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Posts posted by Pipstickz

  1. 1 hour ago, Ledah said:

    The Glorious East does not heed the opinions of The Great Unwashed (non-citizens). Furthermore, I personally am offended they would even consider thinking of posting their opinion in the forum, much less putting a claim in on the crown of His Majesty Sunfire, First of His Name, Emperor of the East, Unofficial Emperor of The North, West And South. I find the fact this topic is still open deeply offensive. Cease your heresy!

    I opened this topic before Sunfire was even in consideration, which is just another reason his claim is so spectacularly weak.

    But yes I agree these unwashed fools (spam) should leave my topic.

  2. As a note, They also submitted an entry just after the deadline.


    What is a Land Weapon? An outermagic spell so powerful that no individual can grasp it, it must be imbued in a land.

    How many are there? There is only one land weapon but we have four obvious versions of it and a few that most people incidentally choose to ignore.

    Where are they? They don't exist physically and this cannot have a physical location. That being said, there are certain places in each land that are strong metaphors for the land weapons

    What do they do? They don't do anything unless activated. When activated they have a strong passive effect that affects the rules of the world in significant ways.

    How are they activated? Only time can tell. Maybe an immature answer to this question would be "group spirit" or "leader spirit" but they think that seduction may be more appropriate.

    How are they powered? Love. (Read: heat, lots and lots of heat)

    How are they controlled? You are funny, a land weapon cannot be controlled. It just is.

    What would happen to it if a Land were to lose its Weapon, or access thereto? If a land were to lose its weapon that would be the least of their worries. The land will always have the weapon but they can easily cease to exist which would cause their version of the land weapon to be lost. Losing access is definitely interesting

    For each Land that contains a Land Weapon, imagine you are a citizen with full control over the Weapon and explain how you'd use your Homeland's Weapon to help your fellow citizens. No man's land: They would unbind the four mainlands such that they begin to cycle, orbit, and cease to exist as we know them. They would create a cataclysm and destroy this realm.

    For each Land that contains a Land Weapon, imagine you are an infiltrator who has seized control of the Weapon and explain how you'd use it to disrupt your enemies. If the land weapon is on then they turn it off. If it is off then they turn it on.


    Each land weapon has two states: on an off. A balance for the world exists for each combination of land weapon states but as a land weapon changes there is an unending period of chaos. After this short break between states of equilibrium the world will be balanced again.

    They also was rewarded one bone and one fine sand for this entry. Of all the answers I'd say the answer to "How many are there?"is the most interesting. With that settled, this topic can probably be closed.

  3. 6 hours ago, Aeoshattr said:

    Lore-wise, if my memory serves me right, DoT was meant to be dedicated to realm-wide Night, which never happened. Again, it's been a long time so take it with a pinch of salt or correct me.




    Later when Night mode will be completed, these tranquillity days will happen always and only during night time.

    I always saw it as - DoT only happens during night (or night applicable times?) but night doesn't always happen during DoT - but the fact that Mur added combat effects to nightmode suggest to me that perhaps he changed his mind somewhere down the road? (https://magicduel.com/page/Announcement/view/2612) - not sure

    Weren't you the legacy project for night mode? I thought Mur did that so we wouldn't lose/forget these details in the papers on his desk :P

    But maybe I'm wrong too!

  4. 1 hour ago, Nimrodel said:

    A king whom the game doesn't even recognise as a citizen of the east. Now where's the fun in that...

    In an entirely RLme way for a moment...where's the fun in a (barely, since Sunfire's still piggybacking on someone else's claim[<---this part's in character]) binary choice where everyone's already made up their mind? Where's the magic in that? Just a thought

  5. For posterity's sake on this most momentous day (why momentous? Figure out yourself!)

    For those who are still confused after these years...how do they call it, retrocausality?

    Scanning through this topic...did anybody have the courage to say, in these or similar words, "No Pip, you are not king!"...closest anyone came was No one, repeating his same old song, too bad it's outdated:

    On 12/6/2015 at 12:48 PM, No one said:

    Everybody knows that Eon is the King of East (crowned or not).


    All easterners know there is just one King.


    So, we need to remind everybody that truthfully there is just one King and its name is Eon. Remember that.


  6. 9 hours ago, Chewett said:

    So cancelling, for example, attacking sound, would be ideal?


    9 hours ago, Nimrodel said:

    n option to cancel attack sound, or chat sound would be VERY VERY ideal.

    I'd be ok if the attack sound was removed altogether. The yellow icon and chat message (with its own sound) should be enough to notify one, no? But maybe some people like it

  7. Permanently or temporarily? If Temporarily, it's a Dendrite that targets oneself, which is kind of interesting. If Permanent, there's nothing else like that out there to my knowledge.

    This could help people who want negative stats and could possibly provide a way for people with no creatures and tons of negative stats to return to balance. Maybe...he could have an influence that causes gained stats from a battle he's involved in to be multiplied by -1. So you get -0.08 attack for winning, for example.

    Personally I can't see myself using it, but I'd collect it if keeping it didn't mess my stats up!

    Sorry to burst your bubble, I know you wanted criticism/bashing...

  8. 10 hours ago, Ivorak said:

    One guideline I have in mind is that tolls should be about access, not about containment. They shouldn't be used to imprison players (though this might be useful in certain cases, preferably pre-approved) but to regulate access to tools, resources, locations, transport, etc.

    To expand upon that last parenthetical, maybe players could sign up for a quest in a certain area and not be allowed out into they've solved the quest (murder mystery in one of the mansions in the East maybe?) and receive an item with which to pay the toll. Or a mission for new MP3s that disallows them from certain areas until they've proved their mettle.

    In a utopian MD with more activity, perhaps the chained quests concept could fit nicely with this; imagine tiered quests, starting with one a newb could complete that rewards land-specific resources, leads to a more complicated quest that requires or suggests you to pay a toll to access a certain place the price of which is a resource gained by the first quest, leads to a more complicated quest that could end in citizenship?

    Also - perhaps as a player gains more cartography, tolls lower naturally? Or maybe volition? I'm not sure...maybe even land loyalty, though presumably citizens get through free, I dunno. But that could help prevent full closure of any location.

    10 hours ago, Ivorak said:

    And yeah, I had forgotton about pass papers, but I think both concepts (and the interplay between them) are interesting.

    Dang it, foiled again! Good thing I didn't put 100%! I almost did :P

  9. 26 minutes ago, No one said:

    yeah, nice idea (sarcastic).

    Lets take this to extreme as "one crazy emperor would raise such tolls in each scene" . That would be fun.

    Or ... do block access to main roads which lead to shared items and ask for items produced by those shared items. That would be fun. :) I can't wait to ask for a polished diamond for you to enter LotE :)

    Sure, if implemented a certain way, things like you suggest could possibly happen. If implemented another way, they won't.

    Aside from that, Kings have in the past been given authority to affect AP cost on their gates (Ann. 1949, 1950) and the AP cost of all scenes in the Tribunal were raised under similar but separate authority (Ann, 1884)

    So, while this isn't exactly your extreme example, it comes close and it's already happened historically.

  10. 8 hours ago, Chewett said:

    have you guys forgotten about land papers?

    I certainly didn't, was going to post about them initially, but I didn't want to stifle any creative juices that might flow.

    But pass papers only work on the gate, whereas this concept could apply more broadly and could have great implications for two lands' (not any specific two lands, in general) abilities to be allies or enemies. I'm 90% sure Ivorak had pass papers in mind when thinking of this.

  11. Thanks Nim!

    I suppose I'll do the "Let first place choose first, second place choose second, etc." thing, in case anybody values all these things differently than me.

    7 hours ago, Nimrodel said:

    and the submissions are made public after the contest judgement is over.

    Yep! I plan to make entries public, with only slight redactions if requested by the participant, or if the judges decide together there's a secret that's particularly worth figuring out yourself (whether it's "correct" to intended MD ideas or not, by the way). I hope that's acceptable to you.

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