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  1. Like
    Granos reacted to Chewett in MD Birthday 2021 - Day 15 - The day of the past   
    In this post I remember the troublesome dst, a good bughunter and an even better friend. Be well wherever you are!
    (Oh and come back and sort out your alliance, you have let riff-raff into it ) 
  2. Like
    Granos reacted to Chewett in MD Birthday 2021 - Day 15 - The day of the past   
    In this post I remember Cutler, he inspired me to try new things in MD and together we crafted the first and only piece of banned MDScript
    May he rest well.
  3. Upvote
    Granos reacted to Ledah in Ease My Conscience - PROJECT: REVIVE GRANNY   
    Well, surprisingly close! I'm disappointed I am not able to give my own posts a little blue heart or green arrow, but I suppose the 7 of you who voted will have to do.
    In first place we have the one, the only, Clair de Lune! The voice only gets ever more incessant, so I hope we can arrange the ceremony soon, I certainly hope within the next 6 days...
    In second place we have our incorrigible bacon lover, MaGoHi! He has, of course, chosen the 'free' murder, most wise. On a personal level, I hope you choose your next victim more wisely...
    In joint third we have the dynamic duo Steno and Ungod! Clever, clever, deliberately gaming the system to come in joint third... I expected no less from you two! Very well, you each get 5 shiny gold coins... I am truly generous.
    Well, that's all folks! Thank you to all my wonderful participants, anyone who showed up to vote, Chew for helping with certain abilities, and last but not least the ever lovable Granos, who has very wisely kindly stayed dead this whole time!
    I hope to see you all for next years murder...
  4. Upvote
    Granos reacted to Chewett in Colors in MD   
    There was various discussion, but for reference these are the canonical colours of each Land (take note lorehunters!):
    Loreroot - Green
    Necrovion - Black
    Golemus - "MD Orange"
    Marind Bell - Grey or Ivory
    MD Archives - Red
    Lands of the East - Yellow
    Gateway Island - Silver/Grey
  5. Upvote
    Granos reacted to Ledah in Ease My Conscience - PROJECT: REVIVE GRANNY   
    Second one has PICTURES:

  6. Like
    Granos reacted to Chewett in MD Awards Ceremony!   
    If you think you deserve a medal, send me a message or tell Me in chat during the event.
    if you think someone else deserves one, or something, tell me! We rely on people telling us what has happened over the last year that is noteworthy!
    Even if you think you deserve a medal, send me a PM telling me why and we shall consider it!
    (before you scold me I am in bed with a thumping headache so I’m just writing this up then trying to sleep again ????)
  7. Upvote
    Granos got a reaction from Pipstickz in MD Awards Ceremony!   
    Since nobody has posted anything I figured I would as today and tomorrow were suggested. Perhaps delaying a bit more to garner more interest may be needed. What server times work best for everyone. Personally I feel that 22:00 server time may work well.

    As for nominations:
    Mag and Aia are deserving of some recognition.

    Please suggest more times so we can come to a consensus for the ideal time.
    Please suggest more people for medals try to include which ones. 
  8. Upvote
    Granos reacted to Fyrd Argentus in A Series of Unfortunate Literary Events, a 16 Year Anniversary Celebration of MD   
    April 24th AR - Tall Tales
    AR April 24 Tall Tales.docx
  9. Upvote
    Granos got a reaction from Ungod in Paying for a reduction of heat   
    Thia is already available with a wp. So the cost should fit the ammount lost. Personally I've always been a fan of steep prices. Nobody will agree with this but why not permanently sacrifice a creature slot for the heat reduction.
  10. Upvote
    Granos reacted to Pipstickz in Pip's Pacifism Parade   
    Welcome one, welcome all! I invite you to join the parade and write your opinion on the idea of pacifism on a societal (or bigger, or smaller, your choice in the end) scale. Write me your thoughts for or against or both or neither, but don't hold back! If anyone finds this is far too open ended then make your voice heard, and I'll shout back some prompts for everybody to hear. Please do remember to write your entries to me privately though as anything otherwise may affect the ideas of others, though I wouldn't dare stop anyone from their private discussion. All that being said, entries will be judged on
    x/10 Well reasoned
    x/10 Meaningful but concise (not too long not too short, use your judgement)
    x/5 Interesting
    Paraders may find an anniversary creature as reward at the end, and maybe some other prizes too. (Firmed rewards TBD)
    (Entries due by the end of the Anniv, and the parade theme is just a theme, I have no real intention of trying to wrangle all participants in the same place at the same time! Though if they spontaneously organized into a parade, that could be very cool! Much cooler than spontaneous combustion, though that's cool too.)
    Good luck folks!
  11. Upvote
    Granos got a reaction from Fang Archbane in Murder, Death, Kill.   
    Slander! It was clearly suicide! BEEcause I would never do such a STING!
  12. Upvote
    Granos got a reaction from Azull in Murder, Death, Kill.   
    Slander! It was clearly suicide! BEEcause I would never do such a STING!
  13. Upvote
    Granos reacted to Steno in Ease My Conscience - PROJECT: REVIVE GRANNY   
    Ledah, finally making his own quest??!!! How the tables have turned!
  14. Upvote
    Granos reacted to Syrian in Yet another proclamation - Regarding the revival of MaGoHi   
    As Queen of Necrovion i would like to say that the revival of Magohi makes no stance on the current conflict regarding Granos, and we do not wish to get involved. His revival was done as a service that he has paid for. 
    Necrovion will always provide such services if they are available and people are willing to pay the price, though, perhaps they may not always like what that price entails...
  15. Upvote
    Granos reacted to Fyrd Argentus in Of Memery and Schemery   
  16. Upvote
    Granos reacted to Ledah in Of Memery and Schemery   
  17. Upvote
    Granos reacted to Chewett in Of Memery and Schemery   
  18. Upvote
    Granos reacted to Aelis in Of Memery and Schemery   
  19. Upvote
    Granos reacted to Dracoloth in Of Memery and Schemery   
  20. Upvote
    Granos reacted to Pipstickz in Of Memery and Schemery   
  21. Upvote
    Granos reacted to Chewett in Of Memery and Schemery   
    Mistakes have been made

  22. Upvote
    Granos reacted to dst in A hello and a farewell at least for now   
    I don't know how MD came up tonight in my mind. Maybe cause Christmas is close by and omg how I looooved MD's Christmas. Or maybe my haunted and tired mind needed a break from reality. Don't know..but the fact is that here I am once more to say hello and then fa  rewell.
    I don't know how I drifted away from the game. I never thought it will ever be possible but you know :"never say never".
    I miss the game, I miss the thrill, I miss the quests and mostly I miss my friends in here. It's been a very very long journey. I grew up with MD, I've learned with MD and I've evolved with MD. I've learned a lot about myself. I took that knowledge with me in RL and I expanded.
    Life has been tough but defo kinder than for many so I am grateful for that.
    I want to come back and I haven't given up the thought. I just wish MD will still be here when I decide it's time. Oh and do something with the horrible interface! It's how we say in Romanian "passion killer"
    Hope you are all well and so are your loved ones. We are certainly living "interesting times". I will never again wish that to anyone .
    Hugs and kisses until next time,
  23. Upvote
    Granos reacted to Ledah in Of Memery and Schemery   
  24. Upvote
    Granos reacted to Chewett in Of Memery and Schemery   
    Poor @Ledah and @MaGoHi
  25. Like
    Granos got a reaction from Ledah in Of Memery and Schemery   
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