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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. Mine flow when im interested in MD, When people are being douchey all inclination to do stuff in MD dries up and so does creativity.
  2. Would you be happier if I said that I would script it so that everyone over $200 gets their item given to them now rather than Mur doing only the first $1000? Since the script would only take 20 minutes or so, Im quite happy to do this.
  3. Personally I would say "You wish to argue about this, you get nothing at all" luckily for you Mur is the one arranging this and not me. Greed is poor. You will get the items over all your accounts when the system is implemented unilaterally so be patient since everyone will be getting one item per $200 so you wont lose out. As a final note for you sasha, have you considered that there were times that, if you had only put the money into one account, you wouldnt have been able to use it since you were in jail and such?
  4. There is another thread discussion visc, Please transcribe your posts there. I would move them But since my post was created after yours, It will screw up the order. http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/15318-viscosity/ People being nice, Visc, BHC, Spelldocs I believe. Had to cut the meeting short because I had to go out to see someone unexpectedly. Yes, for the mean time story mode is going to be moved to be a secondary objective. What do you mean by this? How can they be fixed? By removing under construction? That isnt going to happen until AUTUMN2050 is implemented, and when its implemented story mode will be mostly removed and re-implemented at a later stage. So this isnt going to happen.
  5. In the meeting http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/15315-the-big-meeting We discussed Visc a bit, I presented my idea and a number of people presented theirs. The primary motivation to change visc in some way is that I do not believe that MP3's should have to stop for it during the tutorial. This is not something that I have discussed with Mur but really feel it is crippling the number of MP3's that leave before the tutorial ends. The story mode at the end of it will likely be changed once AUTUMN2050 is complete My idea is in essence to change visc to be a percentage modifier rather than an absolute one, possibly with a cap on the number of AP it adds to the scene. This will mean that new players shouldnt struggle with the normal scenes whereas the higher AP scenes will still act as a barrier. This may require rebalancing some of the scenes out again.
  6. Ann. 2931 - [2014-02-27 02:07:41 - Stage 12] Posted By Chewett Public Council Disbanded After discussion with the public, Council, Mur and other influential figured I have decided that the Public Council test will be stopped. It is hard to find a number of figures that have the organisational abilities and knowledge of MD to be able to fully run MD while letting the public choose these players. Mur said this issue would occur and gave that as one of the reasons why he personally chose each member of the Hidden Council. It was an interesting test. The members of the PC did a good job however due to a lack of organisation and members going inactive for various reasons they did not manage to accomplish what I hoped they would be able to do in the time they were active. In place of the PC I shall be forming smaller groups of interested people in various areas to do the work that the PC was hoped to perform. Keep an eye out for announcements. CODENAME: LEGION --- Discussion, Comments or questions can be placed here.
  7. A log of the meeting is available: http://magicduel.com/temp/14_02/14_02_25-big_meet.html This topic exists for any questions, further topics will be created for the other points probably tomorrow.
  8. I see no issue with people paying money into MD. We should be thanking them for paying for the servers, something that I cannot do because I lack the funds, Hell I think this is exactly the people who should be getting these special things. Am I sad im not eligible? Yes. But without these players I cannot do my job because there will be no server.
  9. Good to hear its fixed then :)
  10. Thanks BT :)
  11. The answer was, no, we dont have any mods. If you wish to apply contact me as the most recent announcement stated.
  12. Bump, I like this. How is it going? Some wookie help could be provided.
  13. If you are going on hosting things off MD official sites you will need to remind users that anything there does not contribute to MD until its actually brought into MD. Similarly any abuse on those websites are entirely external to MD and therefore we will NOT be able to offer help for this.
  14. Your attitude needs changing :)
  15. Perhaps you could describe the fix so that others may benifit from this?
  16. How can you abuse it? Just becuase you personally dont think its good doesnt mean its not valid. I feel that a case by case basis would work fine. Its not automated and we will decide on it ourselves.
  17. Its another thing. It allows slightly different format than what the forum does. ---- I posted some things to it.
  18. I approve of this topic.
  19. I have tried this and found every time it didnt work, it was a popup blocker issue. Can someone produce some steps/browser that they can reproduce it nicely for me?
  20. Everyday, All the time.
  21. A number of items wont work while you are in tutorial mode, This is likely what happened. LHO's please note this down if you didnt know. Whats the public log issue? you cant see them? edit them? make new ones? This is another possibility of being in tutorial mode. Is it now fixed?
  22. What is a community in general, or in MD?
  23. quote imgur: "You can upload images anonymously and share them online with only the people you choose to share them with. " This is where we fit in with the santa contest. the images are being uploaded and shared to only myself, Eara and any judges. quote imgur: "If you make them publicly available, they may be featured in the gallery." By uploading them, Then posting links to them on the forum they become publicly available. This means they could be moved to the gallery and featured. This is without you submitting then yourself. This is how reddit images appear in the imgur gallery, they are automatically submitted. This means that by posting the links on the forum you are makign them public, Which then follows into the below quote, and makes cats everywhere sad. quote imgur: "With regard to any file or content you upload to the public portions of our site, you grant Imgur a non-exclusive, royalty- free, perpetual, irrevocable worldwide license (with sublicense and assignment rights) to use, to display online and in any present or future media, to create derivative works of, to allow downloads of, and/or distribute any such file or content" If you going to continue to use imgur we ask you dont make them publicly available (Which means you cant post links to them on the forum). If you want to display your files publicly please use storenow. TL;DR: Our official standpoint is please use storenow for anything you want to be incorporated into the game unless we have specified otherwise and you are capable of following the instructions to the letter
  24. Resolved?
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