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Posts posted by SageWoman

  1. [quote name='Windy' timestamp='1332534413' post='107168']
    I am not happy to see you go, even knowing how debilitating your health issues are. Who can I play "good cop/bad cop" with? Katt has come a long way and might be able to fill your shoes....with lots of rolled up newspaper...but she's not you. I will miss you in game.

    Is it my shoes or my bra you want her to fill? hahahahahahahahaha!

  2. [quote name='Muratus del Mur' timestamp='1331851343' post='106666']
    nah ..she is joking...she is blaming the fact that there is no death in MD but i can confirm that Sagewoman is immortal! :)
    Deep roots under the realms surface stand as proof :))

    and of course i never interfere :))

    I was reading your reasons and i was like "wtf, these are my reasons to leave!" ..lol.. lucky you

    What blame? Those are facts! lol Gosh, you are making me blush with all these kinds words. Thank you everyone...(who failed to post) and to the rest of you too.

  3. # 118 is all LIES! LIES I tell you! (scroll back to see what 118 was)

    120. If Eon sold you the Nile, you got dst'd (makes only sense to me and Windy)
    121. Dst is Mur's sister-in-law
    122. I forgot what I was gonna say....must have been the NightShade I didn't inhale.

  4. [quote name='Vasilemacel' timestamp='1320098062' post='95045']
    I was walking through Loreroot a few days ago with my good friend Kindred. A strange storm suddenly started and we tried to get cover under a tree. He was faster then I was, but the second he got under it the tree got struck by lightning. I grabbed him fast and headed toward Mardin's Bell to get help. On the way back we ran into and old man. As I asked him for directions to get back to Windy's pub (I don't know my way around Loreroot all that well and I thought Windy will know what to do) he said he will come with us. When I asked if he was sure he knew the right way he replied that he was as sure of the right way as he was of the fact that only 2 of us will reach the pub alive. Right in front of the gates of Marind Bell another lightning struck. I almost dropped my friend and when I looked around the old man was gone, nothing left but his sweater. I didn't have time to go look for him, I just grabbed the sweater fast to shield Kindred from the pouring rain and went to the pub. Windy saved him and after talking to her about the old man she said she never heard of a man matching that description. The only one that could match him had died several years ago in a storm in Loreroot. He hid under a tree that got struck by lightning. When I showed her the sweater she said it was the one he was wearing when going into Loreroot....

    (pardon the grammar and the punctuation)

    Not bad. There are several stories in various countries about a helpful spirit that leaves an item of clothing behind. Funny thing is, it disappears from police evidence lockers!

  5. [quote name='phantasm' timestamp='1320069936' post='95014']
    Night is a thing of dreams and folk tales in MD. This story is from long ago, when the sun refused to shine for one ghostly, and deadly night. Imagine nothing could be in sight, because there were no light in MD. All sorts of beings and creatures roamed around feeling out in front of them, hoping to find something more then complete darkness. Small groups of people had found each other and gathered huddling close, waiting for some change, some hope of light. Screams of scared beasts running fiercely about, bumping into trees and rocks as they go. Only one had the capability to traverse through such darkness. Only one, creeped around quietly and with purpose. Screams of people could be heard and then would abruptly stop. The small groups huddling together would jump and shake whenever the screams would stop. After what seemed like an eternity, the first break of light burst through the darkness, like a sword piercing through a shield. Slowly people emerged from whatever hiding spot they had found and looked around, trying to adjust their eyes back to the light. Large puddles of blood could be seen everywhere, but no bodies were ever found. They say to this day if you stand in certain spots with your shadow over it, you can see the faint stain of red from the carnage that happened on the day MD fell into Night.

    That accounts for all the Ghosts that have been showing up in Magic Duel!

  6. Tutorial of Loreroot: You find yourself seated at a table in Defensive Quarters. King Firsanthalas sits at its Head. Do you:

    a: take his whiskey
    b. ask him if it's true that real men don't wear underwear under their kilts
    c. attempt to take his Head
    d. take his muffins


    a. You are punt kicked out of Loreroot with nothing to show for it but a boot mark on your arse.
    b. Firsan gives you a naughty look. Why you ask? Shall I stand up so you can take a peek?
    c. Nice work. Hope you can keeps those.
    d. Instantly you feel vertigo and find yourself suspended head first over Gazebo of Chaos

    The End

  7. Briskness Increase

    1 EverHot Pot of Sage Coffee
    3 Orbs Heat
    2 wings of Majestic WinderWild

    Attach Wings to your own back with Murs All Purpose Duct Tape

    Give the Heat to your Mp6
    Drink the EverHot Pot of Sage Coffee

    Sing: ~With the Wings of the Majestic WinderWild~...start running while moving your shoulders to activate Wings ~I look cool and have Style~ make flying noises with your mouth ~Up, up and away~ locate nearest Sanctuary with GPS
    ~Here I go on my way~ ...ignore laughter from bystanders as you run foolishly by

  8. Loreroot Soup

    1 tail of Water Being I, pit roasted then cubed
    4 cups Pathfinder Lake Water, seasoned
    1 sprig Rosemary
    3 bay leaf, whole
    1 whole wild onion

    Simmer in crock pot 1 spin of the Server Time or until tenderized

    Add root vegetables like potatoes, carrots or cat tails (not feline, plant)
    Simmer 40 min until vegetables are just tender but still have a bite to the tooth. (not soggy)

    Serve with buiscuits or a hardy bread.

    Wine, Ale, or Beer as a compliment to the soup

  9. It is my opinion, that the Forum is a place where Mur should announce well in advance where he intends to be and all other pertinent information. It is a fact that not everyone views the Announcements because of the volume and changes it goes through daily.

    I would also like to suggest, that Kings, Queens, Leaders, and MP6's then take this information and re-post it in their private forums as well as private Alliance Page. A simple copy n paste will do it. That way, no one has room to say that they didn't get the information. Do not Kings and Queens announce to their subjects declarations, intentions of War, and other things? The same goes for Leaders of Alliances and I would think Mp6 teach their adepts other things besides how to fight and to send Heat. Work together as a collective, not individualism, and this should rectify the MurGate issues. (Sorry Mur, but it sounded funny in my Head)

  10. [quote name='phantasm' timestamp='1316470982' post='92296']
    transportation will not be provided, as there is no way for my to provide transportation to any other then alliance. Most should plan on heading a day or so early so they can have enough time for travel.

    I just saw on the Mood Panel that the viscosity has been lifted for this party of yours. Is this true or rumor? I know plenty of MB and Loreroot citizens that want to come but were afraid of the Mud.

  11. The cuddliest LHO? Have you gone daft man! How can I know that without first going around cuddling with all the LHO's? *rubs hands together and grils evilly* So, who wants to be first? Can you run faster than Phantasm can fling his Chain of Mercy? Without cuddling each and EVERY LHO, there is no way for certain for me to know who to vote for! X D

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