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Muratus del Mur

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Everything posted by Muratus del Mur

  1. [b]Key Control[/b] Keys are what decide what users can access in game. They are like flags to indicate all sorts of things and to track what player did and achieved. A special category of keys are the ones that you can set from the MDScript. They are just like the keys used to setup the entire realm, just that they have a prefix "rpcq-". You might notice that the same prefix is set on the Clickable items, well its no coincidence. Clickable items run as clickables if you don't have the key to access them and run as something else if you do have the key. Currently there are no clickables that have something behind them to run, but some important clickables that had are the Loreroot back entrance and the Drachorn Cave, meaning that if you got the key from a mdscript you could have entered the cave and get plenty of drachorns or have permanent access to LR back entrance. So pay attention to MDScript, it might be more interesting than you think. Enabling more clickable items to do something behind their keys will be done if i see people realy understand how to use and not ab(use) them. Combining strict rules with total freedom might not be possible afterall, anyway the system allows it right now so who knows what will be in the future of MD. For now, scripted keys are excelent way to track quest progress, and make scripts "know" what the player evolution with that script is. There is a new feature for data storage, that could be used just the same way, but i strongly think that keys have a major use along with that. Data storage and keys will have different evolution path because they are tehnicaly different things. Keys are saved with the user, data is separated. [b]Differences between data storage and keys[/b] Data storage, unlike keys, can store lots of data of all sorts, but they also get deleted once they get empty. Its no way to track what data a user has outside the clickable objects or MDScript. Keys can be tracked in game interface and used under many circumstances. Keys are very bad for holding actual data, they are just flags that are on or off. Only info keys hold is the time and place they were received and thats for logging reasons mostly. Both keys and data storage have their advantages and disadvantages and their different uses. They are not one and the same thing, even if under current situation they have similar use. [b]Function to manage keys:[/b] mds_give_rpcq_keys(keys); Gives the keys to the player. mds_take_rpcq_keys(keys); Removes/takes the keys from the player mds_has_rpcq_keys(keys); Checks if the player has specific keys, returns true if all keys are in the players possession , false otherwise Parameters: keys = a string with all the keys you want to give , take, or check. It doesnt support arrays, the parameter should be a string with comma separated values Examples: [code] if(mds_has_rpcq_keys('key1,key2,someotherkey')){ echo "Congrats you have all the keys"; }else{ echo "You do not have all needed keys"; } [/code] [code] if(..some rule here...){ @vk[] = 'key1'; } if(..some other rule...){ @vk[] = 'key2'; } @vs = implode(",",@vk); mds_give_rpcq_keys(@vs); [/code] [code] //replace keys //for example player just delivered a package and rceived next task if(mds_has_rpcq_keys('someotherkey')){ //takes initial key away, so it wont be used again mds_take_rpcq_keys('someotherkey'); //gives other keys in replace to continue mds_give_rpcq_keys('key1,key2'); } //final key could trigger a reward [/code] [b]Sharing keys[/b] Keys are global. A key named "greenbox" will be the same for that player if checked by any item or script in the realm. TO avoid key collisions you should name your keys in original way or even better , you should add a prefix to them. Example of good key names: playername-greenbox , or zzg3-greenbox, greenbox-tree-quest23 Example of bad key names: box, package, key1, somekey, general, .. Sharing keys is very interesting when multiple editors want to syncronize their quests. For example an item scripted by an editor could check for a key given by an other editor/quest to see if that user finished that quest first. [b]Key secrecy[/b] Because keys can be set by any editor, keeping your keys named complicated and secret is most important to avoid cheating. If you trust all the other editors, you can ignore that advice. Other editors can not see your code, except if you script on public items (there is a special category of items that share content and script across any editor).
  2. [b]Debugging Your Code[/b] Debugging is not some weird activity programmers do...well it is but if you want to do interesting things with MDScript you have to know about it. Seeing what is inside the variables you are working with is very important to understand what you should do with them next. Simple variables are easy to check, you just output them and see what value they have: [code]print @va;[/code] (i usualy use 'echo' instead of 'print' , they do same thing, but print sounds easier to remember) Best practice is to put some other value next to the one you are looking for, so that if the variable is empty, you will see that and not just an empty page not knowing if it was output or not. [code]print "V=".@va;[/code] This will output V=something or V= if @va has no value. Better than nothing at all. Arrays are harder to debug by just using simple output. Multidimensional arrays are even worse. Fortunately there are functions to help you see exactly what is inside a variable. [b]Debug Function:[/b] mds_debug(variable,label); Parameters: variable = any kind of variable simple or multidimensional array with or wihout data label = a label to help you identify the debug output, optional (means you can use just the variable parameter) [code]debug(@va);[/code] This will be your best friend when trying to understand what data you have in all those variables. It will generate a nice colored box with all the details you need about the internal structure of the variable you are trying to analyze
  3. did i say SHORT? oh well.. [b]Restrictions and Errors[/b] There are a lot of usual words that you are not allowed to use in your scripts. Try to rename them and avoid warnings. It is not a syntax check, its a broad check over what you type there in your little green scripting box to avoid exploits. Most red errors mean your script was not parsed because it did not pass the security checks. If your script gets parsed but you run into a nasty fatal error that stops loading the page, you will have a blue "edit in case of error" link so you can edit and fix the script. [b][STRICT RESTRICTION] Errors[/b] You used words or signs that are not allowed, simply rename them [b][GENERAL RESTRICTION] Errors[/b] Same as above. They cover a larger number of words and letter combinations. Same issue may cause an error in multiple error groups, but once you fix it they will all dissapear. [b][LANGUAGE RESTRICTION] Errors[/b] This means you tried to use a php function or keyword that is not supported. About 250 php functions are supported, out of thousands probably. You should have plenty of tools to play with but some things are just not safe for general use. If you think a function you could use is not available and its harmless, make a request and i will analyze it. [b][SEQUENCE RESTRICTION] Errors[/b] These are odd errors, but they are needed. Sometimes it makes no sense why you can't use a group of characters one after an other, but its mainly to prevent abuses you never dreamed of. Try to use something else, rename, reorder, etc. [b]Fatal Errors and Parse Errors[/b] These could be black ugly errors or red errors. This mean your script was compiled but failed to run. If you get a line number out of it, lucky you. Search that line for a possible mistake, a lost quote, a missing bracket or a missing ";" at the end of the line, etc. If the line is the last one in your script, you probably left a bracket open, see that all open brackets { match a closing bracket }. Not all the time the error that is written is helpful to know what happend. You should check your script open minded and not got stuck in the hint that the error message gives. [b]MDScript Warnings[/b] These are very useful warnings to tell you things that happen with your script. The errors are very targeted and explain most of what is going on. You should read them and try to fix the script so that you won't get any. In case the warnings can not be fixed or should not be fixed, there is a bypass function to hide the warnings, but use it ONLY when you are sure you understand all of them and you are sure they do not affect the functionality of the script. [b]Hide MDScript Warnings Function:[/b] mds_no_warnings(); //place it anywhere in the code This will not stop other errors than MDScript Warnings ------- [b]Variables[/b] Variables are what store data. In normal PHP language they are almost any string that starts with a dollar sign $. In MD script i had to change that for security reasons and make variables start with @ and have a predefined na,e. You can use only a few predefined variable names, use them wisely and they will be sufficient. You can use arrays too so you could fit an unlimited number of keys into one array if you are realy in big need of a large number of variables. 26 general use variables @va to @vz 3 dedicated variables named more conveniently so you have things easyer to follow They are tehnicaly the same as the 26 general use variables, they just have nice names @tpl , to be used for template replacement values @temp to be used for temporary things like loading values and then storing them into an other array @log to be used for storing logs during script execution or anything else that fits the name 3 special variables @input , this will get filled automaticaly with anything sent from a FORM (user input!) @content, this is an array that hold each of the content sections that you separate by the content separator in the content editing field, the other field besides the script editing field. @storage, gets loaded with data by the mds_storage() function. All data in this array gets saved to the database as a storage. Set data in the right indexes and after initiating storage or your script will get warnings if you set this var chaoticaly. ------ [b]Managing Content Sections[/b] In the content sections you put all text, stories, forms, templates, javascript and all things that are not MDScript code. Instead of putting all content in one big piece, you can separate it by placing a content separator, thats exactly this string: [i]<!-- content section -->[/i] All the pieces of content separated by such a separator, will be available for use in the MDScript under the @content array starting at index zero. Example: [code] Content part 1 <!-- content section --> Some other content <!-- content section --> A template [[test]] with variables <!-- content section --> A form <form ...> ... </form> [/code] This will be in the MDScript seen as: [code] @content[0] = Content part 1; @content[1] = A template ... with variables; @content[2] = A form <form ...> ... </form>; [/code] This way of separating content is very useful. You could display different content sections depending on different rules you set in the script. Also its very important when you use templates. [b]Templates[/b] Function: mds_template(template,data,return,columns,attributes); Parameters: template = template to use for each data displayed. Variables in this template should be noted as [[somename]] where 'somename' can be anything data = can be an array with keys named like the strings enclosed in [[...]] in the template or a multidimensional array for more records. Such an array has each of its items as an array with values return = if its true, function will return the string so it can be used in the script, if its false, it will display the result directly. columns = for multidimensional arrays, this parameter tells on how many columns they should be displayed. If its false or 1 the records will be displayed one per row. It has no use if the data array does not contain multiple records. attributes = when displaying multiple records, they get organized in a table. The attributes parameter can contain a string to be placed inside the <td ...> tag of each cell. This could be a style an attribute but also javascript or anything that is html valid. You can use bits of content as templates with variables. @content[1] is the content after the first content separator lets say for this example template code contains: [code] <b>[[name]]</b><br>[[rowinfo]]<br>Details: [[more]] [/code] Script to use this template: [code] //make sure @tpl its empty @tpl = array(); //do something 20 times for(@va=0;@va<20;@va++){ @tpl[@va]['name'] = "Record {@vk}"; @tpl[@va]['rowinfo'] = "Row {@vk} has value".@vv; @tpl[@va]['more'] = "more values ..."; } //call template function mds_template(@content[1],@tpl,true,3,'style="border:1px solid"'); [/code] This will display the content in @tpl, on 3 columns, each time parsing the template in @content[1]. The style indicated in the last parameter will be used on each of the 20 table cells created. ---------- more coming soon...
  4. - user input (forms) DONE you can now use forms in your scripts and process user input O.o Combine that with template loops, and data storage and you build your own store within md, with cart and product categories .... but without payments Unless your creativity comes up with somehting untill i do the rest of the features SHORT tutorial coming up now, sciprt gets public after the tutorial, tonight, no more tests, if you erase md from the server, so be it Have fun
  5. exirable keys are not an option. You can achieve same by changing the key you are checking for. Addin a limit to number of keys could be useful to prevent abuses but will also limit things a lot. I can add a limit for giving someone a key to many times within same script. For example an abuse script would give an other player 1000000 keys just to overload his keyholder and crash his account. Anythign is possible, mdscript does not restrict at all all possible abuses ..for some of them other types of restrictions are required (like hunt and kill/ip ban for main an alts type of thing). sending data to flash is possible by using current tools. Just do a template for the output string, replace it with the values you want, and you have your data to load in flash. Sit down, please, here goes SF-MD-PHP-Sript Updated planed features list: - creature transfers by mdscript - item transfers - user input (forms) - fights triggered by script, trackable by script (not sure if i can) (good for checkpoints, trials, competitions) - check for player creature, vitality, xp, type, tokens, level, etc (assamble army missions, creature collector, etc) - check for fight counts against a player (search and destroy missions, bounty, etc) - add name of editor to the entry title for the item, indicating if it has script on it or not, and how many lines it has. - pseudo SQL to handle data in arrays like they are a database, useful for user created filters and more, not sure how much memmory that will eat - wp awarding by script - magic spells triggered by script (turns items into healing shrines, and such, unlimited possibilities) - illusions triggered by script (like you kiss the prince and it turns into a frog, or ..the opposite) - ability to give things to the objects, like send creature or item to an object and that item becomes available to use by script (automated markets, take and give quests, package delivery, etc) - ability to give heat to the objects and objects to count that cross user. (unlimited possibilies of use in combination with the other features) - more? maybe needed: - treasure chests , sort of "things" to hold items, creatures or even ritual configurations for use by script so that they don't get deleted by owner. For example if you want to give an item by script, you have to place it in a treasure chest, and you cant take it back from there (you can by script if you realy want to) - mixing fighting NPCs with clickable objects, not sure if possible. Right now the Loreroot guards do this, but in a very customized way. - rating stars for item entries The current changes are major, so i move it from v0.1 to v1.0 ... but if i manage to do those things listed above or some of the most important of them, it will get 2.0 directly. Heat thing, figthing, and item storage on clickables are the most difficult and i am not sure if they will get done. It might be that the most complicated things to motivate me the most and get done before the simple ones, we shall see. Main issue with these features is preventing abuse. Anyway, i plan to launch it soon, as it is, because i will take about a week of vacation and i dont think i can finish anything of those before that. I need testers for a preliminary test before i make whats allready done public. I need people willing to try to abuse it and find issues with it, experienced with coding is best. I also need creative people that can write example codes of interesting you coudl do with the current features.
  6. KEYS FIXED now the 3 functions for key handling are: mds_give_rpcq_keys mds_take_rpcq_keys mds_has_rpcq_keys keys can be anything, if one editor sets the rpcq-test123 key then an other editor can check for it or change it in his scripts too. rpcsq keys are just the same as the keys used to lock locations and do all sorts of things in the realm, but compared to hardcoded keys. the rpcq keys have "rpcq-" in front of them. mds_give_rpcq_keys('test123'); for example , will actualy set key rpcq-test123 to that user. Keys are flags, not value storages. Clickable items can be restricted by such keys, meaning you cant click it or access its scripts unless you have that key, same as access points are blocked on the map if you dont have the right key for them. I am telling you all this so you will know what to ask regarding items and restrictions to them. Next in work: - creature transfers by mdscript - item transfers - user input thats all i think If you have anymore wishes for the script, let me know. EDIT: just remembered .. integrate magic (maybe illusions too) with mdscript, like spells you could trigger from script .. i am not sure of how to control overuse yet...
  7. I think i fixed most of them, if you see any again, repost. I those things after the nice error text , the urls. Thnx
  8. the function above changed a bit, in good of course. You will see it again in the docs. Except that "advanced" function, i made a very simple one to be used as a fast save and load. Unfortunalty i can use save and load as words in the code due to security issues, so i had to name them store and retrieve. look at this..cant get anymore simpler that that realy: [code] //code in item A @vh = "wow thats simple"; store(@vh); //code in item B retrieve(@vh); echo @vh; //will output "wow thats simple" //can be used to store and load entire arrays of data. [/code] happy now dst? ps. retrieve() or restore(), what sounds better?
  9. Some more: this is the short documentation of the current storage types. Did i miss any situation? or do you think the storage scope and structure needs something more (or less)? The final info will be available in the docs, this is just a short copy paste from the current code comments so you can get a general clue of whats there. Name of the function might change also in the final script: [code] /* Initiate data storage This will check if storage is indeed valid, will create one if none exists yet name = simple alphanumeric string used to name the storage and separate them from eachother type = keyword that determines the scope and sharing level of the storage totu: shared only for this object and this user toau: shared only for this object but for all users accessing it aoau: shared across all object and all users, separated by editor aotu: shared across all object but only for this user Storages do not share data between them, even if they have same name but different type/scope. Storages do not access data from one editor to an other regardless of naming or scope. To access storages across editors use the remote storage access functions */ @storage = mds_storage_load("myfirstquest",'aotu'); //this will create a storage where you can hold and change data of all sorts across objects for a individual player accessing them. @vx = array('abc','123','lala'); mds_storage_add(@storage,'somename',@vx); //calling this in any object you edit will retrieve same data for a given user //you still have to call @storage = mds_storage_load("myfirstquest",'aotu'); in that object first @vx = mds_storage_read(@storage,'somename'); //@storage could be used as array for accessing multiple storages, or so could any other variable @va to @vz, @temp or other [/code] Hmm.. do i feel like there might be a need of a centralised tracking page to see who accessed what and the state of the storages realm-wide ? ..we shall see..
  10. Some teasing: [code] @tpl = array(); for(@vi=0;@vi<7;@vi++){ @temp = array(); @temp['name'] = uv(name).@vi; @temp['vit'] = uv(ve).@vi; @tpl[] = @temp; } debug(@tpl); mds_template(content[1],@tpl,false,3,'style="border:1px solid;"'); [/code]
  11. One more thing ..templates for content. Imagine you could use something like [code] //pseudo code, will look different foreach("creatures i own"){ if("creature is available"){ show(content["creature template"]); } } [/code] and content1 is a html defined in the content section and can have variables in it. For example you could organize an automated auction in that way or display rules of your quest generated based on rules and directly into your content. Usage is actualy unlimited...so is abuse..unfortunatly. Future use (science-fiction at this point) will be to script your own creature abilities, enhance rituals, and even much more. I am thinking in that direction but first the basics ..if you could call basics something that big
  12. so childish features compared to what else will be there i'm just kidding of course ..keys are one of the main things used in organizing lands and access to things (yes game itself uses them too, just different names) I thik the hottest features will be keys, save/load data and ability to share it across objects, and ... warehouse. This warehouse thingy will cause a change in the interface too. I want players to be able to load rewards into objects and those rewards to remain there. For example you could load items, creatures, credits, and maybe more into an object..those items dissapear from your inventory but they are available through scripting inside the object(s?). I MIGHT add a way to convert wps to items or creatures and that way to allow perpetual rewards for quests, it all depends what i can and cant do while i will be working on it. Anyway, a lot of plans, like always...we shall see what realy comes out of it. Rendril is working on the manual, and helping me with testing it in a real useful way. I think the manual will be out much sooner than the script so you can see what it can do. Also he will work on sample code so you know where to start in different situations, but in time i expect sample codes from more of you that will begin to "master" it.
  13. I must agree that IQ is just a stupid number used to differentiate people on criterias that are actualy irelevant. You could think serial and be able to go realy deep into matters, solve math things and so on, or you could think parallel and have an unbelievable intuition and simple DO things ... iq test wont cover that. Most of all, IQ test will NEVER cover things like endurance, how you are as a person, capacity to learn, devotion to a task, passion and so on, things that are far more important than a brisk spark of so called intelligence. IQ is also a good marketing trick, unfortunatly i relaised that after that newspaper where it came out in a very bad way, but my intention was not to put IQ as a main difference between md players and other players... but i had no other words for it. Its irelevent for example that i have a high or a low IQ. Compare that number to the actual achievemtns of that person in terms of career, FRIENDS, love, personal evolution and you will see it has close to no connection with them...and those are the things that matter. If you have a low iq, like very low, it a sign that there is indeed something not so good going on in your head, but that can only be confirmed after checking with your actual achievemtns..if they are good..it was a stupid test..if they are bad..the test had a point...so you see, everything is subjective afterall. Why should i be any smarter if i know that a cow is to milk as a chicken is to an egg, but i dont know how to cook at all. I could be an awsome cook and look at the question completely confused, without being retarded or anything. I wont even mention the math riddles or the langue questions that in my opinion "are for intelligence as cup of tee is to the cosmos" Looking forward to see how many will select over 170 (probably not having a clue that 130+ is genius and 170 rarly is there anyway)
  14. Most ppl want to "be safe", to be able to jump from one land to an other or to excuse their actions by saying they belong to more lands...to avoid responsability in a way. Also some already think of ways to dethrone the kings hoping for new ones. It happens in politics, it happens all the time. I am sorry for them.
  15. Its a delicate question "Citizens" obey the rules of the land. You should be able to change citizenship if you so want but in a way that will not alow you to flee the laws of your land whenever you crossed them. Right now, i am thinking of a citizenship score For example you have 10 points LR, 5 GG, 0 MB and 30 Necro .. indicating your evolution as a citizen of those lands. I am still far from a just system... but we dont need a just system, unjust systems are fun too, in their own malefic way. At the end is about how you can get punished or cought and what harm you can actualy do. I should remind you that the citizenship rules or land laws call them however, will not be reinforced by me but by the land, represented by its king and other citizens We shall see...
  16. just AWESOME can't wait to see more pics. Maybe we make it like a sort of default test to pass to get a wp (game integrated i mean). Imagine that, we will be the weirdest game on the net asking players to picture themselves as one of the odd creatures around here MUHAHAHHAHAaaaaa take over the tomato ..arrr ..world ...net, whatever ))))) Tomato creature should defenetly be added
  17. Of course, in fact, you should do the chosing. I just posted the announcement so to say.
  18. I am putting a former Necrovion Alliance, long deserted, up for a new leader. Those of you that want to get "[b]Tainted Warriors[/b]" (and a good amount of loyalty points) please post here what your plans are for the ally, why you should be its leader, etc etc .. like with the Tribunal alliances, you know how it goes. No suggestions about what the ally should do at this time, i am open to creative suggestions. It would be best if someone would keep this post updated with a list of clear "candidacies" and the plans so that they wont get lost over multiple pages. [b]Updated with possible leaders:[/b] [u][b]ledah:[/b][/u] [quote]I think I can add to Necro, I plan to make the ally known and feared (even to dst and her minions) might even make it into an alliance like the arcgivists... storing all the info I can get in a place in Necro ^^ Necrovion's own Archives.[/quote] [u][b]stormrunner:[/b][/u] [quote]like the tainted warrior illusion says/said a elite force devoted to defending necrovion. the main difference form the sentinels would be the tainted warriors though as a necrovion alliance would support the queen/king they would not listen. if they felt a action needed to be done for the good of necrovion, they'd do it even against orders.[/quote] [u][b]Azrael Dark:[/b][/u] [quote]So in summary, they would be like a national security force in protection of the Monarch and in charge of building a Necrovion Archive.[/quote] [u][b]Nex:[/b][/u] [quote]the tainted warriors should represent the wild nature of necrovion, the nature of shades. an alliance of those who try to overcome their human perception, to step beyond human doubt, human moral, to act 'ziran', in sync with the pulse of necrovion itself.[/quote] [u][b]Pipstickz:[/b][/u] [quote]So, to summarize, my idea is that the Tainted Warriors are a more behind the scenes alliance that experiments to become stronger. Brains before brawn, and a group of members that are familiar with each other, and trust each othe[/quote]
  19. The story is to describe the future not the past..in this case.
  20. I assure you all lands have their roots well placed within the entire "map". I am so so sick of this lore crap, everyby seeking for "lore" just to feel safe that they "now" about that land or place. Lets think about it. What lore is sufficient? You want to know how it started? Fine .. then what was before that? and before that and before that? Do you want a lore to go to the stoneage of MD? Sorru, md started adhoc when the Angien opened the big box, no stone age. In the beginning it was a point to put lore, but i wanted in that lore only certain key elements, elements important to the entire concept. These elements worked perfect with the graphic clues, but some of you so obsessed with lore and stories ruined all by digging deep, finding Ady and making him tell more stories than he should. The ancient lore turned into a nice story that was extrapolated from the original. Of course it was nice, made sense, etc etc. Then you started to use made up stories to support your weaknesses in the present. The tribunal will have ancient lore when i will grow hair in my palm, or when the pigs will fly ... well in MD that might happen sooner or later actualy. Not being able to rely on the story clues because of Adi's big mouth and my incapability to put chapter 3 up and get chapter 4 done, made me decide that i should leave only the visual clues. Both story and visual tell same story, just that the visual can not talk more than they should. You go in a town you never were before... do you realy feel the urge of a historian to digg its past and find out everything you can about it? I don't think so. Ok some might like that particular aspect of a place, but most dont. You seeking history in MD is because its made so to wake up your curiosity, but that curiosity should not be focused to ancient inexistent lore. I could tlak a lot about this, but its not the topic. I noted your points about the A10, basicaly its somehting like "oh no stop it, just fix things first" .. i got it. You are proably true. RPCdemotion was a step forward in my view. wp rewarding was kept, rpc spells moved to wish shop, abilities will be made public in an organized form..so where is the step back in this? Its a big concept change, and its true i lost time hoping it will work., but i also learned about what works and what doesnt in md,... thats a step forward, in an other direction. I have nothing against making A9 the longest stage in MD history. ..
  21. First of all keep in min is a new thing so dont expect it to be just fine from first try. The king and its subjects will adapt to whatever tehnical ways i will be able to construct. I am not sure myself what the king will be able to do or what the citizen "hardcoded" rights will be. This is something to be decided at developing time while taking into consideration all neede aspects. One thing for example, other citizens of that land will be able to vote others in or out. Sort of a gang mentality, but for now i think a land should be "a BIG group of people that agree on a common purpose." The words big and purpose are the keys here. Purpose is of course the land well being, while the size of the people will determine the overall importance and power of that land. So far, the way i develop the citizenship interface, the peple of a land will have a lot to say about new citizens. The king will have power, that I assure you. If the king will not have the support of its people, the land has to suffer but in the end the king will fall too ...after a period of tyrany. I think tha king should be as powerfull as half of the lands people. that way if land is divided in two, kings position will be threatened. I am not sure how to acomplish that, but i am sure i don't want a kingship change too soon because that way i will never find out what could go good or wrong. THESE ARE IDEAS, PLANS, NOT FIXED DECISIONS. If it sais the you sign to obey your king if you apply for citizenship, then so it is. Afterall A KING is a king, not a president. People of that country OBEY their king, regardless if they like him or not...or if they do not obey him, the king can take actions against them. No king will be dethroned by one or two people, a king is symbol of an entire land and it will be changed when the land, meaning majority usualy, thinks so. I am not sure if kicking someone out of the land should be done so easy...i supposed not..so i'll see how i will do that. The land should function properly also WITHOUT a king, because lets be honest, how many of you play so long. Its a handfull of people that realy have age, but others, kings too, might quit unannounced at some point. Its a sad fact, but its also a reality i should consider when doing sometinhg that involves other people. Not only that, but the land should function also without the king in order to keep stress and chores off the kings shoulders. Anything unclear? PS: i think rules are made to be broken, but i see the kingship issue from perspective of honor, not moderator/strict rules perspective. Try to see my point.
  22. i might use the K docs system to store docs of general importance to a land and setup something like the land page where all thse docs could be found (integrated k doc list or similar) Division on lands will be greater than just different rulers and ctizenship.
  23. Ok, vote is clearly no. jumping to A10 will not happen yet. jumping BACK to aA8 will also not happen, because rpc was not the one thing to advance game from A8 to A9 and also a lot of the RPC things are still used and will be used but in a different setup. For example wishpoint rewarding, was once for rpc only but now its for anyone (or could be if you have wp codes) Fell free to tell when you think its time for a name change, i'll be working on those unfinished things. p.s. YES i will also work on new stuff, regardless how insane that is, its the one thing that keeps me going.
  24. stop posting movies with cartoons or artificialy made movies. Take movies of yourself, post on youtube.
  25. I think the changes that happened in A9 are quite important. They changed the gameplay and also big concepts in MD. Considering all the things added or changed in A9, including the ones during the festival, do you think it is time to declare MD at the next change? Possible things that could still delay next stage could be factions getting done, tokens fixed. More wish shop items and achievements and other things are irrelevant because they are only "more" but not new. Please review the A9 changes in the newslog and share your opinion about this. Also take into consideration how many changes of what importance were done between other game stages. The next stage will be equivalent of v1.0, thats a BIG symbolic step. I do not wish to call it version 1 unfortunatly. MD has no versions, MD is constantly evolving. The next stage will be called Stage 10. or Epoch or whatever i will find better (a discussion about this was opened long ago) The steps between such stages should be as if we are jumping MD from version 9 (not 0.9) to version 10. Why do i put so much importance on a simple version number? Because this number tells me how far MD got, how stable it is, and how i should treat it emotionaly and rationaly. It also indicates what kind of things i will focus on, if i will think more about its fighting system, social system, role play system, or other things. It is very important for me to have accurate stage steps, not to long but not to hasty.
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