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Muratus del Mur

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Everything posted by Muratus del Mur

  1. Intrigue, Azull, Shadowseeker and me for now update: i lowered the angle on the blade..its probably 3-4deg now... more like a shallow ground razor. The problem is that the edge starts to be brittle and actually lost its smoothness. I will not give up, i intend to polish it back to remove the shattered parts, but it takes time. I am not using any special tools, i am not "sharpening" it with a piece of cloth and one of leather, and used fine sandpaper at first...so it really takes time, but i do it because i enjoy putting my thoughts in order while i do this. My example or way of doing might not be the best...actually for sure it isn't. I am sure there are probably other, obvious ways, to achieve the target of the contest. I am not excluding the possibility that you can grab your existing kitchen knife and just cut the cigarette in one try, who knows, maybe what i am doing is so totally wrong that i don't even realize it .. it wouldn't be the first time to happen so. I didn't try to cut a cigarette again since last time i replied to this topic, but i will soon, just a bit more sharpening before that
  2. I am happy again :) it seems to me that this "mistake" makes more sense than the "correct" version. As you have pointed out, the east lands are divided in two, both owned controlled by Mur and one owned...or is it the other way arround? both controlled by Mur and one owned? haha Anyway, it makes perfect sense now, much better than if it would have been if "fixed". Maybe making it fully latin would have been a slightly better version of it, but WHY and who sais MD has anything to do with latin afterall. Its all about meaning, and as far as meaning goes, this makes indeed sense. I like my stamp now. i will add this to the coincidences that make md happen :)) I was ready to throw it away, so thank you ..not for calming me down...but for explaining it to me what it means so i can decide if its ok or not, and i decide it is more than ok.
  3. the fast answer is that the tickets will be given to any account exceeding 1000 credits, for now, with intent to give them to anyone exceeding 200 once this sistem is fully automated. now it would be too time consuing to do it manually for everyone exceeding 200, you understand. If you have 100 accounts each with 5 credits, it can't count as a total of 500credits. Doing that means that it will be too easy to abuse, because you can count in that any free credits given automatically, count free credits you could get daily, and so on. I thought such things are OBVIOUS. There might be indeed cases of people that spend large amounts on a couple of accouts without exceeding 1000 on each..that is true. I might find a solution to that...thinking of it now, this is what comes to mind: any spent credits exceeding a certain (LARGE) ammout could be transfered from one account/alt to a main. This process will be done manually..so i am thinking to put this limit at 500 spent credits. UNSPENT credits won't be trasferable, ..i dont know why, but i think its less probable to become subject of abuse if i make only spent credits transferable. Please correct me if i am wrong or come with better options. Also, limits like max 2 alts to be summed up, would be good. I don't want to leave an open gate for abuse, but i also don't want to deny spent credits tickets to people that really purchased them in good faith. There is no "rule" to tell you should only buy tickets on one account, and the tickets are aimed for the person, not just for the account...as Sasha pointed out. It also depends on how many such cases there are. We might be talking of just one person here, in that case i can keep this decision on case/by/case basis.
  4. I will issue a series of items that will value 200 spent/purchased credits each. What we will do later with these tickets i don't know yet, but this is a first step to revive the spent credits shop. Once these items are given, they could be used for a limited access treasury, similar to the drach cave, where i could place top value items to pick from. Again, for those that are confused what all this is about, it means that all credits that ever reached you will count as 1 gift for each 200credits you have/had regardless of how you got them (gift, bonuses, rewards, freecredits, purchased) I reindexed the list with top supporters. Below you find the current one, with details. Many people are no longer active, i will still give them these items i think. All people in this list will receive several such items because this list contains people that accumulated over 1000credits (5 tickets). Some already received items in exchange so will receive tickets just for the remaining values. These tickets won't be given out automatically from now on, but ocasionally. Anyway once i setup this process once it will be easy to do it more often (maybe once or twice a year? we will discuss this later) playername / player ID / active days / TICKETS Nava 184261 521 10 Zleiphneir 77300 1556 10 Ailith 80963 986 9 *Shemhazaj* 143975 1712 8 Kyphis 104972 1763 7 Jolla 217374 904 7 Menhir 202298 1213 7 Tal 214701 1000 7 Azull 202015 1255 7 Ratbert 198665 904 7 darkraptor 193670 1183 6 Handy Pockets 136253 1508 6 Dayredeemer 109921 866 6 Manda 182380 1212 6 BigC 10213 336 6 Princess Katt 202952 802 5 duxie 208462 729 5 Yoshi 169242 602 5 Lady Aster 10080 591 5 Shoeps 12996 1052 5 MRG 38304 641 5 Junior 43448 1845 5 BlackThorn 54807 418 5 Mystic 104274 995 5 Akasha 1014 2173 5 sasha lilias 148016 742 5 lashtal 221376 968 5 The items will be UNTRANSFERABLE for obvious reasons.
  5. please correct me if i am wrong, currently the only person trying to win this contest is Intrigue? Please state your playername clearly here and say you are participating... i can't tell just from your comments if you are planning to try or just talk about it. p.s. remember the hardest part is at the end, you need to cut it clean off, not just leave it hanging. I did some progress myself, almost there, its harder than it looks, but except the fact that i will probably quit smoking if i keep ruining my cigarettes on this, its a very fun thing to do..the sharpening i mean..and you realize how something so fragile like paper, is still so resistant in front of a mighty blade :D
  6. Sasha, i saw origamy drachs before, this is a simple atempt, does not look that interesting compared to others i saw. My verdict, good but not enough, try again. You could do origami still if you want, but thats no drach there...and maybe you can find something more original anyway...its a drach you are getting as a reward, put some effort :)
  7. So dominium is "above" dominion and the dominion is part of this dominium. That sound very good, yet someone told me it sounds wrong in English. Azull's explenation means also that the land name shouldn't be changed?
  8. I am still analyzing your answers and will change a decision soon.
  9. Rophs, that works :) name your reward and find me in-game to obtain it Congrats! ps.: Tal, you still need to find me, right?
  10. So you say its fine like this?
  11. Ok, thanks everybody for not really giving a fuck about all this. I put it public, i asked your opinion, somehow i missed this tying error, now i've spend a lots of money making this insanely large stamp that i was so happy about ..and now you notice the type error. I wonder if anyne even looked at the initial picture or text that i put. I am just one, and have my eye formed on what was supposed to be writing, thats why i posted here to a bunch of people to double-triple check all is fine. I am really in a very bad mood right now, my enthusiasm to make the process of making these docs public and with public involvement suddenly vanished...i mean what the hell is the point to ask the community to spell check or just give an opinion on something if after weeks of waiting, you notie the mistake the same day the item si aready made. fuck it really. I will make them myself from now on and don't need any of your support, all i asked was opinions, especially on small things i might miss due to my very VERY stressed and busy life, thats the bit that filled the glass. I don't even know if DOMINIUM means something or its just a pathetic spelling mistake. I googled it and i don't understand what it realy means or in what context it applies actually. damn i am angry. I think i will throw it away, and one sunny day when i won't have anything else to do with the money i will try it again, anyhow, this is the last thing i will show public from what will come, the rest you will see them if you get them by post, end of discussion. and topic. If anyone has anything to reply to the meaning usage of the word dominium and if it can be used while in the text below writes dominion, please send me a pm.
  12. AUDIENCE STARTED. This will be decided in the throne hall, there is no ruch to be there, it will take days, i will try to wait as much as you waited for me, its fine, there is noooo rush. If you go away however, you either return on your own forces somehow, there might be ways, actuallly commonly available ways... or yo remain outside and miss the audience, i will not summon you back there. Lets just hope you will cath the christmas gifts and not remain trapped there till then:)))))
  13. i am not destroying knives, i just respect them for purposes they should never be used for :D actually looked at it today and its more like 6deg angle..but whatever. Such a blade i am doing for FUN, or for the ultimate cutting experiencing when cutting vegetables in one swift move :)) ...i am not doing this to all my knives and will ever do this to a heavy duty knive such as a hunting knive. Please let me know if your vg10 cuts the cigarette in one swift move , especially the last part of it where is the actual tricky part ! ..i don't have a vg10 to try, and if i would have one i would not shape it as this angle either. I was criticized this quest is too simple for the reward, i am still intrigued by how simple it looks and how hard it actually is. I was stroping (or how its called) my pocket knife foor the past day, its almost razor sharp, can cut half the way or more, but to the end the paper gets ruined. Remember i said at most 45deg angle. I still consider this to be a work of finesse, something that will teach you what the difference is between very sharp and a bit sharper than very sharp. Anyone that has anything to complain about this contest being unfair, is welcome to try to win it fast before someone else wins it so unfair as it might seem. I changed my mind about ending the contest on the first winner. I will keep the contest open after the first person will win it, but i will not give the same insane reward...i will give something less valuable, but more personal..and the second place of this contest will be selected by other criteria .. If you think you can do it, TRY IT. If you can't film it due to privacy issues, remember all i asked is a paper to write your playername in it , i don't need anything else that might identify you and there are numerous places you can upload pics annonimously if you don't like to post it irectly here or storenow/ Stop hiding behind such crap arguments, nobody is aiming for your identity or anything. The only real argument is that you might not posses a web camera, but its VERY likely you know someone with a phone that can help you film one with the phone, we live in tech era, seriously you can't say you can't manage to film a 10sec movie if you realy want to.
  14. talking about other games on the forum is fine. Promoting repeteadly other games here is not ok. 1) is harmful for seo reasons to post links t external sites repeatedly 2) if one does it, then many will spam forum with their referar links to other games, and i don't like the view of that would you get banned if talking about md events all the time on an others games forum? probably so...then why not here also? Thank you for understanding.
  15. YES ..my best razor cuts the cigarette in one swift move. so, no commercially purchased razors allowed :)) sharpen..something ..yourself, in a way to cut a cigarette in half, somewhere in the middle, by holding it just by the filter, without bending or damaging its shape. I will continue to shrpen my pocket knife till it reaches this sharpness, now i know its very possible :D
  16. Cigarette of normal form factor not slim but longer allowed. Not slef made cigarettes or rolled.. You may hold it firmly in your hand just from the filter (as opposed to holding it close to the cut). The cut may be slightly diagonal..but not exagerated. 45degrees max should be enough. The cut needs to show clean without tearing or squashing the cigarette paper. As i said i did not tru with a razor or any special material knife. I am currently sharpening a medium-cheap steel (chrome-vanadium-molibden) to such a degree that i can easily shave with it... but it still can't cut the cigarette right. I will try now with a top quality razor, happens i have a very very expensive one ... and i will let you know if it works. I also did not yet try with slighty serated blade. My blade angle i used is 10deg (insane..i know) ..you might find other shapes more suited for this...it is NOT an impossible quest at all. ..but will require a certain level of experimenting and involvement. Its also time limited because as soon as i see a clean smooth cut done with your own sharpened blade. I will award the prise. The concept i am using now to sharpen insanely sharp blade is to polish manually both sides of the knife to a flat surface. The intersection of two flat surfaces will end up in a mathematically precise line..this line can get insanely sharp even on crap cheap steel..but you will get easier results with carbon silversteel or aus8..or cheaper chisese versions. A common 440c steel that you find in most cheap hunting knives can also be sharpened this way. A laminated multilayered (damascus) blade (crazy price) can theoretically achieve a narrower edge and be sharper...i never tried. I go try the razor now and let you know
  17. I got the Dominion stamp today ..yeeeyy. I still have no ink for it, i couldn't find the right size on stock anywherr..its huge stamp. This mighr be either partially with UV elements, or red ink partially uv visible, or entirely uv and used as a background for the text area of the doc (writing on both stamp ink and security pattern will make it really really hard to alter after). .. in a few days (a week or two maybe, depends on my funds) i will get the ink and ..how its called that you put the ink on... See attached img for the final form and size of the stamp i just got...its as i said..huugee [attachment=4452:20140217_182528.jpg]
  18. I am a bit obsessed with sharpness, mainly because its easy to sharpen a blade up to a point but when you need that extra bit of sharpness that makes a difference, you face problems that make you learn things "at the edge" are not how you expect them to be. I am putting up a challenge. TASK: Sharpen a knife blade in such a way that you will be able to cut in one swift (slow or fast) , one direction move, a cigarette, somewhere at the middle of it, while holding it by the filter. Cut angle must be between 90 (perpendicular) and 45 deg. The cigarette can be any normal brand but not "cigar" or slims. The blade can be any material you wish. The cut must be clean and not leave the cut part hanging or tear the paper. . I never tried with ceramic blades or very high-carbon steel. Also various blade shapes might offer a better chance. There are two types of motivations in this. One is that i never managed to do this, and i will keep trying till i succeed, i am competing too but i am obviously doing it wrong maybe. The second is that i am offering a kill dagger md-item as a reward for who succeeds. If you manage to do this, you will need to film this, with a md logo and playername paper next to it as a proof. I am fully aware that you might find a sharp enough blade and not sharpen it yourself, so i will offer a second reward, privately, for a detailed explenation and pictures or schethces of how you've sharpen it. Without such explenation, you still winn the prise, but with proof its YOU that sharpen the blade, i will match your effort in a customized reward. You either show me an other creative way to do the trick or show me you aquired such skill to make it real and sharp (streight edge, sharpen by you). underaged people please do not participate, i don't wan't any of you near ultrasharp blades, cigarettes or sharpening tools. I do realize there might be nobody to participate in this quest. There is also a chance to learn something out of this "outside md", therefore the high reward. Good luck. ps, if you want to participate, please state your name here, for my own pleasure, i want to know how many have tried.
  19. This is a very risky "quest" i won't be able to supervise this, due to lack of time. Who will confirm some sensitive aspects of creature research? I do not agree that this should be a quest with rewards, because as you said, there is no right or wrong, and giving rewards means confirming something is "right" and such a thing is not under your authority to confirm or infirm and is also not the way research is done. You basically presented the entire thing exactly as i see it, so everything is fine. The results will be very interesting indeed and very helpful in the way you intend them. I am interested in two particular creatures, to know how people see them and why...but i won't tell what crits i am talking about, don't try to guess, you won't. In such a case where you can't reward someone because of the above reasons, i would suggest a tombola type of rewarding. Every "educated" reply will participate in a random picking ...if you accept such a way of rewarding that will not be directly related to the answers but the participating in this "research", i am willing to sponsor. If you have better method to reward without implying answer to be right or wrong, please post it public and notify me, i am willing to discuss it, and this might create a precedent.
  20. I received a couple of sponsorship offers, from some of you that want to help with the costs of these papers. I am sure you all have good intentions, but please don't send me any such offers. I did not reply to them, because i am replying here, and this is valid for everyone. Financial support is more than welcome of course, but i will not accept any such support until i will announce the people that will receive such docs (to distribute further, like the kings for example, but not just them). It would place me in a weird position where i can't send you such a doc even if you paid a significant part of the cost, and thats something i want to avoid. Once i will announce who gets them, you are free to offer your support, then you will know for sure if you get something or not, and your support will not be considered to influence my decision. I hope its clear what i mean. Currrent status: nothing new. I am facing a wall of stupidity and missunderstanding from local printing services that somehow get scared to print such a thing the way i want it, and with the stamp, i face an other idiotic issue,...namely, i need to provide documents about the identities on the stamp..hahha..yeah..ofc this is a stupidity, and probably if i will go to an other shop it will be fine, but i think i will print myself a fake document to prove i am the king of the east lands :)))) ..it would actually be original :))) ..i thought to share this small and hilarious incident with you :)
  21. i have a clear ideea of what will happen next, but ..i will wait a couple of days more. Once i make the announcement i can't change it ..so i give myself a bit of time to change my mind :)) don't worry, i didn't forget about this topic....why.. is anyone in a hurry?
  22. --------------------------------- this topic ends here. I will announce the results after a period of thinking --------------------------------- post anything else only if really needed, no new applications past this point.
  23. woaahh how did i miss this one, awesome idea really
  24. omg kyph, if the application is so long, i am afraid how our conversations might be as a leader, lol. I need to finish reading it tomorow, i really have a serious concentration issue with long text you know..
  25. indecision does not look good for leadership positions, however they are wise. I will leave this topic open till i feel able to analyze the entries, i don't feel that good at the moment
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