As of today, all promises, plans, agreements of coding work from me are null and void. I may agree to continue some things, but if unsure, contact me.
Up until christmas i have been doing some work but didnt really purely "focus" on christmas as i did. Halloween also took a lot of my time coding PC things.
Over the past month three important things happened. Repeated offensive comments towards me from two people, someone taking time off because they are feeling unappreciated, and just today rude comments from another party about my job and me. There is no point me doing work in MD if MD doesnt want me. So until Feb i wont be doing anything at all unless i feel very compelled.
This applies to council, PC, avatar image uploads, server maintaince anything else i do.
Thank you for showing me you dont want me, it will save some time. After Feb i shall see what i think of MD.