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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. Thats why i said i wasnt going to code it.
  2. Too many expl allowed = no visc Too little expl allowed = visc as usual after using up expl Whats the aim of the change? Becuase all it looks like it does is reduce the effect of visc by "delaying" its affects a bit.
  3. This is a coding task requiring some knowledge of javascript or flash if people are interested. Requires investigation also.
  4. Changing story mode is going on at the moment, this might be considered.
  5. Other things are more important atm, maybe a "fun" idea mur can do later.
  6. Whispering may be implemented later but until i have rewritten chat so its nicer to use, i wont be implementing this.
  7. Hidden items may come into place later, but not at the moment.
  8. we already have a lot of ways to increase AP, this wont be implemented at the moment.
  9. War is a social convention and having a spell seems odd.
  10. With the new visc changes this isnt likely, especially not heat at the moment.
  11. This is a project people could work on if they want. Contact me for more details.
  12. More items are being added in AUTUMN2050
  13. Try doing this in MDScript, lots of people have mentioned doing it. Show me it works, then you yourself can code it into the game.
  14. Did someone say BHC?
  15. All those that wish to be involved in an effort to revamp the Heads Contest should post here.
  16. Chewett

    New HC

    People might want to look into this, if peolpe are going to be revamping the HC
  17. Team Battles in this form are not being considered at the current time
  18. Music can be added by requesting it to council and if approved it may require a wishpoint. This wont be added into the shop.
  19. Totems will be more impactful than this, probably. moved to dismissed for now.
  20. swearing: another exemple remember all the shit i got about the gardening? As for the two suggestions, the HC rules have already been uploaded and changed, as it was announced and posted on the topic. The forum rules should be discussed with moderators, they can look into updating it if you want.
  21. John, your score was 58 around the time you were hoping to have won, Do you consider this score worthy of getting a medal and associated prizes? I dont, considering that Mur also won a medal and prize by merely being around during the contest, not fighting at all. Which was entirely the reason for implementing the change. It unfortunate to see that you felt you deserved a prize and didnt get it.
  22. Tom, iv told you above, if you want to go through all the pages listing whats wrong, what needs to be taken down, go for it. Then i will have a nice list of things to work on. But if you are just going to complain and ask others to then its not going to happen since you are most bothered by it but are too lazy to do it. Swearing isnt allowed either, You didnt abide by the rules, your drug related post was taken down. This isnt up for discussion. Please edit your post to remove the swearing.
  23. >>>for exemple that head contest, someone is in charge of that, and maybe he could have look and see that its not upto date, and ask someone to that can put it up to date No one is in charge of the HC Tom. MRAlyon arranges the BHC, its quite a lot different. But waht did happen is council asked him to update them, which he did. >>>I did even some suggestions to make magic duel more such ... and nothing was done (i dont have coding power or redacting power to enact my suggestions) Suggestions? Pray detail them.
  24. If you want to help, you can start by reading through every single text and rewriting it if there is some issues in the content :) As you might expect this is a rather large job, so may want to recruit more people so its finished before this century ends. Simply put, there is a lot of text, and most people dont want to help out, so if you are going to complain and not help then its not going to be improved by those that freely devote their time.
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