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land loyalty for NH mechanics...
Liberty4life replied to Liberty4life's topic in Questions and Answers
chew i am aware of that... but as you can see there are anomalies hmm sounds explanatory what samon said, but still it doesnt explain gate isssue as kyphis said yes... also i am not aware of those locations that belong to no land... at least not in nml, and even if all this is true there is another thing which conflicts your statement, example: so atm i am at Old Man's Road, it says [b]Territory: [/b]No Man's Land, but both arrows for traveling say (1-80) meaning it wont count land loyalty in it, even if you travel to nearby locations it will be tagged as nml now another interesting thing i found out... i went to weapon smith in nml, its tagged as nml territory, but.... if you stand at gates of ages which is gg territory, in order to get to smith it says (1-80), and in order to leave smith it says (1+40), funny part with this is that smith has viscosity of +40 and gates have it at -80, in otherwords in this example viscosity has to do with ap cost for LEAVING the scene not entering now i redid tests, at now... no arrows at necro nor lore gate has loyalty discount now... :s, and following nml locations give ap discount for me by correct value for all arrows same:[list] [*]pc exterior [*]road of battles [*]goe [*]tranquil plains [*]fenths press [*]meeting of the roads [*]winds game [/list] also mb gate seems to work normally it says it uses mine mb land loyalty points for every arrow so nml land loyalty for ap discount works only for 7 locations!!!!! i even checked the nml locations at exit of underground, so scenes that come after exiting tunnel are marked as nml, but no discount in there, atm nml has like only 30% of its locations covered by this, which is a downside... now most of nml has viscosity of -80 so ppl dont really care, but i noticed this mainly after exiting underground tunnel, now i wonder how is it with other lands, are there more bugged locations where land loyalty bonus doesnt count? and as for gates not working.... i think it works fine, that i got confused due to not knowing how viscosity and land loyalty applies i thought it works as ap cost modifier to get IN specific location, and not as ap modifier to get OUT of specific location, which is kinda awkward i didnt seen it described like that... edit: dont mind conflicting parts of this post, i wrote it all on fly as i was paralely writing and testing -
i am wondering how does land loyalty for no homeland ppl work... :s i have 98 no homeland loyalty and 1 mb loyalty, and problem that i am encountering is that in nml i am gettin no ap discount at some locations, at some locations i am getting ap dicount of 1 ap, and .... most interesting part is that for some locations in mb (mb gates included) i get discount of 98 ap, and... also for goin to necro and lore gate entrances which are marked as theirs also i get 98 ap discount, same is not true for gg gates, now what the heck... :s bug? or just very strange/complicated mech?
cmon chewy fix spacin and yup i like it
oke... sold all still waitin for[list] [*]juns gg mutation [*][s]some silver from tal[/s] [*][s]to return gold to maebius[/s] [*][s]and duxie for some silver[/s] [/list]
oke i rephrased that part a bit for better understanding
oke duxie, if nobody else bids better they yours maebius, ye sure, forum pm works as well, but i still dont have gold to return, so that will have to wait till i finish trade with junior
oke ty, can be closed
after 18 months of last al page, its clear that al stopped and not likely to continue from that point to tell what happened next, and due to everyone's failure to document events of what happened after that, i am opening this topic to give summary of happenings after al page 514 till major kingship elections whats gonna happen with al isnt known and doesnt matters, obviously that if it will ever continue it wont be possible to continue the story from where it stopped, i am not here to write expansion of al, every vet knows wot al represents, its not only documented major events, but it also had deeper meaning about specific things in realm (at least parts that were written by mur have that meaning), so i am here to offer short summary of happenings which i am aware off from point of last al page, and i do this just for the sake of documenting the realms history, since i dont see anyone have done this, and due to mine major involvement into those events i think i will be able to make good summary BUT i will need help, becoz long time passed, i dont remember everything, i dont even remember all names and some of those players dont even play anymore, so i ask all of you who have been involved to try to remember and fill in mine gaps, also i will need someone to rewrite it nicely obviously mine writing is very very bad also i encourage that events after major kingship elections took place gets documented, by those of you that were there this is what i currently have written, MANY gaps i know, try to help me filling them [spoiler] keep in mind that journey to the east was actually a mission to find knattys soldiers, what happened after this events i am not aware,so... after escape from necrovion, akasha told us to go to plains of deceit and to plant seeds there, she also mentioned that we have to guard those seeds, somebody would come to take them, kets was assigned to water the seeds, and so i assigned whole KOB to take shifts in guarding seeds, first one who came to take seeds was postman, we fooled him in thinking there arent any seeds there, so he left, then after day or two of planting seeds, akasha said that we should move seeds further, so they were replanted by kets near passage of war, next danger that came was morpheus, he locked kets and guybrush (not sure of his name) in dream (dont really remember much about this event), but seeds started growing, they were guarded by KOB still, and after few days portal to new land opened, team of several people were chosen to go in and explore new land, that was me, lifeline, unbelievable power, akasha, jester and tzaroth, so we arrived at new land, knowing we are near necro but also near bell, those plain where we arrived first were ofc called after me plains of liberty, we still didnt know if shade sentinel was after us or not as he said, so we were still on our guard even after long time after that encounter, after arriving to foundations, it was decided to try going around it rather than going under it, slowly each day we advenced inside, once we reached city streets, they got named jesters streets, after jester ofc, so we continued going further into tribunals, till we reached temple (al was written with delay in comparison to real time events, like week or more of delay, so here it started failing totally apart, cuz mur was away and we were allowed to walk back to mainland) so we at that point went back to mainland to "resupply", however explorers team were followed by many ppl into east and soon they would be the ones who would continue journey, but many things happened in that short time, jester became new leader of necrovion sentinels, dynasty got secluded from military alliances leaving jester to watch over the land and he used the opportunity to openly start offensive politics, so me and yrth answered with preventive invasion, so 3rd war started, but this war later seemed to be partial extension of 2nd war which ended very very fast, so many unexpected sides got involved, inside golemus army happened huge sabotage, master wodin was lost, treachery inside golemus against king, necros took over gg ally and golemus forces was out of play, resulting in KOB to fight alone, COE also joined on side of necrovion, and some ppl that were neutral went on necro side as well, this was only war in md that erupted into full scale military conflict, and it was decided by final battle at gates of despair, where KOB forces highly outnumber and not even in full force were defeated by joined forces of Sentinels and COE, me have retreat from political scene and KOB was taken by necros, but they never walked into MB due to their real interest in golemus, after that battle yrthilian managed to get to stone of twisted souls, and many ppl followed there, necros got confused attacked their own, shades were beaten (summoned army or sentinel not sure) and yrth burned khals soul cube in retribution for wodin, soon after every land was in inner crisis, golemus due to treachery erupted into some kind of civil war, lore still havent gotten to solid ground from 2nd war, necro got dynasty vs military alliances drama after khals cube been burned and shades attacked by necro forces, and bell lost kob and leader, all those events resulted into realm wide kingship elections, gg king remained yrth, but his power over military alliances got limited this also ended the gg inner turmoil of land, necro got peace elected, so she remained queen, but as jester also wanted crown things werent fully settled just yet, loreroot got firsanthalas as king which finally made things in lore solid, bell got lifeline as king who managed to get KOB back from necros [/spoiler] pls help me fix mistakes and fill the gaps, also this is mainly written from mine perspective
joker + imp bid by tal with 1 gc
oke ty, any idea where to find him? and fenths are used for?
umm yeah it seems i missed ap announcement, as for jun, i wasnt sure, needed confirmation, as for tools i still didnt got answer... i still dont have idea where fenths tool spawn :s
@duxie: 3sc per crit, per type or 3sc for all? @tal: umm i got slighty better offer for 2ts with up, but you can bid for imp oke first post update, auction for some things is closed edit: so joker, imp and some low creats are still up for sale buyers find me ingame, me is usually at berserkers way idle
okies few questions[list] [*]why did mine ap suddenly jumped after 3 months of not playing XD from max of 100 to 281? [*]does that mean there is way to increase your max ap? how? [*]what are those shared items? how do they work, i am specifically interested for fenth thingy, how to gather those, with which items, how to get items, etc... [*]does junior's trade ban affect item trade as well or just creat trade? [/list]
auction for stuff that got bids by now will be closed in 24h (well actually when i login in back tomorrow) and will be sold to highest bidder (since there havent been any new bids lately) unless somebody bids more, in that case remaining bid time for that specific item/creat gets reset to another 24h, ty
3 sc for lore archers pack by paracelsus is accepted 1gc for necro creat pack by maebius is accepted maebius status as vip person of mb land and his position as seeker allows him to bid for angien and his bid of 4gc is accepted (also if you will be highest bidder on angien, if it would be needed your promissory note will be accepted and overpaid gold value returned in gold coins ofc) edit: first post updated with highest bids
current bids junior 5gc for mutation and 5gc for bestiary shadowseeker 2sc for birds (yup they dont have tokens)
bestiary isnt purchased yet, i have reserved wps for mutation and bestiary, so buyer picks name
update: for those attractive auctions bids need to be minimum of 5sc higher than last bid otherwise bid isnt accepted
yup i can divide into more saccing sessions, but keep in mind that when i sack angy it will be like 30 fenths so maybe buyer would like to bring some friends and yup this is auction so start bidding dont ask for starting prices they arent here for a reason atm bestiary 3gc by xrieg 600 days torment soul 3gc by sternberg (i hope its gold coz 3 silver is way too low)
idk, i am not really interested in creats nor items, so pure gold however.... there is a special discount for c/p spell docs that i dont have edit: shame on you mur, has more AD
so i have a lot of things to sell, start bidding with normal prices, "lol bids" will be ignored by me, accepting only coins, no exceptions, your bid needs to be 5 sc higher than highest bid (to stop 1sc bids)[list] [*][s]drach mutation service (buyer needs to have at least 1 year of active days) - highest bid - junior 5gc[/s] [*][s]colorless joker age 252 darkshield token (3 months active days needed) + imp age 97 (no req) bid by tal with 1gc[/s] [*][s]torment soul age 616 (2 months of active days needed) - combined bid1 - maebius 1gc[/s] [*][s]torment soul heat 20k age 341 (1 month of active days needed) - combined bid1[/s] [*][s]one of first angiens in md id 475601 age 862 with 11 tokens (claw1 and 2, stardust, blooddrop1, blackdiamonds, emerald glare, purpur fog, sunshine, goldbelt, goldtear, blacktear) heat 600k (buyer for this one needs to have 2 years active days OR needs to be VIP person in MB land, i will be slightly favoring MB buyer if any, keep in mind this is antique, it was reward from MD trivia 4-6 angiens had be given out and for first time released to "public", during al page 472 me and chew got 2 angys each which and that was still before they became available to everyone which means that there are less than 10 angiens with id lower than 500000) - highest bid - maebius 4gc[/s] [*][s]i will be sacrificing a lot of creats, which will result in 50-75 fenth resource at specific altar at specific time, so i offer that i sacrifice mine creats at specific time so that person who offers the most can harvest those fenths (i have no idea what is this fenths resource or how it works) during this sacrificing one of angiens that i got during al page 472 will be sacrificed as well (dont ask for second one it was given out as a gift and this one will be sacced non negotiable)[/s] kinda hard to sell so... i quit with this sale [*][s]also selling brand new bestiary, its new its fresh its empty - highest bid - junior 5gc[/s] [*][s]pimpy age 600 darkshield token (6 months of active days needed)[/s] [/list] some low value sales all creats with some low or none heat and all are 616 age[list] [*][s]1 unholy priest - combined bid1[/s] [*][s]2 birds - highest bid - shadowseeker 2sc[/s] [*][s]4 lore archers - highest bid - paracelsus 3 sc[/s] [*][s]3 elementals[/s] [*][s]3 trees[/s] [*][s]2 heretic archers[/s] [*][s]4 knators[/s] [*][s]2 water daimons[/s] [/list]
alts are allowed
Festival of War and Remembrance 29th of June to 4th of July
Liberty4life replied to Metal Bunny's topic in General Forum
yeah i am totally up for addin morrel as well, imo he is even ancient not just legend -
Hi, my name is God, 45y old male from Ro
Liberty4life replied to Muratus del Mur's topic in Offtopic
sabaot means over armies, lord god sabaot, meaning god is mightier than any army, ya can find this phrase in old testament which is logical, it was used to picture gods might, since back then in history always one or two armies ruled over whole known world, also ya can still hear this phrase during sunday mass as for that dude... umm lets see, he is drivin on train, most likely without any purpose just like mur, he likes those kind of concepts just like mur, hmm only thing that mur is missin is religious touch (but hey some of md players are already worshipin mur and also mur is considering himself as demigod of east) and rl catastrophe and mur might turn into person just like him so mur keep your mental strength up -
new record from fresh mp3 to mp5, this was done in time of 4 hours, ya can check topic about it [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/9929-a-show-of-force-episode-5-the-player-strikes-back/"]here[/url], account on which this was done is Justin Time.... symbolic name