quote imgur: "You can upload images anonymously and share them online with only the people you choose to share them with. "
This is where we fit in with the santa contest. the images are being uploaded and shared to only myself, Eara and any judges.
quote imgur: "If you make them publicly available, they may be featured in the gallery."
By uploading them, Then posting links to them on the forum they become publicly available. This means they could be moved to the gallery and featured. This is without you submitting then yourself. This is how reddit images appear in the imgur gallery, they are automatically submitted.
This means that by posting the links on the forum you are makign them public, Which then follows into the below quote, and makes cats everywhere sad.
quote imgur: "With regard to any file or content you upload to the public portions of our site, you grant Imgur a non-exclusive, royalty- free, perpetual, irrevocable worldwide license (with sublicense and assignment rights) to use, to display online and in any present or future media, to create derivative works of, to allow downloads of, and/or distribute any such file or content"
If you going to continue to use imgur we ask you dont make them publicly available (Which means you cant post links to them on the forum). If you want to display your files publicly please use storenow.
TL;DR: Our official standpoint is please use storenow for anything you want to be incorporated into the game unless we have specified otherwise and you are capable of following the instructions to the letter