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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. It depends what loyalties people have, Personally i wouldnt shift protectors since that requires losing a large chunk of loyalty. I would say 40 adepts is a good safety margin, but have not been a protector so i do not know how much these values change. Now, Have you considered if someone else wants to be a stable mp6? I myself have been considering going for MP6 becuase iv never done it and its something i would like to do. Not only for the creatures, but i feel that it will be much easier to help people if i have the ease of them being my adepts so i dont have to have a friends list a million players long, and as people want help i can specifically target and talk with them, wheras me talking them and going "im protector of X, i dont need your help" You will especially have problems if all the current protectors want to stay, i could for example gather a few adepts from each protector and get all of them falling down... Or do you just ignore any new people who want to be a stable mp6 for a couple months, and just pretend they dont exist and attempt to manage such a system ignoring their influence.
  2. [quote name='Grido' timestamp='1322419492' post='96699'] Just as a note, Mur's on the exclusion list from winning - he'd probably win everything otherwise. [/quote] Not really, his combat is rubbish, along with the fact he doesnt cast spells or never completes quests. How is top techie judged? I brought the same point forward last year, No one is in an adequet position to judge, Since some of the things iv written personally will only ever be used by a few trusted people, Not to mention bugs that people like shadow ect find wont be published. Perhaps change this to best MDscripted event or script.
  3. remove influential, Its too broad of a topic. And so many people would have so many different viewpoints on what is influential. Surely just mur should win every time since he is most influential.
  4. remove superlative orator, i havent seen many debates, nor decent election speechs ect.
  5. can lands vote for other land members? can people win the award again after a period of time?
  6. game load time != laptop speed doesnt matter if you have an IBM Watson, if you have dialup you arent going to load it faster. as the others have said, Each time you visit a scene it tells the game you are active, if it gets too many of them within the same period, it shuts you off. give it a couple more seconds and you shouldnt get it come up
  7. 3 sold, 2 left
  8. none of them will be being sold for less than 5 silver due to the age and ability to upgrade them almost immediately. If junior wants to complete the trade now he can pm me.
  9. over the past month multiple forum leaders have come to me and asked me add people to the various forums. This is perfectly fine and part of my job. However, More specifically in the last month, people have been asking me to add people who already have access, claiming that they dont, cant view it, ect ect ect. The first time this happened i spent time working with the settings to try and find out why said user couldn't view the forum. What specific combination of forum settings was hiding it from him and other technical checks that i did. After spending a considerable amount of time dealing with this, Talking with the user and such. I asked if the direct link to the forum worked. It did. And when asked "can you see the forum here" providing a link, yes, yes they could. The whole problem? The forum leader had not told them where it was and/or what it was called. Now i didnt really mind the occurrence, It was a mistake and i was sure that said forum person wont make it again, But now its happened more times i just need to post this so everyone knows. [b]If you have a problem with one of your private forums, You need to talk to your forum leader first. Since all changes performed on those forums must be confirmed by them i will not be able to do anything. If they cannot help you, they will talk to me about it, and then i will most likely come and find you to help fix said problem.[/b] [b]To Forum Leaders: If someone cannot access the forum, try giving them the link to it, When getting someone added, tell them where the forum is so they can find it. Then if they still cant access using the link, talk to me.[/b] I dont mind if when adding a number of people i have forgotten to add someone, accidents happen so dont feel afraid to say "oh i dont think X has access, can you check" but i dont like it when i find out that its actually your fault because you havent told them where the forum is. thank you Chewett
  10. I was under the impression you sold your duel creature, although Mur said you shouldnt [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10790-anniversary-aramorhollow-warrior/page__view__findpost__p__94215"]here[/url] is it still available?
  11. [quote name='Passant the Weak' timestamp='1320848194' post='95532'] Side note: this should be fixed as the Elu can be selected when the ritual goes to random. [/quote] [quote name='Zorica' timestamp='1322044230' post='96466'] this i dont understand. i still havent managed to get my elu participate in fights [/quote] He is telling the powers that be that the elu should be fixed as it can be selected when the ritual goes random, and not that the problem has been fixed.
  12. Happy Birthday Pippy
  13. 2 silver for marksman
  14. reinstall firefox? the image of the linked product is the same as yours, some dodgey malware,
  15. [quote name='Zorica' timestamp='1321982147' post='96409'] it doesnt have to be a browser addon. and seeing that you use utorrent...well.....i´d recommend you checking your whole machine and get rid of utorrent and stuff like that [/quote] i use and used utorrent today, i was downloading fedora, its perfectly fine and used for millions of honest legal file transfers. did you follow my link by looking on the items installed on your computer? the link did not just say it was an addon.
  16. http://wafflesatnoon.com/2011/10/05/seeing-unwanted-text-enhance-ads/ Look at this, i suggest you following this to remove said unwanted program.
  17. did you install vuze recently?
  18. it is most definately an addon on your browser, most definately check out all your addons and remove it, it could possibly also track and steal your passwords since its editing your webbrowser content.
  19. Or, just turn off the notifications. As for "days later" really? Iv never encounteded the problem, a simple refresh stopped any recurring notifications for me. The more intresting point, can it be done as you said? turning off sound notifications to me seems easier.
  20. [quote name='ZenTao' timestamp='1321936271' post='96366'] Would it be so terrible for others to win quests? Of course the people who always win become much stronger, so againsed a less experienced person it doesn't take long to figure out who will win. What if someone who does not have godly stats, a great writting gift and does not hold knowledge in the history of MD, what if they have given all they could to try and contribute only to be passed over time and time again. Deemed not the "best"- How can anyone really judge who deserves what? All those contests which speak of old people who played and left the game log ago, what newer player knows how to answer that? Here's a solution- make contests which need no vote, ones that you can either win or loose, make them fair and ballanced for all people participating, by not basing them off things only a vet would know, if that is not possible divide the newer from the older players and have seperate contests, all the voting starts to become a popularity contest. [/quote] Isnt it already a popularity contest? Why do you think grido is suggesting that you cant vote for someone in your land, its to reduce the effect of voting for your friends. As for the MD award ceremony, you cant win or lose it, it needs to be something where one person wins, and has been held annually each year, i dont really see any other way to hold it other than a vote.
  21. [quote name='Chengmingz' timestamp='1321881467' post='96339'] The contest has not started. That is why there are no votes. [/quote] no, but already on the leader-board there is a first... and you can vote for ones on the leaderboard easier... so they are predisposed to get more votes
  22. Once you have placed a bid, you should be honor bound to make it. Retracting it after making the price go up lots is both rude and plain wrong. BloodPrince you should keep the bid as it is, Or, shadow has the chance to take his bid down to what you took before. You should honor your bids, what you did is untrustworthy and sneaky.
  23. [quote name='awiiya' timestamp='1321843658' post='96307'] 1. I think that the organizers should not be able to be voted for. It seems to have caused some uncertainties in the past - and certainly since we see precisely who people vote for, there may be some influence to vote towards the people who see whether or not you're being loyal. This, to me, causes a skew in the votes away from the actual winners. I, as an organizer last year and a hopeful organizer for this year, think that we/they should be disqualified from winning. [/quote] I would disagree, But i have seen some people's cowardly nature recently, who frankly i was surprised at, and guess it might actually make a difference. [quote name='awiiya' timestamp='1321843658' post='96307'] 2. I think the uniform number per category should be 4 or 5. Why? If it's any more than 4 or 5, I think the voting becomes too divided to accurately portray who most people would agree is the best winner for that category. If it's as many as 7, likely people will choose the candidate they know best, and not the one they think would be best. I would even, if possible, limit it to 3 or 4, but I recognize that people want to at least see the people they feel strongly should win nominated, and MD is divided enough in these days that more than 3 or 4 distinct groups exist. I.e. lands, as Grido brought up earlier. [/quote] I agree with this, makes it much fairer and much more diverse mix, but does all in voting to skew it more. [quote name='awiiya' timestamp='1321843658' post='96307'] 3. I think this year we shouldn't use the votepower that we used last year. It gave some depth to the voting, but still again introduced unnecessary skew. I think the best formula would give you power equal to the number of days out of the last year you were active. Aka: if a person logs on for 365 days out of 365 they get 365/365 = 1. If they log on for 100 days they get 100/365 vote power. Since this ceremony is supposed to award based on the last year of activity, it doesn't make sense to award those who have been active for two or more years. [/quote] And how do you tell how many days they logged on last year? I would be intrested in your methods to calculate this. [quote name='awiiya' timestamp='1321843658' post='96307'] 4. I think that there can be repeat winners, same as last year. To me, it would be the case that a truly deserving winner is awarded twice more times that it would be the case that a non-deserving winner is awarded twice based off of familiarity. My intuition points me in the direction that familiarity should maybe even be considered a part of what helps people win, and not a disqualifying element. [/quote] some awards lend themselves to be given to the same person each year, and it seems a tad unfair, but you and eon bring up a good point that it should not be given to someone just because everyone else couldnt be voted for. [quote name='awiiya' timestamp='1321843658' post='96307'] 5. Not sure about the Land votes... Always people vote disproportionately for the more familiar name, but again... that may do more good than harm in discerning who is truly influential. [/quote] In voting always occurs, more in specific lands than others. Is it fair? No. Can you stop it? without blankly forcing them, which seems unfair, no you cant.
  24. this has been sold.
  25. Make offers sidebyside items are normally valued at 1 gold, clearly this is a special one, so worth a bit more.
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