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Everything posted by Nex

  1. as far as i understand it, they are calculated based on the principles of the current owner (trading would make little sense if an effect you cant use would be lost for those with the right principles just because you were the one to apply the token). also, you cant put more than one of the same token (same being claw I and claw I, whereas claw I and claw II are considered different tokens) on a creature, so i'd guess the only limiting factor is the random distribution. [edit: @ watcher: synex made an own topic to discuss this: [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com//index.php?showtopic=3846&st=0&p=29939&#entry29939"]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com//index.p...amp;#entry29939[/url] ]
  2. since they dont influence the values significant for gaining stats, i doubt that sacing creatures with tokens has an additional benefit. a quick test confirmed this for me, but since i dont have all tokens i cant make a general statement. anyway, tokens are a limited premium resource and should be randomly redistributed after sacing a creature.
  3. when first reading it, i thought that with "exchange principles", you mean giving one principle up for another one. a mp4 would still be bound to up to 4 principles. either way, i have some concerns: as far as i see it, principles are meant to define your character, to emphazise aspects of their perception of the world. they are used in determining token effects now, but they are still not mere parameters for battle effects. having all principles would devalue their meaning as defining characteristics and freely exchanging them for other principles would devalue your original choices. on the other hand, i agree that wasting a token that increases attack on a power based creature or having no effect at all, because you don't have a certain combination of principles is a bad alternative. while i see the point in the random element of token distribution, a check for a creature to be a valid target for the token effect (power+ for power based, attack+ for attack based, etc) should be the least since tokens are limited and most of us dont have shop resets. as for principle combinations: a minimum effect for a token, increased in efficiency or combined with another effect if you have a certain combi would be a better way than making some tokens useless for certain players imo.
  4. i havent tried if you can give a creature "empty" name or if it defaults to the standart name for that level, but [spoiler]the 'normal' drachorn has no standart names for the earlier levels, so until you can give it a custom name it is listed as "empty".[/spoiler]
  5. pretty much what i asked a few days ago in this thread: [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com//index.php?showtopic=3781&pid=29518&st=0&#entry29518"]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com//index.p...amp;#entry29518[/url] post #4. i got no answers either, but since token effects show in the battlelog and are part of advertising when selling/trading creatures, i guess its ok to tell you what i found out: [spoiler]blackdiamond tokens will, as far as i can tell, only activate on days on which your creature age is a multiple of 29. in my case it will triple attack and regen stat of the creature on such days.[/spoiler] [spoiler]principle effects do not reduce your principles. claw I for example grants a bonus to the power stat of a creature which is equal to 1/4 of a certain principle (3 principles are taken into account, highest one /4 gives bonus). i'd guess when you raise your principles the bonus will be calculated based on the new highest value, but i didnt test it yet.[/spoiler]
  6. yeah, no one named the problem. tweak: resistant to life steal. it could: - reduce the % cap for steal life on this creature (from 20% to 10%) [i]and/or[/i] - require a x times higher power stat to cause the normal effect (example: instead of 1 power = 1 % life steal, 10 power = 1% life steal) [i]and/or[/i] - add energetic immunity as a def-stat against power to calculate the efficiency of steal life.
  7. if more creature slots mean more of the same (i.e. 6 grasans instead of 1 or 2) the chances to get a grasan to get a certain token are not necessarily lower, but possibly higher. but thats beside my point. even if having less creature slots means wasting less tokens, i say: why should any of them be wasted? [edit: i admitted that i dont know how, for example, the blood drop will work. if it does mean that simply having a specific combination of principles will grant a 25% boost to creature stats and possible special effects than that IS powerful and useable for mp3. remember that blood drop didnt say anything about having high values in those principles, that were the claw tokens.]
  8. @ braiton: normally i would agree with that logic, if it was not for this simple fact: it is annoying to players with many creatures since they can't plan properly and it does in no way prevent mp3 to get what you said it was meant to prevent. let me give an example: basic tokens need 40k exp to be aquired, that happens to be the exact amount [spoiler]needed to max a grasan[/spoiler]. to stay with your example: if i wanted my mp3 grasan boosted to ridiciulous strenght (if tokens really can do that), i would get one, sac everything else (which for a new mp3 is just an aramor to get through tutorial), max it and get the tokens i want for it. QED (you could of course increase the requirements to get tokens, but i dont think thats the way to go) @ shadowseeker: i like the idea to have any real strategic use i want a certain token on a certain creature and another token on another creature. the token bag you suggested is not only a way to handle this, but could also be used to get tokens back after sacrificing a creature with them. [edit: @ braiton: another problem is that those with lots of credits could just buy more and more tokens until they got the desired result. those who rely on free credits via voting can't do that and are thus at another disadvantage if they get undesirable results. i completely agree that the number of credits spend on tokens should not automaticly equal in supreme strenght, thus giving a strategic choice would mean that you are still competitive to those who slapped dozens of tokkens on their creatures, if your choice was well-thought and matches your way to play. to be fair, lets keep in mind that we (or at least i) have no idea about the actual strenght and impact of tokens yet, so this is still theory-crafting.]
  9. absolutely seconded. it should be a strategic decision, not based on good or bad luck. having the extra token chances is enough randomness. also, a few questions for understanding: [quote]Blood Drop Tokens are effective only under certain principles combinations and give between 10 and 25% bonus...[/quote] if you happen to not have this special combination of principles, would it make the token useless or just set you to 10% bonus without special effects instead of 25% + possible effects? while the idea to involve principles is really great, this would make certain combinations superior to others, which is not a good thing in my opinion. while of course manu had a certain image of them when creating principles, they are not something static, but undergo an evolution based on personal experience. telling me my interpretation/combination is not eligible for something without knowing my reason behind it defies the personal dimension of principle choices and may lead to static "principles builds" for maximized effect. but then, i ask because i dont know what was meant, so my concerns are hopefully unjustified. [quote]....depending on token level[/quote] is token level set by principle combination or are multiple tokens of the same kind stacked to add up their level? [quote]Blackdiamond tokens activate at every 29th birthday of your creature giving a great boost.[/quote] does this mean counting from the day you got the token, for each 29 days cycle (i.e. got it at age 28, next day bonus) or total age? are boni given only for future 29 day cycles or retroactive? [edit: since the possibility that receiving tokens for sacrificing maxed creatures could get implemented (which is a nice idea and could further encourage maxing creatures and not just sacing them at best exp/time effeciency) was mentioned in the announcement... what about sacrificing a creature with token? would that token be randomly distributed to another creature in the collection (or better, would the player be able to redistribute it) or would it simply be lost?]
  10. [quote]How can the wind heal?[/quote] [quote name='Fenrir Greycloth' post='29397' date='Apr 25 2009, 06:09 AM']Small Gust A gentle breeze in the wind that feels nice on a summer afternoon. Stats Vital Energy 10/10 Attack 1 Defence 5 Initiative 1 Target: All Abilities: Heal[/quote] like that (btw, formally you'd want a power stat for this level) as for stats, i'd imagine the wind to have a high ini rather than a high def, but thats just me the ForcedPerch would be mostly directed to future creatures, since right now the only flying creatures are wind drachorn and winderwild. no problem with that. well, i think the uncertainty of chosing an ability randomly is far outweighted by its versatility if you'll always get "beneficial" (i.e. enemy harming) effects. there is a reason why you cant switch abilities in battle (or even chose an order like 1-3 round weaken, 4 -x damage) i do like the idea of total randomness, so if you go this path, go it all the way target: random enemy or friendly (randomly chosen target category: single, multi, all) ability: randomly chosen from all abilities. taming the wind? not really: it may do what you hope for, but the wind is a fickle servant (you could use odds like 75% for benefical ability if target self, 75% chance for harmful ability if target enemy) [edit: added opinion on stats]
  11. [quote]therefore aciding all enemies for all their vit x2[/quote] i'm a little tired, so correct me if i misread it, but i think what burns meant is that hitting all enemies for double of their vit means instantly overkilling them in a single action. [quote]Yes, it would be extremely powerful on the first attack, but the second... nothing[/quote] right, the second attak would be something like "xxxx cant find enemy target" because they all died in the first attack ;P ok, ok i'm pretty sure i misread it, but nonetheless burns made a point when asking for a damage cap of the effect. you compared it to the elemental, which is capped at 20% (and btw, you'll surely remember that a single elemental [b]can[/b] defeat a powerful rit by itself) the idea itself [b]is[/b] nice though, it just needs a little tweaking [edit: (just something to note) not sure if its an unwritten law for creatures, but there is no creature with more than 5000 VE right now, so the blob would be the only/first]
  12. yep, its pretty fun to play around with them at mp4, i tried it with a level 1 joker first and actually managed to lose at 100% then i used a lone, newly bought aramor to finish the job. on topic: thats NOT how you normally do it, [spoiler]you should try to exploit their greatest weakness, which, unless you use it against them, is one of their greatest strenghts[/spoiler]
  13. watch the announcements for infos about the dimensional shifters alliance. as far as i know they are being rebuilt/reorganized to serve their original purpose of transportation again. also, akasha had/has a quest granting a journey to golemus, khalazdad and braiton usually have quests for entrance to outer necrovion.
  14. Nex

    Turn off Sidebar

    seconded, all of the above would make good options and help the game run more smoothly
  15. i like the idea (had a similiar one a while ago, might as well toss it in later), especially the auras are nice. but since getting enough power to hit the stealer cap is a non-issue, i agree that the cap for a 'target all' stealer should be slightly lower. and you know, 6 targets is just one part of the "all" goodness, the other part is covering the weakness of eles against single creatures [edit: got ninja'd by burns ]
  16. not really, mp3 still get heat normally, they just can't see their erolin device. you could even max it at mp3 with 4k heat requirement and 100 AP upgrade cost
  17. hmmm, i edited my post a few times to make it as clear as possible, but here i go again, paraphrasing it until its clear enough [quote]the ability regen does not "heal" in battle and i can't remember a time when it really has. what it does is inflicting negative damage.[/quote] this refers to the creature ability regen. used in comabt, causes negative damage, no actual healing. i could have added that the applied personal regen stat increases the amount of negative damage done by the ability regen. [quote]as for the post battle effect: regen [b](the creature intrinsic or profile-applied [u]stat[/u])[/b] works in % of max creature VE, if a creature has more than that it receives no "healing", if it has less it will be "healed up" to that percentage.[/quote] that refers to the effect that occurs after combat. the creature needs either a regen stat (which comes ususally along with the ability regen....) or profile influence. so... yeah, sure creatures regenerate after combat if you applied your personal(=profile) regen stat, even if they dont have a regen stat/the ability regen theirself. regenerating after combat is bound to the [b]regen stat[/b] and has, afaik, nothing to do with the creature combat ability regen. thats pretty much what i tried to say [edit: highlighted the part about -stat- in my quote]
  18. the ability regen does not "heal" in battle and i can't remember a time when it really has. what it does is inflicting negative damage. so yes, the name is missleading and the description is wrong. burns has a point though, trees [i]can[/i] heal your creatures: [b]post battle[/b], with their regen aura, if your creatures VE fell below that point as for the post battle effect: regen (the creature intrinsic or profile-applied stat) works in % of max creature VE, if a creature has more than that it receives no "healing", if it has less it will be "healed up" to that percentage. this also applies to creatures killed in battle, thus the name regeneration i think.
  19. Nex

    Happy B-Day Cless!

    (a little belated) HAPPY B-DAY CLESS!
  20. yeah, i know thats most likely a stupid question, but.... announcements for/on the forum... where exactly are the shown? also, welcome to md krazedkid101 also also, pm usage reclaimed
  21. yeah, maybe even limiting both attack (80% of stat?) and power (20 - 30%) OR giving erergetic immunity an actual meaning (besides protecting ally members from land damage, which is completely negated at ~100 anyway) and use the full power stat reduced by the defenders energetic immunity. also, i second the idea of giving more use to other less used/useful stats. some kind of "fokus of mind" ability to that inflicts damage equal to a random % (increasing range as creature levels?) of randomly selected profile stats (increasing number of stats as creature levels?) could be quite interesting too ;P
  22. [quote name='Burns' post='28079' date='Apr 2 2009, 10:01 PM']obviously you wouldn't want to damage yourself, so that can't be meant... don't be stupid V =P[/quote] actually i can think of a lot of situations where i'd want to do damage to my own creatures, even without the beneficial return of for example martirism . the thing is that its strange to see such a strategically advanced tactic on a level 1 creature ;P [quote name='Burns' post='28079' date='Apr 2 2009, 10:01 PM']and ilewop has a habit of using spaces between totally different ideas instead of new lines, but still... one could understand that the creature can use both 'damage' and 'steal life'...[/quote] in that case /quote MRV: the creature needs both attack and power stat regarding your idea for poison DoT, i definately like it! attack damage [b]plus[/b] DoT is pretty powerfull, so if you want the power stat to be a factor i would base the DoT completely on power (i.e. attatck damage based on attack stat + influence, DoT based on power stat plus influence). that way you could increase the stats at different upgrade steps and thus make for a more interesting creature growth.
  23. i generally like new creatures and abilities, a few questions though: level 1 and 2, [b]damage regenerate[/b]. do you mean the abilities damage and regenerate (would be strange since it targets itself) or the ability regenerate (which doesnt actually heal in combat, and thus makes no sense on a low level, low VE creature) also, regenerate uses regen stat, not attack. level 3 and 4. [b]damage steal life[/b] / [b]damage attack steal life [/b] attack and steal life? if so, the creature needs both attack and power stat, if just steal life, it needs a power stat and no attack stat. level 4 loith, [b]targt same[/b]. do you mean the same as level 3 (weak and random) or the same enemy target as the creature that attacked right before loiths turn? (the later would be pretty interesting, but probably hard to code) level 5 -7, [b]damge infliction[/b] not sure if it should go with power or attack. anyway, i see a feew problems. one is that abilities that should work only for a few rounds (martirism and weaken def for example) will stack throughout the whole combat. second is: 5% of what damage? of the damage it would do when attacking normally? of the creatures total VE? the first would be pretty pointless, since it would do less total damage (3x 15%) than a normal attack. the later would be pretty powerful, but it wouldnt need an attack or power stat at all, if the % are fixed for each level. dont get discouraged by my questions, it could just be me being too tired to understand ;P
  24. [quote name='Burns' post='28020' date='Apr 1 2009, 03:02 PM']as much as Lighty and V have cheated in the last contest, that's not fair at all... and you can't tell me that 10k score comes without cheating and abusing... nope, you can't even try telling me that...[/quote] i haven't said much about this matter, because, frankly, the outcome (some of my buddies getting another win at HC) is perfectly fine with me. as to getting 10k without cheating and abusing (i assume that was irony, but if not....) 1. mp3 and 4 of this months contest already have 10k (thats even a bit faster than LS and me were last month ;P you wouldn't want to accuse them of cheating, would you?) 2. [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com//index.php?showtopic=3086&st=180&#entry27998"]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com//index.p...amp;#entry27998[/url] post 191
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