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  1. Downvote
    lightsage reacted to Seigheart in better advertising?   
    Oh trust me, I am advertising MD all through out many forms of communication.

    Edit to Rhaegar:

    My referral link isn't "mine" it is still MD's. So, yes it is MDs.

    So what if I benefit from it. I get to be MP6 if I wanted to. Big whoop. Stop complaining over something so ridiculous.
  2. Downvote
    lightsage reacted to Kafuuka in A partial solution to mp levels being 'broken'   
    According to some people, several mind power levels are 'broken'. More specifically, mp3 is under threat from alts that like to pwn noobs. mp4 suffers the same problem and mp5 is rumored to be broken because those crazy veterans that like to battle, cannot keep themselves from attacking younger players. Oh and also because newer players fear the mp5 level which is supposedly full of overpowered people.

    In my experience as mp3, which is years ago, there were already people planning to win heads at mp3 with their second account. These people would be virtually impossible to attack during heads contest and they would repeatedly collect. None of that really did much damage because back then everybody learned to set dummy defenses.

    In my experience as mp4, I can walk around the realm during non heads days and find it void of people who want to attack me, except at the gazeeboo or in the park. If I idle somewhere 'far away' nobody bothers my creatures. On heads days, they'll chase you though. Most of them will still ask if they can attack you, probably because an easy battle will leave them with more energy for the next battle. Selfish but not exactly abusive.

    People who are currently 'veterans' still recommend 'noobs' to use dummy defenses. They still claim that even if you gimp yourself at mp3, you can rectify it later. They still claim that patience is the most important skill in the game. Although some do state that you should become mp5 in at most two months...

    In my experience as mp5.. oh wait i have no intention on ever becoming mp5...

    Regardless of my experience, people repeatedly claim some or all of these levels are 'broken' and in general they propose to either nerf lower levels, which is appreciated by many mp5s because it will persuade more people to become mp5, or they propose to move people up to mp5 directly. Actually, I cannot remember any proposition which did not implicitly or explicitly make mp5 cooler and mp- less. Two questions can be asked:
    1. Is there a point to have multiple mp levels if we will force everyone to be mp5?
    2. Will forcing people to mp5 really work?
    Yes moving people to mp5 will work. Without anyone being mp3 or mp4, nobody will be able to complain mp3 or mp4 are broken. In fact, it would be superefficient if whenever someone signs up for the forum, all of their accounts are moved to mp5. This way, people can only ever complain about mp5 being broken; only 1/3rd of the complaints will remain!! It is as arbitrary as X active days; suppose someone logs in every day and plays half an hour and someone else logs in every day and plays two hours. Or X days since creation (even if your isp breaks down), or even X battles fought (they can be in or out, won or lost, low or high xp).
  3. Downvote
    lightsage reacted to MRAlyon in Extreme Magicduel   
    new record for stats gained without saccing at 19.56 of 25 December 2010 :-)
    [attachment=2465:Extreme stats.JPG]
  4. Downvote
    lightsage reacted to Lintara in Winter Solstice   
    Yeah, that was one good ceremony....
  5. Downvote
    lightsage reacted to Yrthilian in Resource Orders   
    hmm the pricing seems ok
    at least until something comes along that lest you use the wood
    i currently have 192 lumber to sell too

    I used this topic to sell the lumber as I dont want to put my wares into competition
    with the WC guild as per my chat with the now leader.
    SO as per my agreement with Fir i will stick to the tax on the lumber.
    But i will also add a donation from the fund to the WC Guild.
  6. Upvote
    lightsage got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in No Sanctuary Day   
    @Kafuuka (as I see no point to quote the post above)

    You wrongly presume that I claim that this is an argument in favour. The only thing I've said is that 'day of tranquillity' and 'no sanctuary day' would be opposites. I have not claimed that this would mean they balance each other out or that there are no other factors involved concerning ballance.

    Your second wrong presumption is that I have not read the entire topic, because I have.

    Your post came across as aggressive and rude. I'd suggest that even [i]should[/i] someone repeat a previously (in your opinion) rebutted argument you remain polite.
  7. Downvote
    lightsage reacted to Lifeline in Lifeline   
    hold on a second. i said in that mb election topic that i will remain king and am king until my kingship is taken or i give it to someone else. so for now i am not retired, dead, or anything. none of that yet and as for the future i simply dont know yet
  8. Downvote
    lightsage got a reaction from Watcher in Tabloids   
    [quote]A newspaper of small format giving the news in condensed form, usually with illustrated, often sensational material.


    So, usually it is stories that have a one sided view for the sake of entertainment yet contain nothing but the truth.

    [quote]This space is reserved for the first/best insightful story selected that addresses the above topic in an entertaining yet legally defensible way.[/quote]

    Entertaining would be the one sided view or different angel and the legally defensible the fact that it is supposed to be true.

    Fyrd did not put in his post that there are no women in golemus, merely that they are rare. (And the question rather there are any)
  9. Upvote
    lightsage got a reaction from Rendril in Tabloids   
    [quote]A newspaper of small format giving the news in condensed form, usually with illustrated, often sensational material.


    So, usually it is stories that have a one sided view for the sake of entertainment yet contain nothing but the truth.

    [quote]This space is reserved for the first/best insightful story selected that addresses the above topic in an entertaining yet legally defensible way.[/quote]

    Entertaining would be the one sided view or different angel and the legally defensible the fact that it is supposed to be true.

    Fyrd did not put in his post that there are no women in golemus, merely that they are rare. (And the question rather there are any)
  10. Upvote
    lightsage got a reaction from Darigan in Tabloids   
    [quote]A newspaper of small format giving the news in condensed form, usually with illustrated, often sensational material.


    So, usually it is stories that have a one sided view for the sake of entertainment yet contain nothing but the truth.

    [quote]This space is reserved for the first/best insightful story selected that addresses the above topic in an entertaining yet legally defensible way.[/quote]

    Entertaining would be the one sided view or different angel and the legally defensible the fact that it is supposed to be true.

    Fyrd did not put in his post that there are no women in golemus, merely that they are rare. (And the question rather there are any)
  11. Downvote
    lightsage got a reaction from (Zl-eye-f)-nea in Tabloids   
    [quote]A newspaper of small format giving the news in condensed form, usually with illustrated, often sensational material.


    So, usually it is stories that have a one sided view for the sake of entertainment yet contain nothing but the truth.

    [quote]This space is reserved for the first/best insightful story selected that addresses the above topic in an entertaining yet legally defensible way.[/quote]

    Entertaining would be the one sided view or different angel and the legally defensible the fact that it is supposed to be true.

    Fyrd did not put in his post that there are no women in golemus, merely that they are rare. (And the question rather there are any)
  12. Upvote
    lightsage reacted to Curiose in Standing On The Literary Shoreline   
    Below, will be a paragraph I have written in a story called "Invisible." It is on my Livejournal, but I do warn against seeing it-- at least currently, anyway. What is to be done in this quest, is simply this: Read the first paragraph, and continue on the story from there. It doesn't have to be extremely long, in fact, it would be preferred it not be, because these stories will be read to Awiiya the Oak. This will be done at no specific time, but it MUST be done while he is awake.

    [size="4"][b]In order for Applicants to fully be considered for the PenSword, they MUST be read to Awii when he is awake.[/b][/size]

    Now, this isn't just an enter a story and hope for the best that it works, but rather, how it will be judged is by the following:
    Originality, enjoyable story, thought provoking, layers of meaning, narrative technique, audience reaction [determined via forum poll], and ability to cause suspension of disbelief.

    It does not have to have all of those, however it will help to make a well rounded story. The reason why it is best not to see the original story, is because you might draw from there what is already written, and it may inhibit your imagination. Remember, this is for you to give your own input on what will happen.

    For those who I have personally showed the story to, they are not exempt from this. They have just an equal chance of writing a story as anyone else if they choose.

    Prizes for the top winner will be [s]5 Credits[/s]. The Prize will no longer be 5 Credits, but rather Awii's PenSword as donated by him.
    Others will be rewarding depending on the generosity of the sponsor/judge.
    Deadline will be January 1st. [Because november is almost over and a good month should do.]

    I look forward to your input!

    [b]Please put your stories in this Thread and Ask your QUESTIONS in PM. Thank you. [/b]

    Your paragraph:
    [i]"The waves were crashing, pounding against the cliffs-- angry as if demanding the walls to fall into its body, hungry and consuming. Above, staring at those waves, was a figure peering superiorly down upon those waves, perhaps thinking to itself..."[/i]
  13. Downvote
    lightsage reacted to Leixer in Grand Sale   
    Lady Peace i made a mistake in the posting of amount
    it was 10.5 silver each for the 2 imperial aramor meaning ill give a total of 21 silver coins, or 1 Gold coins + 6 Silver coins

    1 GC is = 15 silvers right?
  14. Downvote
    lightsage reacted to I am Bored in Outpost Of The Church   
    I must say, I don't really like the idea of a chuch moving into my home..... I would lose all privicy, not to mention the fact it would be very difficult to get much sleep with a sermon happening on the other side of the room XD and as my final point, shoo! it's my house, now shoo! *whacks Rhaegar with one of the pillars, then puts the piller back before the roof suffers damage*
  15. Downvote
    lightsage reacted to Seigheart in Outpost Of The Church   
    I don't want to point out the obvious, but I don't know if you noticed Mur, this thread is over a year old.
  16. Downvote
    lightsage reacted to cutler121 in Selling Reindrach, Age 338   
    [quote name='lightsage' timestamp='1290968802' post='73591']
    I´m selling a rein, I will take:

    Some tokened creatures
    Rare creatures
    And perhaps credits/paypal
    A combination of the above.

    This is not an auction, I'll either take your offer or not.

    Offers are welcome through any means (PM/Forum PM/Post/IM is preferred)

    I will give you 5 silver for it.

    (Most likely I will give it away for free as a Christmas present to a newbie)

  17. Upvote
    lightsage got a reaction from phantasm in Unachieved Simple Wishes   
    Wish: To be able to put myself to ask myself the questions that only require thought to understand.
    Why? Because I feel like I'm wasting my time, all the time.
    Why not? Because for some reason, I enjoy the activity of wasting my time for as long as it lasts.

    Just this on is enough.
  18. Downvote
    lightsage reacted to Lifeline in Lifeline Vs Decision In The Drach Lair Incident   
    first of all this is no joke i am dead serious!
    and while speaking of death i will put my life on the line for this in order to avoid this trial being fake, postponed, stagnated, not taken serious, or whatever else like it was the case in the fenrir vs dst trial for example. just for the record the trial just stagnated and the judgement was never carried out while fenrir still played. then after several months fenrir quit the game and a few days later the judgement was spoken and of course against fenrir who had left by that time. so in order to avoid any fake trial and show my huge dissatisfaction with the last incident i will go all out on this one and make this about life and death for me. i will show all my determination in this trial and go down fighting for what i not only as player but also as king of a mainland believe is fair justice. if i loose this trial i shall be openly executed (execution followed by perm ban for my main account and other accounts i have) and will pass the crown of marind bell and kingship title with all the kingship items to one of the council members of marind bell who i deem worthy of being the next king/queen.

    little info beforehand: i trusted a former rpc who wasnot stoned/demoted/kicked or anything. RJ ensured me he is allowed to invite as many people inside the drach lair as he wants so i believed him because he was still the master of the lair and it never says in the rules or announcements that the area is offlimits plus no more drachs can be recruited.

    so now lets get this started:
    i hereby want to go to court against how mur and the "royal" court passed down judgement and handled the drachorn lair incident. especially how innocent players like masterb who didnt even know he would end up in drach lair got punished. he left the lair seconds after he got teleported in so no matter how u look at it he is perfectly innocent!
    i believe that the recent drachorn lair incident was handled most unfair and unjust. i will begin by posting all the announcements involving the drachorn lair:
    [2009-09-01 13:06:58 - Alpha 9]
    [b].SmartAlekRJ. steps down from RPC list on his own request. Part of his rpc abilites will be withdrawn together with his status, future of Drachorns is still to be decided.[/b] (For the record, the stated reason for him requesting the demotion is the recent situation with .Raven. where he considered that .Akasha. kept the issue public instead of solving it closed curtains between rpcs only.) [/i]

    RJ steps down on his own will and isnt stoned/demoted/kicked or anything. the players in the recent drach lair incident had no reason to mistrust him. he was a former rpc, still had access to the drach lair and is still the master of the cave (only he got access not even the golemus king can enter). RJ himself invited all of us into the drach lair so we had good reason to trust in his word and believe him.
    ("Part of his [b]rpc abilites[/b] will be withdrawn together with his [b]status[/b]" its a little unclear but status with a clear mention of rpc before can in my opinion only mean rpc status things get removed but not his role as master of the drach cave)

    [i][2010-03-13 01:57:27 - Alpha 9]
    [b]Drachorn Cave closed for undefined time.[/b] It might get opend later or integrated somehow with a quest but for now it stays closed. (@Smartalekrj, drachs were supposed to be used as rewards for smart quests , not for who pays more.)[/i]

    it merely says it is closed with RJ still having access to it. it NEVER says anywhere that the location is offlimits or illegal to enter. since i know i will have to be real clear on this: open is the opposite of closed. so closed means that u cant open it. and indeed yes nobody can open it but RJ can walk inside (he has access) and several people can teleport others inside. it got closed when RJ lost his ability to open it for others. so closed refers only to nobody being able to open the lair and not that the location is offlimits or forbidden to enter.

    [i][2009-04-18 20:36:34 - Alpha 8]
    Drachorn Eggs sacrifice day..not for Easter Eggs
    Because of excessive amounts of drachorns when usual reward is 1 maximum 2, several measures have been taken against following players: Caster masc (aka tankfans) killed 7 drachorns eggs (all), .MRD. killed 10 drachorns eggs (all) , PTB killed 5 drachorns eggs (all), .Grido. killed 11 drachorn eggs. A few players were left with over 5 drachorns because of their role and because those drachorns are expected to be used as rewards for other players. [b].SmartalekRJ., the drachorn master,[/b] lost his ability to give access to the Drachorns Lair. [b]Access to the Lair was removed from all characters except .SmaralekRJ.[/b] . Access to the Lair and recruiting of just one, was a matter of trust, but it seems some considered it as a great opportunity to get too many rare creatures. Distribution of drachorns in the realm will be increased later when they will become again very rare (more than now). Those penalised should be happy that the penalisation was not higher. [/i]

    now here 33 drachorns were illegally purchased and the only punishment they got was that their illegal drachorns were sacrificed. RJ stayed drachorn master and still kept his access to the lair = he is the master of the cave, he owns it.
    please compare to the recent case: nobody was able to recruit a single drachorn in the cave so no real harm was done and everything else like unjustified access ect was exactly the same as the situation before but never even mentioned back then. but now players got high punishment unlike the ones from the previous incident who completely abused the situation and recruited up to 11 drachorns per person illegally and got away with no punishment at all (expect the illegal drachs being sacrificed)

    and finally in the rules and restrictions it never says anything about locations being offlimit forbidden not even anything slighty close to that. but it does say the following:

    [b]"You are free to do anything in the game that is tehnicaly allowed. If you consider that you discovered some sort of exploit or a bug, report it to a moderator. "[/b]

    that is official game rule and it tells me of no restriction but even the contrary that i can do pretty much whatever i want.

    the forum has 67,072 posts and mur has 1,355 posts. its not realistic for any person to read every single one and memorize it perfectly so even if somewhere on the forum it was explicitly said that the drach cave is forbidden to be entered or offlimits then it matters little because players simply dont see it, never did, or cant remember. actually i believe i checked all forum and here is the only thing i could find about drach cave from mur: "drach cave is closed explicitly, regardless if you have access to it or not." again it says CLOSED not forbidden to enter, offlimits, ect. but i wont explain the meaning of the word closed and its implication again.

    so to summarize this whole thing: heavy punishment was delivered to people who had no chance at all of knowing better. on top of that did the only player able to enter the cave and master of the drach lair personally invite them all. he is a trustworthy former rpc.
    i believe the punishment is out of place because players involved simply didnt know it was against the rules and in fact NOWHERE in MD does it ever mention that it is against the rules.

    from the announcements after the punishment: "Lifeline Kingship penalty
    An official character, especially a king, commits a big crime if he sets such a negative example of ignorance towards announcements and rules. Cave was closed, officially, and announced, long ago. "
    i am sorry but neither in the announcements nor in the rules does it say its a crime, offlimits, forbidden to enter, ect as i just prooved above. [b]ACTUALLY IT EVEN SAYS THE CONTRARY IN THE RULES. "YOU ARE FREE TO DO ANYTHING IN THE GAME THAT IS TEHNICALY ALLOWED".[/b] (just a short remark before this is held against me because of possible abuse or whatever: i have the chase spell since almost 2 years i could have chased into the drach lair and recruit drachs several times, i could have even went to angien shrine before it was open. but i never did because it made sense to me that u can recruit crits there that arent supposed to be bought easly.) and once again only the word CLOSED is used even in the forum post from mur. heck every damn shop tells me its closed after the workingshift is over but there are still people inside shopping who get to pay and purchase everything.

    PLUS: i have another very good reason and PROOF why this punishment and whole incident has nothing to do with breaking rules, announcements, written laws or even offending anything that was ever mentioned to me or other people. i will not post that openly on forums but once i know who to contact with this i will send it to that/those person/s. i will ask if i am allowed to post that proof here because then the ultimate proof will be served.
    what this case is about is a "law" that probably even the MDStaff (in case that staff even exists) never heard before.

    SO to finally wrap this up:
    if the trial goes in my favor i request that the punishment for all players who i teleported including myself to be undone and no further bad consequences to follow for us. since mur explained to me that prison time is impossible for a king i am willing to keep the kingship penality point which should serve as the punishment that would have been justified - a warning for something i didnt know was against the rules and something that was never anywhere written/declared as crime/offense.
    ALSO very important: Seigheart never entered the drach cave and i didnt teleport him! but if i understand the announcement correct he was pardoned anyway. and i cant speak for smartalekrj i believed him when he told me he is allowed to invite as many people inside as he wants. i dont know if he lied or not but RJ if u didnt know it was against the rules please speak up here and explain ur situation.

    if this trial is decided against me i will go down fighting for what i believe is right and just. these will then be my last moments as the first king of marind bell and seeker of knowledge lifeline. may my death hopefully at least accomplish that laws/rules get publically and officially posted so that they are well know and nobody else suffers my fate.
  19. Upvote
    lightsage reacted to Muratus del Mur in Lifeline Vs Decision In The Drach Lair Incident   
    yes small crimes, even if still crimes, can be ignored. It allows flexibility in a world that would otherwise permit punishing of all crimes. If i wanted cave entirely unavailable i would have removed it, instead i closed it, an left one person with access, that means in an unofficial way "shut up and be quite if you enter". what happened? first people go wild giving drachs and brag about it. Second, this incident, where a large amount of people were about to migrate there.

    "Abusing" is an art, one you don't master. It will never avoid official rules or be acceptable by an impartial decision power such as the council, but it will be considered by a subjective decision power such as myself. I consider myself "just" when taking decisions in md, even if not "by the book". This was such a decision, thats why i asked council to take an objective decision, one that might have escaped me, and i am counting on their full honesty to take one.

    Why to lie you... i CAN take that spell away if i want to, just so...but its a matter of justice about what the reason is. Also depending on the reason, i might excahnge it for something more appropriate to your role and less dangerous, or just remove it. I am ready to learn something from this myself, however you are obviously not, and that in a subjective justice translates "Next time my decisions will be more careless and severe". Its not at all a threat, its an example of how subjective justice works, because afterall, also you are following subjective reasons but hide behind excuses pretending to be objective.

    Imagine i would have told you chase spell is to be removed anyway, yet allowed it as a punishment reason for you, as an undeclared... favor. Kind of sorry you didnt took my punishment now? Well i look forward to see how a fair punishment looks like, since you so vehemently demanded one. I might even postpone chase spell removal if needed, so i won't be THAT cruel to you in case council decided in favor of keeping your spell. But consider what i said..in general at least...
  20. Downvote
    lightsage reacted to smartalekrj in Lifeline Vs Decision In The Drach Lair Incident   
    I will agree with Lifeline on this one. Several people got punished that shouldn't have been. I'm glad someone like Lifeline is a king and went through the trouble of pulling up the announcements as well as the one forum post that said anything about the drachorn caves functions. Mur called ignorance upon me for not knowing, but seriously, how am i supposed to know out of a forum post? If it's not ingame then it holds no bearing to me.

    Everyone knows I was inactive for a long time. I did read the announcements, and I didn't think I saw anything new about me or about my access. I did send a pm to Mur asking about me still having access to the cave, but never got a response. It becomes a crime for me to play the game normally and the way I was taught by the great Mur himself. I am sure as most ex-RPC's know what I did is what I was taught to do ingame to have fun and collaberate with groups of people. To raise attention and have fun.

    Each RPC was given it's own power and the goal wasn't for each RPC to keep their power to itself, but to collaberate with other RPC's and make unique quests between the powers they had. What I did was no different. I took a power that I had and collaberated with someone about it to make a unique situation. Was it harmful to anybody? no. Was it harmful to the game? no. So i'm being charged cause Mur ignored my pm and left me access to the cave and i used it? There is nothing to gain out of people being in there, so it's not abuse. The only way it can be abused is if someone hacks, which can happen anyways outside of the cave as I have heard.

    So the cave itself serves no special function other than nobody can enter the cave but me. But nowhere in the announcements does it say that nobody is allowed. I would move to stricken the forum post as a fact cause it should have been an announcement. Thats like saying "Accursed Growth is closed explicitly, regardless if you have access to it or not." If you say that in the forum how many people that dont regularly read the forum are going to be accused of a crime that they didn't know existed? It's not an area that most can enter, but some can. Furthermore, there are people that got punished for no reason whatsoever.

    MasterB is indeed one of them. I want to know what "investigation" led to that conclusion. He had nothing to with it, and left right after being transported in. What was his crime? What did he do himself to be a criminal? Manda's only crime was posting in the mood panel but she suffered a worse fate than the people that planned it. I can bring evidence as well to support against the people wrongly accused, seeing how I am the one that orchestrated the whole thing. But I wasn't even questioned about it really. Charging people falsely seems to be a trend in the realm.

    Just cause people dont like something doesn't make it a forbidden. If 99 people agree on a rule being set and one person doesn't like that rule then that rule is not made. If one person makes a rule and everyone else disagrees with it it's still a rule. That sounds like nonsense but it is indeed true.
  21. Downvote
    lightsage reacted to Seigheart in 6 Drach Rit   
    I too believe lightsages explanation to be correct.
  22. Upvote
    lightsage reacted to Rex in Tormented Souls For Sale   
    Completely Forgot how you get TS's, wow i'm smooth. sorry and someone wrap up this topic

    sorry rex
  23. Downvote
    lightsage reacted to Prince Marvolo in Tormented Souls For Sale   
    You get something free, and then sell it?


    For anyone wanting Ts's, some people will give them free, there is no need to pay.
  24. Downvote
    lightsage reacted to Shadowseeker in Tormented Souls For Sale   
    ...Rex, that's a pure scam.


    I advise vs buying from him this way.
  25. Upvote
    lightsage got a reaction from Jubaris in Md Awards 2010 - Suggestions   
    Before I start: Yes I know that this is mostly a popularity contest.

    Now, when I look at the awards I consider them to be too many. Some are already covered (or largely covered) by (an) other award(s). Some are too general, some too specific. Both result in unwanted results in my opinion, too specific results in the odds for those that fit in the category to be too great. Too general simply means it's literally a popularity contest.

    I'd consider an award for players between 100- not on vet list too general. A great majority of the players fits in this category.
    I can not think of an example of a best spell caster who's casts do not fit in the following categories: LHO of the Year, Champion Fighter, The Golden Protector or Pre-eminent Role Player.
    I'd consider whoever might currently win Least Convincing Alts a huge negative rather than the 'joke' it was back when introducing it was basically handing it to lib. I don't see anyone doing this positively nor do I foresee anyone doing so in the future.
    If best PL entry stays, I'd rename it back to 'best quote'. This way it'd become a little broader, perhaps including things that have been posted on the forums?
    I'd consider 'Superlative Orator' too specific.
    I'd consider 'Funniest Character' part of 'Pre-eminent Role Player'. If there is two, I'd suggest changing 'Pre-eminent Role Player' to something that actually indicates it's seriousness.
    'Paragon Papers' and 'Best Back Story' are similar in my opinion. If they are both kept I'd suggest 'Paragon Papers' to be about the layout only (Please, do [i]not[/i] pick an annoying wix page here, flash is already bad enough without using a tool that makes it even slower for a task that can easily be done with HTML/JS.).
    'Most Annoying' I'd consider this a cause for punishment rather than reward to be honest...
    'Most Influential' If anything is close to impossible to measure, it's this one. Some people have a lot more influence than is generally perceived.
    'Best Artist' I'd suggest whoever nominates an artist adds what they consider some of the best work. Avatars, scenes, images for papers, etc. As long as it is present ingame.
    'Best LHO' You are limiting this to just LHO's, I'd consider this unfair. I'd suggest changing this to 'Best newbiehelper' (or something more catchy if you can come up with it)

    Now you might wonder why I haven't added 'Elite Evil Villain of the Year' whilst I have expressed my doubts about 'best spell caster'. This is because casting spells is a tool, to help people, to gain an edge in a fight or to enhance your role. 'Elite Evil Villain of the Year' is not used by other categories, I'd consider it the other way around. Game mechanics, Roleplay, Spells, Combat, etc. The reason for me not suggesting to get rid of those is because they contain a lot more than just evil ends.

    To conclude, yes I have used I'd a lot. This is because this is [i]my[/i] opinion and what I'd do if it were my call and mine alone. Of course other solutions may be possible to solve concerns I've outlined above. I might not have come up with them or considered these better. If think yours is better, do post. Oh, and of course you can, not share my concerns.
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