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About aranna

  • Birthday 01/21/1995

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  1. The story of Dyster Messer and Jaqueline Repierson, murderers both. He a the Hitler of his time, her Jack the Ripper. All she wanted was for him to watch her and smile as she killed in his name. All he wanted was for redemption for them both. It started with blood it ends with blood, their love only truly materialising upon their deaths after she slices both their throats. (Stupid synopsis is stupid -.- I'm going to include a snippet, there is gore, forgive me, it is the very first paragraph and I never get those right) (Gore) - Snippet - Jaqueline.docx
  2. Nimrodel, Divine A gift to us mere mortals Has beautiful feet
  3. Hey guys I'm looking to by a normal Aramor not an anniversary or imperial aramor, I'm offering 4sc for it, also no tokens please.
  4. The auction is over and the winner is Phantom Orchid with a hidden bid
  5. Secrets are dangerous yes, that is what intigues me about them. A secret that big would probably win you the auction plus some, but I will take your advice and be carefull as to what secrets I will accept. So please specify if it is a will get us both banned or not, I like and support this game to much to risk that for me or anyone else.
  6. I am going to be auctioning stones, I currently have 15 stones and will continue to collect during the period of time during the auction. The auction will run for two weeks starting September 3 at 00:00 server time. Basically you can bid anything you want but I will only accept certain creatures if you wish to offer them in the bid. I am not putting a price on these stones but by the end of the 2 weeks I should have an extra 14-27 stones (due to me being away for 3 days). If you bid for 42 stones but I don't have 42 I will subtract the normal price for each stone per stone you don't get from the 42. On a side note I except coins, secrets/favours and certain creatures. As most of you don't understand how secrets and favours work coins will suffice unless you have a secret or a favour that might spark my interest (secrets and favours [u][i][b]MUST[/b][/i][/u] be in game I woud and will never ask for something outside of MD). To place a secret or a favour as a bid just say secret or favour in your bid but please don't waste my time with something that is general knowledge, has the potential to become public knowledge or too many people know. Edit: Also throwing in 2 mirror ritual stones and an attack lock stone
  7. 8 silver for the Sharptear
  8. Actually *dst* I offered to show you today and if you didn't want to see it then why do you want to see it now? I offered twice and twice you refused
  9. I offered to show *dst* my story today but she refused saying that she didn't care, she also tried to force Innocence to show it after stating that my story was owned by MD. She then went on to quote [quote]All code, design, artworks and content on Magicduel, with the exception of links, images, texts hosted on third parties, are fully owned by Magicduel Adventure LLC and/or individualy by its shareholders.[/quote] As my story was a text hosted by a third party the story is therefore not owned by MD.
  10. [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1310299753' post='87517'] Wow... it just gets better and better. So basicly once the competition has died down, and as its current prince memory stones are being sold for 2 Gold, They will band together in a guild and hike the prices up even more? I guess this is a way of taking coins from the foolhardy. [/quote] You haven't asked me for my price's yet. PM me if you wish to know them as i don't want my competitor finding out my prices
  11. *wonders if you can stick memories in the memory stones*

    1. Phantom Orchid

      Phantom Orchid

      *wonders if one can remember their dreams with memory stones* Hm, that gives me an idea...

    2. Muratus del Mur

      Muratus del Mur

      acousticremains spell stored in a stone, combined with instant cast and itemstorage..yeah, eventually it might become possible

  12. This competition is only during the experimental stage, if the memory stones are successful then Mur said he would turn it into a guild (unless i wasn't paying attention while he was speaking to me). But it will only be turned into a guild if it is successful
  13. Ok thank you that helps slightly it just means i have to gather for one person at a time to the amount that they want
  14. I was trying to get a memory stone enchanted but when I gave it to the enchanter it took all the stones that I had and gave them to the person, would it be possible to be able to split the resources so that we are only giving one away at a time otherwise we will be giving away every stone we have to a single person even if they want a couple. I heard that other resources are having the same problem, so I'm sure they would also like the same thing to happen.
  15. Greetings! *nods, then smiles*

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