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Muratus del Mur

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Everything posted by Muratus del Mur

  1. i finished the described fix. It either the most briliant fix i ever made, or i am losing my mind and its the most idiotic change ever made. Either way, let me know how it works. Expect crazy behaviour after you build and destroy some farms and walls. I could call this a pseudo blockchain method, as all the spending and income ever done by a player is stored decentralized in each cell ☸️:8.6678240740741-0.49189814814815 In here you can see the food each cell considers as produced (first number) and spent (second number) Once this fix is confirmed by you i will remove this uglyness.
  2. There is a problem. Food should be stored by "parcel" (remind me to rename these to land lots or something more obvious in case its not). Each parcel has its own food production and stored food, that feeds its soldiers and allows building of things only on that land. The player itself does not have an overall food production or storage, and i want it to remain like that. The problem with parcels is that they can change after each move. This was the cause of the random food values. My initial fix was to store food evenly distributed with each land tile within a parcel, this allows of a live calculation of the food supply even if parcels split during an attack, or when they change id (very often during play, due to the land crawler that assigns them an id as it finds them). This kind of works, because food is only added at the end of the round based on farms and number of tiles. The issue comes when i need to consume food. As its not stored anywhere, there is no place i can subtract it from. I was thinking to allow each cell to remember what was consumed on it, due to building stuff, and thats ok, but what to do with soldiers, they move around. I could store that with each soldier, and remember its cost and use it to recalculate the food constantly, but its a bad ideea. This would lead to a sort of land memory, where you would receive the spent food every time a unit is killed, or a land tile is lost. So..again, a summary: Because the land parcels change identity constantly, the food consumption and production can't be stored with the land itself, has to be stored with each cell, and recalculated constantly. But spent food is not like produced food, its fluid, cells can be lost, units killed, and the memory of the food they ate gets lost as well. currently i have no solution to this...but i have a suggestion. I could split the food to all tiles at the start of the round, and also the food spent. This could keep the record, and distribute it evenly across all land cells. Food production or spent amount would still be erased when losing a tile, but there would be strange side effects. One of the side effects would be that you would gain a small amount of food when losing a tile, based on your previous food consumption. Also there might be strange behaviour when merging or splitting parcels...but i am not sure what exactly. Since i have absolutely no better ideea, and making the land crawler somehow remember the previous identity of each parcel is an insane task, i will go on with this. Please let me know if the outcome leads to an acceptable gameplay or not.
  3. yes of course. I will open a new topic regarding this issue as it seems far more complicated than i thought initially, maybe someone can help with a briliant ideea.
  4. Damn...i fixed the food system so well, that its making sure the food is there at all times now:))) I need to coubt the spent food separately till the end of round and subtract it from the next round calculation..will do.
  5. Fixed bug with randomly lost food Fixed bug with startup food (needs check) Now you gain a small amount of food when capturing an enemy cell, based on the food production of that enemy land. This is a nice side effect of the fact that now food is stored on the actual cells, so you when you capture a cell you also capture its food supply. Each new turn, each cell receives an equal share of food based on the lands food production. This value is however rounded to 4 decimals, so in some cases, especially for low food production due to high number of high level units, but a lot of land tiles, the rounding could cause an issue..i am not sure yet if its a real problem or just little difference.
  6. I will post here the details on what each unit eats and hwo much is needed to build a construction. I will not be able to keep this list updated, so if anything changes later, sorry. At some point i will put this info in the game and there it will be live. What each unit eats: Scout = 0 (unreleased yet) Soldier Lvl 1 => 2 food Soldier Lvl 2=> 10 food Soldier Lvl 3=> 30 food Soldier Lvl 4=> 100 food Farm cost to build (in food) number of farms => cost of new farm 0=>15 1=>17 2=>19 3=>21 4=>25 5=>25 6=>30 7=>35 8=>45 9=>65 10=>80 11=>90 12=>110 13=>150 14=>170 15=>200 16=>300 17=>400 18=>500 19=>600 20=>700 21=>800 22=>900 23=>1000 24=>1100 25=>1200 Farms produce +5 each Soldier recruit cost (food): Scout =>9999 (unreleased) Soldier lvl 1=>10 Soldier lvl 2=>25 Soldier lvl 3=>40 Soldier lvl 4=>50 Soldier lvl 5=>60 Walls cost wall level 1 = 5 initial wall level 2 = 10 initial (and -2/turn) Attack power of a soldier Is equal to its level, a soldier level 1 will have 1 attack and will be able to conquer only tiles with zero defense. Units can conquer only tiles with less defense than their attack. Defence of a location Each soldier has a defense equal to its level+1, this becomes the defense of the tile he sits on. Each soldier influences the surrounding tiles and increases their defense by 1 Buildings add +1 defense to a place Walls level 1 add +2 defense to a place Walls level 2 add +3 defense to a place
  7. I will put some info about what farms cost and what units need to eat. I don't think there is any issue or randomness regarding what you can build or when. It unlocks depending on your stored food, and some buildings cost progressively more after you build one. I will document this first, then let me know if you still think its bugged.
  8. As you probably already know, i am building an other game, totally something else than MD. Since MD community is my base of friends and collaborators, i am sharing this here with you. I am looking for people that want to help find bugs, test it, share ideas but also build strategic maps and later on help me manage this game, if something comes out of it. There is no payment involved, sadly. I am doing this as a personal side project and all the money i can spare from my daily job, what is not going into md, i will invest in comissioning better artworks and design for it. Of course if you are an artist and wish to help, i can pay for specific work..but thats an other story for an other topic. So, if you like playing turn based strategy games, and you like the gameplay of this one and wish to help..well..i need your help Things needed right now: 1) Bug testing. Give the game a try and see if you can find glitches and bugs with the gameplay. 2) Maps. I built a map editor..its rudimentary for now. I need people that could build maps using it. Building a map involves having a great ideea for a map, and placing elements such as water, walls, units and so on, on a blank map. These maps will be used later on as levels and multiplayer maps. Any offer for help, feedback or suggestion, please write here or on discord. Thank you all!
  9. Topic closed, Thanks to Mag and Fyrd , you both provided more than enough for what i need!
  10. I am working on a new interface page, to show corelations between items. I need your help building this page, so here is what i need: Tell me about item corelations ALREADY EXISTING at this moment. I need _exact_ item name (copy pasted pls) and what could it turn to (also copy pasted item name), and what items places (coords) or circumstances are needed for that particular transformation to happen. For example to build you Molima you need x, y, z items. Imagine it will be a sort of branched legend showing all possible items and what they could turn into, and what items are required to obtain them. Please send these to me in private, as it would be too much of a spoiler to post them publicly. In the end, the page will show only the items that you own, for example: Item A ---> Item B, C ---> Item ??? -> Item ??? ----> Item F The final structure and information of this page will be decided based on what info you will provide, and more about this later. Your help is very useful because there are lots of things i no longer know about but you might know, and it would be incredibly time consuming for me to re-discover all by checking locations, and logs. Please describe ONLY EXISTING CORELATIONS Thank you
  11. its important if the error shows when clicking a navigational arrow , or if it shows on its own without clicking anything, like the issue on gwi. I changed the error msg to be more clear if its caused by autorun code, and i am thinking to make it just silently refresh instead of the cache error.
  12. I enabled a forum feature called "Clubs". I must say, i have no clue if it is not confusing or it is super nice feature, but i will let you decide that. Feedback is welcome, and for a month or more, consider this experimental. At the end of the experimental period i will ask you to vote if to keep this feature or not, and we will discuss its potential uses. If the clubs get used and i see relevant content there, voting will be skipped and we keep them. One potential use of clubs would be for really offtopic , but well organized content. I would open for example a club related to watchmaking, or cooking, and allow there anyone that is interested. Using clubs as an equivalent of in-game guilds is also a possibility, but in such case it will need heavy moderation. Have fun
  13. So, we moved to a different domain, slightly different forum software due to its licence and changed options. Now let the bug reports flow. I am sure there are still issues with it, so if you encounter any please post it, so me or @Chewett can work to fix them. The new forum has several advantages over the old one, and i am hoping to finally be able to make it bring new players in MD. The old forum had a traffic restriction, and possibly the google rankings where severely affected by it. Also, as a future plan, i intend to connect the forum much better with the game itself, and i already have a list of ideas i want to implement. ..but first lets make it work as it is I really hope you like the new domain, myself i like it very much, i am glad i could find such a domain.
  14. your votes but most of all your arguments are clear to me. right click will be enabled back. Thank you for your feedback
  15. I would like to know if the disabled right click bothers any of you and if you think its better with it or without it. From your own personal perspective please, don't make assumptions for others The poll voting is just for inspiration, i will consider the poll score, but i will also consider your explanations more than the simple votes. Thank you
  16. I have reviewed your feedback, and even if the score of the poll is slightly in favor of doing this change, i have decided not to do this change afterall. Thank you all for your very valuable feedback.
  17. I am planning to change top lists such as most popular and other, to include only people active in the last 7 days. Ofc as soon as other login they will take their place back on the list where they should be, but while they are not active they wont show there. The bad thing i see, is that this might 'promote' less worthy people, due to the low number of active people at times, and make some legendary but inactive people be forgotten faster. The good thing is that the lists will make more sense if showing active people and not long gone ghosts of the past. Opinions, sugestions? Thanks
  18. Killing items are not easy to come by, and where they can be used without limit, such as nc deathguard, the rules must apply for all, otherwise mp5 will make mp3 accounts to avoid death. If someone wants to waste a kill on a mp3, it is probably for a reason. The problem right now is that being dead is just an other cool thing to try out, without any sort of real damage...and this leads to abuse. A would say a considerable (but not absurd) skill damage would be good. Maybe 5% ?
  19. Please answer clearly to this: 1) You said : "So only one of the 2 attackbonus is working." Could you detail that pls? 2) also, put it simple, (its super hard for me to follow fight logs) what is the way it currently works and how was it supposed to be 3) Are you talking about something that used to work right and suddenly it changed, or something that you just noticed its not working as described. Know these i hope to be able to understand the error, if it is one, and its cause. Thanks
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