PC. The RL problems, as I said above, made it worse and better. Its much easier to get a consensus and do stuff if you are a group of two that needs to agree on things.
  20. Since there is a lack of people to code for MD, I doubt land coders would ever happen.
  21. At the current time, out of the 4 public council members who originally stood we have one member, Syrian. This is in no way demeaning or being rude towards the other members who stood down or went inactive. I have been exceptionally happy and proud of the work that has been done by this first generation of the PC. The question I have now is whether there is a point to make a second generation. Before I created the idea of Public Council I spoke with the Council and Mur. The premise was to create a council like structure but make it entirely public, Having their names, jobs and voting public. In this respect the PC worked quite well. However, one of the issues Mur raised was that, unlike council, The members would not be chosen for having skills to manage, organise, and do things in MD, but by some arbitrary judgement from the public. He didn't believe that the public would be able to choose people who would be able to work together and get work done like the council does. It was unfortunate that Zyr went inactive pretty soon after it was formed and Maeb had to resign due to getting busy IRL. This crippled the PC pretty quickly in terms of losing half of their workforce, but also was a unique opportunity, It made their organisation a lot easier to manage because all their decisions only had to be agreed by the two of them. The organisation of the group took a long period of time and this caused problems with deciding on issues. Many ideas were discussed but after being discussed once they were never looked back on, and readied so they could be implemented. This is something that a future PC or group needs to remember that they cant just discuss every idea that comes along, but needs to actually see ideas through to the end. So, In dissection of the PC I see the issue that the players were picked by the public and do not necessarily have the skills needed to function as an entity deciding things in MD. This is where the bonus of Mur picking the council comes in, He choose people who can get things done, understand organisation and plans. Currently I dont think that a publically voted group of peolpe will satisfy these problems of having skills becuase the public doesnt nesscarily vote for people who can do the job well. To quote Douglas Adams "it is a well-known fact that those people who must to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it." So, While I still like the concept of a PC, I'm unsure if it can be done in a nice way. Here suggestions are welcome to try and improve it, If people want to volunteer for a new round of voting feel free to, because unless there are actually people who want to go for the vote then its not going to be implemented anyway. My current thoughts is that instead of having a public council, I shall continue to create authorities that I or the council are responsible for. These will be people who have shown their ability to manage tasks nicely and will be able to the the job given to them. The most recent example is Nim being awarded her role for her exceptional good work with quest creation and organisation. Comments are welcome, Im currently thinking about how we proceed. Full Quote: “The major problem—one of the major problems, for there are several—one of the many major problems with governing people is that of whom you get to do it; or rather of who manages to get people to let them do it to them. To summarize: it is a well-known fact that those people who must want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it. To summarize the summary: anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job.” ― Douglas Adams, The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
  22. People can change FYI. I think this comment is poor because you are going on the assumption that he hasnt, which I believe he has.
  23. The comma breaks up the sentence, letting you pause. Thats not whats intended. Its meant to be said as one piece of prose.
  24. Murs version is better than that, using the comma there is wrong for what he is trying to do.
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