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Muratus del Mur

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Everything posted by Muratus del Mur

  1. doesn't matter i will do them again as i need them. i just need the symbol design
  2. thats the alt checker that does that... it might be a cross detection, with me being the one that once logged on one of the accounts to test something, and on the other, and then you two look as alts, or it might be that you did it, i don't know answer rophs question first, let me know if it happens just between you two and if its random or constant
  3. i'll fix it.
  4. there will be a swarm of new features that will use triggers..under these circumstances, i consider the triggers box obsolete, but for now i have no other alternative to it. When i will end my development madness i will think what to do with it, based on its actual use. For now it looks its still acceptable, not perfect, but definitely usable as it is.
  5. without reading much of the previous posts, hat i have to say is that alliane takeovers will always remain a possibility, but what you might see in the future is a more automated (hard however) way to get an ally back. thats all.
  6. everything in one email pls provide your id, assumed reward you expect (what was it? gold i think?) and item ids Thanks
  7. its not supposed to. if over time this will become a problem, it will have a 'view more' button scroll would look very ugly there
  8. EXAMPLE 4 - require a certain number of unique players to click a clickie (or more) OR - require a certain number of clickies be clicked, scattered across the map When complete, a gate can open, or a 3rd state activateble clickie can be activated ( a clickie invisible till the moment it becomes activated). Place a giant creature over a gate or arrow to prevent advancing, or the opposite, kill a giant crit or remove an obstacle. Same way to open hidden entrance to something. Use together with new scene adding tool. ----------------- PUBLIC RELEASE OF THESE FEATURES MIGHT TAKE A LONG WHILE TOO. PLUS, ONLY VERY FEW SKILLED QUEST MAKERS WILL BE ALLOWED TO USE THEM AT FIRST, FOR QUESTS THEY NEED TO PRESENT AND PLAN FIRST.
  9. yes pls send detailed email with item ids and your id , please also spcfy what the expected rewards are ..i was away for a long time and i forgot many things. I will grant the rewards frist and then check and upload stuff later. (abusing my trust will be treated with zero tolerance, be honest)
  10. send them to me be sure sure to put very clear subject line also because i was not dealing with this past..years..please be so kind and remind me in that email everything i need to know about it and i might forgot (like if there is any reward i need to give, if this used to be announced anyhow, etc) Thank you
  11. For the record, i am willing to re-establish this guild again, functional as before, if there are people willing to make it work as it was supposed to, and as long as there is nobody that has a good reason why it should remain disbanded.
  12. yes, messages with such meaning are received by people without synesthesia, and they react. The only difference is that for me is clear why i receive a certain 'message' but for them its not. My mother had this same thing, but had the colors totally different associated, its interesting. I made a survey in md once and it was over 60% of the people that answered they feel there is a strong connection between the given numbers ad colors. It might be that y 'messages' in md gathered people more inclined to such things, or that indeed there are a lot of people that find such asociations obvious...i don't know. I use such things in md for example in the proportions of the interface, it causes a feeling of "home"/confort, associated with the goldish color and number 4. Also red is used for accent. An other number that has similar resonance is 120, and its used, a lot...many things i wont detail here and now, but all i can say is that for me shapes numbers and colors are almost same material and i am careful when using them together, everything points towards the meaning i want to achieve. i see it as normal thing to do as long as i see things clear in my own personal way...even if some might see it as subliminal messages, brainwashing or whatever crap..i see it as a way of communication, like artworks and music, this is the same, just uncommon. btw, when i was little i was doing simple math exercises using colors in my mind, not numbers.. now i can't do that anymore..even if 3 (green) and 4 (yellow) have something to do with 7 (blue)..for bigger numbers it gets fuzzy. Not unclear ..however hard to explain in words what 'color' 198073 is for example. (a shiny metal purple-dark blue spark that fades away to a muddy water pastel blue)
  13. Never tried..probably. I know i am a lot more influencible by subliminal messages done this way by an other people with similar ability.. but i also have a huge chance to spot such 'messages'. The advantage is that i can "Use" this to put secondary meanings to things.. These meanings are not received in a conscious way but they have visible effect. I can spot for example the hidden influences of a logo, and i must say i saw many such messages in advertising clips and such. Probably if someone could feed me a well designed message i would react to it..but idk.. Making customized messages like this is quite rare ability
  14. EXAMPLE 3 - have several clickies skattered across the map that when clicked will set a trigger. A main clickie could then check if all needed activating clickies have been set and do something. For example, you could activate a complex mechanism to put in motion a generator in GG, or activate 'secret' levers to force open nc gate. The time these clickies remain activated can be set, so a team work/repeatable and even very challenging but simple quest could be created to perform certain actions..lets say ..a eon immobilizer? :P ---- THIS WILL BE THE BASE FOR LAND WEAPONS, but can be used for quests too. detailed documentation about what each feature does will be written by kyphis
  15. i think spells are abilities to influence md world and change it. Spells should be granted based on certain skills, these skills are shown by obtaining wishpoints. People that are able to obtain wishpoints should get more powerful spells, not those that use them more, nor should spell level increase by itself over time or other actions. Obtaining a spell is also a matter of choice, when you have a wishpoint to spend you get more options on what to spend it. This is important.
  16. yeah it looks like 4,5 orange 5 is red for me i could be easily fooled to think that 4 is greater than 4 but lower than 4
  17. answer to the title: YES, totally, but i believe you need a certain inclination to it to make it work. i've analyzed my own synesthesia (numbers vs colors vs proportions) and after many years i concluded that "its normal"...its just not very common. Certain brain areas jump to help other parts. So..lets say you have 20units working on a number related task, and 40 idle that would normally process just colors. "Normal" people would use 20unit to process numbers and just that. some people, force their limits and make part of other brain areas to jump in and help. These extra brain power will have its own specifics, and will sometime bring new ways of analyzing information. For example, for me number 4 and yellow are almost the same. If i see a deformed rectangle,it will have a number associated to it, but because the information is processed by neurons not usually occupied with visual data, it will also have additional information attached to it..such as..feelings. I can positively say that some shapes make you feel more confortable while other shapes can stress you. My weakest point is language. I was semi retard in that aspect, but slowly other parts of my brain took over language processing and i compensated...not only that i compensated, but i could master 2-3 multiple meanings within same phrase, rhyme, and stuff like that, just by using other brain power such as color and shape dedicated areas. However when i am tired, those brain sections can't connect to each other same way, and i return to be a retard in talking , almost like now , when i find it difficult to write this post. I assume its also my main problem why i can't read a lot of text..not sure yet. anyway. With exercise and will, you could train your brain to join forces of multiple areas and manifest synethesia like symptoms
  18. losing a random principle when you die, and a drop in mp level..sounds interesting...very
  19. a debate should be if you should be able to edit principles or not. i think no. but i am willing to be contradicted.
  20. there is a direct action-reaction between gg and nc, visible. md and lr are not at all same land
  21. i didn't read the entire post, maybe i will when i get less busy (sorry no disrespect) ..however i saw some part of it , and i need to confirm something. Significant parts of the map are edges of a cube. Follow that line and you will discover something that was once a secret (still might be for many)..there is an edge between necro and archives, (spoiler ommited here) like any edge , there is something along it "MB's fence is an edge between two faces of unfolded cube?"
  22. FEEL FREE TO REARRANGE OR "FIX" ANY CLICKABLE I PLACED RANDOMLY FOR TESTING PURPOSES. chew and kyph you both have access to the new tool use it
  23. :) last moments of reason before everything goes insane
  24. it is nice and interesting how well you could describe principles in a few words (even if time principle confuses me!) Principles are more like habitats where forces could manifest a certain way, not forces on their own.
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