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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. Correct, I dont think its implemented currently.
  2. Have you had any applications?
  3. Im going to be spearheading this effort now. If anyone wishs to help write a character come contact me with who you will be writing about. Please dont write about someone before contacting me if you want to ensure your writing will be used. We will likely work on several iterations, So people will collaborate. IF anyone from the archives wants to be involved in this project (would be nice) contact me.
  4. I like this idea
  5. Yes, to clarify it is indeed 5 current tickets and 1 used already. If anyone else takes exception, Or feels that it hasnt calculated their values correctly you can PM me.
  6. nobody is doing it, its on my list to arrange, Soon.
  7. Mur mailed me the SQL used, I am under the impression its slightly wrong, This would be the revised list if I am correct, which includes Eon. playername | ID | Active Days | Tickets | Tickets Used Zleiphneir 77300 1556 10 0 Nava 184261 521 10 0 Ailith 80963 986 9 0 *Shemhazaj* 143975 1712 8 2 Ratbert 198665 905 7 0 Jolla 217374 905 7 0 Menhir 202298 1215 7 0 Azull 202015 1256 7 1 Tal 214701 1001 7 0 Kyphis 104972 1764 7 1 darkraptor 193670 1184 6 0 Handy Pockets 136253 1510 6 1 Dayredeemer 109921 866 6 1 Manda 182380 1212 6 0 BigC 10213 336 6 0 Princess Katt 202952 802 5 0 duxie 208462 729 5 0 Yoshi 169242 604 5 1 Lady Aster 10080 591 5 0 Shoeps 12996 1053 5 0 MRG 38304 641 5 0 Junior 43448 1846 5 0 BlackThorn 54807 420 5 0 Mystic 104274 995 5 1 Akasha 1014 2175 5 0 sasha lilias 148016 743 5 1 lashtal 221376 969 5 0 Eon 67640 1182 4 2
  8. By the system, He means me. Fang, You have always been my friend, but much too fragile when listening to bad news and your jumping to conclusions meant that before I had said half I was writing you ran off. My suggestion for the future, When you ask for advice let the person finish what they are saying.
  9. See Google image search for "mobius strip". This is what it means :) https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=mobius+strip
  10. You cant heal your creatures, How can you possibly heal them all fang? Its known, WELL known, and you should read what it actually says on the announcements AND on the page before posting silly reports like this fang. Did you follow the bug reporting guidelines? Did you talk to a LHO? --- secondarily, Your topic title is entirely useless. Follow the very simple rules with bug reporting fang. They are designed so everyone can understand and you are not above reading them.
  11. Why not dark? I was not aware he was a member of mda and would support him.
  12. Inno's project is being run by me, If you wish to aid you can come talk to me. I will always doubt it. I will always provide you an alternate view (regardless if I believe it or not), because sometimes thats exactly what you need rather than a hundred people sucking up to you, Why? Because I am your friend and care for MD as much, if not more, than you do. I hope you understand this Mur.
  13. ================ So, After very little thinking I shall nominate someone for land leader. Me. I dont have time to do this, am arrogant, horrible, offensive, busy, not a member of mda. But with all these qualities I am still a better candidate than some inactive vet that will be prodded on yim by a more active player to suddenly appear and "rule" the land. And then Mur will go "Oh look, This dude is in MDA, Lets appoint him" because Mur hasnt been around lately to know that they also have been entirely inactive. Personally I feel we have a real issue of players coming back after being gone a long time and then coming back and assuming nothing has changed and therefore they are still qualified. I personally spent an hour chasing a "bug" because a LHO that grido didnt demote came back and was telling people stuff that had changed months ago. I love seeing people come back more than anyone else because you guys are my friends, But just spend a couple months catching up on things, reading the announcements you missed (this is crucial) and actually talking to people about what has changed rather than just appearing for shiny things. ==end rant==
  14. Can people have multiple titles? I would give dst/no one some form of bug related tags, But also feel they deserve other titles for their work. Their continual work has been invaluable to me over the past years.
  15. I can think of no member of MDA that has been active recently enough (this is important) to assign someone to this role. I feel the move is bad.
  16. Ignore creepy Tipu. Come to MB! You have my support :)
  17. asdasd Apologies for the misquote, I didnt copy it over I read, and clearly I cant read :) This enforces the point Nim makes below. [1] The reasoning for the people matters as it gives them specific authority. Although for some I doubt you will publicly post a reason. selection seems rather random Agreed here, Surely one must be active to be able to bestow these form of rewards? [1] Makes sense, enforcing above Agreed here, im not against the idea but want to ensure that its done properly. And currently it seems like a randomly named group.
  18. Why LR? Why now?
  19. No they wont. You can ignore them but they wont be deleted provided they do not break the rules of the forum. Shem has a good point, If you ignore hard/other questions from other people then surely you are trying to hide things from your potential land members?
  20. When suggesting titles, It would be good to see why you think you are their authority. So far I dont see Peace as an authority on Bob or no mans land. Nim moreso with her GG nominations but again with dst, what is authority? I dont see myself an authority on much really So I dont really think I shall nominate anyone. Nims Tags: Drach Overlord - Is this a permanent one? RJ came and went as drach master, Is this what you are thinking Mur as a permanent one? LHO Overlord - Same as above. I agree with their prominence but feel perhaps a different title is needed. Also burns hasnt really been doing his job as long as grido, So why same tags? Knight of the MR's - Yes this seems to fit more, MRalyon will always be a MR knight kitty in the dark - Seems a silly title, I would nominate her for much more personally but dont feel its my authority. --- I think it would help for you to give an example of a good title Mur, or say which of the above are good or not. Also telling us what authority you think we are under would be helpful, You have named an odd collection of people.
  21. Two Kings? Which two kings? Two roles as decided by the system as "kings" as discussed between us?
  22. Get more talented and then you might be able to multicast. For now you are at a level at which you cannot cast two spells at once.
  23. The current system seems to work better in actuality then you never actually assign one person as leader of this group with no leaders. Giving any one person power to decide roles in no mans lands essentially puts them on a king status. Letting Council and Mur give these tags out makes it much fairer. Also please dont append that message to the bottom of every posts, we get the idea you dont care for MD.
  24. The discussion formed that, Having a visual representation of strength and not permitting lower mindpowers to attack the really really strong people without being informed of what they can do and such was considered.
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