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Muratus del Mur

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Everything posted by Muratus del Mur

  1. Next time i will be sure to hire a secretary to manage such posts 4 pages already. Good that i didn't put up 10 items as i intended. I will start reviewing them and decide the 3 highest bids this weekend, untill then you can keep posting. Mods. Please do not clean this topic, i will do so. I want to read all first.
  2. Can Mur bid and win? ..that would be odd...at least ..LOL.. ok enough spamming . Tomorrow when i review your offers...or day after tomorow..I will remove all except highest bids. dont ask what happened, you have been warned
  3. = wow, shadow, i might use it as advertising material... not kidding = creatures you bid , you bid as they are, i will take them intact = i dont have a scale for value yet, i go by intuition. It sais ther This one, I play That means Muratus del Mur, not Manu will value items, as ruler of the land i aquired these items, and not as programmer or developer of MD. For you is no difference, for me it is. One day I will PLAY, as a retired King of my land... then i will pm "Manu" to fix things )) one day i will play, as I did with Knaty, and this auction is one of those. What you forgot Mur is a role too? ps. whats a mur..damn, i knew i,t pfff....
  4. its interesting how your appreciation differ so much from mine
  5. Keep poting incrementaly bigger offers. I have not review all of them yet but when i will do so i will select 3 , one for each item, and we continue from there. Important update: [b]- wishpoints, unused, but active, so no wp codes, can be traded - avatar can be traded!!! - creatures you trade are traded IN FULL, meaning no transfer penalties apply, no reset no nothing. So brag about you infernally powerfull drach - entire accounts can not be traded, unless a bot account or something very special about it. [/b] It will be VERY difficult to decide who bids higher than who, but i tell you one thing for sure, this auction wont go like thise ebay auctions whenre you can win last second with 1 cent difference.. the winning bid has to stand out. Do not try to please me, i am trying to be objective, your offer should be of interest for any MD player, not for me in particular. Private bits should be pmd to me in forum please. I will consider them and if they are winning they won't get disclosed. I am increasing the secret bid interval to two, so you cant bid secret unless two other higher bids have been placed above last high bid. I am open to suggestions for other items of this unique kind for the next auction (later later) ..but please leave the jokes like "Mur account" ..i will be putting that for auction one day but with a few provate bidders that can actualy handle it ... and name wont remain that. jk.or not. .. and i repeat this, auction for this is not selling, its converting what you managed to gather on your account to things you will never be able to get in other ways, to have a true collection in it. ---- Update 2: I will be accepting later advance bids. By that (there is no such term) I mean you can assamble an AMAZING offer and send it to me to se what i can come up with to match it. but later...for now we have this. I think such auctions , again, only for high bidders, are a way on my side to give something nice and on your side to get something unique. If you feel this auction should not take place, please contact me and tell me, or post on forum. I am very careful with such things , like I was for example with the avatar auction that you voted NO to and i respected that to this day, even if i still think that would have solved avatar issue. Wow, i talk a lot.
  6. I don't think its fair to bid directly with credits or cash. What about if i start to delete low offers and leave only the highest? Or will this be rude? This post becomes very long very fast .
  7. Self sacrifice or mutilation is not a valuable trade good. i will post from time to time when i consider your offers to stand out and possible winners that should be matched. I should also remind you this is an auction for items with a certain value, you should not overestimate them but also not underestimate them. If you are curious what will happen with what you pay for these items....Since i don't actualy need for my own good any of them (I probably need more the collection creatures than any payment), i will use them over time for rewards and such but also for a lottery i plan to do. This is not selling of rewards, because you pay with achievements you worked hard to get, so in a way this is a way to convert those achievements into others. PLEASE DO NOT BID LOWER THAN BIDS BEFORE YOU This is not a lottery its an auction, if anyone bid higher you wont win with a lower bid.
  8. you cant save the image easy, try it. what i am more concerned of is that if a bad written script generates hashes for images that are not displayed (so the has gets released) it will cause trouble for other hashes that might collide. I will add the return parameter and update it, so that those that know what to do with it will use it.
  9. (This one, I play) I am opening an auction for some special things. Feel free to auction whatever you can, and i will decide if the offer is accepted as higher than the previous or denied (meaning i consider it lower so not accepted to surpass the previous offer) Please keep it clean and don't flood it with useless talks. There is no reserve, auction starts this time at 1 silver, but will obviously end at a huge price, considering the merchendise auctioned. I am allowing nonconsecutive secret bids. This means you can bid something that will not get public, if the previous bid was not private too. I will decide if a private bid is worth more or not. Winner is decided for highest bid that stays unmatched for over a week! THIS IS A HIGH-CLASS AUCTION FOR COLLECTORS MAINLY Here are the items! 1st item Dark IV A rare creature, probably the first drawing i personally made back long ago when designing MD. Its creature ID is 1000, that makes it very special for collectors. It has 4 levels but you get the last one. Creature type id is 6 (because 5 other were added before it in the db). The creature comes with FULL TOKENS, no transfer penalties for the winner of the auction, you get exactly what you see with same stats and age. The auction is for its rarity, i don't know if it is efficient in battle or not. It does steallife on multiple with a power of 24 but also the effects of all those tokens. Regarding its rarity, i might have given a similar creature some time ago, but not this ID or stats, i will hold one for my collection and as with all other its possible to give it later under certain circumstances. Overall its a very rare and interesting creature and a _unique_ addition to any serious collector. [attachment=1409:dark4.jpg] 2nd item Spelldoc Collection 5 spelldocs of your choice, ANY AVAILABLE LEVEL including the unreleased levels (levels above 6). You can pick any docs from any spell and any level that it has. As a rule, you will not be provided with a full list of options, you must kow what you ask. I will tell you the number of levels available for a given spell but not the spell list. Concerning rarity, level 1 docs are rare, and high level docs that are not yet released are _extremely_ rare, meaning nobody has them for now. Spell docs were given by RPC players but since there are no more rpcs there is no current way to give them out...yet. When there will be a way to do so, and there will be one, the higher level spells will not be given. Use this pack to complete an existing collection or to discover the secrets written in the high level docs, your choice. 3rd item The new morph creature. By now you probably found out what will it turn into and what it does. It does double freeze, its the only creature doing that. Its also a limited edition creature available only with such auctions, maybe future contests or rewards but mainly in winter. If you already own one, which is unlikely, this auction guarantees that you will get a different version of the morphing than you already have (No, you can not pick one). Regarding its rarity, its currently the most valuable collection item for those that love the "Limited Edition" tagged creatures. Its rarity will be respected over time but its not an extinct or unique creature. Right now i do not know how rare it will end up to be but i believe it will be slightly more common than the wind drach but a lot more rare than the other creatures with the limited edition tag such as reindrach or santa. Once morphed it can not be transferred again. It can upgrade fully very fast compared to other limited edition creatures and it defenetly looks awesome. Its the wish of any serious collector that wants a complete christmas collection series and makes the regular premium creatures fade. So these are the items i am opening now for auction. I am hoping them to be really high class items for the most serious collectors. There will be more auctions in time but for different items. I will try to bring to such auctions the things that you have no other way of getting and i accept in turn any achievements, coins, items, creatures or anything you can bid with. The auction is for what you see, nothing more nothing else. Happy Bidding. p.s. Please share your opinion about such auctions for the future, but better do so on a separate topic so that we keep the auction offers clear on this topic. Thanks.
  10. function can be adjusted to return the path of the picture, but its risky because if not displayed image will remain active and will take up resources for nothing with a bad written script. If you think of improvements or other info related to this that you might need, let me know.
  11. Wishing Star and Mr Mystery - baned for repeated abuse against new players. This is a one time decision, don't take it as a rule. They received info to contact a mod to get out, its up to you when that will be. note: this is according to the rules, more players complained, as dst pointed out.
  12. mp3 cap for vp set to min zero, OR, based on active days, meaning players under X days will never get negative vp. That will protect new players but will also make md more unpleasant the more you stay in it. Anyway, as long as this is done only by two players , there two can be warned, then baned if they continue...BUT..this can get easy out of hand and become an easily abusable reason for ban and i don't like that. Anyway, keep an updated list, warn them, and if it turns to be an isolated event I will ban them for a while. I will be working on the general solution with the vp cap too but might not be done in time. p.s. ads are running like crazy and it would be a pity to scare newcomers away like that
  13. Some time ago i posted an announcement for fighting schools to prepare tutorials to replace the one now linked in the interface (right column) Please send them to me, or send me link to them if they are on forum. I need only final material, not in work or unorganised. Also please include a list of people that worked on it and what exactly they did or how much their contribution was. Thank you
  14. the browser check is there because some features don't work well on other browsers than the major ones. Its true this is like that for a very very long time and things both in game and in browsers changed a lot since last time i checked. I can remove the browser restriction and attempt to do a test again to see how some browsers perform..but i run only ff , ie and safari so if any of you is willing to do a complete test on a different browser, i will need the exact browser headers to allow them for the test.
  15. Its mainly for GG king to decide. If you want gg weapon public place, or train in a very restricted area (that wont be seen very ok by many), don't ask me, thats why there are Kings and Queens now, so i can decapitate them if anything goes wrong
  16. I surely hope you will pass by from time to time to see whats going on, in general. What about the Libs? Should i go on with making them a public army? Farewell
  17. Buying something else has nothing to do with seeing gifts or not. The only reason is if you already got them last year. If you did a shop reset, you can see them again. If you used them already last year and you never reset shop since then, then you don't see them. They are like normal items just that they appear on these days only.
  18. If your account was made in summer 2008 its likely you used them up at the end of 2008. The items in the shop get hidden by checking if you already have bought them. Its a bit difficult to check whats going on with one account because the info is not kept in clear, but if there are others that are 100% sure they should see the gifts there but they are not, please post here and if it turns to be a bug of some sort i will try to fix it in time. Unfortunalty i will not investigate this if its just one or two isolated cases, i am very very short on time, i hope you understand. Thanks
  19. You probably have a dynamic ip that is changing very often (or each time you connect?) Be careful, playing with so many alts is dangerous, if you for any reason will get in trouble later and i will check you and find out you have to many it wont be good, so take it easy. I don't see what you could win for creating countless new accounts with 5 credits.
  20. I don't think we can get enough preorders to reach that minimum order
  21. @dst grido ailith For organizing this, or at least taking care of the event, you get a spell, acousticremains (or increased cast if you already have it) and a wp. For those that don't know , this is the spell for retrieving the chat in one location. I think an "organizer" should have it You also get a custom item that will be a surprise. Thank you p.s. i know you dont consider yourselves "organizers" but since you counted votes and there is no one else responsable in any way of the event, i do.
  22. [b]MD Annual Awards 2009[/b] I must add that these rewards are important annual awards and maybe you should think next time of better advertising them in time and do everything possible to have more voters. Its both my fault for not realising in time that the in-game voting system could be used for this, but its also yours that you closed votings with only 24 voters. An other thing that i didnt liked is that some of the people voted or proposed for this voting are no longer playing. Some were not active in 2009 so how could they win a prize for 2009? In that regard, i will give the reward to Khalazdad only if he _personaly_ comes to ask it. An other thing, alt were not allowed, but i still see alts in that list. Because i don't want to disclose them, i wont, but its a public warning i give you that i know who your alts are, and if you claim you don't allow alts, then keep your word and don't. ..for the future at least. The good thing i have to say is that you managed to put up a good checking system and divide counting over 3 people to be sure its accurate, and it was. I double checked your counting, and unless other info appears about missed or wrong votes, you counted perfectly. The MD Awards votes were collected by Grido,dst and Ailith. Both nominations and votes were open to all. The people who voted, and by that determined the winners, were:<br> Zleiphneir, Chewett, Burns, Totenkopf, Master B, SageWoman, Cutler, Lifeline, Kafuuka, Aelis, Indyra, MRAlyon, Handy Pockets, Pamplemousse, Tarquinus, Peace, asryn, Marvolo, dst, No one, Grido, Ledah, Ailith<br> (If you voted and sent your vote to all 3 organizers and you are not on this list, pm me). The votes and the counting were double checked by me (Mur).<br> The winners list is: (numbers represent number of votes) [b]Best Back Story:[/b] *Indyra Sirenias* 7, ( Amoran K Kol 6, Innocence 6, Jose 1) [b]Best Debater:[/b] Grido 8 (Zleiphneir 5, Kafuuka 3, Malaikat Maut 2, Peace 1) [b]Best Fighter:[/b] dst 10 (Lifeline 4, *Clock Master* 2, Cless 1, Unknown Entity 1, *Burns* 1) [b]Best LHO:[/b] *MasterB* 9 (*Princ Rhaegar* 3, *Indyra Sirenias* 3, *awiiya* 3, *Burns* 2) [b]Best Personal Papers:[/b] Pamplemousse 6 (Shadowseeker 4, Akasha 3, Kafuuka 1, Rendril Revant 1, Ladytwin 1) [b]Best PL Entry:[/b] Zleiphnir 12 (*Burns* 5, Sagewoman 2) [b]Best Protector:[/b] Pamplemousse 8 (*Princ Rhaegar* 4, Lifeline 3, Ailith 2) [b]Best Quest: [/b]Cutler 11 (Shadowseeker 4, Zleiphneir 2, Akasha 1) [b]Best Quester:[/b] dst 8 (asryn 5, *Indyra Sirenias* 3, Eigger 2) [b]Best Role Player:[/b] Thomas the Titan 6 (Tarquinus 4, Granos 4, Zleiphneir 2, Ailith 2, *Sagewoman* 1) [b]Best Spell Caster:[/b] Shadowseeker 4 (*Clock Master* 3, MRD 3, Granos 3, Yrthilian 2) [b]Best Techie:[/b] Cutler 11 (Rendril Revant 7, dst 1) [b]Best Villain:[/b] Granos 13 (dst 3, Assira the Black 2, Ledah 1) [b] Most Addicted:[/b] Grido 12 (Sagewoman 5, Lazarus 1, Ailith 1, dst 1) [b]Most Influential: [/b]Khalazdad 9 (Peace 6, Granos 4, Akasha 1, Pamplemousse 1) [b]Outstanding Service to MagicDuel:[/b] Chewett 8 (Rendril Renvant 6, Grido 3, Ailith 3, Lazarus 1, Jonn 1, Glordamar 1) [b]Rookie of the Year:[/b] *Observer* 9 (Rhah de la Rey 8, Yoshi 2, Robin Mea 2, Milordo Zik 1, *Madalina Fitzroy* 1) [b]Veteran of the Year:[/b] Chewett 9 (Firsanthalas 5, Yrthilian 3, Demo Account 2, *Sagewoman* 1, *Burns* 1) Winners get a 2009 award medal, and those that won in two categories will get a gold one. Organizers will get also a reward for organizing this without any reminding or support from me. The medals will be given in the next days. Remember you need to have an avy to see the medal. --- The detailed votes (without names) are attached. Each column represents the votes from the same voter. P.S. @grido,dst,ailith: There was no need to send you this count as i initialy said, because my results were identical with yours.
  23. we need to get at least 50 preorders and decide on one color, type, and design ( i will make the design if we conclude we do it). The other 50 i will cover myself.
  24. Awsome , i can't stop laughing in a good way of course! Z , please supplement the rewards i'll back you up.
  25. Listen to this ... i can make COINS, gold plated (24k), silver or bronze. I mean like REAL COINS with 3d engravings and writing, just like currency coins. Diameter of about 40mm (1.56'). Problem is that i need to do at least 100 or they wont create the dies, so i cant just do a few for those that want, i must do all or none. I can cover a big part of the cost myself, but i wont do them without first checking if enough people are interested in this and also take preorders. I have a few ideas, but remember, only one of them can be made real, i can't make one of each. 1) Matte or Shiny gold plated , marked with "1 Gold" or something similar, refering clearly to the gold coins in MD. 2) Silver with 1 Silver, refering to the Silver coins in MD. Silver looks better than gold it seems. Advantages of making them currency coins with a value is that people could get more than just one. 3) Bronze or any of the other options, with something generaly valid for MD, like log on one side and "something" else on the other (i have to think about it and it good). Maybe a thematic coin of some sort. If i am planning to make these in 100 coins series, each time i do a new series it could have the same main design but with one side changed (like Euro is in each country). Bad thing is that if its general , there is no reason to get more than one, and there won't be 100 individual buyers for sure. Other "communist" ideas: 4)put a tax/donation/optional payment of 3-5 credits for all players and then give these as awards based on different reasons (but not to those making the credit payment). 5)Use these both as rewards and purchased items (it wont be fair!) until i can get a second type of coin just for one of these purposes. Gold plating is more respectable, but in my opinion looks bad, contrast is low and if its matte its two faded (its also more expensive). Silver doesnt look like actual silver, its more like a grey (see pics) but keeps better contrast and resembles more actual coins that are in currency. Bronze is the cheapest material, and it has low symbolic value, but looks great and heavy, especialy the 3d one (thats almost as much as the flat gold one). Costs: I wished i could get these to you for free, but obviously i cant. I also have to make a price differentiation between those that preorder and those that will order later, or none will preorder at all. So i am thinking of this. The preorders will be priced at exactly the cost price. So whoever gets them with preorder will have the minimum price possible, but i can't guarantee a price because i have no idea what are transport and customs taxes exactly. So for preorder price will be a lot smaller, but might fluctuate a bit. Estimate price, without shipping from Romania to international: With preorder (actual coin cost from mint, plus shipping here, without any profit or taxes added by me) is about 7$ (+/- 1$) plus 1$ for gold matte plating (depending if thats the coin will be made or not). Estimate price after, without preorder, 12-16$ (includes MD profit part, handling) These are raw estimates, its first time i work with this provider and i have no clue what will be at the end. Shipping: They will have to be shipped here in Romania first, then i will send them to you. The shipping from me to you will be depending on location, i have no idea how much, but you can check out with your local shipping services to get an estimate quote. For more coins in same package the shipping will be almost null for the additional coins so you will get a much better price per coin if you get more. I am thinking maybe for people in same town you can join and get them all in one package to save shipping costs and then meet and get them in person. (In Romania you can come and get them from me if you are in Bucharest or domestic shipping charges via Fancurier, Cargus, etc) So, i am waiting for your opinions. Because this topic might get very big very soon, please write only if you are realy planning to buy. I am sure most of you have good ideas about this, but those that will actualy buy them should have a heavier word than others. Check out samples: [attachment=1332:coins.jpg] I marked them with letter so you can refer better to them if you want to indicate a certain model in the picture.
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