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Fenrir Greycloth

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Everything posted by Fenrir Greycloth

  1. A point I would like to make about Ancient Lore is that it is very much like Religion. Almost every single Religion has a text, the Bible of Christianity for instance. In this book, it is full of stories. Most of which COULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED. Ancient Lore is very much like these stories. It could not have happened, and we should not base our entire MD lives off of it. Very much like Religion. They SHOULD NOT base their lives off of the STORIES, but off of the MORALS of the stories. These morals are what make Religions so important, in some cases. Most morals are extremely important for our survival as a race. Do Not Kill Thy Neighbour. (Not sure if that is the exact wording, but you know... I am not perfect, and I think that is another one actually... humility? >.>) Do Not Steal Do Not Impregnate Your Neighbours Wife Etc, etc, etc. Follow the morals of these stories, and you are set for a happy life, ie, heaven. Heaven is NOT some mystical place where a god resides, but what you make Earth to be. Heaven is just another allegory for happiness. And to get there, we must follow what the Bible's stories teach us. (Some of them anyways. I am sure some of them are not exactly relevant or necessary) Anyways, make your own heaven, don't pay attention to the stories, but the story's message, and stop complaining about stupid things! Have a good day!
  2. I don't know. It is hard to say. For instance, if you got exclusive rights to use the image only on MD, then sure? Why not? As long as it fits MD images, but if you only get to use the image and the creator goes on to use it for other things, then that can get complicated.
  3. Now these are real drawings, no question about authenticity. I especially like the second one, but to go far enough as bid on them? No thank you.
  4. Awiiya has a point... Sir Kamil, you have never shown any ability to draw before hand, you admit that your drawings are yours, and then you come out with good drawings such as these? I can draw. I made the mistake of claiming others work as my own because I did not have the time, nor the skill to replicate what they drew. Please do not make the mistake. No one will think less of you if you drew something of less quality.
  5. While I am extremely intrigued by who did kill her, I do not want to know. Not this way. Not because you have something to prove to a bunch of ignorant losers. Reconsider what you are about to do, and shove that in their face. They will get the satisfaction of seeing you blow a fuse and reveal a major secret. They will try to do it again, and again, and again. Because they see you are capable of doing such a thing. So, please. Do NOT do it. :'(
  6. Grido, I would not mind some TS for my current quest... if that is possible?
  7. I have purchased one of his drawings, I am content with it, however, the quality of the drawing when the image was resized caused it to become edgy...
  8. Very cool! I enjoyed it immensely.
  9. Will this second stage be like the first, as in if we win once, you can't win again?
  10. I am curious as to whether or not we are allowed to make minor changes to our avatars? For instance, add more details to the face, or skin to show age, or progression from recent events?
  11. chrispr, as new as you are, I wont be so harsh, but look at the post above yours. Several jokers are listed in it. Your offer seems pretty low... Please make an efoort to see what people have offered before you make an offer
  12. Although I applaude your efforts with the silver, I do appreciate creatures as well.
  13. Post Offers. Do not pm. I will not read them. Will choose the best offer in two weeks.
  14. I am selling one.
  15. Whats the first rule of Fight Club? Don't EVER talk about Fight Club!
  16. [quote name='lightsage' date='31 March 2010 - 05:27 PM' timestamp='1270070874' post='57274Wth. I didn't say it was a vitamin. It may have come off like that with my wording, but I wouldn't have thought someone would post just to say that my wording was wrong... not exactly an English professor here...
  17. [quote name='Chewett' date='31 March 2010 - 05:19 PM' timestamp='1270070374' post='57271'] Currently, im not entirely sure the current "playerbase" works. Although MD is a "ROLE playing game" there are few roleplayers and people intrested in MD itself. I think that a change of playerbase would be a good idea. The current "Core" players complain about how boring MD is and we all love Stat Grinders. Lately i have only seen more and more Stat Grinders playing, and fewer and fewer people that look to the secrets of MD. Whatever the extra words add to the ----------------------------------------------------------------- OFFTOPIC ---------------------------------------------------------------- Protein Protein intake in vegetarian diets is only slightly lower than in meat diets and can meet daily requirements for any person, including athletes and bodybuilders. Studies at Harvard University as well as other studies conducted in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and various European countries, have confirmed that vegetarian diets provide sufficient protein intake as long as a variety of plant sources are available and consumed [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vegetarian#Protein"]- From Wikipedia[/url] and Fenrir, we all know you know a lot about stuff we have no idea about. But this isnt the way to say it! patronize us but dont confront. And no its not a fact they have to take lots of Supplements, My best friend is a vegetarian and she takes care to make sure that she has an appropriate diet to have the correct intake of foodstuffs. She regularly also visits a Dietitian to make sure that she has enough of everything (she is a diabetic so keeping the balance is a life threating issue) and because she includes the relevant foodstuffs, she doesnt need to take supplements. Its no point really comparing knowledge as we can all say "I KNOW MORE THAN YOU ABOUT X" but really we cant compare what each knows. It only accomplishs to annoy each other. I kinda liked that fenrir, The fenrir i could have a nice decent talk about the lore and general MD. Im still have some hope that the good ol fenrir will return. [/quote] Some things need to change for him to return. On both sides of the fence.
  18. [quote name='dst' date='31 March 2010 - 04:38 PM' timestamp='1270067884' post='57267'] Cause people like you seem to pass the filter. [/quote] I joined MD when I was 18. I'm twenty now, and lots of things have changed with me. You forget what I used to be like, then what I became and now what I am.
  19. [quote name='lightsage' date='31 March 2010 - 03:29 PM' timestamp='1270063758' post='57262'] I'll just state I find your example highly distasteful... Ofcourse you do immediatly manage to show your expertise [/quote] Are you kidding? Just because I didn't list the many forms of vitamins and nutrients in meat does not make it distasteful. It was an example. Get over yourself and your imagined insults. I'll just state how your post adds nothing to this thread and I would like it removed. Vegetarians can't survive without Proteins and the other vitamins provide. It's a fact. They have to take supplements and eat large ammounts other sources of protein to to make up for the loss of nutrients meat provides. I know more about physical fitness and fitness training than you could ever think of lightsage. So before you open your mouth again, and spew how distasteful you find somehing think. Then don't say anything. On another note. As for the change of diet Chewett, you may have a point. Then again, it's hard to figure out what Mur is doing at any given momemnt sometimes. But why would Mur change the type of people that pass through this first filter? When he has so many others?
  20. A gold for all the crits.
  21. The front page's new addition, while informative, is, I believe, to be more of an eyesore than a way to attract more players. The original page showed what new players wanted to know about a game. The interface, the features, and what it is about. Well, before the new addition, the Interface, and Features were the main focus. With a small, but healthy, portion of the About. Now, it has become more About than anything else. For example, think of the front page as a human. We need Meat, Grains, and Vegetables to survive. We had the Meat and Grains in good supply, with small servings of Veggies. A healthy diet in other words. Now, the front page has become more of a Vegetarian. Vegetarians can't survive without the proteins and other vitamins that Meat provides. Does anyone else agree with me? Or am I just the only one? [IMG]http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s311/TheIronWarlock/24071_392764757696_511477696_367273.jpg[/IMG]
  22. Umm... what happened to my offer? Still not u- there... been like a month now.
  23. Well, the problem seems to be that A) its an old monitor [img]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/public/style_emoticons//cool.gif[/img] you leave it on constantly for hours/days on end. Its not meant to be on constantly like that. Its like leaving an engine running all day. It wears down fast. Electricity is still running through your monitor, and the pixels are constantly being surged with currents. I would have suggested looking at your Graphics card, but it appears that is not the problem since you have tried it upon another tower. solution? Get a new computer. You will thank yourself since they are more sturdy and much better built than ten years ago... >.>
  24. Because it was to appear as if I didn't have a hand in it. And it was complicated trying to keep the people that needed to be a part o it informed without telling then the whole story wa a challenge. I knew some of them would tell their friends what was happening and thus influence the ending to their liking. I have anger issues against people who talk crap in a game but wouldn't say it to my face IRL. Or those who attack others for being weaker.
  25. Chewett, knock it off. I was trying to plan something, but you know what happened? Peace left md, yrth didn't have time, cryxus pulled off that stunt with the caretakers and then above all else I got sick and tired of everyone in md. How about you get off your but in MD and do something. I attempted it, but to many things didn't work so I gave up. And I never kept promising crap. I tried organising something in secret. But it was to complicated for it to work. So much for this secrecy thing to since you like to constantly bring it up whenever you get a chance. Sort out your problems IRL chewett, stop projectin them on others. These moodswings of yours are pathetic.
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