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Muratus del Mur

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Everything posted by Muratus del Mur

  1. Belonging to a land means you must obey its rule but you also should have benefits. Or even if you don't obey the ruler of that land he still has some power over you. Being without a land makes you in a way independent, this must come with a cost or else why to join a land? Kings are free to sponsor players without a declared land, but should never sponsor players from other lands. If your king is to lazy or is unreachable for you to ask for a wp code, then its your bad luck. Lands should suffer or flourish depending on their leaders. There are just a handful of players that are without land but do amazing quests that should be rewarded wp codes. In my opinion, kings should try to get those players on their side. If i make wp functional only for players with lands, all this "independent" thing will go out in a week without much argue. But because you have an option, some of you stay without citizenship but still want the benefits of one. At the end it is a personal decision of the king what to do and rewards and reward resources are given only to them to distribute (except items that are random and will remain random). yrth quoted what i said well and its still valid. Considering the hierarchy, there is nothing above kings , except "gods" but gods are more like guidelines not actual forces to change things. Same here, the king has the power to do it, and they will do it based on what i _suggested_ them to do. This means they can still derail from the rules... risking of course to get struck by lightning if they derail to much If you are curious why: Personal decision is a healthy way to avoid monotony and rule breaking. It is the type of flavor i am looking for. A leader is not only a policeman reinforcing the rules, or public spokesman, but they are personalities that change the destiny of their people, in good , or bad. They can be dictators, they can be friendly an open to anything, or worse they can be inactive. I believe the kingship elections elected a very interesting set of leaders for the 4 lands and as i said before, i am willing to risk the stability and future of md, unforseen implications of their actions and decisions, based on the way they will "rule".
  2. *cough* I bet he was hallucin/ogenic/ating if he said that
  3. i cant argue with you on that cutler. offering an alternate activity kind of ruined other activities, yet you did a very cool thing there. (yes i checked it). I will not get involved with these thigns, i always say that, no one hears it. Not the astral plane, not the card game, nothing. sorry, but i have enough to worry about. RP is not your main goal like some suggested, nor is stats grinding. Each will think differently as each likes one or the other aspect more. I've been 'accused' of favorizing the RP part, and i've been accused i was only doing things for the fighting part...trust me, whatever i will do there will always be voices to complain. [b]The facts remain, md is boring because you people say its boring. Think for a second. How many days do you have ..cutler, princ, burns..all of you complaining. LOTS and LOTS. Since you started MD evolved a lot and it has a lot more stuff in it to fill your time with. Now tell me, why should it be boring for a new player? And you veterans would have so much more fun if you would just allow newcommers to get to this point of getting bored on their own, in one or two years of playing.[/b]
  4. i see ggg as a compromise between players to cover some gameplay issues and 'survive' md. It some sort of giant pact. The big problem i see is that it keeps the very few online players far away from what new players see. This creates a chain reaction and keeps MD even more empty than it is. It is a community created structure and i will not interfere with it, destroying it or supporting it. Thats entirely up to you. In a way it affects MD badly, in an other it unites it and teaches discipline. In one way its far and makes md look and be "empty" in on other way it generates movement across the map. Do not expect a decision from me in such situations because that would totally ruin my purpose of observing what happens. My response will be to create alternate reasons why not to get so many people in one place. This will require time, and i plan to start a series up updates on MD _gameplay_ (so not fixes or new features, but concept changes) starting in two month or so from now. Why so late? i have my reasons. If I were to control ggg myself (i don't want to), i would probably add rules to make it harder and less static to achieve its purposes. For example having a different location each day will at least generate some sort of movement. Having an alliance spell (probably part on the new stuff) so that a group of people can kick out others from a location would allow guards to keep ggg safe in very public locations (send to gazebo can be used now, but its very limited). Putting some sort of daily rewards gathered from a daily "participation fee" would boost up motivation and would turn the ggg into a daily quest-like activity. There are so many things, but like i said its not up to me to alter the natural course of what will happen with player made organisations. Its up to you, and with the tools you have. Public concerns will however trigger a response from me and i might hurry up some of the features o abilities that could influence the situation.... in supporting it, but also in destoying it...so its kind of tricky. Can someone summerize the social history of ggg and its "ancestral" roots, starting with the shop guards gathering place for example? the dojo? the few attepmts to train on massive amounts of alts? There was always some sort of fight gathering in md, where people agreed to rules or at least to the fact they can fight eachother constantly. It is an unevitable phenomenon and maybe it should start to get fully supported or fully replaced/removed....like i said , it wont be me to decide that, even if i know the answer already.
  5. First of all , AL was never something where anyone could jump in at any time. It was/is influenced by what players did but it keeps focus on a certain channel of the events. If it was just a mixture of what anyone did , well, imagine that... Actualy it was such a mixture when i was not the one to write it. I try to avoid salads if possible. Even with the current one, i tried to make them with suspense , even if the events were done long ago and most knew the outcome. I am starting to believe there is a need or some sort of journal where anyone can add its own events. The AL can keep track only of 1% of the things , leaving 99% of the people out of it, if you want it to be interesting and not just a boring report of news. Actualy thats 99,99%. I think what you are talking about its the NEWSPAPER. Its a huge difference between random and decided by me, if you don't see it i am sorry. I will have to consider realy well how such "forcing into story" will take place. I guess thats where the issue is, because you probably imagine something else than i imagine. Some type of events are realy impossible to actualy do, like the temporal trap in the last pages. Thats an addon based on the fact that lifeline ran away escaping necrovion followed indeed by the shade sentinel. The tiredness and temporal trap are added by me to increase suspense, AND TO ADD KEY ELEMENTS TO THE STORY. All i want to do it move further with this kind of modifications. Its also very difficult to follow any influences. Think of it, i have to pick from 300 suggestions for one checkpoint (first test showed so), now, some will repeat but there will still be over 100 different pathes the story could go. What are you suggesting? To follow the events? How? Its anyway my pick which one from the suggestions to follow. The soubtle difference is that i might follow my own suggestions more often. I am not trying to argue with any of you, i am just trying to figure out myself what is the best thing to do, with your help. The voting shows clearly what most of you want, yet i must consider also the negative comments on the "forced story" issue. I think my own words naming it "forced" made it all sound bad, when in fact its slightly different situation if you consider what i said above.
  6. you can also get them by trade. Making them cost much also keeps them more rare. Imagine having them at 5$, everyone will buy one and then it will be even worse between paying and non paying. ..but i am aware the rusy is overpowered at the moment. it was an escape solution for a year ago when hosting sent a 2k$ bill but now keeps a big share of what is going on in the shop. One solution is to make it even more rare, like having it only on certain days in shop, but not cheaper. Making it cheaper will make it more accessible and will unbalance md more.
  7. Anyone observed that there is no "paid" browser game out there? Or i don't know any yet. They are all "free to play", but when you actualy try to play them they require lots of money just to be able to play them. I tried one these days to see whats new in that niche and i was shocked to see nothing changed. On top of that, it was total suicide to play without paying. I did pay, then it only moved me in a stage of the game where if i didnt paid more i had the same choice like before, to quit or watch my account get eradicated by paying members. You all know this frustration i believe, its nothing new. The STUPID thing is that the game was not playable without payment after a certain point. You end up in a situation where you should train, but you cant train because there is no one to train upon, all being super high level (the npc i mean) BUT...but... you do have a "XP card" in the shop that you can buy to receive more xp. On top of that, you find treasures that make you think you are so lucky you found them, yet when you want to open them ..of course...you need to PAY. Doesn't matter what game it is now, the issue is here about MD. I want md to be a "free to play" game and not a pretended free to play. That means that you should never reach a point where only a paid feature could save you from a situation where no other free option can. I am not talking about using free credits to get a rusty, even if that is possible is way to difficult, but not having a rusty wont prevent you from building a strong ritual for example. There are ways around it so to say. If by mistake or ignorance, i added things in the shop that prevent non-paying members to do something they should be able to do, something that affects gameplay, then please shout about it here. If it makes sense, i will probably move those items to the wish shop, since WP are not for sale but can be achieved. Please do remember that the md shop is the only income that keeps MD free so it has to be attractive to the buyers , but not stupid or to hinder gameplay as some other games do. Thank you for your feedback.
  8. Just to clarify this, it will never be removed from the side panel or top menu link! Just added or not added on the first page after login. By longer sections i mean expanding the one page wiht more details, BUT NOT WITH MORE EVENTS. So instead of wrtiting it short, i could make it more detailed and better presented. The order of events and how they are split into pages wont change. (the poins IS that you should want know more events, its what keep you curious and excited about what the next page might hold)
  9. In fact i was planning to make it shorter. I tried several long and complicated ideas and they can be written there if you keep it short. Its so short to prevent players from showing off with roleplay events or with entire action suggestions. Its also so short to be easy to review, think i will have to read hundreds of such entries each time! The shorter it is the more it will focus on the idea and not on how you express it. Hopefully this will make more players and non english native speakers to interact with the story or get rewarded for good ideas that match the next page. But this topic is not about the lenght of that so thanks for the remark but lets keep on topic for now.
  10. Red AL entries mean higher importance , key elements described or checkpoints. Gray entries mean less important entries, notes that are not essential, remarks. Most entries are normal importance, in black. It happend this last one was red because it was a checkpoint. lifeline escaped necrovion and story takes a new path. There are just a few more pages that will describe what happend in those days. After that, new story starts...of course related to the previous, one way or an other, even if its not always obvious.
  11. Please state your opinions about the Adventure Log and the recent modifications.
  12. How is it called that year when your birthday comes at the exact same week day as the day you were borned? I know it happens every several years or so, just a few times in your life but not at regular intervals. I know it has a name but i forgot it and i wanted to google it for more details but i couldn't find any lead to start with. Thnx
  13. ITS NOT MANDATORY! clicking the Tell / Continue button will "continue" regardless if you write something or not, i thought is obviousl because of the name of the button.
  14. I didnt let him out. Not that i put a time limit for his imprisonment, but for sure 2 days is not acceptable. I wont start to run around md to cach him now, because i am realy short on time, but if i see him out or find out who took him out...........I am alsmot starting to feel my decisions start to be ignored. No problem. Speaking of ignored decisions, Czez, you still didnt changed that PL entry, i asked nicely. I will change it and its one warning to you, next time...
  15. But maybe a stupid suggestion is actualy unexpected enough and might be what i was lookign for. If someone will filter out opinions then that someone might start to remove those players that he/she dislikes too, disregarding their actual comment. An intermediary is not good i think, better lets find some "score" that can separate players in those that can and those that cant participate. Active days do not show the actual involvement in current days but more like loyalty towards MD. Maybe there is a need for an other score. What about wishpoints? or they are hard to get and should be at the end of the AL not at the beginning? Idk... Purpose is to have under 50 form over 320 and keep those that are realy creative and interesting, but not exagerated with creativity. Maybe the kingship voting score? what about that?..but its not updated constantly. brainstorming.
  16. Update is done but i have to move it now in the root. Will do this probably tomorow. Also I have to do a design, right now, all their templates are crap. http://md-archives.com/newarchive The template i picked is suggestive don't you think? Don't worry structure and layout will change too, right now its everything as it was imported from old site.
  17. No, i recovered a backup from february this year. I am uploading files right now and then try to perform the upgrade once more. I think only my article about self healing was lost, but it is on the forum too.
  18. Ok so its like this: Hosting replied with a big stupid grin on their face that there is no other backup and that my payed remote backup feature was actually not working because it was not set up. Nice time to find this out, good that its not MD that needs the backup. We have a version from july up, so i will need the december backup. I have recovered something that looks like a backup file and is newwer than december, if i can get that working, fine , if not, Chewett pls email me that backup you have.
  19. PL is for opinions, that includes bad opinions. Telling someone is bad, soulless, etc, is [b]alright[/b]..and it is alright because people should fear the PL and think others will see such opinions. If more say you are bad, then it must be something about it there. Try to keep it decent and not insult anyone, but feel free to criticise as bad as you wish. Frigid however, is something that can not be judged from within MD, in my opinion. Since cybersex is something that should happen only in privacy, sexual qualifiers should remain also private. That is an insult and should be removed or replaced by something "doesnt like cybersex" or whatever. Since the log is not overall an insult but more of a critic, i will ask Czez to remove that word that is out of place there, and move on without any punishment. So that you people get this clear .. i will judge things and apply rules only when i bump into them. Don;t start to press me with every tiny little thing you consider not to be wrong because i will start ignoring them and you might get to a real issue that you will have to solve yourself.
  20. Yeah, consider the Al a luxury only some can afford to understand, while for others is like politics on TV, fun to watch, impossible to attend. What do you want me to do? Write an AL where everybody does something? Put a small treasure after each 5 pages? I can make AL reading optional and write it for a handful of people that read it. One thing is for sure , if at least one person remains interested in it, i will write it. I am hoping that by giving people a chance to answer something directly in the AL page to see also what unpopular players think. Like i said, AL's secrets are a luxury, like drachorns, wishpoints, items, like lots of other things in md, in fact, md is made from luxury items if you see it like that.
  21. They are all so funny
  22. I have bad news. Hosting said most "recent" backup is from 5 july O.o Now i am at the stage where i freak out for their incompetence since i do have a remote backup option with them and i was supposed to have things backed up weekly at least. Until i see if their change their mind and find a more recent backup somehow by a miracle, the remaining option is to put the old backup and then use one of our bacups to restore content before i attempt a site upgrade again. So..waiting a bit more. Keep those backups handy.
  23. I wish to quote someone whose thoughts shocked me at first because i recognized my way of thinking in them. When i first heard about him i thought its an overrated artist, but later i realized his value goes beyond his paintings. [b]Pablo Picasso.[/b] - Art is the lie that enables us to realize the truth. - Everything you can imagine is real. - My mother said to me, "If you are a soldier, you will become a general. If you are a monk, you will become the Pope." Instead, I was a painter, and became Picasso. - Success is dangerous. One begins to copy oneself, and to copy oneself is more dangerous than to copy others. It leads to sterility. And listen to this one and think of MD now: - To finish a work? To finish a picture? What nonsense! To finish it means to be through with it, to kill it, to rid it of its soul, to give it its final blow the coup de grace for the painter as well as for the picture.
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