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Posts posted by Peace

  1. Also, I don't know how many creatures you have immortalized, Seigheart, but in my case of six, I did not sacrrifice them in the order you see them and I know that from the sequences of each text given. The creatures where displayed by order of ID if you had noticed them.

    So, for me I do like this idea.

  2. Point was not made. I do not know even if the WPcodes were given.

    Take 5 minutes of your time at home, store the file (which I hope you have it saved someplace else besides MD's notebook) in a flash drive and when you go to work, shoot a forum message(or in game, whatever suits you better, we wouldn't want to add more stress to that, do we?) to Phantom with it and problem solved.

  3. [quote[u]][/u]
    Tainted Warriors
    [color=#008000]-Important and interesting research[/color]
    [color=#008000]-Good recruitment effort[/color]
    [color=#b22222]-Some inactive members[/color]
    [color=#daa520]-Make news[/color]


    Could you elaborate the 'Make news' suggestion?

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