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  1. Upvote
    Ivorak got a reaction from Junior in Treasure Keeper January Auction   
    [quote name='Hedge Munos' timestamp='1325638349' post='99551']
    Sharptear = 2sc

    [quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1325702423' post='99598']
    Hedge, please read the entire thread topic post.

    That would be an initial bid, not an increase, Seigheart, from the way I see things.
  2. Upvote
    Ivorak got a reaction from Watcher in Treasure Keeper January Auction   
    [quote name='Hedge Munos' timestamp='1325638349' post='99551']
    Sharptear = 2sc

    [quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1325702423' post='99598']
    Hedge, please read the entire thread topic post.

    That would be an initial bid, not an increase, Seigheart, from the way I see things.
  3. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Seigheart in Treasure Keeper January Auction   
    The Treasure Keepers are auction off the following creatures this month:

    Rustgold Drachorn

    Start Bidding.

    Gold and Silver accepted. As well as notes.

    Minimum increase in a bid is: 1g

    If you are to bid, at ANY point in the bidding process, a minimum bid of 1gc needs to be made.
  4. Upvote
    Ivorak got a reaction from Neno Veliki in Treasure Keeper January Auction   
    [quote name='Hedge Munos' timestamp='1325638349' post='99551']
    Sharptear = 2sc

    [quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1325702423' post='99598']
    Hedge, please read the entire thread topic post.

    That would be an initial bid, not an increase, Seigheart, from the way I see things.
  5. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Miq in The Sunny bedroom.   
    [quote name='Miq' timestamp='1325703148' post='99605']

    As long as it will be said so publicly by them. I don't have no intention do be accused of something shady 3 years from now.

    I will claim the money as mine in 24h.
  6. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Udgard in Retired King abusing power he no longer should have   
    [quote name='Yrthilian' timestamp='1325526684' post='99398']
    they have the same stance as i do. or at least that was my understanding. the leaders of alliance run their alliances as they wish as long as it does not affect
    the land directly. players assume they know how the land is ruled. don't assume and speak with the alliances and stop trying to undermine something on the forum
    or if you "really want to know" make a separate topic on it and not high jack this one.
    Unless you forget, you told people to look around in old topics and figure out stuff about golemus, which is why I asked.
    You said to look at the civil war, and the only thing that came in mind was the formation of the triumvirate. LK and Fusioneers didn't even exist then, and I don't recall the Order being involved in the war either. I can't remember clearly if the MRs was involved, but my memory says they didn't. That's why I had to ask again, since this is news to me that they are part of the ruling land leaders as well. You say don't assume, hence I ask, and what I get is "hijack?"

    Since you don't seem to be able to understand the critique/advice implied in the last part of my post, let me spell it out for you.
    You say all alliance leaders are land leaders, which means you're all in equal position. One of your council members invited a person to her alliance and you banned that person when all he did was accept the invitation. It would've been in the land's best interest if you had talked internally between your leaders instead of taking drastic measures such as what happened. Instead of showing cohesion within the highest ranks of your leaders, you show internal breakup, where one leader's decision can be overturned using such harsh measures without prior consultation. If Kiley's action was unacceptable to you, you could've asked her to ask Azull to leave, or if needed, kick him out of the alliance.
    How much would it hurt to do that? At worse Azull would gain what.. 2-3 extra land loyalty depending on how long it took for you to meet? Not to mention that (according to your post) Azull had been in the alliance a week before you guys took action. Why not use the week to contact Azull or Kiley to ask him to leave until a decision has been made? Even if you're on a holiday surely the other land leaders can do it (unless it's been done and Azull/Kiley refused to cooperate, in which I apologize). Instead of doing a rash thing that has lead to so much commotion and showing internal cohesion problems, it would've been better for the land if more diplomacy and tact were used. If Kiley was not part of the land leaders, just an alliance leader, then what you did would be more acceptable. But this way you risk creating an image that Golemus leaders can't communicate well together, which would raise questions if they would be able to work well together for the good of the land.
  7. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Yrthilian in Retired King abusing power he no longer should have   
    [quote name='Azull' timestamp='1325515508' post='99386']
    I have stated repeatedly, in public and to you Yrth and Grido in private, that I personally have no hostile intentions towards Golemus what so ever.

    Also you yrth told me you requested the council to unban me (unless I misunderstood your pm to me)
    Grido told me he would unban me on new years day if I was still in jail by then. As of this moment I am still jailed.
    Now we know the council takes it's time with what they do that's fine. But Grido didn't even reply to my question why he didn't make good on his word.
    Aside from any issues about use or misuse of power. Is this diplomacy? Is this the integrity of a Golemus land leader?

    As i said repeatedly you are necrovian. This is not me saying YOU are the bad guy i am saying the long standing rule is your allegiance
    to necrovian is what causes the issue. just because you didn't have the citizenship because of getting kicked from your alliance does not mean you are not seen as
    necrovian. it is a mechanic that make you not a citizen. It is a mechanic i asked to be changed but has never been done.

    again you say about diplomacy just speaking or as has been said many time declaring you are doing something in a different land without communication with all
    the land leaders is where the break down happened. Is this how you proceed with diplomacy?? send a deceleration and say i asked??
    the main underlining issue is communication on all sides. ether way what has happened has happened.

    yes i did ask for you to be unban/unjailed as to why Grido did not keep to his word
    have you considered he was told not to?? i can not speak for him but that would be the first thing i would have thought to be the issue

    [quote name='Udgard' timestamp='1325520682' post='99392']
    Huh? I thought there was a triumvirate or something? Just 3 person?
    So is the land leaders actually all alliance leaders? Including the person who invited someone who got jailed for accepting that alliance invitation?

    they have the same stance as i do. or at least that was my understanding. the leaders of alliance run their alliances as they wish as long as it does not affect
    the land directly. players assume they know how the land is ruled. don't assume and speak with the alliances and stop trying to undermine something on the forum
    or if you "really want to know" make a separate topic on it and not high jack this one.
  8. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Yrthilian in Retired King abusing power he no longer should have   
    [quote name='Kiley' timestamp='1325465447' post='99324']
    Upon accepting the position as guild leader I was given full power over how the guild should be run and have acted accordingly. I do not have to go to the "land leaders" in regard to the decisions I make. I would also point out that at no time did any "land leaders" approach me about my choice to bring Azull into the guild. I woke to find him jailed and not even a pm in my box. The truly sad part behind all of this lies in the fact that Azull and I have worked many months to develop a level of trust and cooperation between lands traditionally divided. Months of work that has been washed down the drain by a rash act that lacked diplomacy and tact. I am more than disappointed in how this has been handled and would have hoped that yrth would have spoken with ME personally before jailing Azull.

    First Kiley as a GG leader you of all players should know the land rules and know that a necrovian citizen is NOT allowed in Golemus.
    as a land leader you are also expected to know better and should have know your action had a much bigger issue that you say.
    It is very disappointing you decided by your self you know better how a land should accept a player into a land.

    The same could have been said that you should have contacted me or the other land leaders before letting a necrovian into Golemus
    you say land leader did not approach you and same in reverse.

    [quote name='Passant the Weak' timestamp='1325479029' post='99338']
    Going slightly offtopic: I agree with Paracelcus. Beyond the retired king thingy, there is a very strange behaviour of Golemus as a land: they jail someone, because he was invited in a GG guild.... That attitude, puts a negative light to GG in my eyes. If they had an issue with him joining that guild.... well, couldn't they have him off the guild?

    He was told by a citizen of Golemus that he may get jailed. ALL it take is to read the land rules to know that he was not acceptable as a citizen of Golemus
    So far only 1 player has been jailed that is not accepted as a citizen so your argument of the strange behaviour is mute as this is a single case of this happening.

    [quote name='lashtal' timestamp='1325503329' post='99366']
    Since Yrthilian's position is somehow border-line, since the decision to jail Azull was taken accordingly to the "land leaders", since neither Yrth nor the "land leaders" spoke with Kiley (who is the Fusioneers leader)...

    I'd ask the "land leaders" to state clearly:

    1 - who they are;
    2 - why should other Golemians acknowledge their leadership (are they elected, chosen by the king, self-declared?);
    3 - how do they relate with the king and the guild leaders;

    and most of all: how would they explain this lack of diplomacy towards the Fusioneers leader.

    First how little you know before asking such questions tut tut tut
    it again is kiley is just as guilty for lack of diplomacy as you say.
    As a land leader you have the right to run your alliance as you wish but when it come to matter of the LAND you don't have the right to decided by yourself.
    it is that simple.

    answer to the above
    1. read the forums and you would know who the leader are it has been mentioned many times by me and the others. stop being lazy
    2. LOL again lazyness has failed you here too. read of the past and you will have your answers.
    3. wow really you should actually read the forums. your lack of information is what blinds you to the happening of a land.

    the same as the lack of diplomacy from the Fusioneers leader.

    Look it is like this.

    Keily has the right to bring in members she feel FIT with the alliance.
    But it is also expect that she will not bring in someone into the land that is a know hostile
    it is also expect as a land leader and leader of the Guild that she will abide by the rules of the land (in this she has broken them)
    My action that i took was not as a king but as a player with the power and requested to do so.

    Yes there was a big breakdown in communication and from my point of view and from what i seen
    action was needed to be taken quickly. The jailing is just part of what the tool does.
    This is more an issue between Necrovian and Golemus from a diplomatic point of view.
    The issue of king.ex king is also mute. as per murs response.

    You know this whole issue would never have happened if one player had read and abide by the land rules.
  9. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Yrthilian in Retired King abusing power he no longer should have   
    So since most of you ignored what has already been said many times over.

    Re read Murs post as he says the people whom still had the tools could use them.
    even without that you have also ignored the fact that the decision to do what i did was not just mine. (action was taken with the backing of the land leaders)
    Yes the council need to post something and make a statement of what they feel should or should not be done.

    @Asull just because you lost your land citizenship does not mean you are not necrovian. That is like saying i was kick from Ireland so i am no longer Irish.
    the fact you had no citizenship does not take away from what people see you as and that is necrovian.

    Those asking about the citizenship rule go read the bloody rules they state no necrovian is allowed in Golemus.

    AGAIN you all ignore the retirement statement. I said i was resigning but will still take care of the land until a replacement is in place

    so new we wait for council to comment on this matter as mur already has but seems you do not listen.
  10. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to lone wolf pup in Retired King abusing power he no longer should have   
    Some would argue some of the rules that are placed are common sense, so what is your point in that question.

    Edit: guess we have to wait for someone to declare do retired kings have authority over people when they resign. And if it's ignored then let them abuse Azull in jail since no one declared it as wrong.
  11. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Shadowseeker in Retired King abusing power he no longer should have   
    Until we get a ruling from council it it pointless anyways, but if you ask me, yes.

    If you have a ruler, you getting citizenship, even through proxy of alliance, puts you under rule of that leader. (Arguments will make no sense till we get an answer to whether the kings are still defacto regents or not from council).

    Why do you need a rule, when common sense explains it?

    Edit: No point making a new post now, but...it is clearly stated that if you join a land, you obey that leader. So if you think Handy is still the leader right now, ofc it makes sense to ask her first. If you don't you don't ask her. So what else am I supposed to say to that?
  12. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Shadowseeker in Retired King abusing power he no longer should have   
    I am hardly someone who is officially a voice for GG. Kelle'tha holds neutrality, to a certain degree. That would be Grido, Burns, etc.

    And no, it was not. Your PM to Grido was neither requesting, nor informing of you ever retreating if requested- it was a bold proclamation saying I will do this, essentially.

    Regarding lack of official leadership: If you say you accept some people as golemian leaders who could request you to stop doing it- why did you never ask any of these before it happened, and instead complain now afterwards? Kiley never asked any of them either, as far as I heard. So again- why should anyone ask you, the [i]intruder[/i], if you never asked first?

    Edit: Since you mentioned you having no homeland- that was caused by the TW being taken over. Which, is not our fault. And, the ban could easily be lifted if your king was still there, using his abilities to remove the tag and granting you refuge. If council states this usage of power was correct, then that usage would also be correct. Again, also not our fault that you no longer have one. If council states this was misuse, then you would get fixed up as well.
  13. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Shadowseeker in Retired King abusing power he no longer should have   
    That would mean we are afraid of people walking or recruiting, Pip.

    It is not xenophobic to reject someone who joins solely for his own benefits.
  14. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Yrthilian in Retired King abusing power he no longer should have   
    well looks like someone is trying to cause issues beyond what they are AGAIN.

    So lets get down to it.

    1. I announced i was stepping down but this would not happen until a replacement was in place.
    2. My actions where taken not just of me making the decision.
    3. The leader (be it ex or not) decided they would join Golemus WITH OUT checking with land leaders first. Just because i am not king does not mean i am not a land leader.
    4. As you can see Azull was warned of possible jailing and still choose to stay in the alliance and still didn't communicate with land leaders.
    5. I will admit i missed the announcement from mur on the use of the items.
    6. a week went by for very good reason before taking action i was away on holidays
    7. A week went by and Azull still choose to stay in the land without permission from ALL land leaders
    8. Alliance leader Keily does not have over all say as to whom can become a land citizen and should have communicated to land leaders (this is a matter for the land leaders)

    I find it both annoying and frustrating that that so many assumptions are being made in this matter.
    As mentioned i took the actions after making sure land leaders where ok with this.
    I should not be explaining this to anyone out side of Golemus.
    The ones starting this sort of forum attack (yet again are making this personal)
    Know this. Be i a king or land leader or just a citizen i will take every action i can that i have the power to
    use and will stop necrovian citizens becoming a Golemus citizen. You made your choice.

    I have and always will be agents necrovian gaining Citizenship of the land i love and protect.
    this has always been how i am. I have on occasion let and even help necrovian around the land
    but because of recent activities and yes Peace you are one of them i will do everything to be sure
    Necrovians will be thrown out of Golemus. I know i cant do it 24/7 but i will do it when i am online.

    I though we had started to gain trust between the land and i was starting to allow necrovian citizens into
    Golemus but this action and the even it is part of show that trust is not something that can be had between Golemus
    and Necrovian if this is how they intend to do business between our lands.

    In regards to the kingship items. The are still in my possession while i type this reply
    As acting king until FINAL decision is made i will keep holding them. There is a way for Azull to get out of jail
    if the necrovian citizens choose to find it and use it so be it. AT lest then it is the land showing defence for their people
    something that is lacking a lot thies days.

    Now i am loosing track of the argument ans tire of this so read on and do as you wish.
    If MUR or the Council decide i should be punished AGAIN for defending my land so be it
    but i will keep defending it in every way i can.


    just yo add i speak personally of the blocking of necrovians from Golemus
    If the land leader back me on this all the better i do not and will not speak on their behalf.
  15. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Shadowseeker in Retired King abusing power he no longer should have   
    I know I said might, because I could not be sure- you agreed with me. You could have prevented this however by simply asking yrthilian first, or did you do that and he reneged?

    In the discussion there was another interesting point brought up: If you bring diplomacy and asking as a method up, you PMed Grido, but never stated intent to back off if asked. The PM itself also only states intent to get land loyalty. The way it was worded, it was to declare intent, not to ask permission, which you seemed to take for granted. If you had asked and gotten permission first, it probably would not have happened.

    While personally I do not care too much about this, apparently the other GG people do feel it warrant a jail period.
  16. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Shadowseeker in Retired King abusing power he no longer should have   
    While the announcement of Mur does say to not use them in the next few days, it has been a month since it. Because of that, there thus has been a void in authority- so until then, arguably the king fills it as a regent, till the next government can be established.

    I've had this argument myself with someone else, but ultimately it comes down to the fact that upon entering the alliance Azull risked punishment from the GG tools. Which until a clear stance upon how Mur decides to fill the void, is to be done by the regent in position, being yrthilian. The announcement itself was never meant to be permanent. I assume that the GG leaders requesting this action only made it easier to decide.

    And Maebius, in this case Azull himself said it: He did it to gain some land loyalty. Which, clearly being unwanted (I assume he'd realize himself earlier, but no later than after I pointed out yrthilian might jail him), would lead to expulsion. Obviously diplomacy would have been a better way to decide it, but it was not chosen, nor was the outcome clear- if Azull decided to take the risk of getting jailed, why would he leave the alliance which could only be forced from Kiley otherwise, who himself allowed him in?

    I'm just pointing out some things I discussed recently with someone else on this.
  17. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Peace in Retired King abusing power he no longer should have   
    As some may have noticed, after he was disbanded from the Tainted Warriors, Azull joined the Fusioneers. I don't have an issue with this, nor I saw anyone complaining about it.

    Except the retired King. Yrthilian stepped down from his throne. He has retired. This means that he should not have any kind of power over those who were his subjects. He can influence them, but I find it outregeous to jail someone for joining a Golemian alliance, even if it was someone from Necrovion. I would like to state that I do not want this to turn into a diplomatic issue. Merely pointing out that retired Kings and Queens should no longer hold the royal items.

    Open for discussion.
  18. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Peace in Poll Vote for your favorite Holiday Scene/makeover contest   
    I would like to say to all those who submitted their entries have done a fine job, but few of you made an amazing picture with MD style in my opinion. I feel sad that I voted the same thing as the first time, missing the new entries.

    A couple things though, I hope you won't mind me.

    A few people, no need to call fingers or point names, were begging for votes. I understand the reason they did it (even if it was annoying), but I hope that whoever received a pm from said people or followed a forum link took their time and [b]really looked all[/b] the entries and then casted their votes.

    There is also the matter of buying someone's vote. Should this be allowed/encouraged?
  19. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Kyphis the Bard in MD Calender Integration   
    There are a lot of regular events that happen at the same interval every time. Personally, I would like to see them added to the Calender, rather than posted in the Announcements.

    I'm talking about events such as the Beginning of HC (Not the end, that should remain in announcements), Item Regrouping, Spell Casts Refresh, and other such, regular, events.

    Also things like the MD birthday, Murmas, and any other holidays MD decides to celebrate annually, although in these cases there would (obviously) still be announcements about the event. It being on the calender would just make it a little bit more searchable.

    If you can think of anything else, please post below.
  20. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Seigheart in Rewards   
    Yeah, sorry about the harshness of the time period, but Murs orders are Murs orders.

    You can still submit your IDs afterwards, but it wont be as fast as it would if you got in by the 24h time period.

    dst: Again, your ignorance is delightful.
  21. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to xrieg in Taking Shared Tools   
    [quote name='Shadowseeker' timestamp='1321270813' post='95793']
    The real abuse however was when nadrolski used 10+ buckets to get water.

    Then it is not only hoarding, but also abuse of shared tools.

    And if it really comes down to keep them distributed to people- it's still hoarding, because non MB people may wish to take them (although they cannot use them).

    [quote][color=#CCCCCC]Ann. 2071 - [2011-11-10 04:52:36 - Stage 11][/color]
    [b]Trading shared items interface restrictions[/b]
    Shared items can no longer be transfered if the target player already holds two or more other shared items. In some situations you might require having multiple shared items , such as the cauldrons for example. Remember the cauldrons are designed for collaborative play and not single-player activity. There is still a way to hold multiple items, so you can enjoy collecting more types of resources for example. All you need to do is go and grab them yourself! Its only the transfer that is restricted by the interface not also the grabbing of items directly from the item dispatcher.

    [color=#CCCCCC]Ann. 2070 - [2011-11-10 04:26:46 - Stage 11][/color]
    Some time ago I issued a warning not to abuse shared tools till proper restrictions and rules will be creaqted for them, because I don't have time to work both on the restrictions, do police work with you and also work on their features. I counted on your common sense to determine what might be abuse and what not with these items, this is not about breaking a specific written rule, so there can't be a trial about it. This is about some failing to understand what "shared tools" might mean and not respecting my public request to avoid anything that MIGHT be considered abuse till I have time to work on the 'security' or 'rules' part of this major feature. Guilds that got affected by the release of shared tools that they were previously controlling were publicly announced that this is a temporary situation, as more resource guild related features are pending. There is no excuse for any of you to limit availability or hoard shared tool, considering the named warnings. People that got jailed for this will be announced publicly soon. Starting now, i lift this 'common sense' -no abuse- request, you are free to go wild. Rules but mostly interface restrictions will be created on the way based on whatever ways you will find to turn shared tools from their intended purpose.

    Should it be considered legal now to take more than one tool of a given type (i.e. 2 herbs backets, 2 reality coagulators) and use it to speed up harvesting? I would consider it abuse... but I have been in the wrong before.
    Please clarify the ruling
  22. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Shadowseeker in As there is no king anymore.   
    I have to point out: There is a reason for that number. I was there when it was set, and the 4 as such should remain. If you really intend it to go higher, you should aim for 444 instead. I'd leave it at that though, most people cannot enter without walking through glue.
  23. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Atrumist in A bit of negativity during Christmas?   
    I can't understand what is your goal.

    Now when you and she know that mp2 are not supported and not allowed anymore (for long time actually), what do you want to be done to that account ?

    Are you trying to persuade people here that because of lack of information and the 'trouble' that account experienced , in some strange way you/she have to be somehow rewarded, or to be super added for the suffered problems?
    Be more clear ... what is your aim to prove.
  24. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Chewett in A bit of negativity during Christmas?   
    You said yourself she used the forum, yet has no forum account? This is rather magical, How did she do so?

    As for the LHO's, any lho worth his salt should have known this.

    If she had used the forum, i would have posted telling her exactly, and since i have not EVER seen a mp2 post on the forum regarding what MP2 players are allowed to do, i can only work out you have remembered wrong.
  25. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Atrumist in A bit of negativity during Christmas?   
    Why don't you end this drama, give that account mp3 status and unban her? So will see if there is an alt abuse after.
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