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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. I suggest people use this: http://titanpad.com/xKX4uMocol
  2. If people get me a list of creatures that dont have descriptions i will do some mur poking.
  3. After discussion with the council I have been asked to issue a formal final warning to you Fang about abusing bugs. Your past, including abusing WP giving powers, the treasury to get achievements, creature trading between alts using a third party, attacking MP3's after being told and promising not to and disregard for rules means this final warning is being issued. If you abuse something again you will lose the power to become MP7. Since Mur was the one to give Fang these powers, and also the "only one who can judge me" according to Fang, I ran the abuses and the suggested warning to Fang and he agrees it is good.
  4. I would be disinclined to let anyone write them. My preference would be to get Mur to do them. I would alos be disinclined to provide this.
  5. Remove fossil and techie
  6. FYI all stats given at the press are based on an algorithm. You don't CURRENTLY set it
  7. Good to know you. Keep coming and talking to me as I enjoy it
  8. You are not above the rules and are not special to be allowed two. It was changed because after you promised Mur you wouldnt farm MP3's you spent many months doing this and bragging about it. Then after you were reminded and promised again you continued. I am discussing your abuse and past abuses with council.
  9. Please follow correct bug reporting practice and talk to LHO's before posting on the forum. They should have been able to tell you this information. Closed as not a bug.
  10. Iv fixed up the post by moving the images and uploading them to MD.
  11. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  12. topic closed. This was not meant to be a discussion thread.
  13. What are you trying to fix? So its mended?
  14. the map was cretaed with http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1632003-mapcrafter-fast-minecraft-map-renderer/ I can generate one and host it for your world if you want maeb. You require linux/osx to run that tool i believe, i ran it on my server.
  15. As of today, all promises, plans, agreements of coding work from me are null and void. I may agree to continue some things, but if unsure, contact me. Up until christmas i have been doing some work but didnt really purely "focus" on christmas as i did. Halloween also took a lot of my time coding PC things. Over the past month three important things happened. Repeated offensive comments towards me from two people, someone taking time off because they are feeling unappreciated, and just today rude comments from another party about my job and me. There is no point me doing work in MD if MD doesnt want me. So until Feb i wont be doing anything at all unless i feel very compelled. This applies to council, PC, avatar image uploads, server maintaince anything else i do. Thank you for showing me you dont want me, it will save some time. After Feb i shall see what i think of MD.
  16. Because everyone knows that wouldnt work with the new WookieChecker on the adept/protector system.
  17. http://minecraft.chewett.co.uk/render/ has a render of the world
  18. When he was given MP7, i gave him a chance thinking Mur clearly saw more in him again, he then spent the next couple months farming MP3's when he was told not to by Mur. Something which he has not been punished for. He has abused his abilities.
  19. No
  20. the development snapshot of the new version has been released so bukkit should be released sooner or later. Once its up i will upgrade and set the monitoring up.
  21. You did join at one point. If you dont remember... You were whitelisted up until i removed all MD'ers
  22. Indeed Nim, it was good knowing you and I hope things clear up so that you may rejoin us fully.
  23. What can dst do to make it fairer? From my sight she is only there to count votes/manage it. And wouldnt be able to stop the "land voting" problems. You have ignored my point. I am ignoring the favouritism when choosing between two players. If one category only had one participant and a RON, its exceptionally likely that people would vote for not RON, just because of friendship.
  24. if the choice is RON or your friend. you are going to vote your friend no matter how poor they are. i dont think a RON will help the popularity voting.
  25. When is the ceremony? What is the ceremony? EDIT: I have been informed by Sunfire that its the 23rd of December.
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