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Everything posted by Lifeline
this will run until midnight server time this night. so about 10hours more. then the highest bidder will win
Selling normal colored MDShop joker. 164 age no token. just make this a bidding topic. highest bid wins! good luck
trade done can be closed
Wtb imperial aramor WITHOUT TOKEN. the imp has to have an ID btween 48xxxx and 50xxxx
i traded my old pimped that i gave goldfinger back. thanks for the trade and sorry chrispr. topic can now be closed
hmm 3 people now awesome goldfinger has my old one now i finally remember that i traded it with u. Manda and chrispr do u have a pimped grasan or a normal one?
done. can be closed
no sry no way to remove the token so the grasan is useless for me T_T
come on guys i sold away to of those to somebody. and at least a grasan should be somewhere in that ID range
i sold 2 pimped grasans with ID 49xxxx to somebody a few month ago. i noticed i need one of them back. if those 2 pimped are on accounts that retired or were sacrificed then a normal grasan or pimped with ID between 48xxxx and 50xxxx would be fine as well. NO TOKENS and i dont care about the age. only that the grasan/pimped grasan is in that ID range
ever heard of free credits? this is the best change of all. either u support the game by voting in order to enter or u understand the battle machinics and have various different ways in with that. or u could just become citizen.
i am looking for somebody who can mutate my aramor to a colorless joker. pm me if u are interested
[center][b][size="4"]The Seekers of Enlightenment[/size][/b] [IMG]http://img89.imageshack.us/img89/9418/mdsoe.jpg[/IMG] Page 131 [2008-07-16 05:28:55 - The Shade Ballance - Others] Bound to worship Angiens, The Seekers of Enlightment guild has formed under leadership of *chewett* and represents Marind's Bell. Out of the ruins of the old town there is nothing to defend or to fight for, nothing else but the hope itself that the town will be what it once was. Angiens have lived for so long in Marinds Town but in times of need they did not helped anyone, The seekers believe that they will discover the secrets of the Angiens and understand more about the world. They still represent their only hope and the most decisive advantage against the constant threat of the Shades. Angiens ar dualist creatures, too complex to be understood by any normal human, but understanding them better will unfold secrets about the other parts involved in this, most of all the all feared Shades. The Seekers of Enlightenment are interested in the existence and workings of the realm itself, especially in Angiens and the mysteries of Marind Bell. Not much remains of the once flourishing town of Marind Bell, not even its real name. Named after its protector Marind in this time the land with its strong protective magic’s symbolizes a tranquil sanctum to many travelers. It is a land rich of secrets, forgotten knowledge and uniqueness. A few places that come to mind would be Marind's Roundabout: A fountain holding special water- a place for redemption, cleansing and a new beginning. Stairs to Champion's Challenge implying climbing up stairs to higher achievement and new challenges. Angien's Shrine the place where Angiens dwell – mysterious and legendary beings we don’t know what true power or knowledge they might bring. Sage's Keep holding information and knowledge of unknown but possibly immense value. Wind's Sanctuary a colossal place with unearthly architecture. Passage of War with mysterious guardians that won’t let anybody pass and yet with the tunnel being an undeniable connection to Necrovion. Champion's Dome a mysterious vault inaccessible by all, unknown what treasure or danger lies within. And finally a true wonder and legacy of enigmatic power - a huge bell/sphere of light around the entire land of Marind Bell. If you are interested in the Angiens (their being, nature, ideology, ect), knowledge and understanding of our realm, inner magic and principles, ect the Seekers of Enlightenment and Marind Bell might be your future home and step stone to greater wisdom and perception. The gates are open, the path is laid....walk its trials if you dare. [b][size="4"]Knights of the Bell[/size][/b] [IMG]http://img257.imageshack.us/img257/1674/mdkob.jpg[/IMG] Traditionally the Knights of the Bell were the elite defending and military alliance of Marind Bell but with more seats available and now as main alliance of Marind Bell another section, the pilgrims, will reside within the alliance as well. Pilgrimage in the Knights of the Bell means a journey to one’s centre and a path to greater awareness. A Pilgrim of the Bell has the ability to listen to the voice of the land and to hear its calling in order to give Marind Bell a new face and identity. The alliance is built on three pillars: Knights, Squires and Pilgrims. The knight rank will only be given to the strongest and most capable warriors in Marind Bell. It will stand for courage, loyalty, strength, experience, dedication and honor. They wear their badge with pride and guarantee a safe haven for all Marind Bell citizens. The title of squire will be given to those that show great potential but aren’t ready to be a knight yet. Knighthood is their goal and possible future if they master the various trials and challenges that lie before them. A pilgrim will stand for sociability, charisma, friendliness, benevolence, creativity and uniqueness. They have a strong connection to the land and its citizens. If you feel a sense of belonging to Marind Bell and can identify with the above characteristics the Knights of the Bell is the right place for you. Contact Lifeline to start your journey in Marind Bell and to become part of the Knights of the Bell.[/center]
Short attack cooldown(8mins) and less protection (save for 8mins against same player) + good for training because only 8mins wait for another attack + protection might not be needed because of sanctuaries or ggg for example - little protection in head contest for example, very vulnerable at public events outside of sanctuaries because u can get attacked all 8 mins by the same player Long attack cooldown(25mins) and high protection (save for 25mins against same player) + hight protection in head contest, rather save at public events outside of sanctuaries because u can get attacked all 25mins only by the same player + training isnt really resourceful with token around - bad for training because 25mins wait for another attack if anybody can think of more reasons please state them and discuss the topic.
another strange market topic from me xD yes...i want to buy a normal plain simple aramor with an ID of around 54xxxx please pm me if u have one EDIT: oh and as usual NO TOKEN on the poor thing
heh nice i gamble away my biggest chance because i thought the church wouldnt bring anything worth for the huge AP cost to enter.
i got the same problem. tab wont work the EDIT and CANCEL button as well as the lower part of the page are totally gone
yes i know but i am a weirdo i dont care about age but crit ID ^^
dream mutation joker from the wishpointshop or colorless joker.
looking for a mutated joker as old as possible. preferable one from short after it got put into the WPShop. pm me with the first 3 digits of the jokers ID if u want to sell one (520xxx for example) EDIT: no tokens on the dream mutation joker(colorless joker). none at all i hate token
Response To Those That Believe Al Can't Continue
Lifeline replied to Muratus del Mur's topic in Work in progress
i am reading the long post of mur about the AL and sadly all i can think about is: i know enough players that really want to read the AL and are really interested in it but for some reason never even got half of it done after half a year. why is that? why would any average player care about the AL? it has no relevance to them. it is completely unimportant to them. yes some great secrets there are. but just compare it to real life: what was philosophy in old greek? discovering secrets about the world done by wealthy and strong people. a hobby no noraml person could afford because they had to live and had to work. average players see that they get killed and killed over again and have to fight for their survival. so what does some event at a stone of twisted soul where nobody can go anyway matter to them? nothing at all it wont influence them. they are busy with surviving and cant ponder about the whys of the world. take some 3rd world country. people want to survive and polute the environement and dont care about it. of course they dont care about the environment what does it matter to them if they have to struggle hard to survive and feed their kids. [b] MD is a fictional world but people have the same instincts and desires. u cant afford getting into really complicated complex philosopical questions about the world if other threats are so much more real, endangering and relevant for u.[/b] and most real is ur characters vital energy and creatures. during head contest u are only safe if u logout for around 4 days otherwise u keep getting killed over and over again. why care about what shades do in necrovion then? or some pillars of harmony u never knew they existed and a story that brought back the night. sadly the night wont stop players from killing u and doesnt give u a safe place to hide so why bother about it? i am sorry for writing this so offensive but since the shade balance the AL had no effect what so ever on the normal player. anything that happened didnt change anything for them expect a few new scenes in the lands of the east with nothing to do (so the land is deserted and nobody goes there) and a few more scenes in necro where they cant go and yet again nothing to do there anyway. it goes down to the basics. u get rewards, become stronger, are known, meet friends, get introduced to alliances, chat, are social, ect while training with other people. what are u doing when u think about the hows and whys of the game? u are mostlikely alone or with very few people and think for urself or discuss it with the same very few people. no reward, no getting known in the comunity, no socialzing, no hope of ever accomplshing anything and worst of all getting ignored. and what if u even have the stroke of genius and understand something essential and find the clue? probably somebody found it before u alrdy, at least that is ur impression if u message mur or akasha about it. and it changes nothing for u because 90% or more of the game wont ever care about it. u cant even talk with them about it because they never thought about it and never will. so what good is that knowledge besides being weak and getting killed or being forced to sacrifice all ur creatures to avoid the loss of stats after to many losses which is a real hard number on ur profile. -
ahh have been wondering when this would come up for the first time. to avoid any misinterpretations i invited that account into SoE and even gave it the ring. see it as a vessel i use when i myself cant be present. i put it into winds sanct so that everybody who needs to message me about something and doesnt have me on their friends list can do so. this is no seperate character or anything. i will act the same on that account and on my main. like i said a vessel for communications purposes.
i keep getting so many complains that i will post my opinion publically now. TC annoys me enough already so here why i "abandon" my land: none citizen and even the opponent can pick a MB torch... so what does the score have to do with MB? how can it possibly represent MB? how can it possibly show the effort of its citizen? all i see is a competition where traitors, cheater, abuser, citizen, imposer and everybody else can fight for ANY land they want. they pick up a torch and claim fighting for the land just to sacrifice it to one of their own people to make them score. and after that some weird score is supposed to show what the land did? how is that? there is no connection at all. lets continue: how many steps does it take from GoE to winds sanct and how many from GoE to golemus checkpoint? 8 to MB and 19 to golemus. why would anybody ever go to gg to score a point if he has to wait and walk more than twice as far? loreroot people can simply use the back exit to score but everybody else can only if they buy it in the WPShop? how fair is that? so MB doesnt only have the shortest way from GoE to its capitol but is also attackable from 2 sides? ...awesome i welcome everybody to score in MB. next problem is new players can only pick up a torch from MB because they have no access to any other land. they wonder what it is click on it and leave the sanct. and are nothing more but free wins to the opponent. even some mp5 have no chance to enter necro. should they commit "treason" and pick a torch from another land just to get access to their own land? and letting golumus people walk around the world and through the whole labyrinth just to get into their land to pick a torch is great as well. i wont try to think of more unpleasing stuff because i dont want ending up getting even more angry. and i will certainly not post all the possible cheats, abuses and bugs that can be used. its not just that the contest is totally imbalanced but that its score doesnt represent the land at all if even the opponent can pick up its torch. so yes as long as the competition will stay like this i will completely ignore it. normally i never do something like this but TC got me to a point were i simply dont care about anything anymore. and no i wont carry a torch for the sake of my land! why? because i as king of MB could just as well carry the torch of necro and score for necro. does that make me necro citizen or necro supporter now or represent the strenght of necrovion?