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Muratus del Mur

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Everything posted by Muratus del Mur

  1. Kingdoms page - currently in work It will be a map with settlements and fortifications that can be conquered by players in pvp or vs AI fights. I still need to decide the final visual style and other concepts. I will update here when i will have first art ready. Current progress: preselecting artists for the map Dev speed: super slow, expect weeks or months till completion, unless i expand the team with a new coder. Suggestions are welcome
  2. it has already happened, but at the same time its "identity-less". Imagine all this as a "plane" of possibilities, crossed by routes that connect "checkpoints". One idividual can go one way or an other, changing his own path, having free will, and create his own series of checkpoints on this plain. I believe time is not linear, we just see it as linear because we can only interpret it based on our experience, and see just its causal nature. For one individual, there is past present and future indeed, but if you could look from above, this is just a road on a field of events that already exists, like a map. Things could be more boring than it looks like, because this field of possible events, its not some fantasy map, its just the "area" between "existance" and "nothing". At this level things can gen really complicated to visualize, but give it a try. I discovered long ago that a strong feeling can create "checkpoints" on this event field, and while you might think a strong will or desire can get you where you want, this is just partially true. You could create an attractor on this time field, but its not given that you will be the one that reaches it, this still depends on your actions. Someone else might be attracted and its path could be changed, based on something you wished into reality. When the cell splits in two, might just be a checkpoint of that path. Think that people evolve based on their DNA, and most of the times a child continues the curses and blessings of his parents, they are part of the parent path, as well as distinct individuals on their own path. I don't know what to consider the start or end of such a path to be, but i know the overall form of how these things work. Long..complicated..talk. Many things to understand, and so weird to discuss this in writing without knowing if the one reading this follows the chain of thoughts or not
  3. I'm not participating for the wp, but here are mine Excuse the incredible mess!! I could blame my little one for it but its just me i guess :)))
  4. thanks for the report. It was due to a module i was experimenting with, for now i disabled it so things should be fine It looks that the reason for this is that the creature icons on the creatures page generate too many requests and this triggered the lock. I am not sure yet how to disable this just on that script, maybe Chew finds a way later (mod_evasive in apache)
  5. retrocausality either you agree that events in the future are "stronger" (maybe more real) than events in their past, then it means that whatever you experience in the present is following a purpose in its future, and everything are just "roots". or you consider events in the past "stronger" than whatever might follow them, meaning that everything in the future is totally meaningless and just a causal result of whatever happened before. The second version is what people find easier to accept and the first is for some plain outrageous. There are niche experiments that proved events in the future change events in the past (scientifically, look for "quantum eraser"), there is religion that talks about similar concepts (regardless of religion). However, direct, simple, observation can only tell the story of causality, you do one thing then the next event is the effect of what you did, cause and effect. My personal belief is that viewing things as causal, is dark ages level. I strongly believe that we observe reality (or our side of what we call reality), in a single, causal way, but it actually holds both sides. I think events happen at some point in "time" then spread their roots into the future AND the past, joining "threads" that will eventually confirm their existence and lead to it.
  6. super hard to accept indeed. I say the system chooses its winners, because if you change the rules even just a little, an other winner might emerge. Its equally hard to accept that elements of randomness such as coin flips, or of free will, such as players, somehow have some degree of "awareness" about what the other, unrelated participants, do. Grab the first coin you find and flip it... you have 50/50 chances to get either side.... yet do this on a pile of coins, and you will see an abnormally even distribution of results, as if the coin flip "game" you just did had a knowledge of what side to pick next to achieve such an even distribution. In the organized form i proposed, having one of the participants that _always_ flips on one side, its equally strange. Again, all this is mathematically logical and not abnormal, but from a huma perspective, its not so logical. The explanation, in my belief at least, is that the outcome is so "fixed" that it causes its roots in such way. In reality, a coin can land on its side sometimes, or two players deciding on a draw, but in this example i eliminate such possibilities from the start, so the "genes" of such an event, are simply not there, so the final outcome can not be one of draw or undecisive flip. What happens in the coin flip experiment, is that we eliminate all possibilities that don't match the rules.
  7. Let me explain this again differently. If you have a pile of coins and you flipp each 4 times, you would normally think that it is not mandatory that one coin will flip 4 times on the same side, why would it, right? However, if you do the same thing, but just flip them in a different order, like the game described above, it IS mandatory that one will flip 4 times in a row on the same side....how crazy is that. This is the endless fight between probability and chance, and i must admit i am having a hard time to understand it properly. You have equal chances to flip one or the other side, so in theory you could flip 1million times on the same side, or alternate sides 1mil times,right? No, not right.. if you distribute all possible outcomes, some scenarios happen more than others, but one happens just once.
  8. I am not sayibg this, because in this example, nobody has free will, all fights, or coin flips, obay strict rules. Having free will in this example would mean to be able to land a coin on its edge (thats happening in reality), or both participants simply not show up for a fight (also happening). Maybe this is more of an example of how things would look without free will, its hard to tell what its relation to free will is. Its clear to explain it mathematically, and there is no mystery about why it happens or how...but still its hard to accept that its happening at all. I will do this experiment with coins, actual physical coins, and see what happens. If i am right, then one coin in a very large number will have to always land on one side. I am curious what would happen if a cheating coin is introduced, or other factors. Maybe childish games that a matematician would laugh at..but i suck at math, i like practical
  9. @Fyrd Argentus yes, thats the math, i dont argue with that, i am just more interested in the philosophical conclusions. From this its clear to me that system is always picking its participants, not the other way around. There is no "room" for multiple winners, and more interesting, one is forced to be as part of that system. @Lazarus nobody is pushing anything to anyone. MD is my only community of friends and gamers, and this is an other project i do, same as i work on md. I see nothing wrong in talking to you md people about it. Consider it advertising if you dont understand what i just wrote.
  10. Its obvious what is going on, the less obvious thing is the final outcome, regardless how it is explained, its still a fact that the winner is somehow forced into a streak of lucky tries, and as a big picture, such a system will always yield such a player. Think of it, given enough participants, you could break any world record of consecutive flips. The numbers become outrageous, but the "luck" comes out with mathematical precision every single time.
  11. As i was building tournaments section of this game, at some point i needed to find a better way to present a tournament, than to show the total number of maps to be played in it. For one individual player, the total number of maps played is not that relevant, as it is to know how many maps he has to win to win the tournament. Lets imagine this for a bit. There are 8 players, and they play in pairs of 2, a total of 4 games. This would be the first round. Then, the 4 winners of the first round, play in the second round of 2 games, and obviously just 2 players win. There are no draws, you either win or lose. The remaining 2 winners, join a match for the final fight, and as usual, only one wins, lets call him John. John wins the tournament. So far nothing abnormal, every match has 2 players, and one winner. Overall the tournament has one winner. Maybe its obvious for you, but for me it was not obvious without specifically thinking about it, that all John's fights are consecutively won fights. John had to win every single time to reach the end of the tournament. Imagine this was not about strategy at all and it was a game of coin flipping and pure chance. Imagining this as a game of coin flipping excludes any possible explenation that one of the participants is terribly skilled in any way, so lets think of it in this way. All 8 players flipp a coin and only heads move forward to the next round, and so on. Over 3 rounds, the winner would have always flipped heads, against all odds. Flipping a coin and heads 3 consecutive times, its not big deal, but if you follow same rules, and increase the initial pool of participants, the winner would need to get more and more consecutive heads to reach the end of the tournament. The winner of a tournament with 100 rounds for example, would have hit heads 100 consecutive times, each time having 1/2 chances to hit either heads or tails. Seen from the start to end perspective, nothing looks abnormal, as each time one wins one loses, but seen backwards, from the winner perspective, the chances to flip just heads so many times, is insane. I've been thinking about this, and i realised that regardless how you put it, given enough number of initial participants, you can "force" one participant to hit just one side of the coin, every single time...every...time. Its irrelevant how lucky that person is, you could bring together the most unlucky people on the planet, and one of them will always be the one that at the end hit heads every single time. ...crazy no? It is as if you could force the luck into one person just because you put him the right competition. Any thoughts on this?
  12. I consider the food issue solved. If anyone things otherwise please provide exammples/screens.
  13. I am going two weeks on vacation in 2 days, not sure if i will be able to do any updates while on vacation. Anyway, artworks are on their way, so updates will still happen.
  14. I broke something with the start after the php8 change. I will postpone this fix because i plan to add predefined starting positions, not random, so i wont be wasting time trying to fix the random placer right now.
  15. If anyone observes new ai issues post them here pls. Only issues, not missing features Current known issues: - its not making higher level units - lower level units replace higer level units if they move over (probably) - sometimes units disapear
  16. Thats so strange...i played a few maps and didnt happen to me after the fix.. Can you confirm if its repeatable or also "random"?
  17. also this distance allows for more strategy than if it is smaller. If its smaller, you can't really surprise the enemy much as he sees it way before you close in on him, i hope it makes sense.
  18. DONE Magohi suggested farms should produce more if near water. Near water could have that effect on farms. In addition, there could be certan landscapes that could imprive farming spots. For this, i need to add a sort of landscape that is not interfering with anything like unit movement or building Todo: - add new spots in maps editor and in random maps - artworks for them - influences on farms that will not be removed when occupying that cell
  19. I will keep here a personal (but public) record of ideeas about things i plan to add later. Please don't make suggestions here. I want to keep this topic just for things already discussed and approved.
  20. You can't jump infinitely long distances. A unit can move a maximum number of tiles in any direction, this is more obvious when you have large lands and you move over own. Maybe they are too many as they are now, i don't know, but i have coded also an other version with less. I can switch to it to experiment later. For now i use the current one, because the more they are the more server resource its using, and if it its working with many, it will work with few.
  21. actually, as long as you can get the food from any place fast enough, having it decentralized is way better than keeping it in a single place. The soldiers on the map should bever find out that their farms are not where their food actually is...shht..don't tell em
  22. not really, each land parcel (distinct division of land cells grouped together), has its own income (based on number of cells and farms) and its own food consumption (based on units and high level walls). the build links enable when you have enough food to build that thing. I explained the cost in a separate post. If the link its not active, its just because you don't have enough food to build that thing. Food is the only 'money' involved in building structures and units. Its not important where farms are placed, but this is a very nice ideea, i might implement it at a later time when i will have nice artworks for the farms, so that the farms near water will actually look different Players will have a rank based on their performance (streak in multiplayer fights and such), i am thinking to add a sort of ranking, or medals, based on what things you helped fix or what ideas got me to implement.. this with the farms would be one. I intend to copy best gameplay ideas that made a difference in md, into this one as well... things like consecutive active days, medals, land loyalty, kings..etc.
  23. i made an other attempt at fixing this. Food past history of production and spending is stored distributed to all cells, by the power of decentralization and "blockchain" :)))
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