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Muratus del Mur

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  1. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Kamisha in sad conclusion   
    as i see nobody from necrovion, with or without a king, bothered to document the recent major events involving necrovion in necrovions historic documents section. If the fall of a land is not historic enough for you..no comment, as i thought.

    dont pretend later you still want to be nc citizens or that you are interested in what happens with it.
  2. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Liberty4life in sad conclusion   
    as i see nobody from necrovion, with or without a king, bothered to document the recent major events involving necrovion in necrovions historic documents section. If the fall of a land is not historic enough for you..no comment, as i thought.

    dont pretend later you still want to be nc citizens or that you are interested in what happens with it.
  3. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Seigheart in Necrovion Closed - question   
    Drach lair was closed and forbidden from entering there, it was specifically said so. Necrovion is "closed" meaning its _almost_ impossible to enter, i never said you are not allowed to enter. When you are not allowed to enter it means you are not allowed to enter even if gate is wide open with a big sign "we have cookies". It is not the case here.
    Closed means the door is closed, or apartially closed as you noticed, i will however consider it closed from a political point of view, there wont be events there, there wont be any rescue missions there, you enter on your own risk and i will continue to do "partially effective" efforts to keep people out without ruling them out. If you suddenly get kicked out from there to a distant land or crushed by a 1000% skilldamage shade with 1min attacks , its your own problem, i wouldnt be able to take any complains about that since its CLOSED anyway.

    666 was jesters wish while he was still operative so to say...so 666 is it. I would have put maybe more, maybe less, but still ap lock not closed gate.
  4. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from xrieg in Necrovion Closed - question   
    Drach lair was closed and forbidden from entering there, it was specifically said so. Necrovion is "closed" meaning its _almost_ impossible to enter, i never said you are not allowed to enter. When you are not allowed to enter it means you are not allowed to enter even if gate is wide open with a big sign "we have cookies". It is not the case here.
    Closed means the door is closed, or apartially closed as you noticed, i will however consider it closed from a political point of view, there wont be events there, there wont be any rescue missions there, you enter on your own risk and i will continue to do "partially effective" efforts to keep people out without ruling them out. If you suddenly get kicked out from there to a distant land or crushed by a 1000% skilldamage shade with 1min attacks , its your own problem, i wouldnt be able to take any complains about that since its CLOSED anyway.

    666 was jesters wish while he was still operative so to say...so 666 is it. I would have put maybe more, maybe less, but still ap lock not closed gate.
  5. Downvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Phantom Orchid in Auctioning 50 memory stones   
    100 silver
  6. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from nadrolski in Auctioning 50 memory stones   
    100 silver
  7. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Menhir in Item Swapping   
    This topic is ancient and locked, however i want to post a reply to clear up some things that i initially missed to reply to:

    [quote]How come Transfering high powered crits to alts or vice versa is different from transfering coins to buy high powered crits? [/quote]

    you can train creatures better on a powerful main then use them to boost up a new created alt account. Coins have same value regardless if they are on a main or an alt. Converting coins into valuable goods requires interaction, you will buy the creatures as the alt account, meaning you will play that account. In my view that is acceptable compromise to allow multiple accounts.

    [quote]Fine, now im going to transfere all my coins gained via FREE CREDITS to my main[/quote]

    You WORKED all the same for the free credits on your alt as you would have on your main account, they are equally hard to gain. Having a 2000 days account with ultra powers wont change anything about how you click the freecredits links. Free credits links are the price paid to get that credit so once you get that credit from free credits it is equal to buying credits with cash. In fact, i am not storing spent "free credits" separately in the db from spent "paid credits". They are the same once you fulfill the minimum requirement to transfer them. no abuse involved.

    The "danger" you are probably thinking at is that someone/all will start raising alts and flood the freecredits page with invalid votes that will eventually turn into silver for them. My ONLY reply to this real threat is that the activity generated by those alts both on md and on the outside toplists is an acceptable price to "pay" for md in the situation where md is slwoly dieing if you look at the activity. There are ways i will limit alts when the situation will require it, for now, as i predicted one year ago, the "coins are ok to trade" rule is "safe"

    Maybe i am not to clear to you all, maybe you stopped trusting my judgement, i dont know what happens. Maybe i was away a long time with personal issues but i still believe i can forsee the impact of a rule or change and not only anticipate its outcome but actually use it. After a year of this topic..where is the tragedy? where are the swarms of players that float in free silver as you thought will be?

  8. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Item Swapping   
    This topic is ancient and locked, however i want to post a reply to clear up some things that i initially missed to reply to:

    [quote]How come Transfering high powered crits to alts or vice versa is different from transfering coins to buy high powered crits? [/quote]

    you can train creatures better on a powerful main then use them to boost up a new created alt account. Coins have same value regardless if they are on a main or an alt. Converting coins into valuable goods requires interaction, you will buy the creatures as the alt account, meaning you will play that account. In my view that is acceptable compromise to allow multiple accounts.

    [quote]Fine, now im going to transfere all my coins gained via FREE CREDITS to my main[/quote]

    You WORKED all the same for the free credits on your alt as you would have on your main account, they are equally hard to gain. Having a 2000 days account with ultra powers wont change anything about how you click the freecredits links. Free credits links are the price paid to get that credit so once you get that credit from free credits it is equal to buying credits with cash. In fact, i am not storing spent "free credits" separately in the db from spent "paid credits". They are the same once you fulfill the minimum requirement to transfer them. no abuse involved.

    The "danger" you are probably thinking at is that someone/all will start raising alts and flood the freecredits page with invalid votes that will eventually turn into silver for them. My ONLY reply to this real threat is that the activity generated by those alts both on md and on the outside toplists is an acceptable price to "pay" for md in the situation where md is slwoly dieing if you look at the activity. There are ways i will limit alts when the situation will require it, for now, as i predicted one year ago, the "coins are ok to trade" rule is "safe"

    Maybe i am not to clear to you all, maybe you stopped trusting my judgement, i dont know what happens. Maybe i was away a long time with personal issues but i still believe i can forsee the impact of a rule or change and not only anticipate its outcome but actually use it. After a year of this topic..where is the tragedy? where are the swarms of players that float in free silver as you thought will be?

  9. Downvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Phantom Orchid in Law Advisors   
    md laws and regulations are scattered allover. It is not possible for a new player to know what is ok and what is not ok to do. Its true that most rules are common sense and its harder to break them than not to break them if your intentions are good. However, we need a better structure for this.

    One way would be to have a neverending page with rules , md rules, murs rules, kings rules, rules over rules...OR..

    or we can have it done md style, through people.

    Take this as a suggestion, if there will be volunteers to such an initiative i will support it with appropriate tags and announce it as official

    preferably comming from LHO ranks, these people will have to be updated always about what is ok and what is not ok in terms of rules in md, _announcements_ and punishments. These are not lawyers. Their activity will be to answer on forum or even interfere in certain situations based on their knowledge of the laws in md.
    I prefer one of each land so that each one will be also familiar with the laws of that land as well with the general laws.

    This role has potential in the future, depending on their activity, the people involved could act later as a intermediate layer between suggested rules and applied rules. They could later evolve in such way that their word would be law replacement, for example if a law advisor said "that is ok to do" and i come later and say "you die", the word of the law advisor will count as protection for the one doing the crime. but lets just focus on the current situation.

    The law advisors can be formed as a guild (tribunal obviously) or as an independent role assigned to more people. I can also setup a "fund" for this and they could ask a coin for each advise they give in private. (funds functionality is still not fully implemented but will be)

    requirements: good knowledge about current and previous announcements, all times, about how things go in md (how some rules are more or less applied), good communication skills (if you dont talk much you cant do this sort of role really). patience. initiative when needed and no initiative when not needed

    so... feedback pls
  10. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Luke27 in Law Advisors   
    md laws and regulations are scattered allover. It is not possible for a new player to know what is ok and what is not ok to do. Its true that most rules are common sense and its harder to break them than not to break them if your intentions are good. However, we need a better structure for this.

    One way would be to have a neverending page with rules , md rules, murs rules, kings rules, rules over rules...OR..

    or we can have it done md style, through people.

    Take this as a suggestion, if there will be volunteers to such an initiative i will support it with appropriate tags and announce it as official

    preferably comming from LHO ranks, these people will have to be updated always about what is ok and what is not ok in terms of rules in md, _announcements_ and punishments. These are not lawyers. Their activity will be to answer on forum or even interfere in certain situations based on their knowledge of the laws in md.
    I prefer one of each land so that each one will be also familiar with the laws of that land as well with the general laws.

    This role has potential in the future, depending on their activity, the people involved could act later as a intermediate layer between suggested rules and applied rules. They could later evolve in such way that their word would be law replacement, for example if a law advisor said "that is ok to do" and i come later and say "you die", the word of the law advisor will count as protection for the one doing the crime. but lets just focus on the current situation.

    The law advisors can be formed as a guild (tribunal obviously) or as an independent role assigned to more people. I can also setup a "fund" for this and they could ask a coin for each advise they give in private. (funds functionality is still not fully implemented but will be)

    requirements: good knowledge about current and previous announcements, all times, about how things go in md (how some rules are more or less applied), good communication skills (if you dont talk much you cant do this sort of role really). patience. initiative when needed and no initiative when not needed

    so... feedback pls
  11. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in NON original avatar   
    thank you for spotting this, all avatars by this author should be investigated. Avatar mod ban him from uploading more, council should decide if any further action is needed. I will compensate the lost credits on this issue. Please contact treasure keepers for a 10$ code.

    I HATE IT when someone copies someone elses work, puts a bad stain on MDs originality.
  12. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Mighty Pirate in NON original avatar   
    thank you for spotting this, all avatars by this author should be investigated. Avatar mod ban him from uploading more, council should decide if any further action is needed. I will compensate the lost credits on this issue. Please contact treasure keepers for a 10$ code.

    I HATE IT when someone copies someone elses work, puts a bad stain on MDs originality.
  13. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Phantom Orchid in Resources and Alts   
    this community garden fits in a way with the herbs resource..isnt it?
  14. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Resources and Alts   
    Ary, pls dont make public assumptions about the reasons behind the tasks i ask u to do
    gathering item ids from guilds is for something that will happen much later, not for a fix

    now that you made everybody curious(e) about it, i should say what this is about, so that people dont make false assumptions.

    If you remember long ago there was a test in wasps totem, LR, about fancy items. Most of you consider it was a long forgotten incomplete feature i did and left hanging. Very true. Only that there is a reason why i did it and qhy its not finished, apart my sudden shifts of mood. That incomplete feature is a structural arch in the architecture of md, if its done too soon will make the construction callapse, if its done too late other features will take its place. Its purpose? adding a drop of cyclicity to the system. Some items might in the far future be common tools provided by the land , rented, and that return periodically to their place.

    By that, the industry so to call it, will remain with a stable structure of available tools, regenerable resources, guilds, etc, and will not depend on people vanishing with toold due to inactivity.

    shared items.

    for now i try to see how that works in minor social experiments such as the fenths sharing, the reality coagulators and other similar things.

    u see how random things i do and never finish in md actually make sense on the long run? i dont think back then when i did that feature there was a real issue with woodcutters running away with tools or that anyone foresaw the sort of issues that incomplete feature was designed to solve when its time will come.

    now on topic

    alts are a major issue. what i can say for now is that those that are honestly playing and dont abuse alts will be happy later. remember you cant delete accounts and erase logs, but i am trying to find a way to make alts unabusable. If I fail, i will take more drastic and less elegant actions against alts how the interface treats them. I have several options to fix this but its too soon. just for example. ..i could force alt time stages, one character per week, pick what alt you want to play..that sort of thing...but lets try more decent ways

    i appreciate the concern honest players have about the alts situation
  15. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Poppi Chullo in Wishpoint usage   
    wish shop wishes could cover tags and even custom requests as well eventually. too soon for that but as things get more and more organized and better integrated ..eventually everything will be covered.
  16. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur reacted to Dragual in Magic Duel Festival   
    When was the last time we celebrated any thing? Say, the most recent advances in technology? Or just this great land we live in? I say we have some sort of festival, where all the players gather in the areas around the GoE(not just in GoE, but in the roads around it). And I would like it if Mur could change the background for the length of the celebration. I think this is a good idea... But if I'm wrong, please give me your thoughts!
  17. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Amoran Kalamanira Kol in Clarifications on alt abuse and related rules   
    Please update this topic with any related information about alt abuse situations discussed on the forum, provide just the links to avoid derailing the discussion.

    I will start with this one. I put my comments there

    [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/7444-item-swapping/page__st__20"]Item Swapping: http://magicduel.inv...ng/page__st__20[/url]
    [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10332-wishpoints-items-and-alt-abuse/page__pid__89763#entry89763"]Item Creation: http://magicduel.inv...9763#entry89763[/url]

    Link: [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10344-new-policy-on-item-creation/"]http://magicduel.inv...-item-creation/[/url]
    (Udgards policy for the crafters on item creation, details how item creation that involves alts will be handled)

    The following links are for topics that discuss Alt Abuse, with specific structures in mind, however they do not have any official clarifications within them. Consider them background reading
    Link: [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/7531-alt-abuse/"]http://magicduel.inv...7531-alt-abuse/[/url]
    Link: [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/7441-alt-abuse/"]http://magicduel.inv...7441-alt-abuse/[/url]
    Link: [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/7290-itemstradealt-abuse/"]http://magicduel.inv...tradealt-abuse/[/url]

    Link: [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10225-resources-and-alts/"]http://magicduel.inv...urces-and-alts/[/url]

    Regarding shared tools and same IP: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10750-a-little-question-regarding-tools-and-people-with-the-same-ip/

    The purpose of this topic is to centralise everything about what means and what doesn't mean alt abuse for you and for me (because my opinion are clearly different from those of the majority). As a conclusion to this topic i will formulate a more compact rule and try to enforce it through interface restrictions so nobody will have doubts about it.

    MD "rules" are increasingly scattered and with major concept changes they will become confusing even for the vets. This needs to be solved in stage 10, because stage 11 will brings its own sort of chaos.

    Note: mods pls update the above list with links posted below, if the link is indeed relevant to the subject. Thank you.

    Current ruling with regards to trading items

    Ann. 1999 - [2011-08-23 06:25:02 - Stage 11]
    No more item transfers between potential alts
    Items can no longer be transfered between what MD considers to be "alts". I say it this way because not all accounts restricted by the altchecker are alts, some are different people accessing md from same network, others are accounts "borrowed" for active days keeping to friends (md tags them as alts then) others are not even that. This might be damaging for people that live in same place and can no longer exchange items in md, but the benefits of restricting alts from item/resources transfer are far more important. This should slow down (at least a bit) potential future abuses related to the shared tools acquiring and resource hoarding.
  18. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Unworthy accounts with wishpoints   
    I realised that just me thinking of all implications of somethins is not enough (lol), sometimes i need to share it for the others to understand it right.

    You were used with wishpoints as highly valuable, unachievable rewards. I say unachievable because lets be real about it, there were achievable by a low number elite only.

    " My unannounced plans "

    - add a buffer of about 10 wishpoints to be distributed without a real merit or CHEATABLE.
    - add a buffer of similar number of wishes in the wish shop to dilute the offer there and keep real powerfull wishes for deeper levels.

    these two balance eachother and will make wishpoints taste known to new and old player equally.
    the elite status of wishpoints remains intact, their value just "inflates" at the base of the chain. Getting 10 wishpoints to anyone will mean those that have a hard worked 1wp will have 11wp and those that have 10 will still have to work equally hard to obtain 11. Do you want me to draw you a picture of it? i thought its damn obvious what i do.

    - increase the dynamic of achieving abilities in md. "Viscosity" dear people, applied to the way achievements are achievable and a player evolves up the chain.

    the main reason to this is because there are features lurking in the background that need to come out one way or the other. What is not high-tech top of the line awesome feature will be tomorrow a common thing to have.

    Now the long boring story in a few words:
    Long ago i had a martial arts teacher that made me understood what respect is and what it is for. Years later i still keep in touch with him and one thing hurts me to see... what was once so hard to achive, the trainings that were once at the limit supportability so to say, are now days polite sports classes. I don't want to go back there to discover that what teached me about life turned into a show. It is the same thing here in MD, i don't want years from now to have legends about how wishpoints where equal to medals and they become just ..points.
    Sadly i must admit that wishpoints need severely inflated to fit a perfect integration with the rest of the features. The wish shop alone can double or tripple its offer list anytime, but if i do that, having 2-3 wps will not be realistic.

    There are two ways around that. Inflate lower levels and have low class wishpoints and the old good hard work wishpoints....oh...but wait....oh my..i thought about that when putting a rating number on the wishpoints ..remember? you use it already since wp were implemented. A low class wp as the one received from the active days can still be used as a wp but in rating its a fraction of a full rated wp. hmm...
    What about wp ratings? one simple fix i can think of when writing this is to give a rating also for WHO gave the wp. It is not the case now but i anticipated this long ago already and the "rating" fields are there already (i think visible in the interface?). In other words a new generation noob that will end up giving wishpoints for trivia contests will never compare to a wp rated 8 given by a old time vet.

    get my point? or shall i draw it?
    or maybe i should just shutup and continue my old way without explaining much

    (excuse my obvious mood)
  19. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Wishpoints, Items, and Alt Abuse   
    the issue is that any rule stated before wasn't considering the current situation where alts can basically farm wishpoints. I can not give a final decision on this matter as it is now, but i can issue a temporary rule just so you know what and what not to do.

    [color=#ff0000]As time passes i will know better what impact the activedays wp have on the realm and If the situation demands it, i will change this rule to fit. If nothing uncommon happens it remains as it is.[/color]

    [b]Item creating using alts is allowed, but the crafters (or anyone able to create items at the cost of wishpoints) will be requested to be extra careful with this and not to allow anything they consider repeated abuse to happen. In other words, using this with decency, one, two items from your alts because those items are suited for your main character is FINE. Breeding alts to create a repeated source of items through wishpoints received for active days is NOT OK. The decision belongs to those that have this ability, about what is abuse and what is not. It is also their responsability to avoid such abuse and ensure they respect the guidelines i provided about what items can be created and what not.[/b]

    To bring a level of responsability so to say, I will publicly ask the crafters (or anyone with the ability now or in the future) to specifically ask is the item creation request is for an other account (meaning using alts) or not. They should also base their decision if to create the item or not upon this information. This information should be kept confidential but in case of any trial, if you provide false information, it will definitely mean you had the intent to abuse.

    I think everything stated here should be clear, yet if it is not, please ask.

    If noticing repeated item creation requests from what they believe to be alts of same person, the crafters should warn about this rule. I have no itention to trap people to make "crimes" they have no clue about, the purpose of rules are to keep md balanced...lets not forget that.

    [b]Clarification on alts and item transfers[/b]
    Also, to say this again: item transfers and COIN transfers from and to alts is OK. If you are confused why..i can try to explain shortly. At the base of having those things stay unregenerable sources. For coins people pay money or trade goods, they are not receiving them for free. The goods they trade or the money they spend are the same regardless if taken cumulatively or individually. The advantage that they could get gold without a shop reset is a benefit considered in the gold "value" already. Items, (except now with the wp situation) where achieved also for something, not for free, so there was never the issue of cummulating "free" stuff to benefit a main. The items are also role dependent, accounts are too, this matters also when considering the impact of allowing alts to hold items...maybe as backup holders. The "trade" value of the items depends on their rarity and importance in the realm but also on the traders skill to sell or buy them. None of these changes if items are stored on one or more accounts belonging to same person (alts).
  20. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Phantom Orchid in Wishpoint usage   
    wish shop wishes could cover tags and even custom requests as well eventually. too soon for that but as things get more and more organized and better integrated ..eventually everything will be covered.
  21. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Esmaralda in Wishpoints, Items, and Alt Abuse   
    the issue is that any rule stated before wasn't considering the current situation where alts can basically farm wishpoints. I can not give a final decision on this matter as it is now, but i can issue a temporary rule just so you know what and what not to do.

    [color=#ff0000]As time passes i will know better what impact the activedays wp have on the realm and If the situation demands it, i will change this rule to fit. If nothing uncommon happens it remains as it is.[/color]

    [b]Item creating using alts is allowed, but the crafters (or anyone able to create items at the cost of wishpoints) will be requested to be extra careful with this and not to allow anything they consider repeated abuse to happen. In other words, using this with decency, one, two items from your alts because those items are suited for your main character is FINE. Breeding alts to create a repeated source of items through wishpoints received for active days is NOT OK. The decision belongs to those that have this ability, about what is abuse and what is not. It is also their responsability to avoid such abuse and ensure they respect the guidelines i provided about what items can be created and what not.[/b]

    To bring a level of responsability so to say, I will publicly ask the crafters (or anyone with the ability now or in the future) to specifically ask is the item creation request is for an other account (meaning using alts) or not. They should also base their decision if to create the item or not upon this information. This information should be kept confidential but in case of any trial, if you provide false information, it will definitely mean you had the intent to abuse.

    I think everything stated here should be clear, yet if it is not, please ask.

    If noticing repeated item creation requests from what they believe to be alts of same person, the crafters should warn about this rule. I have no itention to trap people to make "crimes" they have no clue about, the purpose of rules are to keep md balanced...lets not forget that.

    [b]Clarification on alts and item transfers[/b]
    Also, to say this again: item transfers and COIN transfers from and to alts is OK. If you are confused why..i can try to explain shortly. At the base of having those things stay unregenerable sources. For coins people pay money or trade goods, they are not receiving them for free. The goods they trade or the money they spend are the same regardless if taken cumulatively or individually. The advantage that they could get gold without a shop reset is a benefit considered in the gold "value" already. Items, (except now with the wp situation) where achieved also for something, not for free, so there was never the issue of cummulating "free" stuff to benefit a main. The items are also role dependent, accounts are too, this matters also when considering the impact of allowing alts to hold items...maybe as backup holders. The "trade" value of the items depends on their rarity and importance in the realm but also on the traders skill to sell or buy them. None of these changes if items are stored on one or more accounts belonging to same person (alts).
  22. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Sasha Lilias in Item Swapping   
    This topic is ancient and locked, however i want to post a reply to clear up some things that i initially missed to reply to:

    [quote]How come Transfering high powered crits to alts or vice versa is different from transfering coins to buy high powered crits? [/quote]

    you can train creatures better on a powerful main then use them to boost up a new created alt account. Coins have same value regardless if they are on a main or an alt. Converting coins into valuable goods requires interaction, you will buy the creatures as the alt account, meaning you will play that account. In my view that is acceptable compromise to allow multiple accounts.

    [quote]Fine, now im going to transfere all my coins gained via FREE CREDITS to my main[/quote]

    You WORKED all the same for the free credits on your alt as you would have on your main account, they are equally hard to gain. Having a 2000 days account with ultra powers wont change anything about how you click the freecredits links. Free credits links are the price paid to get that credit so once you get that credit from free credits it is equal to buying credits with cash. In fact, i am not storing spent "free credits" separately in the db from spent "paid credits". They are the same once you fulfill the minimum requirement to transfer them. no abuse involved.

    The "danger" you are probably thinking at is that someone/all will start raising alts and flood the freecredits page with invalid votes that will eventually turn into silver for them. My ONLY reply to this real threat is that the activity generated by those alts both on md and on the outside toplists is an acceptable price to "pay" for md in the situation where md is slwoly dieing if you look at the activity. There are ways i will limit alts when the situation will require it, for now, as i predicted one year ago, the "coins are ok to trade" rule is "safe"

    Maybe i am not to clear to you all, maybe you stopped trusting my judgement, i dont know what happens. Maybe i was away a long time with personal issues but i still believe i can forsee the impact of a rule or change and not only anticipate its outcome but actually use it. After a year of this topic..where is the tragedy? where are the swarms of players that float in free silver as you thought will be?

  23. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Seigheart in Wishpoints, Items, and Alt Abuse   
    the issue is that any rule stated before wasn't considering the current situation where alts can basically farm wishpoints. I can not give a final decision on this matter as it is now, but i can issue a temporary rule just so you know what and what not to do.

    [color=#ff0000]As time passes i will know better what impact the activedays wp have on the realm and If the situation demands it, i will change this rule to fit. If nothing uncommon happens it remains as it is.[/color]

    [b]Item creating using alts is allowed, but the crafters (or anyone able to create items at the cost of wishpoints) will be requested to be extra careful with this and not to allow anything they consider repeated abuse to happen. In other words, using this with decency, one, two items from your alts because those items are suited for your main character is FINE. Breeding alts to create a repeated source of items through wishpoints received for active days is NOT OK. The decision belongs to those that have this ability, about what is abuse and what is not. It is also their responsability to avoid such abuse and ensure they respect the guidelines i provided about what items can be created and what not.[/b]

    To bring a level of responsability so to say, I will publicly ask the crafters (or anyone with the ability now or in the future) to specifically ask is the item creation request is for an other account (meaning using alts) or not. They should also base their decision if to create the item or not upon this information. This information should be kept confidential but in case of any trial, if you provide false information, it will definitely mean you had the intent to abuse.

    I think everything stated here should be clear, yet if it is not, please ask.

    If noticing repeated item creation requests from what they believe to be alts of same person, the crafters should warn about this rule. I have no itention to trap people to make "crimes" they have no clue about, the purpose of rules are to keep md balanced...lets not forget that.

    [b]Clarification on alts and item transfers[/b]
    Also, to say this again: item transfers and COIN transfers from and to alts is OK. If you are confused why..i can try to explain shortly. At the base of having those things stay unregenerable sources. For coins people pay money or trade goods, they are not receiving them for free. The goods they trade or the money they spend are the same regardless if taken cumulatively or individually. The advantage that they could get gold without a shop reset is a benefit considered in the gold "value" already. Items, (except now with the wp situation) where achieved also for something, not for free, so there was never the issue of cummulating "free" stuff to benefit a main. The items are also role dependent, accounts are too, this matters also when considering the impact of allowing alts to hold items...maybe as backup holders. The "trade" value of the items depends on their rarity and importance in the realm but also on the traders skill to sell or buy them. None of these changes if items are stored on one or more accounts belonging to same person (alts).
  24. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Granos in Unworthy accounts with wishpoints   
    I realised that just me thinking of all implications of somethins is not enough (lol), sometimes i need to share it for the others to understand it right.

    You were used with wishpoints as highly valuable, unachievable rewards. I say unachievable because lets be real about it, there were achievable by a low number elite only.

    " My unannounced plans "

    - add a buffer of about 10 wishpoints to be distributed without a real merit or CHEATABLE.
    - add a buffer of similar number of wishes in the wish shop to dilute the offer there and keep real powerfull wishes for deeper levels.

    these two balance eachother and will make wishpoints taste known to new and old player equally.
    the elite status of wishpoints remains intact, their value just "inflates" at the base of the chain. Getting 10 wishpoints to anyone will mean those that have a hard worked 1wp will have 11wp and those that have 10 will still have to work equally hard to obtain 11. Do you want me to draw you a picture of it? i thought its damn obvious what i do.

    - increase the dynamic of achieving abilities in md. "Viscosity" dear people, applied to the way achievements are achievable and a player evolves up the chain.

    the main reason to this is because there are features lurking in the background that need to come out one way or the other. What is not high-tech top of the line awesome feature will be tomorrow a common thing to have.

    Now the long boring story in a few words:
    Long ago i had a martial arts teacher that made me understood what respect is and what it is for. Years later i still keep in touch with him and one thing hurts me to see... what was once so hard to achive, the trainings that were once at the limit supportability so to say, are now days polite sports classes. I don't want to go back there to discover that what teached me about life turned into a show. It is the same thing here in MD, i don't want years from now to have legends about how wishpoints where equal to medals and they become just ..points.
    Sadly i must admit that wishpoints need severely inflated to fit a perfect integration with the rest of the features. The wish shop alone can double or tripple its offer list anytime, but if i do that, having 2-3 wps will not be realistic.

    There are two ways around that. Inflate lower levels and have low class wishpoints and the old good hard work wishpoints....oh...but wait....oh my..i thought about that when putting a rating number on the wishpoints ..remember? you use it already since wp were implemented. A low class wp as the one received from the active days can still be used as a wp but in rating its a fraction of a full rated wp. hmm...
    What about wp ratings? one simple fix i can think of when writing this is to give a rating also for WHO gave the wp. It is not the case now but i anticipated this long ago already and the "rating" fields are there already (i think visible in the interface?). In other words a new generation noob that will end up giving wishpoints for trivia contests will never compare to a wp rated 8 given by a old time vet.

    get my point? or shall i draw it?
    or maybe i should just shutup and continue my old way without explaining much

    (excuse my obvious mood)
  25. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Ackshan Bemunah in Conspiracy Theories   
    79) MD "stages" are just different names for the firmware used by the alien logic virus to function in your bra in to function in you to function in your brai n to function in your brain properly.

    Sry for the lag, i was downloading latest updates.

    80) Viscosity is actually real, the mousebutton takes longer to press than on normal links.O.o
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