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Muratus del Mur

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  1. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Dst's 'Cyber Sex' Post   
    [color=#808080][i](sorry chew i had to post after you closed it, you might want to open it again. Its good you closed it initially but some things need to be abswered by me on the cybersex topic)[/i][/color]

    [b]The bad part 1[/b]
    If the punk you are cybersexing with is under-aged, and because of his own imbecility his parents see the chat (keyloggers, parent monitoring, etc) MD (including the business and me as individual) will have to suffer terrible consequences for not asking you folks for age, checking it, putting all kind of shitty disclaimers for all sorts of frustrated people. And why not admit it, if it were my kid to do cybersex to someone online that he doesn't know a thing about i would react the same, quite violently.
    MD is also not a dating site replacement. There are some people that might care about md for what it is while others will just open a chat window on some game called md that "allows it" and use it as you would use a tramp. I can't and won't "judge" your cybersex sessions to decide if it was fit or unfit to md spirit (imagine that!!), so there is no way "some" cybersex is fine while other is not fine, thats just ridiculous.

    [b]The bad part 2[/b]
    MD rules are built around a core of freedom. There are enough bending opportunities for every taste. forbidding cybersex conflicts with a basic concept ..the one that pushes me to expand the land. Its not like if we are all in one scene and bother eachother. MD is also not an academic gathering where you need to behave. Human behaviour in md is taged by what is called here role, or role-play. If your character is a culprit, if you talk shit, if you do bad things, that is you, fine with me. There are and will be rules against it, IF and only IF you get caught. There is a thin line where i put this freedom core aside and use unfair tools against "criminals", such as IP ban, log review and so on. I use those just when they get out of their role and the damage they do reaches out of md concept. CYBERSEX is not a crime, cybersex is a risk, a double risk. One part of the risk is that it will break that thin line between your character and you as a human citizen. The other risk is to the purpose and concept of md. The moment you use something out of md as a tool for other activities, and by that i mean here using the chat as a tool unrelated to md, you affect md concepts, you "rp" outside of md, but being in md so to say. I dont know how to explain better, i hope you ppl understand.

    [b]The ugly part[/b]

    Rules are rules, not applying them is not an option. The cybersex rule was not meant to be used for hunting people, but spells can be used as their owner wishes and hunting someone to find its potential crimes is also not a crime..otherwise police would be doing a crime by simply existing.
    The only way i see to balance this serious situation that puts in conflict two solid md concepts, is through a new spell. If there is an ability to digg the past there should be an ability to hide the past. You will see what i mean in the announcements and no its not a chat delete spell, ..sort of.

    I hope you read careful what i said in here because i said a lot in a way
  2. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from dst in Dst's 'Cyber Sex' Post   
    [color=#808080][i](sorry chew i had to post after you closed it, you might want to open it again. Its good you closed it initially but some things need to be abswered by me on the cybersex topic)[/i][/color]

    [b]The bad part 1[/b]
    If the punk you are cybersexing with is under-aged, and because of his own imbecility his parents see the chat (keyloggers, parent monitoring, etc) MD (including the business and me as individual) will have to suffer terrible consequences for not asking you folks for age, checking it, putting all kind of shitty disclaimers for all sorts of frustrated people. And why not admit it, if it were my kid to do cybersex to someone online that he doesn't know a thing about i would react the same, quite violently.
    MD is also not a dating site replacement. There are some people that might care about md for what it is while others will just open a chat window on some game called md that "allows it" and use it as you would use a tramp. I can't and won't "judge" your cybersex sessions to decide if it was fit or unfit to md spirit (imagine that!!), so there is no way "some" cybersex is fine while other is not fine, thats just ridiculous.

    [b]The bad part 2[/b]
    MD rules are built around a core of freedom. There are enough bending opportunities for every taste. forbidding cybersex conflicts with a basic concept ..the one that pushes me to expand the land. Its not like if we are all in one scene and bother eachother. MD is also not an academic gathering where you need to behave. Human behaviour in md is taged by what is called here role, or role-play. If your character is a culprit, if you talk shit, if you do bad things, that is you, fine with me. There are and will be rules against it, IF and only IF you get caught. There is a thin line where i put this freedom core aside and use unfair tools against "criminals", such as IP ban, log review and so on. I use those just when they get out of their role and the damage they do reaches out of md concept. CYBERSEX is not a crime, cybersex is a risk, a double risk. One part of the risk is that it will break that thin line between your character and you as a human citizen. The other risk is to the purpose and concept of md. The moment you use something out of md as a tool for other activities, and by that i mean here using the chat as a tool unrelated to md, you affect md concepts, you "rp" outside of md, but being in md so to say. I dont know how to explain better, i hope you ppl understand.

    [b]The ugly part[/b]

    Rules are rules, not applying them is not an option. The cybersex rule was not meant to be used for hunting people, but spells can be used as their owner wishes and hunting someone to find its potential crimes is also not a crime..otherwise police would be doing a crime by simply existing.
    The only way i see to balance this serious situation that puts in conflict two solid md concepts, is through a new spell. If there is an ability to digg the past there should be an ability to hide the past. You will see what i mean in the announcements and no its not a chat delete spell, ..sort of.

    I hope you read careful what i said in here because i said a lot in a way
  3. Downvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Seigheart in Dst's 'Cyber Sex' Post   
    [color=#808080][i](sorry chew i had to post after you closed it, you might want to open it again. Its good you closed it initially but some things need to be abswered by me on the cybersex topic)[/i][/color]

    [b]The bad part 1[/b]
    If the punk you are cybersexing with is under-aged, and because of his own imbecility his parents see the chat (keyloggers, parent monitoring, etc) MD (including the business and me as individual) will have to suffer terrible consequences for not asking you folks for age, checking it, putting all kind of shitty disclaimers for all sorts of frustrated people. And why not admit it, if it were my kid to do cybersex to someone online that he doesn't know a thing about i would react the same, quite violently.
    MD is also not a dating site replacement. There are some people that might care about md for what it is while others will just open a chat window on some game called md that "allows it" and use it as you would use a tramp. I can't and won't "judge" your cybersex sessions to decide if it was fit or unfit to md spirit (imagine that!!), so there is no way "some" cybersex is fine while other is not fine, thats just ridiculous.

    [b]The bad part 2[/b]
    MD rules are built around a core of freedom. There are enough bending opportunities for every taste. forbidding cybersex conflicts with a basic concept ..the one that pushes me to expand the land. Its not like if we are all in one scene and bother eachother. MD is also not an academic gathering where you need to behave. Human behaviour in md is taged by what is called here role, or role-play. If your character is a culprit, if you talk shit, if you do bad things, that is you, fine with me. There are and will be rules against it, IF and only IF you get caught. There is a thin line where i put this freedom core aside and use unfair tools against "criminals", such as IP ban, log review and so on. I use those just when they get out of their role and the damage they do reaches out of md concept. CYBERSEX is not a crime, cybersex is a risk, a double risk. One part of the risk is that it will break that thin line between your character and you as a human citizen. The other risk is to the purpose and concept of md. The moment you use something out of md as a tool for other activities, and by that i mean here using the chat as a tool unrelated to md, you affect md concepts, you "rp" outside of md, but being in md so to say. I dont know how to explain better, i hope you ppl understand.

    [b]The ugly part[/b]

    Rules are rules, not applying them is not an option. The cybersex rule was not meant to be used for hunting people, but spells can be used as their owner wishes and hunting someone to find its potential crimes is also not a crime..otherwise police would be doing a crime by simply existing.
    The only way i see to balance this serious situation that puts in conflict two solid md concepts, is through a new spell. If there is an ability to digg the past there should be an ability to hide the past. You will see what i mean in the announcements and no its not a chat delete spell, ..sort of.

    I hope you read careful what i said in here because i said a lot in a way
  4. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Cannot use Any Wish?   
  5. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Shared Item Regroup   
    incremented time intervals are not on option. It is too confusing, and plus i want the items to regroup on tuesday, not other day. It is perfectly placed so that items can be used in the weekend and also during the week.

    TIme intervals changed as announced.
  6. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Chewett in Cannot use Any Wish?   
  7. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Menhir in Item Swapping   
    This topic is ancient and locked, however i want to post a reply to clear up some things that i initially missed to reply to:

    [quote]How come Transfering high powered crits to alts or vice versa is different from transfering coins to buy high powered crits? [/quote]

    you can train creatures better on a powerful main then use them to boost up a new created alt account. Coins have same value regardless if they are on a main or an alt. Converting coins into valuable goods requires interaction, you will buy the creatures as the alt account, meaning you will play that account. In my view that is acceptable compromise to allow multiple accounts.

    [quote]Fine, now im going to transfere all my coins gained via FREE CREDITS to my main[/quote]

    You WORKED all the same for the free credits on your alt as you would have on your main account, they are equally hard to gain. Having a 2000 days account with ultra powers wont change anything about how you click the freecredits links. Free credits links are the price paid to get that credit so once you get that credit from free credits it is equal to buying credits with cash. In fact, i am not storing spent "free credits" separately in the db from spent "paid credits". They are the same once you fulfill the minimum requirement to transfer them. no abuse involved.

    The "danger" you are probably thinking at is that someone/all will start raising alts and flood the freecredits page with invalid votes that will eventually turn into silver for them. My ONLY reply to this real threat is that the activity generated by those alts both on md and on the outside toplists is an acceptable price to "pay" for md in the situation where md is slwoly dieing if you look at the activity. There are ways i will limit alts when the situation will require it, for now, as i predicted one year ago, the "coins are ok to trade" rule is "safe"

    Maybe i am not to clear to you all, maybe you stopped trusting my judgement, i dont know what happens. Maybe i was away a long time with personal issues but i still believe i can forsee the impact of a rule or change and not only anticipate its outcome but actually use it. After a year of this topic..where is the tragedy? where are the swarms of players that float in free silver as you thought will be?

  8. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Item Swapping   
    This topic is ancient and locked, however i want to post a reply to clear up some things that i initially missed to reply to:

    [quote]How come Transfering high powered crits to alts or vice versa is different from transfering coins to buy high powered crits? [/quote]

    you can train creatures better on a powerful main then use them to boost up a new created alt account. Coins have same value regardless if they are on a main or an alt. Converting coins into valuable goods requires interaction, you will buy the creatures as the alt account, meaning you will play that account. In my view that is acceptable compromise to allow multiple accounts.

    [quote]Fine, now im going to transfere all my coins gained via FREE CREDITS to my main[/quote]

    You WORKED all the same for the free credits on your alt as you would have on your main account, they are equally hard to gain. Having a 2000 days account with ultra powers wont change anything about how you click the freecredits links. Free credits links are the price paid to get that credit so once you get that credit from free credits it is equal to buying credits with cash. In fact, i am not storing spent "free credits" separately in the db from spent "paid credits". They are the same once you fulfill the minimum requirement to transfer them. no abuse involved.

    The "danger" you are probably thinking at is that someone/all will start raising alts and flood the freecredits page with invalid votes that will eventually turn into silver for them. My ONLY reply to this real threat is that the activity generated by those alts both on md and on the outside toplists is an acceptable price to "pay" for md in the situation where md is slwoly dieing if you look at the activity. There are ways i will limit alts when the situation will require it, for now, as i predicted one year ago, the "coins are ok to trade" rule is "safe"

    Maybe i am not to clear to you all, maybe you stopped trusting my judgement, i dont know what happens. Maybe i was away a long time with personal issues but i still believe i can forsee the impact of a rule or change and not only anticipate its outcome but actually use it. After a year of this topic..where is the tragedy? where are the swarms of players that float in free silver as you thought will be?

  9. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in First MDA Festival - Aug 24th   
    Thats what i love to see.. people supporting an event with their own goods, impressive.
    My donation was told to the organizer, its not as great as yours however

    When you give out the rewards please do mention who porivded them, their donnors deserve that.
  10. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in sad conclusion   
    About legend speakers: I might have gone to hard on the legendspeakers. I dont argue their individual activity in different areas as players, but their activity to the purpose of the guild..and here is not the topic for this.

    About my made up rules: Yes I probably do rules as we go, if you like to see it this way. I like to see it that i follow a path and sometimes rules need to be added or ignored to keep to that path..but the path never changes. To lead means to be able to do that, otherwise you are just a good follower of rules, not a leader. MD is a ship and i am its captain. You learn to steer a ship according to rules to get from point A to point B, but in action you sometimes need to bend the rules or the rules change independently of you as you go and you need to adapt otherwise your path changes even if you followed the rules perfectly. Nature forces are what cause rule bending for a ship, player actions are what cause it in MD.

    About council agreeing or not: If i remember right I think they wished for elections as this was the normal thing to do. However they know that the odd decisions belong to me and this was not a very normal situation either. I am fully responsible for what and why happened.
  11. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Phantom Orchid in First MDA Festival - Aug 24th   
    Thats what i love to see.. people supporting an event with their own goods, impressive.
    My donation was told to the organizer, its not as great as yours however

    When you give out the rewards please do mention who porivded them, their donnors deserve that.
  12. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur reacted to Fyrd Argentus in First MDA Festival - Aug 24th   
    Announcing the first MagicDuel Archives Festival!
    [Note: Organized by Innocence, I'm just posting - Fyrd].

    Starting at 0:00 on the 24th of August, a Day of Tranquility, come explore the Archives to meet others, play games, and have FUN!

    The theme for this celebration is “Fun with the Adventure Log.” As such, there will be several events and games that touch upon this theme. The Adventure Log has been a part of MagicDuel since its beginnings and embodies its soul. Though the AL lies dormant for the time being, it’s important to know where we’ve been and how we’ve ended up where we are now, but that doesn’t mean that we have to be all dour and studious about it…
    So let’s have some FUN!!

    Scheduled Events:
    To start the celebration, Awiiya will be hosting a Story Night. Using the theme, bring your best parody or satire of a portion of the AL!
    Would you like to see an expanded version of the epic struggle between Bootes and MRD? Have you wondered what other books were available for RJ to read when he was in the Drachorn Lair? Perhaps you want to tell the story of the shades who were on the other side of the gate from Khalazdad? Now is your chance to inject a little humor or a different perspective into a part of our history.

    Everyone has questions. Everyone has answers. But… what if the two really don’t have anything to do with each other? That must mean it’s time for… Silly Questions and Sillier Answers!!
    A simple event that requires no real preparation, join Innocence in the Indexed Room of Memories for what is certain to be a lot of laughs! The catch, of course, is that you must prepare your answer before the question is asked by stealing a line from the AL. Who knows what questions might come up? Innocence might ask about anything from your favorite color or food, to advice on handling knators, to what sort of guidance helped you most when you first arrived in this land. The only way to know is to show up. One this is certain, though, it’s going to be a lot of fun!

    You have what it takes, you have what it makes to be a poet? Then come and show it!
    Keith Moon will be hosting a Poetry Slam in the Great Hall of the Sun, so bring your best meter, rhythms, and rhymes! Free form? Couplets? Sonnets? Perhaps some rambling epic? Everyone is encouraged to attend and to participate. Who knows, maybe you’ll discover that the soul of an artist lies within you and is looking for a chance to let the world see!

    What would a [noun] be without a bit of [adjective] fun? Come and join Innocence in the Great Hall of the [noun] to [verb] to a different style of Adventure Log that you’ll help create! Take a seat or [verb] against the wall and toss out all sorts of [adjective] words! Then all you’ll have to do is [verb] while Innocence [verb ending in –s] the tale. While [verb ending in –ing] and laughing, try to keep your [plural noun] about you so newcomers don’t stare at you too [adverb.]

    Do you think you’re smart enough to be able to track Burns? Do you think you’re clever enough to catch him? But, most importantly, do you think you’re good enough to keep him? Welcome to Burn’s Grand Chase!
    Two events—back to back—will feature Burns running around the Archive lands while others are welcome to try to stop him. Will you dig a pit? Will you drop a cage? Can either really hold someone like Burns for long? It’s time to find out in an exciting mix of tag and capture the flag… only… this flag can move and outwit you!
    Note: Lower viscosity leads to a better event.
    (The MDA guilds and their membership cannot be held responsible for singed eyebrows, ripped clothing, busted armor, bloody noses, broken bones, hurt feelings, or anything else that might be inflicted during the course of this event. Thank you.)

    Non-scheduled Events:

    —Registration Pairings and Riddles, “Door Prizes”—
    As the celebration begins, and throughout the day, contact either Je Suis Oeufs Fous or Kyphis (schedule still to be determined) to receive a “name tag,” that will be part of a pair, along with half a riddle. Your goal is to seek out the match to your tag, put the two halves together, and to solve the riddle. Those who succeed will receive a small prize.
    Also, as people register with Je Suis Oeufs Fous and Kyphis, random “door prizes” will be given away. Who knows what you could get?

    —MD-Style Clue, Multiplayer—
    With a mood of celebration sweeping through the Archives, one of the members of the MDA lands got a little too excited and snatched something and hid it away for others to find. Did Curiose take a Jar of Pickles and hide it at the MDA Main Gates? Or perhaps Marind hid a Watering Can at the Gazebo of Silence? It’s up to you and your group to figure out who took what and where it was hidden. Contact Innocence to get started on this mystery and play as many times as you want!
    Minimum group of two required. Further details will be available from Innocence.

    —MD-Style Clue, Single Player—
    With a mood of celebration sweeping through the Archives, many members of the Archive Lands got a little too excited and decided to play pranks on each other. Who hid the Sealed Diary in the Indexed Room of Memories? Rendril Revant left behind a Green Cube as a calling card, but what did he take? Tackle a maddening logic-style problem to match up the thieves to their loot, their hiding place, and their calling card! Contact Innocence to get started on these mysteries!

    —MagicDuel Archive Mud Race—
    Words are popping out all over the MDA grounds – perhaps it is a message from the spirits hereabouts. See if you can collect them all and bring them as a sentence to the Fountain of the Lost Path, faster than any other team. And yes, due to all the mud (viscosity), this is a team event. Score is based on time lapse between when the first word is found to when the last team member reports in at the fountain. Try as many times as you wish to better the previous scores – it should get easier as the mud is trampled throughout the day. Prizes, of course. More details will be found on the 3 tiles around the Lost Path Fountain - begin and play any time on the 24th..
    [During the event, one clickie was incapacitated by the powers that be. Another will be substituted and the Mud Race will be allowed to continue later. Please watch for an annoucement in the Quests folder.]

    —Words within Words—
    “Rain,” “enable,” “baritone”—those are just three words that can be made using the letters within the word “celebration.” Do you think you have what it takes to find more? To begin this game, simply contact Innocence to receive your word or words. Then stretch that brain of yours as you have 15 minutes to come up with as many words as you can! Keep your pencil sharp and your mind sharper!
    Further details will be available from Innocence.

    Vendor and Artisan Booths:
    If you’d like to set up a space and time to sell your services or wares, please contact any of the Archivists to secure a spot. Times and places will be based on “first come, first serve.” Several areas will be set aside—mostly the Study Room and its West Wing, unnamed counterpart, but may expand, dependent upon interest—for those who want to take the opportunity to vend to the people visiting the Archives during the celebration.
    If you have wares or a service to sell, please contact an Archivist with your name, type of merchandise or service, and a preferred time frame in Server Time. IE: Carl Marks, Power to the People-service, 10:30 to 12:00
    Please respect the time slot you are given and wrap up any pitches or deals before the end of your time. Failure to do so may limit an individual’s participation in future events.

    Now a word from our sponsors…
    That could be YOU!
    While the goal of this celebration is to bring people together in the name of fun, it’s nice to be able to award various people for their efforts in participating in the games and events planned herein. However, the “Archives Fund” is limited and would welcome any and all donations for prizes. If you are able to offer up anything as a prize—creatures, material resources, WPs, memory stones, credits, Avatar or Item artwork, anything at all—it would be greatly appreciated.
    Again, the goal of the celebration is to CELEBRATE and to have FUN and that is what’s most important here, not any potential prizes. MagicDuel is a community that should look for every opportunity and any excuse to come together to have a good time.

    More events may be scheduled at a later point in time, especially if you—yes YOU!—approach either Fyrd Argentus or Innocence to discuss your event or game. Games or events that can incorporate the theme will be given preference over those that don’t, but every effort will be made to include as many as possible.
    The success of this celebration is directly linked to the number of people participating, so bring your friends and have them bring their friends for an awesome time! After all, if the more the merrier, then the MOST the MERRIEST!

    Your Comments and Suggestions are welcomed. Also, please post ideas for events or games or if you are able to supply a potential prize. Thank you for your time and we hope to see the Archives packed on the 24th!

    P.S. Any who might be interested in performing a dramatic or comedic sketch of a scene from the Adventure Log, please contact Innocence to discuss the scene a performance time. Thank you.
  13. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Phantom Orchid in Tea Auction   
    He is selling Tea..in case you refer to that. All products you obtain from using the shared tools are your goods, only the tools themselves you shouldnt sell thats all. The tea was slighlty bugged when it was launched, now all cups are fine, so in case you tested it back then, it might be more efficient now. Regeneration time is 3min.
  14. Downvote
    Muratus del Mur reacted to Pipstickz in sad conclusion   
    So you just HAD to throw a man overboard to keep your ship on course?
  15. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur reacted to Seigheart in sad conclusion   
    Keeping with the ship analogy, there is always a lift raft, or flotation device of some kind. Mur does not generally make someone walk the plank without some way to ensure their survival...
  16. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from phantasm in sad conclusion   
    About legend speakers: I might have gone to hard on the legendspeakers. I dont argue their individual activity in different areas as players, but their activity to the purpose of the guild..and here is not the topic for this.

    About my made up rules: Yes I probably do rules as we go, if you like to see it this way. I like to see it that i follow a path and sometimes rules need to be added or ignored to keep to that path..but the path never changes. To lead means to be able to do that, otherwise you are just a good follower of rules, not a leader. MD is a ship and i am its captain. You learn to steer a ship according to rules to get from point A to point B, but in action you sometimes need to bend the rules or the rules change independently of you as you go and you need to adapt otherwise your path changes even if you followed the rules perfectly. Nature forces are what cause rule bending for a ship, player actions are what cause it in MD.

    About council agreeing or not: If i remember right I think they wished for elections as this was the normal thing to do. However they know that the odd decisions belong to me and this was not a very normal situation either. I am fully responsible for what and why happened.
  17. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Kamisha in sad conclusion   
    as i see nobody from necrovion, with or without a king, bothered to document the recent major events involving necrovion in necrovions historic documents section. If the fall of a land is not historic enough for you..no comment, as i thought.

    dont pretend later you still want to be nc citizens or that you are interested in what happens with it.
  18. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Brulant in sad conclusion   
    About legend speakers: I might have gone to hard on the legendspeakers. I dont argue their individual activity in different areas as players, but their activity to the purpose of the guild..and here is not the topic for this.

    About my made up rules: Yes I probably do rules as we go, if you like to see it this way. I like to see it that i follow a path and sometimes rules need to be added or ignored to keep to that path..but the path never changes. To lead means to be able to do that, otherwise you are just a good follower of rules, not a leader. MD is a ship and i am its captain. You learn to steer a ship according to rules to get from point A to point B, but in action you sometimes need to bend the rules or the rules change independently of you as you go and you need to adapt otherwise your path changes even if you followed the rules perfectly. Nature forces are what cause rule bending for a ship, player actions are what cause it in MD.

    About council agreeing or not: If i remember right I think they wished for elections as this was the normal thing to do. However they know that the odd decisions belong to me and this was not a very normal situation either. I am fully responsible for what and why happened.
  19. Downvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Pipstickz in sad conclusion   
    About legend speakers: I might have gone to hard on the legendspeakers. I dont argue their individual activity in different areas as players, but their activity to the purpose of the guild..and here is not the topic for this.

    About my made up rules: Yes I probably do rules as we go, if you like to see it this way. I like to see it that i follow a path and sometimes rules need to be added or ignored to keep to that path..but the path never changes. To lead means to be able to do that, otherwise you are just a good follower of rules, not a leader. MD is a ship and i am its captain. You learn to steer a ship according to rules to get from point A to point B, but in action you sometimes need to bend the rules or the rules change independently of you as you go and you need to adapt otherwise your path changes even if you followed the rules perfectly. Nature forces are what cause rule bending for a ship, player actions are what cause it in MD.

    About council agreeing or not: If i remember right I think they wished for elections as this was the normal thing to do. However they know that the odd decisions belong to me and this was not a very normal situation either. I am fully responsible for what and why happened.
  20. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Liberty4life in sad conclusion   
    as i see nobody from necrovion, with or without a king, bothered to document the recent major events involving necrovion in necrovions historic documents section. If the fall of a land is not historic enough for you..no comment, as i thought.

    dont pretend later you still want to be nc citizens or that you are interested in what happens with it.
  21. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Shemhazaj in sad conclusion   
    About legend speakers: I might have gone to hard on the legendspeakers. I dont argue their individual activity in different areas as players, but their activity to the purpose of the guild..and here is not the topic for this.

    About my made up rules: Yes I probably do rules as we go, if you like to see it this way. I like to see it that i follow a path and sometimes rules need to be added or ignored to keep to that path..but the path never changes. To lead means to be able to do that, otherwise you are just a good follower of rules, not a leader. MD is a ship and i am its captain. You learn to steer a ship according to rules to get from point A to point B, but in action you sometimes need to bend the rules or the rules change independently of you as you go and you need to adapt otherwise your path changes even if you followed the rules perfectly. Nature forces are what cause rule bending for a ship, player actions are what cause it in MD.

    About council agreeing or not: If i remember right I think they wished for elections as this was the normal thing to do. However they know that the odd decisions belong to me and this was not a very normal situation either. I am fully responsible for what and why happened.
  22. Downvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Quas in sad conclusion   
    as i see nobody from necrovion, with or without a king, bothered to document the recent major events involving necrovion in necrovions historic documents section. If the fall of a land is not historic enough for you..no comment, as i thought.

    dont pretend later you still want to be nc citizens or that you are interested in what happens with it.
  23. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Ledah in sad conclusion   
    I wasn't even refering to the legend speakers, lately thats just a reason for a nice logo in my opinion, not much more. There is inno that tries hard to do things now and then, and the others that keep the ally as a trophy of times long gone. I was refering to the citizens that not very long ago cryied about whats going on with their land and now i haven't seen a damn reaction. The only involvement i saw was from a couple of people before the events...people involved directly with the events.

    Azull for example, he was recommended by jester as the next king, i told jester he cant name the next king directly, but if he was aiming for the kingship i would have expected him to react somehow for nc citizens..like for example ask that their citizenship is maintained..anyone could have asked that (before i announced it will) but him most of all should have asked that...thats just an example. You like to stay and watch and wonder what would happen to you next but dont move a finger.

    I dont refer to all of you but i cant give names about who was actively involved in this, trying to actually keep necrovions integrity despite what was going on, but i know. From my point of view it was a test in a way, a test to prove "rebel" means basically nothing more than a personal grudge and not a real concern for the land.
  24. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Ledah in sad conclusion   
    as i see nobody from necrovion, with or without a king, bothered to document the recent major events involving necrovion in necrovions historic documents section. If the fall of a land is not historic enough for you..no comment, as i thought.

    dont pretend later you still want to be nc citizens or that you are interested in what happens with it.
  25. Downvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Amoran Kalamanira Kol in sad conclusion   
    I wasn't even refering to the legend speakers, lately thats just a reason for a nice logo in my opinion, not much more. There is inno that tries hard to do things now and then, and the others that keep the ally as a trophy of times long gone. I was refering to the citizens that not very long ago cryied about whats going on with their land and now i haven't seen a damn reaction. The only involvement i saw was from a couple of people before the events...people involved directly with the events.

    Azull for example, he was recommended by jester as the next king, i told jester he cant name the next king directly, but if he was aiming for the kingship i would have expected him to react somehow for nc citizens..like for example ask that their citizenship is maintained..anyone could have asked that (before i announced it will) but him most of all should have asked that...thats just an example. You like to stay and watch and wonder what would happen to you next but dont move a finger.

    I dont refer to all of you but i cant give names about who was actively involved in this, trying to actually keep necrovions integrity despite what was going on, but i know. From my point of view it was a test in a way, a test to prove "rebel" means basically nothing more than a personal grudge and not a real concern for the land.
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