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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. Was this meant to be on a more private forum? Because this is in general? Mainly because it seems addressed to me, and therefore i think you meant to put it on the coders forum section?
  2. Your post is unclear so instead of changing the topic you want every single person interested in participating to email you and find out what the quest actually is about? That's poor rophs.
  3. We are having very interesting discussions about the issue, its good, i havent yet had time to post since people are debating it a lot on our forums and wouldnt like to post a comment without reading it all. I take it seriously, but obviously dont consider it as much of a problem as you, Iv talked to Mur about this and he has changed my viewpoint significantly, in that saying killing and reviving will become more common, so far only killing has, so unless he is going to do something soonish about reviving, i will be doing something to re-address the balance.
  4. Sounds like we do need your coder manual, or as i will call it, Mur manual, so you can be reminded of stuff.
  5. You should try talking to eon instead of just demeaning him. as for >>As for "penalties of death" we have been discussing death since before you made this topic. i meant, as a land, as MB, as you made a snide comment about me being a king and not doing anything.
  6. I talk as the coder who is frustrated at those that dont try. As for "penalties of death" we have been discussing death since before you made this topic.
  7. Death cant be considered Murder since its something that you can come back from. I raised concern at the fact that its so hard to get revived, especially with eons new role, but mur asked me to trust him that the things that will be implemented will make it much more trivial. I can follow this up if people want me to. As for punishing those, All the main lands have governments, Since i havent seen GG proclaim all those dealing death or being involved in contracts will be jailed i guess you havent talked to your government yet nim. This is the first step if you want those who kill to be punished. I can tell you know that its never going to be an official punishment, so if you want punishment its going to have to be a social one. As for dealing with those not in the mainland, think of what could be done if all the main lands agree on doing something. It could be rather problematic for those that wish to kill. As i keep saying, you have governments, and many layers of authority you can appeal to without just going to council and asking. I can assure you that council/Mur/I are not going to make a punishment for killing, so that path is dead in the water. You all have the power to do a lot, but it appears that most people dont take the initiative and TRY. Simply put nim, You have the power to implement social change, just be being around, why dont YOU do the work? Hint: talking to your monarch and getting some punishment for all GG citizens is a start.
  8. We were working on some illusions to make torch more interested and balanced FYI, yim/email me if you want to know more. You stopped working on it and i started working on other things as i was waiting on you to fix a bug (i wasnt coding at the time). Later i went back and fixed said bug, but you never replied to a question i sent i believe, so i left it since it was your project.
  9. Lack of Point Lack of Participation Complete lack of fairness due to Bobs new land positioning makes it neigh impossible to play actually. *long version *long Version - Bobs position is treated as a land capital, therefore its really hard to get into necro or GG, It also makes it much harder to get from necro and GG via walking. That was the "last straw" and it was stopped.
  10. Yeah, as i thought, anyone got an example of the text?
  11. I have had a couple reports of misleading and confusing messages in the combat system and in other parts that are logged to be dealt with, but i wondered if anyone else knew more? I know there is a recurring question of <something> coming up when fighting, LHO's can hopefully remind me but its something like the warning for being under -500 honor? or being at max exp? I think says you are at max XP when actually you are less than -500 honor. Hopefully someone can clarify this. Ideally can someone copy the exact text so i can find in what file it is in :) Where there is confusion because of a wrong message is a very simple thing to fix, so speak up if you notice any, its a bug! :) Thanks a lot for everyone that reports these bugs. They are very useful.
  12. Added Burns Mur and dst to group. Its located here: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/forum/313-item-shop-discussion/
  13. I wont be adding those to the group that i consider too young to participate, a couple of the things that are probably going to be discussed should be held private and therefore anyone under 1 year i probably wont add.
  14. NOTE TO MUR: dont dump the whole list, some of them are secret. You need to check them through first. I dont see it needs to be done for wish shop, since Wishs are not bought with cash. Wheras having lots of cash can give you a lot of bonuses in the shop. Anyone interested in being in a forum group run by me to discuss it, PM me, will make a forum for you to discuss and will post the list of current items.
  15. As i said above >>>While im not going to comment on this issue, i will point out something that appears to be regional. Im not commenting anything relating to these discussions, im just pointing out something which i think Aquellia was mentioning, which may not exist in america and other places. (British) English is an odd language, and if you are going to argue some point, you really want to include reasoning in case its a regional thing. Same as Nim pointing out cows being sacred. As for the insults, thanks no one. And im still dont make any claims of the issue, i havent re-read it nor do i remember it nor do am i well enough to try.
  16. While im not going to comment on this issue, i will point out something that appears to be regional. In the UK, to call someone stupid, is an insult. But to say that something they did is stupid, is not considered one. The subtle difference, makes all the difference.
  17. cool, will check to see if they are using old or new system :)
  18. But even as I tried draining it twice by holding down each time for fifteen+ seconds, it still blinks at me. It referring to? The power button? Do you have any indication lights on (what im guessing is a laptop)? Like hard drive lights, or anything?
  19. I need to rewrite that message, thanks for reporting it. Did you take a long time editing the doc? Longer than an hour? Did you report the error when you saw it?
  20. CAn you hear the fan or hard drive spin up?
  21. This position is filled for the time being. Thanks for all those that applied :)
  22. This position is filled for the time being. Thanks for all those that applied :)
  23. For this role we would want someone to promote the pages and add content to it regularly. This would involve adding current information, quests and contests. Ideally both twitter and facebook would link together and work on similar items. The job is open to whatever you want to make of it, If you have an idea to run a facebook/twitter related event then you should go for it.
  24. Sounds like a good idea if you wish to apply :)
  25. Ann. 722 - [2009-03-07 03:25:41 - Alpha 8] Public role request. Someone is needed for a dedicated RPC role that will be responsable with enhancing, editing, improving and customizing personal pages on request. The person selected for this will reeceive requests from other players for such personal papers customizations and will have a dedicated role as an "Document Editor" and they must be ready to fully dedicate to this role. This person won't be able to mix this role with an other one, at least not in the official description and tag. Candidates must present their personal pages to prove their skills to customize them. The uniqueness and beauty of their pages will be the main deciding factor for this role, next factor is personal reputation. This will be a full featured RPC role like any other, with wishpoint reward capability, quest editing and so on. (The editor will only edit the look and feel of the pages, not the content. The content will be provided by the charcater requesting the modifications. The Editor can deny requests based on any reason, but must have an overall constant activity in helping others with this) ----------------- For a long period of time i performed this role unoffically, over the past years i have suggested this announcement to a number of people but sadly no one wished to take this on. Those that feel they could fulfil a role such as this should post here, stating why they could fulfill a role such as this and what they would do. One or multiple people may be given this role or task, The rewards will not be as listed in the announcement.
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