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Everything posted by cryxus

  1. there was lizardman, ivy, inferno (the flame guy), and i think there may have been one more from soul calibur...
  2. [center] I noticed that a lot of the characters looked uncannily similar to soul caliber characters, and mentioned it on the thread when he posted his pictures... I think it is shameful to take another's work and claim it as your own... i think there should definitely be more than just a slap on the wrist. I'm sure copyright infringement is something that's not gonna be well recieved...[/center]
  3. cryxus

    I'm back!

    whoo hoo Jazzy's back hope i see you around lass, im sure i will
  4. Speak for yourself Grido, mua ha ha > EDIT: my bad .Grido. i MEANT Burns
  5. aye, well i didnt know if it was too soon to mention
  6. .Alche. (i dunno if GG wizard was played by anyone, but perhaps a bio would be interesting) BigC (already done for the newspaper when he returned) STF / .Morpheus. .Phrog. OmegaWeapon Tremir .Renavoid. Sol Dragoonus (?) NeylaSetesh (unsure about spelling) Granos (?) .Morgana Le Fey.
  7. cryxus

    Alliance List

    you missed the artisans EDIT: i think that's all, mate
  8. [center]First of all thank you Macnia As far as the badge goes, it is slow to get those out, i only get 1 badge to give out per spell recharge, but i will get you yours in time, i promise. Concerning the Crimson Blade sailing, I do hope it sails sooner rather than later. Good news is for the next couple weeks i will have more time to plan and work on things. (the past couple days/weeks have been largely eaten away by schoolwork, tonight included) As for the alliance, the spirit is there, the only thing we're missing is a logo next to our name. Although should i get the chance to have a formal alliance, i would take the oppurtunity in a second. We are in full swing currently, but are directing more focus into looking into lessons that would be useful in a faction environment, both for in realm knowledge and out of realm knowledge. (p.s. If you would be interested in helping with this by the way Macnia come find me in game) ~Captain Cryxus X'hal~ [/center]
  9. hey mate, if you insist, i s'pose this means you wont want me researching my own stories, eh? Well if i ever plan on writing an article i hope the information is accessable
  10. uhm, i dont mean to sell them out of anything but maybe you could talk to a legend speaker about this... I would personally help, but i dont wanna over commit myself right now, but if i ever find i have extra time i may be inclined to write up a bio or two.
  11. seconded
  12. i already told jester i'd help him with funding as well...
  13. cryxus

    Happy B-Day Kal

    Happy birthday lass *hugs her tight* yarr
  14. well i suppose you have an idea of what it is you desire, no? perhaps you should explore "why" and i dunno theres a fine line between original and doppleganger, it's a matter of how you portray yourself, and im sure if you act with conviction you can pull off whatever, mate. Just because a path has been walked before doesnt mean it's unusable...
  15. i think its already being done on the forum game topic start a bit ago, but that one just spiraled into some lowbrow .jonn. and .grido. jokes
  16. [center]mate, i gotta say that you are the one who molds your own legend... just think about what it is that you enjoy doing, and then find a way to make that into your role, i think that is the best way to become a legend as far as this [quote]but perhaps the greatest fear i hold is that everything that might be worth doing and worth role-playing have already been taken and done many times over by the veterans not literally, i know - what i meant was everything that i like or probably would have done if it hadn't been done before[/quote] there is so much that hasnt been done. imagination is not just a principle on a piece of paper, there is always a way to accomplish what you desire, if you have the dedication, will, and ability look for a way it's not so hard to forge your idea into a reality, that is part of the beauty of Magic Duel. Look at it this way, and i hate to use myself as an example, but do you think that there was a strong pirate presense? and i dont know if anyone even considered themself a pirate in MD prior to me, but the idea spread, people saw the dedication and desire and eventually accepted me. As far as throwing events and things a lot of it just has to do with the ability to think of a way to fulfill a desire... the rest usually just falls into place. Usually if you can do the work, and produce consistant results people will have more faith in your ability, and that is how legends are built, i s'pose. ~Cryxus~[/center]
  17. *hands shoeps a green mushroom* i think you'll need that because you just got '1up'ed (yes that was a mario reference, hopefully that'll never happen again ) anyhow thanks, and sorry for the trouble kragel, you have been most excellent in your duties. Also great job on the auction and all mate, it was tons of fun mate.
  18. i know IAB i just couldnt see you walk away without an owner XD
  19. [center]i wanna finish my chapter 3 that'd make me happy ~Cryxus~[/center]
  20. i dunno i can technicly see where one can argue this isnt a bug, as such... and just for the record i dont care one way or the other if demo has creatures he's still aces as a spy
  21. in this particular case im withholding my praise until i see where the money and creatures end up, nothing personal, i just havent heard from anyone definitely about how the silver and creatures are gonna be split.
  22. start a new forum on it ill add my 2 cents after i lay out an idea or two, something functional, but im gonna take my time, cause im feeling lazy tonight
  23. i could think of better alterations involving current heads system, and in fact would love to, one major deterant is that a lot of people cant hold heads as is...
  24. who said i was in the villain race? *cough cough*
  25. Captain Cryxus X'hal 100% male PWR spells (no perm flag change, and only 1 youtube song, 3x pirateboost a day) his aid in whatever you ask of him (nothing dirty ) also i request at least 3x coins a day max 5 days all proceeds to starting investment in the fair
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