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Everything posted by Muratus del Mur
MD Titles - Updated list with suggested hierarchy
Muratus del Mur replied to Ivorak's topic in MD Title Discussion
the tag awarding can resume when i will announce it that it can. yes, this process is also a cleaning process and in the end the titles will keep tags clean. While I was the only one to give tags, i could keep them valuable and very hard to get...i could say i was able to keep them "true". My intention is to boost the tag system a lot more and increase the sources that can give tags, but this also means that tags will be increasingly "dirty" over the time, and less powerful. A tag should have enormous power, trigger respect from others and define your authority. If tags will be given out too easy or with less care, the authority they give will be a lot less or even inexistant. I believe that by giving actual papers to support each tag (the titles), they will be given with much more care and thought several times before granted. Think that a paper title is uneditable and lasts forever, while current tags can be added, changed and removed..this lowers their power so to speak. (I am sorry if i am using strange words, but i am tired and i used whatever words fit to tell my ideea, i am sure you understand what i mean now) more: What Pip sais makes perfect sense { "title": "Former Leader of the MR's", "recipient": "MRD", "authorities": { "granting authority": "MRAlyon", "confirming authority": "Muratus del Mur" } { "title": "Master Advertiser", "recipient": "BFH", "authorities": { "granting authority": "Muratus del Mur", "confirming authority": "Junior" } This is a very good point. Roles that continue an already existing role should have as confirming authority the previous holder of that tag. Lets do all of them like that and try to contact the people that need to confirm it. It would be nice to have all similar situations done like that (like kings for example) Ivorak, when you have it, make me a list of people i need to contact and regarding what, and i will be the one to contact them -
MD Titles - Updated list with suggested hierarchy
Muratus del Mur replied to Ivorak's topic in MD Title Discussion
chew was just trying to ridiculize my plan with these titles.. no..i didn't make anyone gm, and instead of making assumptions you could try to help out organize this thing. That list needs several corrections and it was said so. We are trying to adjust it and it will suffer lots of changes till its right. No need to make any assumptions or get angry over anything its there, ..better write about it and we shall see what changes are needed. Bfh, yes you COULD confirm titles (like many others), if you wanted to, but if you don't want to, you don't, obviously. Anyone with a decent role , a role that somehow influences more people, could be considered an authority...now its just a matter of defining scope in order to know who can and who can't confirm one or the other title. -
rophs answered it
MD Titles - Updated list with suggested hierarchy
Muratus del Mur replied to Ivorak's topic in MD Title Discussion
the purpose of this freeze is that i want to avoid new roles beeing pushed forward to catch a place on the list , or things like that. Something else very very important, from now on tags will be given according to this new format. Also people able to give roles will have a number of docs they can dispatch plus clear instructions about the significance of titles... Its best if roles are not granted till all this is very clear. I don't have a set time for this..i am thinking till the first docs are being sent out maybe. If new roles won't be pushed forward and people understand everything roles stand for, i have nothing against resuming the awarding of new tags. I will announce it when i think its the time. (lets say probably two weeks) regarding "confirming authorities": what defines an authority? find an answer to that and you have your answer...if a character has a high reputation through his role, he represents an authority. Its very true this is ambiguous and i am hoping to find a general rule for how to define an authority, but for now with the existing titles it is more intuitive. Lets try to tell you how i see things now: an authority that could confirm a title should be a character with a role that has enough importance to influence the awarded title. For example I can confirm any title, a king can obviously confirm any title given to citizens of his land, but also to characters from other lands (why? idk why, makes sense to me). A character with a title can confirm titles given to other characters that are similar in activity or branch (makes sense what i mean?). A character without a title can't confirm any other title. A character with a title totally unrelated to the awarded title type, can;t confirm it. i could try to define more of this, but lets go slow ..anything i say might be interpreted later :) If anyone doesn't see what i mean by the above, please tell, or if you see what i mean, please help me put it in better words. I don't want you to try "follow the rules", i wan't you help me define decent rules for something that should make sense, probably makes sense now, but can be abused if limited to rules. Auhtority is something gained and publicly acknowledged..not something defined strictly by rules. For example kings, ally/guild leaders, chewett, these are characters that obviously have an authority and a word to say about titles...now this is "obvious" but is not obvious due to any written rules, you know what i am trying to say? If so, lets see who else can be a confirming authority and help me put it in words. -
i will be more than happy to send titles for important characters over the past years, the problem is that if they are no longer arround i can't contact them and i can't count on them being actually interested in anything md related anymore. the minimum i want from them in return of the title is that they just claim it. By claiming it they also help us remember what it was , who granted it, etc... If i award aaallll tags in existance with a title doc, then hundreds of docs will just reach garbage or return. I want these docs to reach only people that actually want them.
i still can't agree to you, because: @chew: as i said, no need to disclose YOUR address, there are several options to avoid that, and worse case you give a friends or work colegue address. I can ship to any provided address. This is the free option, but if you are so reluctant about your home address you are probably already using other methods to keep your address private, such as a po box. @dd: your point is somehow valid, BUT, you must have some place somewhere in the world where you could pile up post and pick it up once a year. If not, you could ask it to be mailed in advance to an address you are about to visit, i can write on the envelope any needed details so it will wait for you, and even if someone else opens it, there is nothing to steal from it. If you don't want it, or if you are just trying to make a theoretical point, thats something else...but i am sure that if you want it for real you find a way to receive it.
Only one candidate to this position? hmm...
MD Titles - Updated list with suggested hierarchy
Muratus del Mur replied to Ivorak's topic in MD Title Discussion
"confirming authority" is someone else that has the authority to give tags/titles that officially agrees to that title and treats it as given by himself. The confirming authority takes full responsability same as the granting authority. It means that two two authorities fully agree to give that title. This has 'political' implications of course, for example if a king asks an other king to support his titles (assuming i am not willing as confirming auth), i means those two lands cooperate closely and in case of a conflict between those two lands, the titles given by both authorities offer a certain advantage or disadvantage to the image of the person awarded. It has various implications to the social dynamics of course, and the way you will treat those its up to you. I am willing to act as confirming authority, or granting, for a lot of roles _NOW_, but as soon as the current roles are integrated in this new system, i will become very rare to sight in such docs. Each granting or confirming of a role adds to the 'portfolio' of activities of that authority. Over time, keeping your scope clear and keeping a certain style matters. Awarding or supporting stupid roles should be avoided. Your authority will grow marked by the roles you will deal with...more exactly by how the people you award will behave in those roles or how they will use the received titles. You need to learn to estimate the potential in the people you deal with. ps.: i can't read everything here right now, please let me know when the list is ready from your end and when i should make final check on it, thank you. I will answer just to some that i noticed: mya frelance tag is given by mya , i am just supporting it..but it can be the other way arround if the inolved people want it so judge tag is a shared tag but beeing an important one, it is worthy of a title doc (please shout if you think this is not ok) titles that start with "Former.." or "Ex.."..are ofc not titles but memories of a title, in this case the title should be retroactively given for the original title...or at least i think so. Its kind of weird to receive a "title" for something you where...and its equally strange to receive a fresh title for something you are no longer.....so..what to do? PLEASE DO NOT AWARD NEW TITLES IN THIS PERIOD TILL I AM DONE SENDING THESE TITLES. I WILL CANCEL ALL TITLES GIVEN IN THIS PERIOD AND SANCTION ANYONE THAT DISREGARDS THIS NOTICE, BOTH GRANTING AND RECEIVING. -
MD Titles - Updated list with suggested hierarchy
Muratus del Mur replied to Ivorak's topic in MD Title Discussion
(good, leave blank where uncertain and we will discuss the titles granted by me one by one to see who is willing to take them under their wing to sign their confirmation (but this after everyone else made their comments on them) -
MD Titles - Updated list with suggested hierarchy
Muratus del Mur replied to Ivorak's topic in MD Title Discussion
from now on, having someone to 'confirm' the granting of a tag, will be a manadatory reuirement to grant a role. Till now such a requirement didn't exist, but all tags given so far will be backed up by me or by anyone else that makes more sense to confirm that role. If the owner of the tag has citizenship, the granting authority will probably be the king of the land he belongs to. If a king has something against a tag of a citizen, this should be clarified now. For tags that you don't know who to put as confirming authority, i be the confirming authority for now. Later on i will try to confirm only main roles such as kings and other high-authority roles. Please do not put random granting authorities on the list (such as bfh), leave blank where uncertain. It will take some time till this list will be accurate, but as long as someone still has anything to comment to it, titles won't be sent out. Because Council does not have a main character to represent it , I will be the one granting the roles given by the council directly. -
please use reputation system to show your like/dislike of someones entry. I will look at that score too as a sort of public vote, but i will not base my decision entirely on received reputation .its just a factor. Stat your active days too please.
your argument about privacy is not valid. As i said you can use alternate methods to receive a LETTER. First of all your infgo will not be public, it will be given to two people at most...but lets say you are not trusting anyone at all, you can give the address of a friend or whoever you want that might receive a letter in your place or get a PO box. I am not forcing anyone to give me their home address. but telling me you can't find a decent way to receive A LETTER, thats just fantasy or bad intention. Burnig it in their face was not meant to sound like that, my point is that if you don't want the doc, at most i am willing to destroy it and provide proof of that (any way that sounds acceptable)... i will not keep rejected docs as if i am making them for myself....and to be clear, i am not forcing anyone to provide personal details, there are plenty of alternate methods to receive a damn post. Except that, i think phantasm said things exactly as they are.
I thought about this a bit, and instead of posting a sponsorship, i thought of something else... if this contest/event gets large enough, i will boost the rewards...more exactly, i will double them (yes the charm included!) (Eara pls aquire reward item/creature id's before they get awarded) get at least 20 people to participate for this to happen. have fun!
The dispatch of the md titles will be centralized and tracked by The postman. Currently this account was used only for official and story purposes. I am making this position available, please post here if you are interested, what motivates you and what makes you suitable for it. I will pick from people posting here and contact you, but i will keep your identity secret (you can chose later to make it public if you want). Ask any questions you like clarified.
MD Titles (Discussion of Title Granting Authorities)
Muratus del Mur replied to Ivorak's topic in MD Title Discussion
to keep long things short, several major changes are pending to the tags system and i called them multiple tags system. It will allow one player to switch between multiple tags he achieved and gain a score similar to hw land loyalty works. MD Titles and tags will go in parallel till these two will become slowly one and the same thing. -
MD Titles (Discussion of Title Granting Authorities)
Muratus del Mur replied to Ivorak's topic in MD Title Discussion
yes however before you start screaming, you should know that there will be an extensive list of general tags, for public functions so to say...so there won't be papers for absolutely every tag, only for the custom, personal, tags. I always wanted tags to be something well controlled and valuable. Kings managed to keep their value relatively intact so i don't think there will be much difference at this point if tags will be given with papers or without. receiving a certificate along with the tag does not mean you are less likely to receive a tag because there are not enough papers and such, its my business to ensure there will be always enough certifiates for everyone deserving one and that they reach you absolutely free of any charge. -
i don't believe in this sort of democracy when it comes to md. Just imagine for eample you are receiving a medal, or a nobiliary title in medieval ages or whatever....now think how stupid and rude it would be for you to say to the king, "yeah cool i received the title but i don't want to bother to have an actual paper for it" We live in times when things can be sent by email, or kept virtual..this sort of luxury is not coherent with the kind of world md depicts. It is a virtual online game, true, call it as you wish, but this is just the exterior form used to hold something a lot less "virtual". i am sorry but titles will not be optional. The most i can do is award you the title and ask you twice if you wish to receive it or not, if you do not want to, i will burn it, and film/photograh it as proof..then you can remain with the virtual part of it. I could also ship it to a standard location to someone i could assign to hold the rejected docs..any way it will be, i will not hold on to the rejected titles. It would be a terrible offense to do so. I am trying really hard to find ways to provide these titles to you at no cost, and i try to make them as beautiful as possible, refusing them is just a sign of "i don't give a f*", nothing more. I covered most of the costs from my own pocket so far (not related to md in any way), the rest i will take from md funds through your sponsoring. So far everything is fine and i am unbelievably happy i could afford to do this, i see it as a gift i always dreamed of sending, to as many people as possible in md...and i will put a lot of soul in all of this. Md might one day vanish in virtual form, but touchable stuff will remain as its memory one day. I know on my own skin that things achieved in md change things in you _permanently_, such a thing deserves a sort of token to remember..sadly its just a paper, but at least its something. ofc i am not asking you to "frame it" , or anything at all, its up to you in what forgotten drawer you will dump it, but refusing it is something totally different.
i WANT to read this becase it is a subject that interests me and i was hoping for a public reaction/solution....but i tried a couple of times and i failed dramatically ...i simply cant read long texts and still think. I read it twice and had no clue what i was reading. So please, after you finish and reach a conclusion, someone make ma a very short and clear list with the conclusions of what you think it should be implemented. Thank you very much
black letters take looooong time to make, and their creation was ENTIRELY dependent on me. The creation process could be automated, but their alue is given by what is written in them and that has to be personal and connected with arious other things in md. The Titles are just partial dependent on me, till i hand them over to the postman, after that its other people responsability to complete and send them...that means they have _A LOT_ more chances to become 'real' black letters remain something very very cool, maybe one day, or if someone will emerge to deal with their creation, they might continue. (I am a bit offended by you considering the titles a "madness", i wonder if you receive one, will you just throw it away in a basket together with the bills?)
MD Titles (Discussion of Title Granting Authorities)
Muratus del Mur replied to Ivorak's topic in MD Title Discussion
i want titles and tags to be the same thing. for that to happen we need the multiple tags system done (chew knows what i am talking about), and in some situations that the player deserves a title he should also receive a tag then. A general "cleanup" is also needed but its nearly impossible to do all in one. All i can do is to give titles retroactively only for the significant roles in past times, and make the relation tag-title more strict for tags from now on. I always underlined the importance of tags and tried to keep them rare and valuable. These titles will be a hard to replace method of keeping tag values. -
MD Titles - issue disclosing personal home address
Muratus del Mur replied to Muratus del Mur's topic in MD Title Discussion
i shall see all these details on the way. Ofc i will try to send them as well as i can. Kamisha, very useful info. -
investing in advertising till A25 is fully functional, is suicidal. 99% of new players quit at the start right now, first couple of days. If a25 won't be ready this year these docs are last thing that remain from md, at least i'll make them worth remembering :P Title docs might not change the social structure, but will give much more value to the tags and their meaning. It will also increase quality player retention. If you look at the current community, you will see it is based mostly on people that deserve such a doc. Investing in them at this point might seem pointless from a business perspective, i can't argue about that, so see it as a gift from me. If i can cover some of the costs on this is great because it will leave md economy unaffected, but i can't sustain it on the long run. However, on the long run, after I send these docs now, It will be a MUCH lower number of docs sent. Think how many new tags are given per month... each will receive a doc. Its not that much, and people that manage to receive a tag are valuable enough for us to do everything possible to make them enjoy their time here as much as possible. 3$ per trip sounds real, consider 2 trips per doc, plus manufacturing cost. It will be about 10$/doc in total (variable, i don't have exact numbers yet). 10$ per doc, will make that player to respect md roles a lot more and value everything that md means much more. Its called loyalization and in time it might mean the difference between a player spending 6mo in md or 6 years. Not to mention that this might bring back some ancient valuable but inactive players back. Its a fantasy of mine, true, but i feel md is missing something without some form of achievable, collectible, touchable 'thing' for advancing in it. i am only very sorry i can't receive such docs myself,..i would go crazy trying to collect more :))) I hope i am not doing anything too wild, but i strongly believe that this is something good for md.
MD Titles - issue disclosing personal home address
Muratus del Mur replied to Muratus del Mur's topic in MD Title Discussion
its a A4+ envelope, it will probably get slightly bended on the way, i hope not so much, but there is nothing that can break inside it. Its a paper afterall. -
UPDATE: credit purchased manually to support this budget are at a fixed rate of 1$=1credit with no bonus for larger ammounts, but you can buy any ammount (for example 27credits) instead of the fixed shop credit packs. contact me via email (mur@magicduel...) with the ammount you wish to purchase and i will give you details what to do. In this way its much easier for me to manage and separate these payments and also shows you are willing to support this cause not just prefer to bug me with a manual payment instead of the automated shop payment. PLEASE try to avoid the default shop packs, so if you want 20 credits, pick either 19 or 21 just not 20, so it will be easier for me to differentiate the payments later.
Of course many of you will have a big issue disclosing their personal address and i fully understand and agree to that. Thats why, i will try to offer you here some acceptable solutions : credits issued with a blank/unsigned authority field are sent only by me. These titles i wish to send them in a way i will be sure that they reach the actual person i intend them for and not some other player. In this case I will be the only one to know your personal address. You can still use one of the methods described below, but if i feel something is suspicious and i might be sending the blank docs to someone else, i will not send them. The final owner of a title, most of you, can use any of the methods below. A) open a PO box. Go to the post office and request a PO box, you will only have to give the number and office of the po box and not your name or address. This service is usually not free however. B) give the address of a relative , work colleague, or friend. If the title is alread signed and completed, it can be sent to anyone you wish and trust and you will not have to give out your actual address/name C) Personal delivery in some countries. In some countries i might be able to arrange for personal delivery by other players in that area. This means i can send all docs in an area to one person and that person will meet you and give you the title in hand, not through post. Of course if you don't have such a big issue disclosing your address to me and/or to the second authority that will sign the doc, its A LOT more simple to ship them directly to you. If you are underaged and your parents might get mad about you giving your address to people they don't know, you should explain them what this is about and ask them for an alternative on how you could receive these papers. If you think there are any other issues or situations i might have missed, write here and i will try to find a solution. NOTE: if for some reason you will totally disagree to find any way to receive the document as a "real paper", it will NOT be issued as a scan or in electronic format, in fact it will not be issued at all. These docs are meant to be RL collectibles , that means _totally no_ to any form of virtuality regarding them. You receive post from various sources, from bills to spam, so there is no possible reason other than lack of interest or disregard to the importance of these docs if you chose not to receive one. I hope everyone understands this point of view before explaining me their own issues with receiving mail. Living on an island with nothing but internet connection is also not an excuse :P Living on an other planet might be an excuse however, i will teleport the title docs for martians "soon"