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Everything posted by stormrunner

  1. read this [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com//index.php?showtopic=1693"]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com//index.php?showtopic=1693[/url] it says most of what known about the shades what it is was never explained
  2. it is, if you believe the shades, if you need creature I have 3 water being(lvl 1) sitting around and a ele 1(lvl2) for the creature to try and sac lorerootian ones are likely the best since there closest to the powers of loreroot
  3. it appears to be a mirror to me, and the set of the totem appears to be set up as a energy gathering point the words at the bottom of the screen a shire to helen wasp with powers that could make you gasp, seem to mean it hides great power the Principles it give are time, light, and Syntropy maybe that has something to do with it hope this helps if you need someone to try something dumb find me
  4. that is to long for me to read right now but if you get bored come to winds I'll buy you a ale
  5. hi, it does take time but you'll learn, and for meeting people come to wind have ale or two tell'em I sent you it may even be free
  6. dragoonus that is both a good idea and a bad one it makes sense but it's no better than the first come first serve system
  7. nomal one just buy none of this stuff it's hard enough already for some like me to get'em I still don't have one
  8. touch bob you die, what mafia if your talking about my friends and brothers in arms then I may have to teach you some manners good luck shook I'm watching
  9. hi lastsoldier touch an innocent I'll kill, and shook how are you doinng I haven't you in a few days
  10. deal with it they earned their way into an alliance thats there reward, and note there already a topic for this kind of stuff I think
  11. it a good idea to take the power for most players, many at least once abuse it
  12. hi if you ever need a drink go to the pub in winds tell them I sent you
  13. hi, beware the MRs and MSs they are not to be trusted oh if you stop wind's and there serving ale tell I sent you and to charge your tab to me
  14. what why did you say my name I pefer choas in battle I'll make a haven for those close to me if kills me then so be it do want you must Liberty what ever that maybe
  15. no I don't want to be forgive what did we do in the first place
  16. beware of ledah and beware of me if you become a necro oh and hi
  17. thats in the movie too and yeah your right it could be, but what granos said made me think of it I am also trying to change thing but I must do with out power of an alliance behind me but if thats how it must be I say, so be it, I will do what I can for the people close to me If I die then my deathmask will be a smile of contentment and madnees if our path met as allies then I will fight beside you (it will my friend surpport loreroot so I will as well) p.s. a riddle: whats the most dangerous words and tone one can use
  18. hmm thats a good guess oh and if you don't know atleast one person has gone insane to day it may be related loreroot may be in trouble If you want to know more come find me in the game I'm in RavenHold if I've left I'm at wind's p.s. this is for Tarquinus and any other lorerootian may be useful but is a spoiler for some [spoiler]my story mode said that the person who made the gate made the cubes[/spoiler]
  19. good question, who knows
  20. no the line is: father...... the sleeper has awakened p.s. it's form the movie dune
  21. how you you've been on MD too much when you know you have massage without anyone saying anything and before the bell or whatever it is, sounds I did over 10 times yesterday
  22. I am at peace in chaos does that count or am I just not right in the head
  23. no I just asked him, he does know anything
  24. I found a trace of her in raven hold but it was faint and didn't go any where. necrovion is a pain maybe khalazdad can help with it
  25. how the hell would they know of me and want are they saying, and sorry I'm bad at finding people my use comes later right before I die
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