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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. Angien ID: 555090 Heat: 1748345 Age: 804 Token: [blooddrop2] Current offer: History of the Elu post your offers
  2. can you post a html attachment version for easier reading?
  3. I believe he might be referring to cologne, which is what his spelling sounds like
  4. ID:262113 Age: 1125 Heat: 122366 - 5 Silver, Junior [s]ID:262606 Age: 1124 Heat: 116758 - SOLD[/s] [s]ID:262873 Age: 1124 Heat: 93800 - SOLD[/s] [s]ID:262874 Age: 1124 Heat: 84579 - SOLD[/s] ID:265907 Age: 1120 Heat: 88139 - Im attempting to get a friend more interested in MD and since his account is pretty old and he doesnt really need his aged creatures, i will be selling these creatures for him so he gets a decent deal. At no point should coins from this go to me, i will get him to idle somewhere when the trade is complete Get your grasans for resource gathering! age and heat already got, just get the wins!
  5. [quote name='Udgard' timestamp='1321714819' post='96194'] How much stats does Eon take away in each attack, by the way? Unless things changed from a while ago when I trained more (with Eon and skilldamage attacking me each cooldown), the stats that he reduce is far outweighed by the stats gained from fighting with max heat. I was training with around 3-4 unallied targets available and another 3-4 allied targets, and I was gaining stats without any problem. Am I missing something here? (I haven't been training much lately, so I wouldn't know if there's any change to Eon's stats damage since I last got hit by it). [/quote] I also have found that as an allied target, if eon is to attack me each and every time the stats i lose from him are far outweigheded by the amount i lose.
  6. Did any king ever use the spell? I know that in MB we got to a point where the MB council were discussing its use, and then it was completely forgotten and never mentioned again by handy.
  7. once the lag is fixed i shall be actively co ordinating times with the names i have already collected in regards to training partners. If anyone else wants to add their name to the contact list pm me
  8. [quote name='DarkRaptor' timestamp='1321542007' post='96033'] May i ask what MD player was rewarded with the bounty? Was it Eno or Eon ? [/quote] It was Eon. Its in the announcements.
  9. me!... if i could login atm lol
  10. [quote name='duxie' timestamp='1321480948' post='95980'] [size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]sorry, Burns, with a huge respect to you - this is delusional... you're the second one to tell me this, and the first one was another elder... well, one thing is to make a group of ~20 people for some exciting celebration/contest without any chance to lose anything or even get prizes, once a month (year?); another thing is to make at least 10 semi-constant people group daily to push Eon away from training grounds, with a chance to earn his wrath, lose skills, simply waste your time trying to catch him, etc. out of 30 online people at least 10 are friends with Eon, at least 20 doesn't care or even can't attack him (not guilded mp3/mp4, others who are not attacked by him), at least 20 are idle, at least 10 are afraid of him, at least 30 are doing something more interesting and have no time to waste on this, at least 20 doesn't even know what's going on, etc., etc., etc., and that's out of 30... also, the group must fulfill some requirements to do the job - at the very least you need the needle and some powers/spells... whenever i'll have at least few days of free time, i promise - i'll try to do this. but now, let me guess for how long Eon would be afraid of such a group if we could make one? for a day? two? three? oh, well... i admit - i don't know how the needle works, but anyways he can hit anyone at any time without any effort (i'm not neglecting that he made a huge one to achieve this), and to prevent this - you'll need a lot of time/organization each time. as a result that would be fun for him and a pain for defenders. well... you can achieve this once or twice just for the matter of fun or to prove something, but on daily basis this would be just a needle in a heap of hay.[/font][/size] [size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]as i said - i don't care about his stat dmg, i can avoid it or deal with it. i would gladly make some fun from the fact that he exists, but i can't understand how some of you don't see that population as it is now is too small for such task and is getting even smaller just because the same fact that you don't see this, heh.[/font][/size] [/quote] Who was the other person? Because they are most definately right about this, as is burns. I will bet money i can get a training ground together working and working well within a week. PM me.
  11. Everyone is having issues, its a server issue, not anything with your browser. If anyone hears anything offical aka from mur as to the reason then please post it, otherwise there is no point peolpe saying "oh i have this issue" when its serverwide, thanks
  12. its unplayable for me for these reasons, hopefully they can be resolved so regular MD'in can resume.
  13. [quote name='ChildOfTheSoul' timestamp='1321393055' post='95920'] Cheeeewwwweeeet. What do you suggest? Any training groups will have the same problem. We could always dig into tribunal as a group. [/quote] Make a group, someone i can farm you Seriously, you just need organisation. planning, and some movelock, attacklock, needles and GOE spells
  14. [color=#0000ff]Split from http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10933-taking-shared-tools/[/color] [color=#0000ff]-Burns[/color] [quote name='Blood Prince' timestamp='1321369829' post='95888'] Let me conclude with the following lines "There was a thing called DOJO. Everybody supported it at the start then it became too power hungry and enforcing. Tested their power of spells a step too far and at the end of it DOJO was not existent." It's high time we start doing something about this.... [/quote] Actually in the End the Dojo turned into the Sparring ground, which is losely held together by people who still abide by its rules.
  15. [quote name='phantasm' timestamp='1321370063' post='95891'] this topic is not about the rules that will be set, but the idea itself. Please stay on topic. I wish for discussion on the ideal of a training ground for the new grasans. If there is enough of a positive outlook on the idea, the rules and enforcing will be discussed and decided later [/quote] I like the idea, a nice grouping of easy people to farm! +1
  16. Ann. 2089 - [2011-11-15 07:46:14 - Stage 11] The Farting Grasan produces Toxic gas A farting grasan (thx Mya) will fart excessively. These ..products..of his ability *cough* can be collected for later use, whatever those uses might be. Toxic gas together with toxic herbs and other similar things to come, will be usable as primary source to extract deadly poisons or power up items with effects such as paralyze or intoxicate. Ann. 2088 - [2011-11-15 07:35:20 - Stage 11] The Exfoliating Grasan produces Skin An other exclusive grasan ability is to produce skin..of course after inhaling Wiiya gas. Consider it an allergic reaction. Remember, all you need to do to activate a creature ability to produce resources (or process them into items) is to name it properly at the right level, provide it the right things to consume/eat/use and wait for the creature to start manifesting its ability. Ann. 2087 - [2011-11-15 07:14:26 - Stage 11] The Leaking Grasan produces Fat Similar to the constipated grasan, a leaking grasan has a predestined ability. His pores will leak fat drops slowly. This fat can be collected from time to time, or it can build up into large quantities. When you upgrade a grasan to level 2, name it "Leaking Grasan" in order to activate this (disturbing) ability. Ann. 2086 - [2011-11-15 07:11:15 - Stage 11] The Constipated Grasan produces Grasan Ferment A grasan that inhales Wiiya gas repeatedly becomes constipated.. poor creature. After a while, the food eaten by the constipated grasan starts to ferment. Grasan ferment can be extracted afterwards and stored for later use. Some find this highly disgusting liquid quite entertaining for its ..side-effects. When you upgrade a grasan to level 2, name it "Constipated Grasan" in order to activate this ability. Similar 'name triggered' functionality will be available for other creatures over time, sometimes announced, sometimes secret. Ann. 2085 - [2011-11-15 07:02:18 - Stage 11] The Grasan was saved! Some time ago a copyright issue was spotted on our dear ol' time Grasan. A contest was organized to save the Grasan from extinction. The winner of this contest is VonUngernSternberg! Congratulations, the grasan is saved and level 2 of this creature will have the new original artworks created by you. To celebrate this, a series of Grasan exclusive abilities are about to be released (currently done and in testing). They will be announced next.
  17. why not tie in the "jump to location" new feature with this, mur can specify an event and also whether it is to be protected by sanctuary.
  18. [quote name='Brulant' timestamp='1321237454' post='95761'] I'm going to bump this. I recently talked to Mur about the fate of the Necrovion and Golemus Pass Papers, stating that it was rather silly to have Pass Papers that don't do anything, especially when Loreroot's still serve a purpose. I had forgotten that this topic existed at the time, but this seems the right place to place this. If the Necro/GG Papers are changed to serve that function, I think the Loreroot Pass Papers should as well. They may still work right now, but all three items should do the same thing I think. [/quote] Not to mention that fact that MB should get some pass papers. When they were initially intended to open locations MB never got any, if they are being changed to teleport MB should get some otherwise mur breaks his own rule of "treating all lands fairly"
  19. [quote name='Vicarious' timestamp='1321048213' post='95629'] The others will be revealed tomorrow. [/quote] ok, Was wondering becuase you said that two days ago, thanks for the update.
  20. [quote name='Vicarious' timestamp='1321020318' post='95622'] As I promised, the winner(unfortunately the TKs (not myself) have decided only one contest was worth the Package Sponsorship.) Congrats to [b]Phantasm[/b] for creating a unique and interesting quest for almost the entire month of October! [/quote] Here you state you decided not to give out the rest, What exactly is being done with these prizes? I ask because several people asked me if i knew, and my resonse was i didnt know, and that i was confused as to what you were doing. You said the other winners would be told of tommrow? i guess we wait? Im sure you can understand our confusion with you being a public role and body, us as the community want to know what happens when you decide not to award such prizes ect. I hope you can answer this question i and others have had.
  21. cant remove it, personally involved, ask another mod to As for asking, surely seems a valid question, i wanted to know where have the other TK's stock has gone... i will make another post then.
  22. This isnt related to the TK's not giving out all of the prizes that they were sponsered to give out? it seems rather... timed...
  23. Again thanks one and all for your help, It is and was greatly appreciated. If you have an egg that you believed you sent the CTC to me for, i have most likely lost/forgotten/missed it in my list, if its still there you can do whatever you want with it, or send over the CTC and i will find a Chew Alt that will love to have it. Without your community help, it would make some of my tests a lot harder
  24. Have a good one Rendril, you deserve it.
  25. Ah yes you are indeed correct. Have you considered that initially you are not mean to venture out into the wilderness? and that perhaps some quests need to be changed to accommodate the new changes. as for paying for AP, i dont think that will ever be implemented, as AP is another thing like age, it makes you wait.
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