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Posts posted by Liberty4life

  1. hi, i would like to see option with which one could disable this warning

    [quote][color="#990000"][b]Warning, your honor is to low![/b][/color]
    While you are at this low honor limit and you attack players that give you negative honor, you dont get any reward from the fight but you get the fight counted as a won or lost fight so that you can balance your profile and regain honor. You may however gain stats and honor by attacking players that give you positive honor.[/quote]

    option to hide this warning would be under options menu to the right ofc

    this warning is pretty anoying cuz one sees it before every fight, ya know some ppl stay down there for reason

    well imo its pretty much annoying to all, i guess its oke if it shows once per login or once ya drop under -500, but i dont see reason for it to keep flashing up each time one attempts to fight, it would be nice to at least have option to hide

  2. in baianos suggestion there is one problem :D current champ cant defend the title, still i think it would be oke to have same champ again, but maybe instead of that rest period he doesnt get reward again, only gets to keep the title if he wins and well... prevents others to claim first place reward :D

  3. advantages that ya mentioned loyalty, tea, ally, stats, i dont see anythin wrong with him havin those advantages, those advantages are as fair as one person havin fully tokened premium/wind drachs while other person having dark archer lvl 4 as his best creat

    each of those advanatages can be earned and aint exclusive to anyone, but are rather obtainable by everyone

  4. it makes sense actually if ya take a look at things that are done by hand and things that are done by computer, for example scene has its pict hand made, while arrows are computer made, so medals are just as arrows, just sticker on fridge imo

    anyway its pointless to argue about somethin we arent up to decide about, best is to see wut council or mur have to say about this if they even notice this question

  5. i dont think that matters, those are medals

    in here its about item images, so... since avys nor item images arent allowed to be made with epen, then i dont think one is allowed to color item images with computer, especially since there is no visible (or almost to none) difference between epen and real pencil, while coloring images physically and eletronically, difference is easily spoted, so....

  6. yeah same guess as yoars, water etc is more like to have "charges" when ya trade ya are just addin/removin those charges, rather than each bein its own item, anyway this can be easily checked, by water ids when ya get more water and such, i bet those never change, idk myself cuz i never had those items called resources, its just wild guesses that sound logical to me :D

  7. imo rumi should get rewarded somehow, he really did a lot with garden as ivorak said, and imo just putting community garden in scene subtitle is way to low reward

    thing is there are strict rules regarding how players are allowed to reward wps, so thats where the problem lies

    ya cant reward him in that way unfortunately even thought he deserves much more

  8. oh since this is topic about highest authorities in md... so we have council, we have mur as east demigod, and there is one more "secret" demigod that replaced tengri, now i wonder, is that demi still active, is he maybe played by council or in any way influenced by them, is he there to counterbalance council, etc etc

  9. have to agree with chew, one person in place of coucil means we get GM back, and thats bad, and he retains anonimity of council thats even worse, still imo council should remain, they should keep anonimity and the current method of their work BUT community should be able to put a veto on councils decisions, and council seat rotation should be scheduled like... idk every 4-6 months

  10. yeah playin policeman like seigh said, search for bugs, breakin down inner workings of game mechanics to understand them better, almighty mdscript, creatin papers and embellish them, i guess researchin falls under gettin inside murs head... umm will add more if i can think of it

  11. its colored drachorn from mdshop(all mdshop creats are colored) that is available during any time of year, reindrach is also mdshop drachorn but is only available during xmas time

  12. [quote name='Burns' timestamp='1339480890' post='114440']
    Or you simply have to accept that you don't know everything, either, had you bothered to ask somebody who has such a charm (me) they(i)'d have gladly told you that the drachorn is simply out of kill and revive items. They are all taken already.

    omfg, i even explained mine posts and again got interpreted in wrong way, let me try again

    i said that it was supposed to be made that those items spawn there, but that isnt made yet, i freakin know that drach run out of items, or in otherwords regular item spawn in there aint implemented yet, but murry did mention during md bday fest about kill/revive items to be more accessible in that fashion

    i wasnt in any way refferin to current state of situation in lair, but rather to yet not implemented one

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