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Everything posted by Granos

  1. Due to some RL circumstances I am late announcing the winner which is Fryd with Ungod as the second. Thank you for participating.
  2. No, ideally we want new fresh stuff. (I may change my mind on this) Multiple entries are allowed.
  3. Given the recent anniversary I have been but in somewhat of a more social mood. To that end it appears the my other half (the player) is reaching their anniversary and I would like to commission some music to celebrate this event. Not just any music will do, no we require a magicduel related parody of songs that already exist. Example: Janie's got a gunJanie's got a gunHer whole world's come undoneFrom lookin' straight at the sun Instead: Granos' got a gun Granos' got a gun His whole void's come undone From lookin' straight at the Mur Note: This is just an example I am no artist This will be decided by community vote, but for more effort more points will be awarded. 1 up vote = 1 point 1 heart = 2 points Written = 1 point Audio = 2 points Video = 3 points The rewards: (note may be increased if there is enough interest) 1st place 5gc 2nd place 2gc 3rd place 1gc The last day of submission is the 5th of June 2021. Go forth and amuse me. Multiple entries are allowed
  4. Sale is closed except to those who have already Pm'd me.
  5. Given the new shard system I am willing to part with some angiens lowest age 3945 as of this post.
  6. As many of you know, this is a subject I am quite fond of. I share similar views with many of you and some will differ. Given I am The Seeker of The Void I figure I should at least leave some input on this. To me the void is both tangible yet intangible. It is what the beginning and the end will and are. Some will claim that the void is associated with darkness, like a great blackness that just engulfs all things. While this may not be wrong, I see it more in line with a great whiteness(the potential for all colors). When you break things down into very basic ideas, there are two colour pathways. On one path you can see that black pigment is an amalgamation of all the colors while absorbing everything, and you have white which is the absence of color. Then on the other path you have the opposite. You can see that white light is an amalgamation of all the colors while absorbing everything, and you have black which is the absence of color. Statements such as 'white is the absence of color' is both true and false but it comes down to our perspective, knowledge, and how we attempt to perceive that which is supposedly imperceivable. To me the void is limitless but also finite at the same time, such as the infinity sign, each side has limited space but still continues on forever. It is all that we cannot comprehend. Thus when we attempt to understand or quantify it, our perceptions are tainted by that which we cannot possibly understand. Our minds simply are not equipped for it. A small example now: Imagine a giant circle. That circle is then surrounded by numerous other smaller circles. Let us call the giant circle MD(Magicduel), and the smaller ones the players. Each smaller circle has a line connecting itself to the larger one, connected to other lines and smaller circles within, which we can call our avatars. The space outside these circles can be called the void. Eventually over time these circles erode and crack, and through these cracks we catch glimpses of the void, but our minds cannot understand this. These cracks show up in many ways, one of the most common is with mental illness, that is my Taint. They become tainted by something they cannot understand. So we begin to fill the gaps that we cannot comprehend with information, and things we know from our own realties. These can be called numerous things from hallucinations to visions, or even that sense of deju vu(ghosts, demons or even aliens). Our minds know something is not as it should be, thus they replace these glimpses of the void which we will never comprehend, with what we have of our own memories. I can go on about ideas and thoughts on the void but for now this will have to suffice. Feel free to come speak with me on this or other topics...
  7. "Anybody can become angry - that is easy, but to be angry with the right person and to the right degree and at the right time and for the right purpose, and in the right way - that is not within everybody's power and is not easy." ~ Aristotle


  8. I was looking because I thought I did see something earlier. His events usually taper out by 22:00 so I am glad we are on the same page.
  9. Since nobody has posted anything I figured I would as today and tomorrow were suggested. Perhaps delaying a bit more to garner more interest may be needed. What server times work best for everyone. Personally I feel that 22:00 server time may work well. As for nominations: Mag and Aia are deserving of some recognition. Please suggest more times so we can come to a consensus for the ideal time. Please suggest more people for medals try to include which ones.
  10. Ill be around if it is still happening which I hope it is.
  11. My current oldest is from august 2011, for obvious reason I cannot disclose it... But I know I had ones as early as September 2008.
  12. Thia is already available with a wp. So the cost should fit the ammount lost. Personally I've always been a fan of steep prices. Nobody will agree with this but why not permanently sacrifice a creature slot for the heat reduction.
  13. Slander! It was clearly suicide! BEEcause I would never do such a STING!
  14. Don't mess with Romanians
  15. Thanks for all the Birthday wishes
  16. What keeps you coming back to MagicDuel? People. What is your favourite thing to do in MagicDuel? Converse about theories. What do you do most often in MagicDuel? Observe people. What do you wish there was more of in MagicDuel? People. What do you wish there was less of in MagicDuel? Wealth, making the peaks new people have to reach ever higher.
  17. God I hope he's ok, pass on my regards.
  18. If we removed the forum I wonder if people would actually communicate in MD...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Chewett


      Blunt honesty also. People dont like it.

    3. Granos


      I love blunt honesty, sadly it mixes poorly with everyone feeling entitled to an opinion as if commenting was a right and not a privilege.

    4. (Zl-eye-f)-nea


      I didn't use the forums for a year. People choose to.

  19. Granos

    New shop branch

    Maybe a new shop tab full of useless items like tomatoes to throw at people or rotten fruit, odd items that we can use that have little to no real value other than mild amusement... I have over 500 credits with nothing to spend them on...
  20. Messing with people...
  21. Edited to keep names out and taken from his FB... It is with great sadness that I have to tell you Cutler died on August 22, 2014 of an autoimmune disease called primary biliary cirrhosis. You will be missed old friend...
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