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Posts posted by Aeoshattr

  1. One avatar per person keeps the cognitive load to a minimum, adding another will likely increase it sharply as well as increasing time to recognise.

    Simple example is forum avatars, people learn to not read the names but associate the picture to a name. It would be highly confusing if someone had the same forum avatar.

    I see many people commissioning a set of avatars for this feature or aeo's

    I definitely agree with the first part, which is why I suggested the "idle" avy being made out of the already existing avy, maybe by shading it darker and blurring it out some, I don't know.


    For my idea, however, you would be limited to the number of tags you have (which I can't imagine is more than 2 for the majority of MD?), since you can only associate 1 avy with 1 tag.

  2. I think I suggested something similar here (shameless plug) for the tags interface. I'm not against this idea, I sort of like it, but I think it would be a lot more feasible if this was something standardized, like the goldening of avys. So all 'idle' avatars would share the same style and can be made from the existing avatar. I reckon that makes the idea more approachable? I dunno.

  3. If you're saying you want an item specifically coded for you, then there are a few issues:


    1. Independent resource collectors are expensive and given out rarely, as far as I know.

    2. Crafting a custom item for yourself usually is done by 'higher powers' (Chewett or Mur - please correct me if I am wrong here) and used to require 1 Wish Point. If I remember correctly, there was an announcement sometime last year which stated this has been increased to 3 Wish Points (?).


    If you want a shared resource collector, then yes, you can grab them from each land's capitol but they are automatically returned there every tuesday. You will need a certain amount of land loyalty to grab the item yourself. However, you might also require citizenship of a certain land to use certain tools (all water buckets you can grab from Marind Bell require you to be a citizen of MB to actually use them).

  4. Ceremony:

    Likely to not fully match canon. Keep that in mind.


    Aeoshattr:Let us begin. 
    Aeoshattr:One, for an impure beast that needs to be cleansed. *pushes the first rod into the ground* 
    Ungod winks at Lintara 
    Aeoshattr as he lets go and walks away, part of his cloak remains behind as a sort of shadow, still clinging onto the rod 
    *stops after a few more steps* Two. For the one to first heal the beast. 
    [Spell] Bye Aeoshattr 
    *Nimrodel*:For Draco. 
    lashtal:How sweet... 
    Aethon chuckles a little.. 
    [Spell] todai *Nimrodel* 
    [Spell] lania lania lania aeoshattr 


    Aeoshattr shakes away some dust off himself 
    Aeoshattr:Silence, please. Let us proceed. 
    Maebius quiets down 
    Aeoshattr lets go of the second rod, leaving a second shadow from his cloak behind him, moving to a third point, seeming to draw a circle 
    Aeoshattr: *lifts a third rod up* Three, for the master who thinks it is wise to take orders from her beast... 
    lashtal:You're louder than knators... Behave, folks. 
    Aeoshattr continues, pushing the third rod into the ground, now completely obscured from sight 
    Aeoshattr: *leaves a third shadow behind, then moves on* Four, for the one missing piece from this drachorn soul... 
    Aeoshattr: *moves to the fifth, final point on the circle and pushes the last obsidian rod into the ground* Five. To purify the beast. 
    Aeoshattr moves to the middle of the circle, taking a drachorn egg out from his cloak 
    [Spell] Ars Magna: Lyra H3pposz6mcE 
    Aeoshattr: (play music please
    Aeoshattr lifts the egg up, as the five shadows take the rods from the ground and begin walking around him, slowly at first, bit slowly picking up the speed, stirring up the wind 
    Aniwaya watches wide-eyed 
    Aeoshattr mumbles something inaudible as the wind stirs noisily, throwing up dust into the air 
    Aeoshattr: *continues saying the same, louder and louder, before shouting out* PURGO! 
    Aeoshattr throws the egg in the air and makes a swift slashing motion with his hand, showing a quick glint of a golden dagger 
    Aeoshattr catches the egg and drips what seems to be a black, dark ooze from the dagger onto it as it glows faintly 
    Maebius 's eyes widen with interest 
    Aeoshattr holds the egg in his left hand, quickly hiding the dagger away and waving his five shadows with the other hand - each shows a slight coloured glint at the end, as if having each been used to channel 
    Aeoshattr: *shows the stained egg to the crowd, lifting it up for all to see from the darkness* And here is the beast, as it should be. Behold. 
    Aeoshattr lowers the egg and tucks it into his cloak, then goes to gather the obsidian rods from the ground 

    [18/01/16 20:32] :[Spell] Ars: Lego




  5. It's distasteful to ask of something like this after two alliances just fell for "s**ts and giggles" recently, and also insulting to those who actually disband alliances to offer 1 gold for such a task. Cheaper than hunger.
    And because I really cannot help it, as everybody knows, here is what I think about your issue with 'loyalty' leaders: 
    If you have a problem with a specific leader, how about you take it on with that leader, and that leader only, not with all the people in said leader's entourage. Stop using axes and saws when what you need is a pair of scissors...
  6. The biggest tip I can offer is try to RP according to the world of MD. This might mean you will need a bit of understanding of it, but if you manage to tailor your character specifically to MD (rather than make a generic wizard) you are considerably more likely to be remarked.


    Keep it up. Good RPers are always welcome, as far as I'm concerned.

  7. >I do not like storenow and have troubles using it when it in clickies when it comes to quests.


    I ask because we can improve it. If people dont report the issues we cant make it better :) It was designed for MD, so if people arnt using it for MD then its kinda pointless.

    Currently, storenow appears to generate download links by default, rather than preview links like it used to. And either I'm too tech unsavvy (which really might be the case) to figure out why, or something changed. That would be one thing.

  8. When you level it up the first time, just name it "Farting Grasan" without the quotes, or any of the names mentioned in:








    Keep in mind that only the second level of the grasan produces resources, so don't max it out

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