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  1. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Death Bell in Abuse Of Reputation On Profiles   
    well if new players see there profile they will get the wrong image that these people are bad and stuff... But i don't really mind about this, and yes i got -11 hehe
  2. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to SageWoman in Abuse Of Reputation On Profiles   

    I do not know who is marking my profile with bad reputation but I want a stop to it. I have not been posting on the Forums that much do to moving and when I put a friendly complaint in my status message, it went from -9 to -10.

    My profile is about me and my character. I do not flame anyone and most of my postings are done with humor. The Forum is for expressing ideas and opinions and I do not believe players have to be given a reputation rating because someone does not like what they wrote. The Forum is for sharing ideas, projects, quests and even disagreements. Freedom of Speech is being violated here.

    No where on my profile does it say WHY the reputation has been marked and by whom. I believe this has become an abusive ability of Moderators and respectfully ask that the negative reputation be removed. Personal feelings and egos should have no place in the Forum.
  3. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to dst in Abuse Of Reputation On Profiles   
    [quote name='SageWoman' date='23 August 2009 - 05:01 PM' timestamp='1251036078' post='40054']
    1)Freedom of Speech is being violated here.
    2)No where on my profile does it say WHY the reputation has been marked and by whom.
    3)I believe this has become an abusive ability of Moderators and respectfully ask that the negative reputation be removed.
    4)Personal feelings and egos should have no place in the Forum.

    1)Exactly! Rep is a way for the users to express their feelings anonymously (it's their right - that's why we have secret votes and such).So denying it would be a violation of other freedoms.
    2)That's the hole purpose.
    3)Are you kidding me? What in the world have mods to do with YOUR reputation? Do you think we chase you all over the forum and give you negative points? Shish...
    4)The forum is exactly the place to display your ego. In game you cannot do it cause of the limited interaction. But forum is the place to show your ideas (as you have said). And ideas cannot be presented blunt..without the touch of each one's personality. In this way you show part of who you are (moreover:we do not RP on the forum) and this game is full of players with big egos.
  4. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Jester in Abuse Of Reputation On Profiles   
    Does reputation affect anything? If not, why do you care? If it does mean that much to you then try to look at which posts have negative reputation and then figure out why they do. I don't really see this as an issue that deserves time spent on it, complaining about it will just get you more negative reputation probably.
  5. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to SageWoman in Roleplay: Ifs, Ands, And Buts...   
    The one thing I didn't see mentioned here is Free Will. Unfortunately, Free Will makes everyone do things he usually wouldn't do until someone comes along and shows him that anyone can.

    Now before anyone becomes sarcastic, I am speaking of puns and not really being specific about Free Will (whomever he/she is). Puns in role playing makes for hilarious reading only for those who have been playing the game long enough to know who those characters are. The use of names for example; dst, everyone, Peace and Mur help me, Bob, can cause symptoms of PML, ROFLing if used in the right context. Let me pick on Dst here for a moment and let poor everyone have some Peace. When one battles with Dst and gets their Army wiped out, the saying "I've been Dst." become a pun. If there is another term for it, I am sure I will be corrected immediately if not ASAP.

    Game terms is another way to use puns in role playing. To list a few; brisk, heat, regenerate, and the most used one, Dead Girl. Using the Blue chat, one might type thus: Sagewoman: *watches Dead Girl walk by Briskly, her face Heated, trying to Regenerate some composure*.

    So, what am I getting at here? The use of Humor in role playing. As most know, Windy (proprietor and owner of the Wind and Rain Pub in Winds Sanctuary) and I use puns all the time in our role play. We shamelessly use character names and game terms that are guaranteed to make inhabitants to use the slang, LOL, ROFL, and my personal favorite, PIMP in the chat.

    Like Godmoddling, not everyone likes it, approves of it, but Mur Help Me (another pun)it's Liberating to let some of the frustration and Real Real anxieties out!
  6. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to zalabar in Roleplay: Ifs, Ands, And Buts...   
    I kind of think of helping the newbies out at the very beginning of their entrance to the world, I personally believe, if you introduce them to RP at their early age, tell them a few stories about some story, help orientate them to the World of MD, don't bias them to lean to any one side, teach them the very few rules of this great game, essentially, be a mentor.

    It gives them a much easier start, a better understanding of what goes on in the world, and helps ensure that MD will have a fresh batch of good people that will make the game more interesting.

    Don't see this happening soon, but I like to give thanks to all of the live help and veterans that dedicate their time to helping new people out.

    of course there is my personal pet peeve of idiots that use abbreviations of English words, furthering the language being butchered into just bizarre things.... Cheers!
  7. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Tarquinus in Roleplay: Ifs, Ands, And Buts...   
    ((This is one of my favorite topics. I will break my own tradition here and speak entirely out-of-character.

    Roleplay is as much about what a character canNOT do as what she can do. A character's concept is defined by the player's imagination, but should also be informed by the setting. In most RPGs, the setting is explicit and very narrowly defined - very few people play D&D or World of Warcraft expecting to portray Wild West gunslingers or 20th Century Mafia dons. Because MagicDuel does not force the matter on players, we see a very wide variety of characters in the game.

    That's fine. It might even be good, if we were to develop a meta-plot about how the realm of MagicDuel entraps entities from other worlds. But all players should understand something: [u]if your character had powers in the world where you conceived him, he almost certainly no longer has them in MagicDuel[/u]. This is not a blow to the character, but an opportunity for character growth, a chance to demonstrate roleplaying skill. Do you fancy yourself a good roleplayer? Good. You're normal. Play that role and make it convincing. Look at LunarGoddess - here's a deity who has lost her power. Here's an immortal who has fallen in love with a mortal man. She has a story to tell.

    I run a lot of tabletop roleplaying campaigns. If you sat down at one of my D&D games and told me that your character is a half-demon with spell-like abilities, I'd laugh in your face. Why? Because the game includes rules for those kinds of things, and you can't just declare that you want them. If you can have them at all, such as the demonic heritage, the spell-like abilities will come gradually. When everyone is a super bad-ass, the game is BORING. What is interesting? Uncertainty; bluffing an entity you are sure can kill you; holding your breath as the GM rolls the dice, knowing the result could mean the difference between life and death for a beloved character.

    Don't bore us with magical powers you assigned your character. We have no reason to believe in them, because the game has a system for magical powers. Those who have magical powers worked hard to get them. Don't tell us about your awesome gear or unstoppable fighting ability: the game has a fighting system and gear. If you are a super bad-ass fighter, word will get around.

    Roleplay fighting almost invariably fails because it has no system of governance. It is therefore my opinion, after months of experimentation, that it has no place in MagicDuel. Sparrhawk makes an excellent point: if you're just sparring, you should be willing to take a beating now and again. If you're only going to win every fight, you will be boring... and you will end up being ignored by people who are actually using the system to fight with each other. The very idea!

    Outlandish roleplay almost invariably fails because it sets too few (or no) limitations on itself. For every Innocence, a really brilliant character with amazing inventiveness that has nothing to do with combat, role-played or otherwise, there are twenty demon-heritage warriors with elemental magic that has no in-game effect whatsoever.

    If you are a roleplayer, [i]do not ignore the system[/i]. Use its limitations as a springboard for your creativity. Have you noticed that no one bleeds in MagicDuel? That the sun never sets? That stacks of gold magically replenish themselves over time?

    How will you explain these things? What will they mean to your character? What will your story be in this world?

    We are waiting to be entertained. Some of us are ready to entertain you, too.))
  8. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Tzaroth747 in Roleplay: Ifs, Ands, And Buts...   
    Seeing as Magic Duel is an online roleplaying game, I think it's important that people roleplay. An online game without roleplaying is simply mechanics without flavour. It would be battles only, there would be no adventure log, no quests, and every room would be filled with chat about the weather, work, common gossip, and the like.

    Does this sound extremely boring to anyone else?

    After I explored the mechanics of the game and the fighting for my first five months or so on the game, I gave away and sacrificed all of my creatures. I took a big step towards embracing the game on another level, to interact with people as my character, to be only as my role allowed. And you know something, it is much more fun for me to do that than to run around attacking people, trying different strategies and combat rituals. Every mechanic that is set in stone has a formula for success -- experience and thinking will eventually yield the result that would make you invincible. That, and a lot of time to grind. Or money to buy the tokens. Again, boring.

    Roleplaying is the underlying fabric of the game, the interactions between the people is what becomes engrossing, makes me want to come back for more. To make friends and enemies, to share in the things we create for our characters. We each have a role to play, we each have stories to co-create with the other players.

    Like Shadow said, it's about us all contributing to the living book that is MD. And I don't blame Z for simply ignoring the preposterous godmodding that he undoubtedly has to suffer through on a weekly basis. Bob has become a living, real part of the game, first through Z's singular dedication, and then through the other players buying into the idea and carrying it on. There are other things like this out there now -- newly seeded trees, for one example -- that add to the nature of the game and invite all participants to experience it.

    Our words and actions create a new dimension to the game, one that is overlayed the base mechanics. And it is good roleplaying that creates it, makes it interesting, sustainable, and ultimately enjoyable for all.

    That's my 0.02.
  9. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Liberty4life in Memorials   
    i knew ya cant trust archies, too subjective, cmon... marv isnt king yet, i dont see crown, and wodin defeated? no he gave up, thats A LOT different, in this story it seems like khal won war and beated woddy, which isnt true, its pretty simple khal was slain at house of ld, wot happened after that i am not sure of coz i dont understand it but i remember that khal himself claimed that khal which was once the man doesnt exist anymore and this new joined gray one took his place... or something like that, well idk, but my point is... ya made khal look like winner, while there was no real winners, sentineles suffered great loss, shades got balanced which ended up in weakening them, and woddy gave up from fight he WASNT defeated
  10. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Muratus del Mur in Centralised Rewards Resource   
    An other ideea i was thinking of doing later, when wish shop will be more complete.
    A central resource with rewards of all kinds, where quest makers, non-rpc including, can pick rewards based on previous rating for their quests, and use rewards from this resource FREELY to give to other players for solving their quests.

    My english is bad tonight it seems, so lets try again ...
    One centralised resource, with:
    - creatures
    - predefined md shop items, such as tokens, powerups etc
    - avatars
    - items
    - wishpoints

    Players of all kind that can do quests with their current abilities, abilities that they work hard to achieve, either by solving other quests or by other ways, get the right to distribute some of these rewarding resources to other players. The amount of rewards they get access to will be based on the quality of their previous quests, the more interesting quests you do the better rewards you are allowed to give.

    This resource will be filled by rpcs, from sanctions, periodicaly. For example after i sanctioned the drachorn holders some time ago, i ended up with a buch of drachorn, creatures that i sometimes use as rewards. In the same way, these creatures, or other things, could be used to stimulate other players to create interesting quests and stimulate others to solve those quests and not only rpc quests.

    Its a delicate thing, because combined with the wish shop that gives out important abilities, it will compete with the rpcs in a big way. The rpcs will remain the only source for wishpoints, the wp that get into this central resource are wp gathered from baned players, penalties, donated by players with many wp, or other. The creatures will probably be the most common rewards. The items could be made specialy for this resource by the krafters.

    Its still an open ideea, with a long deadline, but please share your opinion on it. Do you think this will be a good, great or terrible thing for the evolution of md? There is no need to go into details about possible bugs, but you can share your oppinion on logic flaws that you can forsee.
  11. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Kafuuka in Centralised Rewards Resource   
    [quote name='Muratus del Mur' date='08 August 2009 - 02:53 AM' timestamp='1249692790' post='38945']
    An other idea i was thinking of doing later, when wish shop will be more complete.
    A central resource with rewards of all kinds, where quest makers, non-rpc including, can pick rewards based on previous rating for their quests, and use rewards from this resource FREELY to give to other players for solving their quests.
    I like the idea but I would change the requirements. Quests vary a lot in quality and quantity. To extrapolate based on previous ratings isn't going to give accurate estimates. Instead the quest for which a reward is wanted should be reviewed. The obvious choice is to have a couple of independent reviews from RPCs. Some sort of entrance requirement based on public vote wouldn't hurt to keep the RPCs from doing overtime.

    1. Player makes a trial quest, which is rated by everybody that tries the quest.
    2. Player makes a quest for which they want to give a reward and submits this.
    3. Three RPCs independently review the quest and report how much they think the reward should be, if any.
    4. Player runs the quest and distributes rewards; RPCs monitor the process.
    5. Jump to step 2.
    If at any point in the above scheme the outcome is negative, go back to step 1.

    Why make it three independent reviews? I am sad to say it but I don't believe in RPC objectivity and having multiple opinions should decrease the odds of subjective reviews. Since it should not be the same three to review all quests and there is an entrance requirement, I don't think the workload will be that high.
    Practically I'd suggest a list of submitted quests that all RPCs can see. They can then decide if they want to review any of them and quests that have been reviewed three times are removed from the list. Maybe include a button to indicate which quest is being reviewed, just in case 4 people start doing it at the same time.
  12. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Ignatious in Centralised Rewards Resource   
    Think I may have caught this idea from someone else but...

    What if there were a set of standardized, easy quests on every RPC "Q" page. Example : A quest to go get your documents, which rewards a standard amount, something pretty easily acquired, like a silver coin or whatnot. Again, this exact same quest would be viewable on every RPC. These simple quests could be limited to MP3 levels in order to encourage people to stay interested in the game, and involved. Obviously getting your documents is a one time deal, but you could potentially even have repeatable, easy quests.
  13. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Kafuuka in Complaint   
    [quote name='Firsanthalas' date='07 August 2009 - 12:23 PM' timestamp='1249640622' post='38903']
    Personally, I don't see why we shouldn't be able to exclude players from quests. For example, if I find people cheating in a quest, why should I allow them participate in other quests?
    Seems fair to me, but what will stop them from using an alt to solve the quest?

    Denying quests for personal reasons doesn't seem constructive to me. Instead of allowing a person with a different opinion to see something you made and perhaps get a more positive opinion of you, you invite those people into disagreeing even more. It is entirely human to respond in kind; denying quests to those who deny you. At the end of such an escalation, both parties will be exhausted and look like fools in the eyes of neutral observers. In this kind of battle you cannot win, you can only cut your losses.
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