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Posts posted by Aeoshattr

  1. I'm happy to have a discussion about it, I may not be seeing things correctly after all. So people are welcome to share their ideas.


    Nightmode indeed isn't just "hiding" - not at all. My lack of understanding refers more to "How can dark locations be affected by sunlight if the sunlight doesn't reach them"?

    I guess that would have to be the question to guide the discussion.


    The first thing off the top of my head would be that since all darkness is the same, revealing or "erasing" bits of darkness through Sunny weather (imagine there is a dark corner in a room with windows that is illuminated by sunlight and thus revealed/erased) will affect Darkness as a whole - therefore all connected to the darkness at that specific moment in time are intrinsically affected by Sunlight simply because Darkness was affected at some other location and this "ripples" across to all dark locations. Hopefully that sentence is intelligible.


    But again, that was literally the first argument that came to mind. I welcome a discussion on the subject.

  2. Which this makes sense, I dont suppose you talked with Mur on this beforehand?


    I have, and he just stated that initially, those tags were designed to deal with weather (so that it wouldn't rain indoors), but gave no further input on whether he thinks Sunny weather should or shouldn't reveal players in locations where the sky isn't visible. (or he might have, but I genuinely don't remember and I don't want to put words in his mouth).


    To me, it makes sense that Sunny weather shouldn't affect locations with "no light" or "no visibility" tags (I forgot the exact name). There are very specific locations with "light might come through" or something like that, and those could be indeed affected by sunny weather, but not those with "no light". 


    I could ask Mur again, if you think it is wiser?

  3. I would say "relatively new" clickables appear on top of the Nightmode layer (Obelisks, boxes + stones @ meeting of the roads, scarecrow, etc), whereas old clickable items (arrows, recruitment clickies, etc) appear underneath the Nightmode layer (i.e. properly shaded).


    I will take the liberty to say that the other things I mentioned (about the online player list) are functioning as I stated in my main post, however I will believe that it is the way they are meant to function (since it all connects and makes sense this way, rather than the way it was portrayed in the announcements).


    Therefore the only issues that remain are:


    • new clickies not appearing shaded. I would personally like a shaded version of each clickie, so they still "stand out" a bit, rather than being grayed out like the rest of the scene, but I imagine this will take a lot of work and it is not my place to say "do this, do that". But I would personally really like it :)
    • Sunny weather affecting players in locations with "no sky visibility" which I don't think makes sense. (i.e. it still reveals players in nightmode even if no light is shone on them.)
  4. No, I am not leaving, don't panic.


    I need to take a short break from interpersonal interactions in MD. I feel that all the stress and tension from IRL issues are seeping into my interactions with people in MD (not in a positive way) and I thus feel the need to "minimise the damage". (TL;DR, I am on vacation, but it is far more draining and exhausting and frustrating than having exams...)


    I will be easily reachable by forum PMs, and if not, there are people in MD who have my IRL contact details, so whatever happens, if I am needed, you can reach me. 


    I will most likely still log in, but only to check in-game PMs, mood panel, to grant Nightmode access, etc (or to resolve issues for which I am required to be logged in). 

    Please note, I will happily continue all the work I am currently doing (Nightmode, Legacy Project, etc), just in a OOC medium (such as forums). 


    Please message me if I owe you anything, or if we have issues to resolve for which you require me to be in-game.


    Cheers, and see you all soon.



    P.S. I am also shortly leaving to Lisbon, and I will probably not be able to play MD from there anyway. I will hopefully feel well enough and return fully to MD after coming back from Portugal (after 15th of July).

  5. So I'm jumping into this kind of topic again.


    TL;DR :


    dst is saying that neither EE or Witty can POSSIBLY achieve MP6 currently. Witty is still a long way from reaching MP6, and EE still has people who sympathise him. If both are trying to draw adepts, neither will manage to pull enough and both will keep on struggling and Syri might also drop occasionally because of losing adepts going to either EE or Witty.


    Don't dismiss what dst is saying solely because of the way she is saying it.

  6. If this is the specific issue that announcement was referring to, then surely this is mildly outraging? I understand that neither Chew nor Mur would want to "sort out the chaos" left behind by someone leaving, but this quest is finished; if I am not mistaken, most if not all missing rewards are now in Aethon's possession; furthermore not even all the rewards he was giving out are his, some have been sponsored by others! I'm not saying Mur (who I think contributed an item and some SC) is worried by where his silver goes (most likely) but the message this is sending is simply disappointing.


    Essentially, taking a few leaps, anyone could organise a quest, "hoard" rewards from sponsors, and then simply poof and there would be no consequences other than wasted time and effort and a lot of frustration for the good-willed participants and sponsors? I see this particular quest as a very simple case, all that needs to be distributed is already in Aethon's inventory (or most of the remaining items to be distributed, at least). Surely if not even this can be handled or resolved in some way, then there is no point in putting effort into future quests or events, which may "mess up" in more complicated ways and have no hope of being resolved therefore.

    Why were some cases of "chaos" solved in SOME way (see blackrider's "Draw my Hellhounds" quest with complaints about how it was judged), whereas this one is simply being abandoned because Aethon supposedly left?


    I repeat, I understand that "higher powers" would never continue the organisation, judging, etc of a quest in progress, if the organiser leaves, and that seems fair. However, this quest is complete; the judging and ranking have been done, some rewards have already been given, and the majority of the remaining rewards are in Aethon's possession. There is no "chaos" or dirty work to be done, like tracing sponsors, etc. I say 95% if not more of the dirty work has already been done.

    By this point, I don't even care as much about the reward (even though I very "rudely" feel entitled to it, having put effort into the quest and having ranked 2nd) but if that announcement was there to say that "if someone goes poof, nobody will care about things you worked for with that person or do anything to help you with resolving the issue", then I am monstrously disappointed and hereby (peacefully) protest.

  7. The Sixth (+ spontaneous quest):


    SIGN UP (+quest details) here: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/16654-the-sixth-roleplaying-quest/


    Date&Time: TBA: depends when sign-ups are completed.

    Location: TBA (most likely Fields of Abandonment)

    Topic: An impromptu quest, which will hopefully illustrate Aeoshattr's Sixth and final Pain in the realm of MD. 


    Please note, you can also participate without taking part in the quest, but I kindly ask that if you do so, you remain silent and do not interfere with the quest. 

  8. When, Where? Check here. 


    I will do my best to update both topics, but the Avatar of Pain one takes priority over this one, in case I for some reason forget to post date/time here too. For clarity: Date&Time will coincide with The Sixth. They are the same. I will decide the date/time for this when the roles have been satisfactorily taken.





    In order to make The Sixth more entertaining, as it is the second most important "face" of Aeo, I thought I could organise an impromptu quest and get people more involved. 





    As the title says, this is a roleplaying quest. In a nutshell, I will make a series of "roles" available. I will decide an actual setting to put all the roles in, which I will communicate to the players. Then we spend 1-2 hrs playing the little story! Please apply to occupy (and therefore play those roles) in this topic, using the following template:



    Player name:

    Player ID:


    I will expect those that apply to be punctual and also notify me if they cannot make it anymore ahead of time, please :)





    I will cross out the roles that are taken. I am playing The Mirror myself, and the rest will be given on a first come first served basis. Please, however, apply within your limits of RP experience and knowledge. No specific role will grant you more chances to win, but the way you play the role will.

    Any role that is not filled by the time of the quest will be filled in by myself. 

    • The Mirror : The one that will guide the story accordingly.   
    • The Man: Main character. Introspective, always in a conflict with himself, torn between monologues and pseudo-dialogues, speaking with different faces of himself. The Man hates the mirror for never showing a truthful reflection, tries to suppress and avoid the Taint and is openly fighting The Witch.
    • The Taint: Secondary "evil" character; this refers to Granos' Taint, a collection of maddening voices and minds overwhelming the mind of The Man. Erratic, chaotic, but with a purpose and few considerations for the means to reach the said purpose. 
    • The Witch: She is the one who initially Taints the Man; though he openly dislikes and fights against her, her aim is to teach him the truth which he does not want to see. 
    • The Reflections: They inhabit the mirror and change constantly. Only The Man can see them, and while neither good nor evil, their purpose is usually to protect the man regardless of the means needed to achieve that. 
    • The Friend: Tries to get the best from the man by pushing him to being a better person. However, his methods can sometimes get questionable and soon the question rises: is he truly a friend?

    I might add more roles, if there is a tremendous demand for participation. Anyway, please post here if you want to take a role, and then I will PM you with a few additional details!


    There will be turns taken in a predetermined order, and each has a maximum of 3 posts / turn; each must signal the end of their turn. I will provide details to each participant.





    I will provide some rewards myself. Any sponsors are more than welcome, please let me know in this topic or in PM if you are willing to help sponsor the quest!

    Judges are also more than welcome, since I am forced to participate in the quest as well, I would like to have enough judges for my opinion to not be needed. Please contact me privately, not in this topic, if you want to judge!


    1st Prize: 1hr Nightmode access + 3SC

    2nd Prize: Movelock or locate stone

    3rd Prize: whichever stone is left



  9. I don't know where else to post this.


    Could we possibly have all the text on the creature page to be light gray, like it used to be in the flash interface (and maybe just the heal button in the dark red colour?).

    It looks incredibly text-heavy and I feel it's not as pretty to look at as the old one. 


    Just a suggestion, IDK where else it should go.


    Also, can we have the "HEAL ALL" button at the top, please? :)

  10. 1. Why is this in Seal of Six section? Isn't this more suitable for other sections of the forum? I might sound rude, but I don't get it.


    2. Maybe a bit of customisation wouldn't hurt, but I don't see MD as some sort of Android platform where everybody can make everything look different. Why? I have the weak argument that "I feel it would take away some of what makes MD... MD." I wouldn't mind various "themes" and appearances for the interface (maybe the interface could look differently based on the player's land? I think that would be pretty neat.) but I was told at some point that the idea was abandoned.


    Stuff I'd like: 

    • Make the right handside bar default to something other than status bar
    • Notifications of creatures being ready to level (creature icon could bleep and turn gold?)
    • Notifications that voting websites have finished cooldown
    • Ability to sort your inventory (alphabetically, most recent, type, cooldown, idk)
    • sort messages into "conversations with player X" (rather than an endless stream of individual messages)

    I personally don't like the idea of "scripts" currently because they're not publicly available (or at least not to my knowledge? The language to make scripts might be available, but not scripts themselves, for the coding-illiterate like me). I wouldn't mind them as much if "finished" scripts were made public, maybe something like mods are for other games. NO, I do not think mods are suitable for MD, I am only using the "method of distribution" as comparison, not the products themselves. Still, I feel scripts are quite icky and stigmatised in general.


    Scripts aside - a few customisation options would be very good. I would rather call them "ergonomics" rather than "customisation" since I think most of the stuff that would be neat in MD would be accessibility options (like inventory sorting ) rather than full-on "I want to move this tab here, this tab there, I don't want to see the chat or the scenes, etc". 


    Interesting discussion. 

  11. I think this should only be a thing as a tickbox: 

    "Tick here if you want to automatically worship this player if they advance to MP6. This will only work if you are currently not worshipping anyone else (or, if you are, it will penalise your loyalty by 50%)".


    NOT as a mandatory thing, under any circumstances. Just for those too lazy to type a name in a box and click a button.

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