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Muratus del Mur

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Everything posted by Muratus del Mur

  1. cut the bullshit. He was giving you a fair chance to act nice and not to continue to take us for idiots. This was the part where you where supposed to explain you did something stupid not knowing its forbidden and we would have pretended its fine and tell you not to do it in the future... but i see you insist so i have to stop this now. you are wasting our time and auto clickers are not new in this world, same like people pretending they have no clue about it. For trying to pretend you have no clue you get one month jail from me personally effective immediately. If Chew actually wants to go deeper with this and look back in time over your recent activity its up to him, but for me its crystal clear. So far 3679 bot attacks, here are they by day 11 2023 May 08 107 2023 May 09 145 2023 May 10 172 2023 May 11 136 2023 May 12 62 2023 May 13 43 2023 May 16 66 2023 May 17 165 2023 May 18 49 2023 May 19 233 2023 May 20 223 2023 May 21 33 2023 May 23 180 2023 May 24 175 2023 May 25 103 2023 May 26 251 2023 May 27 51 2023 May 28 200 2023 May 29 149 2023 May 30 12 2023 May 31 21 2023 June 01 227 2023 June 02 131 2023 June 03 11 2023 June 04 76 2023 June 05 176 2023 June 06 80 2023 June 07 87 2023 June 08 41 2023 June 09 14 2023 June 10 114 2023 June 11 13 2023 June 20 122 2023 June 21
  2. I tried making it to scroll down when someone inputs something, not constantly, but i failed. I asked @Chewett to play superhero and see if he can fix this issue
  3. other chat actions , i will paste here because i'm too tired rn to make a nice post, sorry. Just so dont get lost in my notes /shutup Kyphis SHUT UP Kyphis /givetrophies 3 to Fyrd Argentus *gives 3 trophies to Fyrd Argentus* /preset Ace of Spades *presents Ace of Spade*/ /preset Ace of Spades for 1000 *presents Ace of Spades for 1000*
  4. How does it work? When you have an item capable of creating a chat choice action, you will see it marked with green in the inventory (full page and icons, not in the small sidebar) How you use it: if the item is named for example: "Ace of Spades", you type in chat this /present Ace of Spades or this: /present Ace of Spades for 100 *where the number is the number of seconds to enforce that choice in the chat for everyone If the "for xx" part is missing, whoever clicks the choices first, stops the voting and makes the result show. If the "for xx" part is present, the vote options will stay on for xx seconds, and collect all the choices clicked and who clicked them At the end, a list of people clicking what choice is presented. A number indicates the cumulated vote power of all that clicked that option. Vote power is calculated like this: vote power = 1 + consecutive weeks + popularity consecutive weeks = consecutive days / 7 consecutive days compensate for negative popularity, and positive popularity compensates for less consecutive active days votepower is minimum 1, can not go negative (Your vote still counts at least as a rookie vote, regardless of influences.) There is no use restriction or time restriction on such items, but do not abuse them. Do not use them to block public chat as revenge or to ruin other people events. If you do anything harmful with this feature, you will lose the item, and probably more. How do you get such items? On certain occasions i am giving them out freely, you just have to ask. Also, if you have a very good point in why your item should be capable of this feature, for example because its name or description suggests it, you can ask for this enhancement. There are more people capable of editing items, for now you can ask Chew, Aia and myself. You need to provide this info, mandatory: - item id - the description that should show in chat that tells something about the following choices - and the choices you want people to see when you activate the item Suggested Scenarios 1) Trivia contests, where a list of choices is presented, and the first one that clicks an answer stops the rest from selecting one. The organizer should decide if the answer is correct and keep the score 2) Tools, one example is that you can keep the chat blocked for x seconds, for whatever purpose you desire, but as long as it is a meaningful action and not an act of vandalism 3) Public elections and voting. The vote power is a good indicator of how much that person's vote means compared to other people that are less active or less appreciated within the community. The organizer could use the vote power score to measure vote results, or could count the voting people, either way, this tool can be used perfectly for whatever involves voting by many people 4) Branched stories and quest evolutions. To be honest, this is the one i love the most, and i built this tool hoping that one day i will get to use it for my own quests. It can be used to mark checkpoints of someone's story, and let the participants decide what should happen next, where to go next, what to do in certain actions, etc. Basically it can make any story interactive in an organized way, avoiding chat floods and such 5) I could spread around a series of possible actions, in form of items, and you could collect them and perform a rp based only on the actions provided by these items. Like this, this limit will force you into a competitive mode where you will try to find other possible actions, and the result will be based 100% on the reality of the items you found and used, so in terms of real, it will be as real as it can get in md, and supported by the following actions of Kings, myself, or other authorities in md. 6) Treasure hunts. Leave a choice selection in place, without a time limit set, and it will stay on as long as the chat exists (several hours). The first one to get there and click it wins 7) .. its up to you to discover more possibilities. I will even support good ideas with interface changes and sponsorships. Availabilty This kind of feature should be common. Do not go wild trading such items, because i intend to add them in shared items, and common items and give a lot of custom ones too. It should be a tool in the hands of anyone that has the desire to do something nice with it.
  5. What the f** is this.!? Super short: a way to exfiltrate creatures from md realm and store them in your Ethereum wallet.. O.o More: Ok, so first of all a brief introduction to NFT: NFT (or non-fungible tokens), are collectable and unique tokens created on a specifc blockchain (in this case Polygon/Ethereum), that can be traded, sold, kept, transfered, collected, etc . There is an open marketplace for these, you can trade them on Opensea.io, Rarible.com and other markets. Once a creature is minted to a NFT, it is gone from your bestiary. It might still be available in illusions mode and probably other places too. You can then do whatever you want with the nft token, even just keep it outside of md in your NFT wallet, or use it wherever NFTs can be used. We intend to allow the creature to return back to MD, but only under certain circumstances that will be described later. more on NFT here: https://www.investopedia.com/non-fungible-tokens-nft-5115211 Ok, but what are the costs? We are keeping a fixed, decent, fee at the time of minting the creature token, taken in MD credits, in order to cover the minting costs and buy me a coffee for developing this. Also the fee is meant to limit the amount of md creatures turned to NFT, to avoid inflating their value. At the time of writing this, the value of the fixed fee is 5 credits, feedback is welcome Keep in mind that a higher fee means more rare and valuable crits minted, and a free fee means these nft are super inflated. Check the bestiary page for updated info. You can mint these directly to your desired wallet. In order to be able to transfer them away at a later time, you will need what is called "gas" to pay the transaction fees. This is at the time of writing this, somewhere around 0.017$ for a token transfer, basically nothing. There are other indirect things you should be aware of, namely, you need "Polygon (MATIC)" tokens in your wallet to pay the gas fee, and while the fee is super small, getting some polygon tokens on your wallet might involve costs of a minimum transaction amount of ~35$ depending on exchange. Research the best way i found to get MATIC tokens, as it might cost you 1$ or 50$ depending on how much you care. Free Polygon (MATIC) for gas fees If you are new to this and find it too difficult to handle, you can contact me and i will gift you 1$ in MATIC so you can transfer about 50 creatures or 50 times. Remember you do not need any gas fees to receive or hold the creatures, this is only needed if you wish to transfer them away. I reserve the right to ignore the requests i find unfounded or if you already have enough credit on your address. What blockchain are these tokens on? Polygon network under Ethereum. Your wallet address is your ETH address, and you will need to pay gas fees on Polygon (MATIC) network, to transfer them away from your wallet. Why polygon? because if these where on Ethereum directly, the cost of transfering a creature would have been ~30$ in fees, and deploying the contract would have costed thousands. Polygon is a well known network under the Ethereum blockchain, that is used for blockchain domain names and NFT tokens, so your mdcrt is safe on solid network, not on some obscure newly created sub chain. I want to see the contract! For the more technical of you that wish to get all paranoid about the code behind the minted tokens, we published the source code of the smart contract! You can find more details here: https://polygonscan.com/token/0x073aeb8144a7e9cc39e610d06b5b5bf2349ff31d#code Undistributed tokens We hold a part of the creatures, for reward purposes, or historic reasons. All the broken tokens but also all the ultra rare ones can be found on our official address here: https://opensea.io/0xc8EEB7BAF5Ad6EC9C58C7917093C748a5E3FB4EE Official address will always be "magicduel.com", but you could also see it as "magicduel.eth" or 0xc8EEB7BAF5Ad6EC9C58C7917093C748a5E3FB4EE ..these are all the same address. My personal address where you can see some of my collected crits, or where i might send gifts from, can be found at mtec.eth or 0x1232B6aE9710Be3E9a242d7e471eAf7A20Bef150 Our Opensea.io collection can be found here: https://opensea.io/collection/magicduel-creature Our Rarible collection address (same collection just different market): https://rarible.com/collection/polygon/0x073aeb8144a7e9cc39e610d06b5b5bf2349ff31d/items Contract address: 0x073aeb8144a7e9cc39e610d06b5b5bf2349ff31d Does it matter on what market i transfer / sell a token? You should sell only from a trusted market such as those above, and if you want to send as gift, send directly from your nft wallet. Otherwise, its not important what market you use, because they all list the same collection and any change you do will be visible in all public markets. Disclaimer! All the data within the minted MDCRT token is stored on MD server and is bound directly to the md database. Officially, we consider that whoever has the token owns the crit, regardless of what happens to the crit in MD, except if it gets somehow erased, or compromised... then its out our hands. We do not guarantee the perpetual existence of the token data. While the token itself will exist on your wallet forever, the data will only exist as long as it exists in MD. ...obviously!
  6. From the album: Crypto, MDCRT, NFT

    NFTs created from the new api, in md, from bestiary creatures. You can find them also on opensea.io where you can view there rarity and such. Currently there is no way for anyone to create such nfts, but this is just because nobody showed any interest in this feature. I will cobtinue working on in-game interfwces for this, or i will just use them for personal transfers and rewards..depends only on your feedback
  7. Muratus del Mur

    Crypto, MDCRT, NFT

    Thibgs related to NFTs created via MD, crypto experiments and more
  8. From the album: Crypto, MDCRT, NFT

    magicduel.com is not the official erc-20 (eth, polygon) address for md on the eth blockchain. Magucduel.eth is also a valid ens domain name bound to the official address. This is part of a series of experiments i do in the crypto direction
  9. This was affecting all items that matched the first mix option of a recipes , so if for example a combiner had this recipe: 1) item 1, Item2 2) item 3, Item 4 and you tried to used item1+item2 , first entry, you got this silent error. All other combinations worked fine
  10. Sorry, work is killing me.. maybe @Chewett can check it before i can. Or bump it later in a couple of days.
  11. Yes i can confirm this is going on. I will try to check what happened . Can anyone confirm if the combiner is working in other places for other things?
  12. I am actually working with this AI, i implwmwnted its API just days ago into the new browsermmorpg.com site, to help with writing game articles based just on some basic ideeas. As a curious person myself, i have experimented with possible ways to drive it mad, and i found some it will never assume that whatever it sais could be false. If you get it to say contradictory statements, ut considers both true, and leads to some insane absurdity, lot of fun. you can ask it to create a riddle or story scenario around a given ideea. You can ask it to rephrase text in shaekspearian style, or give it a detective story and ask it to solve the mistery. It can evwn remember stuff and act acordingly..just crazy. I have the api ready for implementation into md, was supposed to be a new version for Darvin but right now i am super busy with the new bmmo site, and after this i die a couple of days and rest.. i've been working 14h a day lately We shall see what happens of this. there is an option to create custom models and train them or your own data, for example i could train it on md history, that would be insane.. maybe if Chew helps this could be done I could just replace myself in md lol
  13. here is a small preview of something i worked on today... Be advised, you should turn back from the preview and not keep it activated, because wild things might happen in there, and i will not spend any second to fix accounts that get broken due to this. to activate the experimental fullscreen theme: https://magicduel.com/layout_test.php?test=fullscreen to go back to normal: https://magicduel.com/layout_test.php?test=default Use it together with the "Frosty" snow mode (lower left snow controls) . All pages are affected not just scene navigation. If might look just as a page without the border and the background, but in addition to that, its also a fullscreen iframe, meaning that this time the entire content area is a single page, and eventually elements could be placed in any part of the screen. Its far from ready, and i don't know if it will ever be ready, but its an interesting view. I want to experiment more in this design direction, your feedback is most important.
  14. I was hoping someone will share their setup eventually, thanks @Aia del Mana There are indeed lots of bugs with this. In general if it is a feature i can not finish the same day, i need to announce it as it is or forget about it (otherwise who knows what i will do next day), and this one was too interesting to give up on it, but it requires a lot more time fixing. The central area needs to remain the same, due to the legacy way this is created (iframe), so the elements inside that one can not be changed. However, if i see feedback on this, and see that this would be something you would like to see, i have some ideas on how to make the interface a lot ore configurable. The only thing that is not yet clear for me if its possible or not, is the "responsiveness" of the page. But for this, i plan to make the palcements stored per resolution, so you will be able to edit the layout of the fullscreen window , but also half screen and whatever other versions you might be needing. This feature will be moved in "settings" under a new section for experimental features. Of course, entire md is experimental anyway, but by experimental feature i understand features released in a very unstable way, that i might just remove one day, if i decide they take us nowhere. Its equally possible that experimental features become permanent, and will be removed from the experimental section.
  15. pure gold is a resource and not an individual item, so it is used as a resources, stack by stack. To fix this 'bug' i can remove pure gold from the coin mint, and later on create a converting facility that proces unique items from pure gold resource, based on quantity or so.
  16. @Chewett I found lots of tags saved with slash \' directly in the db, not sure how this happend but i changed it so they are the string without slashes in the db. Any adding or stripping of slashes should happen only at runtime, not saved. right now i have other plans i want to focus on, but eventually i will have to test with the Woodcutter's Apprentice tag, and see there how the \' happens and why. I suspect there are multiple places where this happens the wrong way and the tag is escaped using the db_escape function that seems to be adding unnecessary slashes to an already slashed form input. Since i don't want to change a func that i am not fully aware where else its used, i plan to take it out and use mysqli_ related escape funcs, or otherwise clean the string... but again..not sure when i will, depends how much time i get today.. If its not done today, feel free to fix it Thanks
  17. None of these, he decided to do some ultrarealistic thing, completely not the symbolic things we discussed here. Its not anyone's fault, i liked the answers here a lot more
  18. to me it looks ok, no errors (but i can not confirm if the tea is actually made, the items i used where forcefully created in the db and i did't track existing stock first.) I fixed an issue with brewing it autonomously that i missed previously.
  19. Its fixed now. This is a very valuable page btw, thanks for reporting it
  20. Now each unit has its own distinct attack and move patterns, so ranged units are a possibility, and a lot more. Chess like units can be created if wanted. Ranged attacks only destroy the target if a target is there, and will not move the unit to the attacked place. Ranged attacks can not conquer land. Units are now created as distinct modules and their code is no longer mixed with the rest. Like this, it will be easy to create new units later, on events, custom units, etc .. (in a way like crits in md) This change is just released so its possible you may encounter issues with it, if so, please help by reporting Thanks to anyone reading this ;)(
  21. (excuse me i am not fully focused on this so i will answer just some things that might be useful, for Chew mainly) The "magic" items, add a predefined spell in your spell inventory, with fixed words, that can be used just like any other spell. Item functionality is not connected to the new magic thing. An item could have its own functionality, but also add magic words and have a magic functionality that you trigger in chat, independently from whatever the item does otherwise (usabel, consumable, etc) I don't know what to say about this item, if it lost functionality or not. When i checked it, it had no other functionality , if it was erased somehow, it should be a much bigger problem that we will notice on other occasions. @Chew. feel free to fix it as you consider, but be careful if its not a misunderstanding about how the new magic items work.
  22. After investigating this, i can not find any issue with magical items combined with usable functionality. The problem is with this item, it has no functionality so of course it can't be used and the "use" button is not showing. If it used to have functionality, tell me what it was and if you can thinbk of any action you did that could have caused the item to lose its functionality. It could be a bug in the edit item code, or elsewhere, but i need your help to investigate, if so. Magical items add a spell to your spell inventory, with predefined words. It does not have a functionality and a use button on its own. i moved the item back
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