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  1. Upvote
    ZenTao got a reaction from Liberty4life in You can all thank Eon for the delays :D   
    Hey Fang, If you would allow me too, I could help you deliver the prizes to anyone who might happen to have won anything. Besides I was not informed you would be the only one delivering prizes, which totally makes my new title obsolete. One of my favorite things as TK was delivering prizes. I am sorry if you do not agree with me here but the questee's that worked hard winning should not have to pay because Eon got upset with you.
  2. Upvote
    ZenTao reacted to DarkRaptor in Carving Contest 2012   
    Thanks to MD there is my first pumpkin carving attempt


    [size=3](note: hi-res versions available if needed)[/size]

  3. Upvote
    ZenTao reacted to (Zl-eye-f)-nea in Carving Contest 2012   
    Couldn't resist this one.

  4. Upvote
    ZenTao reacted to DarkRaptor in Halloween Cookies!   
    [size=5]I've heard there is a Old Woman on a hunt north of Marind Bell capital that knows how to make MagicDuel Halloween Cookies!
    Go [b]TALK[/b] to her and venture yourself to help her![/size]

    1. All that sucessfully help the Old Woman to make the cookies will win something.
    2. The prizes will be random between all winners
    3. Prize list:
    (from my stock) 1 Aged Sharptear, 4 Pimps, Priests and Locate Stones[/indent]

    It will depend on participation but it will be up at least until the end of Halloween[/indent]

    [b]Please Have Fun!!! Happy Halloween!![/b]

    This is one of my first scripted quests and there is a large amount of script envolved. So despite all the efford in debuging i can't assure the quest is error free, if you encounter a error please report it to me so i can fix asap.
  5. Upvote
    ZenTao reacted to Eagle Eye in Bring Home Your Favorite Creatures and Characters From MD this Holiday Season!   
    My Family, Friends, Avy and my Creatures
  6. Upvote
    ZenTao reacted to DARK DEMON in Bring Home Your Favorite Creatures and Characters From MD this Holiday Season!   
    [b]This submission should not be counted. The final version is [/b]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/13130-bring-home-your-favorite-creatures-and-characters-from-md-this-holiday-season/page__st__20#entry129094


    Okay, I've never done anything like this before, and this quest has urged me to try it out. May not be great, but still took me many hours o.O

    Some experts may do it in minutes, but here goes!


    Party time!

    From left to right according to forum "avy's" : Maebius, Myself, Lintara, Eagle Eye and Fyrd. Wanted to invite more, but no space
  7. Upvote
    ZenTao got a reaction from Ackshan Bemunah in Bring Home Your Favorite Creatures and Characters From MD this Holiday Season!   
    [quote name='Mercurial Spectre' timestamp='1351203563' post='124646']
    I'd like to sponsor 2nd and 3rd place with an old archer (few tokens on ) and a pimped ( tokened too).Keep up ZEN Tao :-bd (btw -nice profile image )

    That is super Merc! Thank You. I hope many people try this out, it's amazing what creative juices flow in MD...

    Fang- No I'm pretty sure we can not sponsor our own quests, and it makes little sense to me why the TK Leader can not sponsor quests, thats almost like having wings and not being able to fly.
  8. Upvote
    ZenTao got a reaction from lashtal in Bring Home Your Favorite Creatures and Characters From MD this Holiday Season!   
    [quote name='Peace' timestamp='1351193520' post='124639']
    How about those who don't this tradition in their calendar?

    I thought about that, and figured that almost everyone has a time when they gather with family and friends in their home. When I made a contest last year called
    "holiday scene makeover " people no matter where they were from created Christmas themed backgrounds. If there is a tradition that other cultures celebrate, that has to do with family coming into your home to eat and be festive then by all means feel free to share that in this contest.
  9. Upvote
    ZenTao reacted to Seigheart in Bring Home Your Favorite Creatures and Characters From MD this Holiday Season!   
    I shall sponsor this with a WP, if wanted.
  10. Upvote
    ZenTao got a reaction from Manda in Bring Home Your Favorite Creatures and Characters From MD this Holiday Season!   
    [size=4][b]This is a “Graphic Arts” contest featuring the creatures and/or characters you would like to invite into your home for a Thanksgiving/ Christmas themed family get together. Using an Image Editor such as Adobe Photoshop, Corel or Gimp(Gimp is open source freeware) you will be required to impose the images of the creatures or characters of MD into a Photo of an area of your home.


    1. The background/ backdrop for this contest must be a photograph ( that you took ) of an area in your home where some sort of Holiday festivities are taking place ( Like a living room area with a Christmas tree, or lights and decorations, or of the kitchen with a big turkey in the oven, your family having a dinner at a table etc.) If you do not have decorations you may put some on the MD creatures/characters through the Image editor. Be as Creative as you desire.

    2. You may feature yourself and/or your family in the picture ( for anyone concerned about privacy this is not necessary, a simple photo of a place in your home without any people in it will do.)

    3. Submissions should be posted in this thread, by using an online host such as Picasa or Tinypic( Chewett says the Forum is becoming overloaded and by hosting the image elsewhere we could save him a ton of hassle) To show your creation inside your post use the code:
    [Code] [Img]put link address of picture here[/img] [/code]

    4. Only one submission per person will be put into a poll on January 2nd and voted on for one week by the public At the end of the week the top five will win prizes.( Making multiple Accounts to vote for yourself or a friend will disqualify you or your friend from the competition) one vote per person please!

    [color=#ff0000]Awards are :[/color]

    1st place: An aged tokened Rustgold Drachorn, 1 gold and 2 silver ([color=#0000ff]1 wishpoint [/color][i][color=#0000ff]sponsored by Seigheart[/color])[/i] + [color=#ff0000](a Reindrach [i]sponsored by the Treasure Keepers)[/i][/color][/b][/size]

    [size=4][b]2nd place:An aged tokened Angien and 2 silver +([color=#0000ff]An aged tokened Archer [i]sponsored by Mercurial Spectre[/i][/color]) + [color=#ff0000]([i] a Rustgold sponsored by the Treasure Keepers)[/i][/color][/b][/size]

    [b]3rd place: An aged tokened Angien and 1 silver + ([color=#0000ff]An aged tokened Pimped Grason[/color] [color=#0000ff][i]sponsored by Mercurial Spectre[/i][/color])+[/b][b] [color=#FF0000]([i] a Rustgold sponsored by the Treasure Keepers)[/i][/color][/b]

    [size=4][b]4th: An aged shop Joker Tokened and 1 silver

    5th: A colored shop Amour and one silver[/b][/size]

    [color=#8b4513][size=4][b]UPDATE: [/b][/size][/color][color=#ff0000][size=4][b]BONUS[/b][/size][/color][color=#8b4513][size=4][b] the Avatar Managers will be choosing one participating person to give a GOLD avatar too, they will choose so even if you don't score in the top 5 you still have a chance to get a golden avatar![/b][/size][/color]

    [color=#00ff00][b][i]This is an example only [/i]and here we Have my Father and My Daughter festively sticking out the tongue at me.[/b][/color]

  11. Upvote
    ZenTao got a reaction from Rasiel in Bring Home Your Favorite Creatures and Characters From MD this Holiday Season!   
    [size=4][b]This is a “Graphic Arts” contest featuring the creatures and/or characters you would like to invite into your home for a Thanksgiving/ Christmas themed family get together. Using an Image Editor such as Adobe Photoshop, Corel or Gimp(Gimp is open source freeware) you will be required to impose the images of the creatures or characters of MD into a Photo of an area of your home.


    1. The background/ backdrop for this contest must be a photograph ( that you took ) of an area in your home where some sort of Holiday festivities are taking place ( Like a living room area with a Christmas tree, or lights and decorations, or of the kitchen with a big turkey in the oven, your family having a dinner at a table etc.) If you do not have decorations you may put some on the MD creatures/characters through the Image editor. Be as Creative as you desire.

    2. You may feature yourself and/or your family in the picture ( for anyone concerned about privacy this is not necessary, a simple photo of a place in your home without any people in it will do.)

    3. Submissions should be posted in this thread, by using an online host such as Picasa or Tinypic( Chewett says the Forum is becoming overloaded and by hosting the image elsewhere we could save him a ton of hassle) To show your creation inside your post use the code:
    [Code] [Img]put link address of picture here[/img] [/code]

    4. Only one submission per person will be put into a poll on January 2nd and voted on for one week by the public At the end of the week the top five will win prizes.( Making multiple Accounts to vote for yourself or a friend will disqualify you or your friend from the competition) one vote per person please!

    [color=#ff0000]Awards are :[/color]

    1st place: An aged tokened Rustgold Drachorn, 1 gold and 2 silver ([color=#0000ff]1 wishpoint [/color][i][color=#0000ff]sponsored by Seigheart[/color])[/i] + [color=#ff0000](a Reindrach [i]sponsored by the Treasure Keepers)[/i][/color][/b][/size]

    [size=4][b]2nd place:An aged tokened Angien and 2 silver +([color=#0000ff]An aged tokened Archer [i]sponsored by Mercurial Spectre[/i][/color]) + [color=#ff0000]([i] a Rustgold sponsored by the Treasure Keepers)[/i][/color][/b][/size]

    [b]3rd place: An aged tokened Angien and 1 silver + ([color=#0000ff]An aged tokened Pimped Grason[/color] [color=#0000ff][i]sponsored by Mercurial Spectre[/i][/color])+[/b][b] [color=#FF0000]([i] a Rustgold sponsored by the Treasure Keepers)[/i][/color][/b]

    [size=4][b]4th: An aged shop Joker Tokened and 1 silver

    5th: A colored shop Amour and one silver[/b][/size]

    [color=#8b4513][size=4][b]UPDATE: [/b][/size][/color][color=#ff0000][size=4][b]BONUS[/b][/size][/color][color=#8b4513][size=4][b] the Avatar Managers will be choosing one participating person to give a GOLD avatar too, they will choose so even if you don't score in the top 5 you still have a chance to get a golden avatar![/b][/size][/color]

    [color=#00ff00][b][i]This is an example only [/i]and here we Have my Father and My Daughter festively sticking out the tongue at me.[/b][/color]

  12. Upvote
    ZenTao got a reaction from Plix Plox in Bring Home Your Favorite Creatures and Characters From MD this Holiday Season!   
    [size=4][b]This is a “Graphic Arts” contest featuring the creatures and/or characters you would like to invite into your home for a Thanksgiving/ Christmas themed family get together. Using an Image Editor such as Adobe Photoshop, Corel or Gimp(Gimp is open source freeware) you will be required to impose the images of the creatures or characters of MD into a Photo of an area of your home.


    1. The background/ backdrop for this contest must be a photograph ( that you took ) of an area in your home where some sort of Holiday festivities are taking place ( Like a living room area with a Christmas tree, or lights and decorations, or of the kitchen with a big turkey in the oven, your family having a dinner at a table etc.) If you do not have decorations you may put some on the MD creatures/characters through the Image editor. Be as Creative as you desire.

    2. You may feature yourself and/or your family in the picture ( for anyone concerned about privacy this is not necessary, a simple photo of a place in your home without any people in it will do.)

    3. Submissions should be posted in this thread, by using an online host such as Picasa or Tinypic( Chewett says the Forum is becoming overloaded and by hosting the image elsewhere we could save him a ton of hassle) To show your creation inside your post use the code:
    [Code] [Img]put link address of picture here[/img] [/code]

    4. Only one submission per person will be put into a poll on January 2nd and voted on for one week by the public At the end of the week the top five will win prizes.( Making multiple Accounts to vote for yourself or a friend will disqualify you or your friend from the competition) one vote per person please!

    [color=#ff0000]Awards are :[/color]

    1st place: An aged tokened Rustgold Drachorn, 1 gold and 2 silver ([color=#0000ff]1 wishpoint [/color][i][color=#0000ff]sponsored by Seigheart[/color])[/i] + [color=#ff0000](a Reindrach [i]sponsored by the Treasure Keepers)[/i][/color][/b][/size]

    [size=4][b]2nd place:An aged tokened Angien and 2 silver +([color=#0000ff]An aged tokened Archer [i]sponsored by Mercurial Spectre[/i][/color]) + [color=#ff0000]([i] a Rustgold sponsored by the Treasure Keepers)[/i][/color][/b][/size]

    [b]3rd place: An aged tokened Angien and 1 silver + ([color=#0000ff]An aged tokened Pimped Grason[/color] [color=#0000ff][i]sponsored by Mercurial Spectre[/i][/color])+[/b][b] [color=#FF0000]([i] a Rustgold sponsored by the Treasure Keepers)[/i][/color][/b]

    [size=4][b]4th: An aged shop Joker Tokened and 1 silver

    5th: A colored shop Amour and one silver[/b][/size]

    [color=#8b4513][size=4][b]UPDATE: [/b][/size][/color][color=#ff0000][size=4][b]BONUS[/b][/size][/color][color=#8b4513][size=4][b] the Avatar Managers will be choosing one participating person to give a GOLD avatar too, they will choose so even if you don't score in the top 5 you still have a chance to get a golden avatar![/b][/size][/color]

    [color=#00ff00][b][i]This is an example only [/i]and here we Have my Father and My Daughter festively sticking out the tongue at me.[/b][/color]

  13. Upvote
    ZenTao got a reaction from nadrolski in Bring Home Your Favorite Creatures and Characters From MD this Holiday Season!   
    [size=4][b]This is a “Graphic Arts” contest featuring the creatures and/or characters you would like to invite into your home for a Thanksgiving/ Christmas themed family get together. Using an Image Editor such as Adobe Photoshop, Corel or Gimp(Gimp is open source freeware) you will be required to impose the images of the creatures or characters of MD into a Photo of an area of your home.


    1. The background/ backdrop for this contest must be a photograph ( that you took ) of an area in your home where some sort of Holiday festivities are taking place ( Like a living room area with a Christmas tree, or lights and decorations, or of the kitchen with a big turkey in the oven, your family having a dinner at a table etc.) If you do not have decorations you may put some on the MD creatures/characters through the Image editor. Be as Creative as you desire.

    2. You may feature yourself and/or your family in the picture ( for anyone concerned about privacy this is not necessary, a simple photo of a place in your home without any people in it will do.)

    3. Submissions should be posted in this thread, by using an online host such as Picasa or Tinypic( Chewett says the Forum is becoming overloaded and by hosting the image elsewhere we could save him a ton of hassle) To show your creation inside your post use the code:
    [Code] [Img]put link address of picture here[/img] [/code]

    4. Only one submission per person will be put into a poll on January 2nd and voted on for one week by the public At the end of the week the top five will win prizes.( Making multiple Accounts to vote for yourself or a friend will disqualify you or your friend from the competition) one vote per person please!

    [color=#ff0000]Awards are :[/color]

    1st place: An aged tokened Rustgold Drachorn, 1 gold and 2 silver ([color=#0000ff]1 wishpoint [/color][i][color=#0000ff]sponsored by Seigheart[/color])[/i] + [color=#ff0000](a Reindrach [i]sponsored by the Treasure Keepers)[/i][/color][/b][/size]

    [size=4][b]2nd place:An aged tokened Angien and 2 silver +([color=#0000ff]An aged tokened Archer [i]sponsored by Mercurial Spectre[/i][/color]) + [color=#ff0000]([i] a Rustgold sponsored by the Treasure Keepers)[/i][/color][/b][/size]

    [b]3rd place: An aged tokened Angien and 1 silver + ([color=#0000ff]An aged tokened Pimped Grason[/color] [color=#0000ff][i]sponsored by Mercurial Spectre[/i][/color])+[/b][b] [color=#FF0000]([i] a Rustgold sponsored by the Treasure Keepers)[/i][/color][/b]

    [size=4][b]4th: An aged shop Joker Tokened and 1 silver

    5th: A colored shop Amour and one silver[/b][/size]

    [color=#8b4513][size=4][b]UPDATE: [/b][/size][/color][color=#ff0000][size=4][b]BONUS[/b][/size][/color][color=#8b4513][size=4][b] the Avatar Managers will be choosing one participating person to give a GOLD avatar too, they will choose so even if you don't score in the top 5 you still have a chance to get a golden avatar![/b][/size][/color]

    [color=#00ff00][b][i]This is an example only [/i]and here we Have my Father and My Daughter festively sticking out the tongue at me.[/b][/color]

  14. Upvote
    ZenTao got a reaction from lashtal in Bring Home Your Favorite Creatures and Characters From MD this Holiday Season!   
    [size=4][b]This is a “Graphic Arts” contest featuring the creatures and/or characters you would like to invite into your home for a Thanksgiving/ Christmas themed family get together. Using an Image Editor such as Adobe Photoshop, Corel or Gimp(Gimp is open source freeware) you will be required to impose the images of the creatures or characters of MD into a Photo of an area of your home.


    1. The background/ backdrop for this contest must be a photograph ( that you took ) of an area in your home where some sort of Holiday festivities are taking place ( Like a living room area with a Christmas tree, or lights and decorations, or of the kitchen with a big turkey in the oven, your family having a dinner at a table etc.) If you do not have decorations you may put some on the MD creatures/characters through the Image editor. Be as Creative as you desire.

    2. You may feature yourself and/or your family in the picture ( for anyone concerned about privacy this is not necessary, a simple photo of a place in your home without any people in it will do.)

    3. Submissions should be posted in this thread, by using an online host such as Picasa or Tinypic( Chewett says the Forum is becoming overloaded and by hosting the image elsewhere we could save him a ton of hassle) To show your creation inside your post use the code:
    [Code] [Img]put link address of picture here[/img] [/code]

    4. Only one submission per person will be put into a poll on January 2nd and voted on for one week by the public At the end of the week the top five will win prizes.( Making multiple Accounts to vote for yourself or a friend will disqualify you or your friend from the competition) one vote per person please!

    [color=#ff0000]Awards are :[/color]

    1st place: An aged tokened Rustgold Drachorn, 1 gold and 2 silver ([color=#0000ff]1 wishpoint [/color][i][color=#0000ff]sponsored by Seigheart[/color])[/i] + [color=#ff0000](a Reindrach [i]sponsored by the Treasure Keepers)[/i][/color][/b][/size]

    [size=4][b]2nd place:An aged tokened Angien and 2 silver +([color=#0000ff]An aged tokened Archer [i]sponsored by Mercurial Spectre[/i][/color]) + [color=#ff0000]([i] a Rustgold sponsored by the Treasure Keepers)[/i][/color][/b][/size]

    [b]3rd place: An aged tokened Angien and 1 silver + ([color=#0000ff]An aged tokened Pimped Grason[/color] [color=#0000ff][i]sponsored by Mercurial Spectre[/i][/color])+[/b][b] [color=#FF0000]([i] a Rustgold sponsored by the Treasure Keepers)[/i][/color][/b]

    [size=4][b]4th: An aged shop Joker Tokened and 1 silver

    5th: A colored shop Amour and one silver[/b][/size]

    [color=#8b4513][size=4][b]UPDATE: [/b][/size][/color][color=#ff0000][size=4][b]BONUS[/b][/size][/color][color=#8b4513][size=4][b] the Avatar Managers will be choosing one participating person to give a GOLD avatar too, they will choose so even if you don't score in the top 5 you still have a chance to get a golden avatar![/b][/size][/color]

    [color=#00ff00][b][i]This is an example only [/i]and here we Have my Father and My Daughter festively sticking out the tongue at me.[/b][/color]

  15. Upvote
    ZenTao got a reaction from DARK DEMON in Bring Home Your Favorite Creatures and Characters From MD this Holiday Season!   
    [size=4][b]This is a “Graphic Arts” contest featuring the creatures and/or characters you would like to invite into your home for a Thanksgiving/ Christmas themed family get together. Using an Image Editor such as Adobe Photoshop, Corel or Gimp(Gimp is open source freeware) you will be required to impose the images of the creatures or characters of MD into a Photo of an area of your home.


    1. The background/ backdrop for this contest must be a photograph ( that you took ) of an area in your home where some sort of Holiday festivities are taking place ( Like a living room area with a Christmas tree, or lights and decorations, or of the kitchen with a big turkey in the oven, your family having a dinner at a table etc.) If you do not have decorations you may put some on the MD creatures/characters through the Image editor. Be as Creative as you desire.

    2. You may feature yourself and/or your family in the picture ( for anyone concerned about privacy this is not necessary, a simple photo of a place in your home without any people in it will do.)

    3. Submissions should be posted in this thread, by using an online host such as Picasa or Tinypic( Chewett says the Forum is becoming overloaded and by hosting the image elsewhere we could save him a ton of hassle) To show your creation inside your post use the code:
    [Code] [Img]put link address of picture here[/img] [/code]

    4. Only one submission per person will be put into a poll on January 2nd and voted on for one week by the public At the end of the week the top five will win prizes.( Making multiple Accounts to vote for yourself or a friend will disqualify you or your friend from the competition) one vote per person please!

    [color=#ff0000]Awards are :[/color]

    1st place: An aged tokened Rustgold Drachorn, 1 gold and 2 silver ([color=#0000ff]1 wishpoint [/color][i][color=#0000ff]sponsored by Seigheart[/color])[/i] + [color=#ff0000](a Reindrach [i]sponsored by the Treasure Keepers)[/i][/color][/b][/size]

    [size=4][b]2nd place:An aged tokened Angien and 2 silver +([color=#0000ff]An aged tokened Archer [i]sponsored by Mercurial Spectre[/i][/color]) + [color=#ff0000]([i] a Rustgold sponsored by the Treasure Keepers)[/i][/color][/b][/size]

    [b]3rd place: An aged tokened Angien and 1 silver + ([color=#0000ff]An aged tokened Pimped Grason[/color] [color=#0000ff][i]sponsored by Mercurial Spectre[/i][/color])+[/b][b] [color=#FF0000]([i] a Rustgold sponsored by the Treasure Keepers)[/i][/color][/b]

    [size=4][b]4th: An aged shop Joker Tokened and 1 silver

    5th: A colored shop Amour and one silver[/b][/size]

    [color=#8b4513][size=4][b]UPDATE: [/b][/size][/color][color=#ff0000][size=4][b]BONUS[/b][/size][/color][color=#8b4513][size=4][b] the Avatar Managers will be choosing one participating person to give a GOLD avatar too, they will choose so even if you don't score in the top 5 you still have a chance to get a golden avatar![/b][/size][/color]

    [color=#00ff00][b][i]This is an example only [/i]and here we Have my Father and My Daughter festively sticking out the tongue at me.[/b][/color]

  16. Downvote
    ZenTao reacted to Curiose in Redacted   
    The TKs were never just a treasurey.

    They were supposed to chronicalize a lot of stuff and originally were split into three categories. The TKs were meant to be little minion secretaries under my rule. So all this hubbaloo about them being simple mail men is lame.
  17. Upvote
    ZenTao got a reaction from (Zl-eye-f)-nea in Redacted   
    [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1351012042' post='124538']
    Perhaps its something that Seigheart or Fang didn't detail this and pass it on, but TK's are not just a reward delivery system from what i have seen them do.

    Okay, okay, we deliver pizza too but you gotta pay and tip.
  18. Upvote
    ZenTao got a reaction from Dragual in Redacted   
    Implosion?! I wonder is that going to be messy? Everything will work out, so long as we work together, document what we do and communicate with each other. Everyone has opinions about how things should be run but sometimes other's opinions are just words. Sticks and stones... Fang you just like to reward people with great rewards. Nothing wrong with that.
  19. Downvote
    ZenTao got a reaction from Chewett in Redacted   
    [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1351012042' post='124538']
    Perhaps its something that Seigheart or Fang didn't detail this and pass it on, but TK's are not just a reward delivery system from what i have seen them do.

    Okay, okay, we deliver pizza too but you gotta pay and tip.
  20. Upvote
    ZenTao got a reaction from Ackshan Bemunah in Redacted   
    [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1351012042' post='124538']
    Perhaps its something that Seigheart or Fang didn't detail this and pass it on, but TK's are not just a reward delivery system from what i have seen them do.

    Okay, okay, we deliver pizza too but you gotta pay and tip.
  21. Upvote
    ZenTao got a reaction from Ackshan Bemunah in Redacted   
    Implosion?! I wonder is that going to be messy? Everything will work out, so long as we work together, document what we do and communicate with each other. Everyone has opinions about how things should be run but sometimes other's opinions are just words. Sticks and stones... Fang you just like to reward people with great rewards. Nothing wrong with that.
  22. Downvote
    ZenTao got a reaction from dst in Colourful skulls   
    [size=5][font=georgia]So, just to make things clear the[color=#ff0000] two masks are made by me[/color] and the 4 little Day Of the Dead figurines were NOT made by me but they are something I very recently started to collect, so I thought I would share them with you all and they looked great in the picture. I love the colorful skulls and festive skeletons. It was fun making these two masks tho the black one reminded me more of Mardi Gras- and no not cuz it's black. [/font] Viva[/size][img]https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-XTpp4jp5iWI/UIDnZLQfdQI/AAAAAAAADfU/SH_JpkQR4KU/s400/Day%2520Of%2520the%2520Dead%2520006.JPG[/img]

  23. Upvote
    ZenTao got a reaction from ignnus in Colourful skulls   
    [size=5][font=georgia]So, just to make things clear the[color=#ff0000] two masks are made by me[/color] and the 4 little Day Of the Dead figurines were NOT made by me but they are something I very recently started to collect, so I thought I would share them with you all and they looked great in the picture. I love the colorful skulls and festive skeletons. It was fun making these two masks tho the black one reminded me more of Mardi Gras- and no not cuz it's black. [/font] Viva[/size][img]https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-XTpp4jp5iWI/UIDnZLQfdQI/AAAAAAAADfU/SH_JpkQR4KU/s400/Day%2520Of%2520the%2520Dead%2520006.JPG[/img]

  24. Upvote
    ZenTao got a reaction from biermann in Colourful skulls   
    [size=5][font=georgia]So, just to make things clear the[color=#ff0000] two masks are made by me[/color] and the 4 little Day Of the Dead figurines were NOT made by me but they are something I very recently started to collect, so I thought I would share them with you all and they looked great in the picture. I love the colorful skulls and festive skeletons. It was fun making these two masks tho the black one reminded me more of Mardi Gras- and no not cuz it's black. [/font] Viva[/size][img]https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-XTpp4jp5iWI/UIDnZLQfdQI/AAAAAAAADfU/SH_JpkQR4KU/s400/Day%2520Of%2520the%2520Dead%2520006.JPG[/img]

  25. Upvote
    ZenTao reacted to Seigheart in I wish to offer my services.   
    As her previous employee, I would like to note that she is not reliable due to her frequent temper tantrums and outbreaks of bad language.
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