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Posts posted by Aeoshattr

  1. Nothing as horrific as randomly being attacked by music.


    I feel particularly snarky this morning. Don't take it personally, just my terribad humor.


    Also, there is no bold text in here, instead you should replace the part after "src="

    Aren't the bold thingies  there to make the symbols used on the buttons bold (and thus more visible)?

  2. While I do feel the need to protest this 'new' TC, I will save that for the post-hoc discussion. Since I am unaware whether screenshots are still required or not, here's a SS. 




    another set 



    and another one
























    And done posting, since idk if these are needed or not. I see results are being recorded anyway

  3. Hear Ye, Hear Ye,


    On the 6th of November,

    Room we've none for no pretender.

    Gather at the Howling Gates,

    Leave behind your every weights.


    Chains will rattle, your key is night!

    Be prepared for a spook or fright.

    Undo your chains, rip them apart

    With your choice of undying art.




    Second stage concluded, as first stage, with no entries. Only third stage remains, as mentioned above.


  4. the 1k ap shoes still make long distance travel quite clicky and you won't be getting very far into the east that way, running out before the statue hall is quite likely even with 30+ cartography. with a leash you can pass a friend with east loyalty your leash and be inside the throne room for free

    He does have a point IMO. For me, the most irritating thing about travelling really is clicking (no, I'm not lazy i'm extremely lazy).


    IMO, I don't think that the boots are overpowered - they are in very, very fixed locations, so they give a sharp range as to just how far you can go; furthermore, you still need to click multiple times to move around and even more, they will not allow you access to normally restricted scenes. I'd say they're just a convenience for now and genuinely don't think they're game-breaking (with the exception of newbies getting stuck in NC or GG.)

    The only way I would change this would be to only make these clickables visible to players with say... more than 120 active days. By then, they will actually mean something when they get access to them, rather than take them for granted from day 1.


    As for the leashes... I'm sort of in-between. Technically speaking, it depends on the leash owner whether the slave is the actual beneficiary or whether the owner is; to be blunt, nobody is to blame that some people wuss out and are all nice to their slaves, show them places and give them things instead of using them. The slave potentially gives up quite a bunch of freedom, without the ability of knowing whether they will have a nice owner or not, for a large period of time - there were discussions of repercussions for slaves that are not available in-game during that period. Surely the slave isn't fully the beneficiary then. 


    However, the idea of working for a leash also sounds somewhat decent. I've no clue how it's better and it's not my place to decide. I'm just pointing out stuff I noticed in this topic.

  5. Graphics only no drawings UNLESS you use a program such as paint to do so...

    What exactly does this mean?

    Are we only allowed to photoshop in existing artwork in a sort of collage, and therefore now allowed to slap our own drawings inside our submission? Or are we only allowed to submit our own drawings only if we make them in a program as paint (which kinda really involves the need of a drawing tablet...)?

  6. According to the alt inquisitor thing stuff potato, MRAlyon and I (Aeoshattr) are alts.



    Though seriously... we aren't, we're different people and it's quite shocking and concerning why the alt potato would think we are... Attached photos:









    Many thanks.

  7. Will the presentations of art, poems, and other performances... happen before or after you let people enter night mode? At least that is what I think you meant by, "...then I will give a slightly "free" reign for praise to the Sky, Night and various celestial bodies."

    Nightmode will be a reward for the art displays, so it will happen after. To paraphrase what I mean there: After my introduction, the art displays will happen. I guess I was trying to get too elaborate in wording. 

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