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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. I object to an arbitrary portrayal of the rules and feel the public should have been talked to about the two categories. Either all categories having two members should stay or neither in my view. It makes the awards feel a lot less public and more how you want to run them.
  2. 5 sounds a lot like an idea I mentioned a couple months ago that I was considering :P
  3. While that would be an interesting idea MD provides POP and IMAP access to emails which mean this cant be tracked. Furthermore, the time spent trying to implement such a tracking framework would be too expensive since we only have few coders. And again, im starting to think this is degrading into trolling ack... :(
  4. Most of their work revolves around emails being pushed back and forth, monies being moved, people being contacted. None of which i will be adding stuff to monitor them.
  5. The majority of their work is organisation and such. So no.
  6. Its very hard to define, The council members do a shedload more work for MD than prettymuch anyone else but its fashionable to dislike them and no one see's what they do. They are more active than anyone, but who knows?
  7. You forgot "Chewett Slave" as an option.
  8. Correct, They used the new wookiechecker in part. People made a lot of guesses one christmas, most were wrong. Its lots of numbers, plus too much random. Next year it will be much less random. Im also adding a load of metrics into the game.
  9. Correct Rophs.
  10. I havent added a number of images because I cant find them in the archive. That is one of them.
  11. Thats the next thing to do, patience :)
  12. The creature page currently is exceptionally slow for anyone who has more than 50 creatures due to the large number of flash objects. If you are above 20 active days you can test out the HTML 5 interface. It is in work so many of the features of the primary creature page are non-functional but it should load a lot faster. Currently its a proof of concept and may eventually replace the flash based creature page. --- Comments can go here.
  13. No, It has always been open to anyone but normally gave gifts to those that had done a lot for MD and didnt get anything good from the tree. E.g. Grido got a Scout or something from the tree and was gifted an additional gift from Santa. It is planned to largely remove the random element which can lead to those who are very active getting poor creatures this year. As with all parts, its a gift NOT a right.
  14. I Edited the above post and am unsure if peolpe will see it, Bump for that. Also, since Tom was unhappy he got nothing, I have offered him a morph from my account in payment for being the scapegoat of my fury at ungrateful people. Hopefully meaning he will not leave, since he got someone "back".
  15. [quote name="Tom Pouce" post="148330" timestamp="1388542471"] one give in is ownway, but is said to be greedy and selfish ... to not be content when the good dont come back around[/quote]Tom, Your numerous PM's complaining to me why you didnt get a creature, that you deserved one, and that its not fair did lead me to say you were selfish. Many people didnt get a creature from confused santa, As I told you I didnt either and I was there when he was giving them out, I didnt ask for one as I dislike begging. If you are leaving because you didnt get a creature from confused santa, Then thats sad. I get quite cross when BFH, the council and I put so much effort into making Christmas fun and a couple of people complain that they didnt get what they wanted. I am sorry to call you selfish, but those people who just complain that they didnt get a creature really infuriate me. We spent a lot of time and it boils down to you not getting your creature. Thats exceptionally ungrateful and yes, selfish and greedy. If thats your opinion then in my view, you dont deserve a christmas creature. To sum it off, Yes, I was the mean person who called you selfish. I am sorry but your ungrateful nature and complete disregard for all the work we put it, to complain to me about not getting the creature made me upset and angry. I wish you the best and hope you reconsider leaving but am still annoyed that you complained so much about a free gift without thanking anyone for all the work they have put into making Christmas fun. Edit: Final Comment: I dont make this post to demean or insult, I make it because quite honestly a large proportion of MD apparently doesn't give a damn that there are people working really hard behind the scenes to produce all these events and keep them running. And this is not to get thanks either, all I would like people to do is have a little think before they complain about something rather than thinking entirely about themselves. Santa wasn't online 24x7. We are sorry, But did you know that santa was there quite a large chunk of time and he was, SPOILER, only played by two people this year(No, not me). Maybe after you have thought a little bit about the work that has went into getting this all ready you may start to see my viewpoint, Or maybe im just a bastard who hates everyone. Good Day MD, you never cease to amaze me.
  16. No, Those are not the requirements. If you look at last years entires someone submitted a jpeg, not of that size, not alpha transparent and won. That info is wrong tom. Please dont share wrong information without asking if its correct. I will repeat, As long as its an image, and when scaled down to the right size doesnt lose quality or distort terribly, then its fine.
  17. What do you mean by that Tom?
  18. If creatures are not physical, how can we gather skin from grasans and such? I would think this later addition, has changed the viewpoint somewhat.
  19. We are interested to know what you thought was the best thing to happen to MD in 2013. Was it Eon coming back to slaughter you or the new RE~2: PM format that saved your inbox? Tell us and be entered into a prize to win... something.
  20. Happy New year to one and all :)
  21. The images need to look good when scaled down to "creature sizes", You have creatures, so look :) Format doesnt really matter as long as it doesnt distort the image. Jpeg/PNG will be fine. It should be black and white. No colour. If it is accepted then it will be coloured by one of the MD team, possibly Mur.
  22. I really like this, all of it actually (perhaps with some tweaks :P). Thanks to no one for bumping this idea (on a PM exchange) so i shall bump it publically. Specifically the "work places" bringing people together with teamwork. I really want to try and add a lot more recipies into the game so that resources are actually used. The recent item combiners makes recipes much easier (instead of having to do all the talking in chat you can just combine things and get an item) so this is on my list of "to do". I also love the idea of creatures working to do things. Makes sense when we have creatures that produce resources. Is there anything people think is a "really good" idea and that should be worked on first? This is a massive list and some items are going to take considerable amount of time I would quite like to do it all in some form or another. For me, the thing Im probably going to focus on first will be adding more recipes into the game using these new item combiners. Anyone else want to comment on the idea? I only see two people lol.
  23. I read all posts except some of Murs philosophy, which interests me less. If you are talking about reasoning for a feature im very interested no matter the time. Why do you think i have so many posts on the forum? I reply to prettymuch everything lol.
  24. While i cannot speak for Mur i read (nearly*) all posts, especially the longer ones because if someone has spent the time to write it out, you should spend your time to respect their views and read it. Edit: *Nearly: I normally dont read the long posts about philosophy and such mur posts, immediately, mainly because when i wake up at 6AM i dont want to be reading deep philosophy
  25. The code is shonky and has been on my list of things to fix for a while. But i havent got around to it. I looked at it a while ago but realized there were deeper things i needed to work on.
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