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lightsage last won the day on November 27 2012

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About lightsage

  • Birthday June 11

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  1. (All) the designs have been extended to be more accommodating. If it has not been solved by Sunday, more details will be released.
  2. All right, first hint: The quest is extremely difficult without the designs.
  3. 1. Jubaris - Nimrodel 2-0 2. Ungod - Nimrodel 0-2 3. Nimrodel- Jubaris 2-4 Alternating attack/defend. First to two difference wins (so 2-0, or 5-3 will do but 100-99 won't). Logs to be send to Lightsage by both players.
  4. Gone are the days when defensive rituals consisted only of beautiful black and white creatures. Tokens, MDShop creatures and event rewards have put an end to this. But no longer. Today we shall duel as in the days of old. A little tournament. Rules: B/W creatures only No Wind Drachorns No influence No combo No tokens No combat magicks Fights take place at MP5, should you wish to, proxies (you pick the ritual someone else uses it for you) and spells to enable fighting at MP5 (e.g. guardianarmy). Tournament format pending based on the amount of sign ups. Started.
  5. An old school quest containing a few puzzles and (too) many attempts at humour. Once the birthday starts, you can start this quest by clicking the chord in the Paper Cabin and entering "I Agree". I will provide a Wishpoint for the first place, other rewards are pending. EDIT: Wookie points confirmed.
  6. And here I was liking the posts being visible in the "all activity" view... Shame it'll be reverted
  7. There were a few clues: Forum mod Personal pages (similar style) Croatian flag I've never seen him talk but looking back at his forum posts, the English certainly is a big improvement ;)
  8. I have both, topic can be closed and/or forgotten.
  9. I'll argue for two different options: Vote based on rather you agree or disagree with the post and do not show user reputation. There's a (relatively) small amount of topics that have an objective right or wrong answer. Most topics (such as this one) have many options and well argued alternatives can provide a positive contribution to the discussion even if they are not in line with the popular opinion. As such, the "reputation" of each user would reflect over the posts they've made on topics where people could be bothered to vote, whether they are with or against the popular opinion. This is not a very interesting metric in my opinion. I'd also say "reputation" is a rather misleading name for it. Vote based on rather the post is in good form and do show user reputation. Another alternative is to vote based on rather the post is a good addition to the topic (or a solid topic start). For example, a well argued point you disagree with would be +1. An unexplained statement you agree with might be -1. This would make the reputation for each user the overall contributions they've made in their posts. You do not have a measure of popular support for options. Instead, you perform discussions based on the quality of the arguments. Then, if you do want a quantitative measure of the community support you could open a poll.
  10. That's actually not very MD but a reference to portal ;)
  11. Netherlands Minimum = 3ms, Maximum = 3ms, Average = 3ms MD responds quite a bit faster for me. Load times are roughly the same.
  12. No, it's definitely broken right now. I think chewy forgot these when he made the message time limit an hour instead of until the next full hour.
  13. You can't outbid me so feel free to use mine
  14. I haven't had time to participate this year in the anniversary quests. It would be a shame to have an incomplete set. I am therefore looking to buy a year 8 anniversary aramor.
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