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Posts posted by Tarquinus

  1. Best RPC -

    Least convincing alt -

    Best PWR -

    Best Backstory -

    Best Personal Papers -

    Most Valued protector -

    Rookie of the year (Between 20 and 60 days) -

    Outstanding MD Service award -
    Calyx of Isis

    Best techie (Award for technical services rendered) -

    Most addicted award (Based on the ‘You know you’ve been playing MD too much when…) -
    Calyx of Isis

    Villain of the year -

    Most annoying Player -
    I Am Bored

    Roleplay award -

  2. I finished the puzzle, also. Logan advised me not to post the link, and there's really no point by now. I didn't get the "congratulations" message for whatever reason.

    As many of us did, I realized this was the House of Tainted Times long before I had completed the puzzle. If I recall correctly from the Adventure Log, the MDA connects to this building; it seems logical that Bootes needs to follow the path taken by IamBored and Noone to get there; alternately, perhaps someone knows how to get in from the outside.

    The location is significant, as Necrovion was the Sage Fields before the arrival of Deathmarrow. It is my guess that the people of that vanished land knew something that modern people in the MD world have forgotten, and that concerns the Inner Sun. To say more at this time seems premature.

  3. I get this message when trying to attack somebody standing right next to me, who has not moved and is not moving.

    This is not the "user is not in your range" message - this is something new. Repeatedly getting a message that threatens to ban you is just a little discouraging.

  4. [quote name='Blackthorn' post='18948' date='Oct 27 2008, 04:36 AM']When we were first discussing the idea of having a university in Loreroot (the Arcanum), we realized it needed to be linked to the Dojo so that theory could be put into practice (like lab work in RL). We had intended to offer different schools of study, different degrees. The Idea was to offer classes in many subjects that were MD game related. (No offense, but I already have my degrees from RL universities, and I am not interested in studying more along those lines. I play this game to get away from RL, not to drag RL into the game). I would be very interested in earning an in-game degree in wizardry, or perhaps in combat tactics.

    The number of degrees and subjects that could be studied are as diverse as MD itself and could contain the classes for the creation of new quests, creatures, inner and outer magic spells, armor, weapons, magically imbued items, and even exploring (beyond current map borders) by the students in attendance. In order to be given a license to begin a new alliance or guild, a player would need a specific degree (i.e. for a religious order; a theology degree). For a player to be allowed to create magic spells (written on scrolls so that anyone with high enough principle stats could purchase from the MD shop and use a limited number of times), would also require a particular degree.[/quote]
    I agree completely, and would love to be a part of developing such a university.

    I once worked in academia and still have a number of friends who work as professors, and I think it would be very dangerous to the reputation of MagicDuel to have it address RL issues in any detail. I would far, far rather see an in-game school advancing the setting and game mechanics as BlackThorn describes.

  5. [quote name='GlorDamar' post='18769' date='Oct 22 2008, 11:11 AM']The Land weapons are not the property of ANY guild. They are the weapons of the lands.[/quote]
    With respect, you're splitting hairs. The Guilds swear to defend the lands, and many of them very much view the land weapons as their responsibility. I have no doubt whatsoever the MR Fraternity feels precisely the same way.

  6. [quote name='stormrunner' post='18404' date='Oct 14 2008, 10:13 AM']ok I have said my point I'll shut up but if you want to know more look up norseman while your at it check the rest of my bloodline,

    p.s.franch, greman, italian, american indian[/quote]
    what's your point? Today is Tuesday: discuss the etymology and meaning of Tuesday, and contrast with the French, Spanish, and Italian words for Tuesday.

    [quote name='xPo' post='18436' date='Oct 14 2008, 02:47 PM']Wars cannot be justified only because of one thing... All things work as a whole... Religion, economy, culture (very connected to religion), country resources (connected to economy), ethnicity of people... (etc...)...

    The humans can always arrange an excuse to begin a war with another country...[/quote]
    I agree. And why is that? I offer this opinion: we are not only killers, but very probably the most highly evolved killers this planet has ever seen.

    That we kill is not remarkable; all animals kill. That we find reasons [u][b]not[/b][/u] to kill is highly remarkable.

  7. Look, it's one thing to get pissy at moderators who have been putting up with something for months and have grown fatigued by the discussion. It's another to complain about spelling mistakes and bad grammar in the game when your own English is not exactly perfect.

    "ect" should be "etc".

    The word you want is "Principle", not "Principal" (huge difference).

    The subjunctive of the verb [i]to be[/i] is [b][i]were[/i][/b], not was.

    In general it is very bad form to use slang such as "real bad" when discussing bad form and "netiquette".

    The spelling, grammatical, and stylistic errors in the game do not ruin the game; I have come to be grateful, very grateful, that so many players make the effort to play a game in what is not their first language, that they are more intelligible than otherwise, and that so many aspects of the game are original enough to allow excuses for less-than-professional language content. Playing some of my favorite video games, I see dangling clauses constantly, and it drives me nuts. These dangling elements do not impact the sales of these games in any remotely meaningful way.

    Finally, it is not only perfectly valid for moderators to close topics started by people who haven't taken the time to research what has been said, but it is equally valid to say that professional-quality English is not a development priority for this game at this time. Writers are needed - for content and translation, not for English grammar.

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