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Posts posted by Intrigue

  1. Intrigue... mostly because of the definitions of the word. Depending on how it's used, Intrigue may be a good thing or a bad one, but always secretive things are involved.

    *edit: I just realized I had already commented on this thread forever ago. oops!

  2. Again, I appreciate the feedback. I chose the wording "root role" because the very basic "root" of the role is to just be there, regardless of any speaking or doing. Others may go on to do much more elaborate things, such as encouraging events or rp combat with others, but WHisper's dedication to simply being there is equally as dedicated as the more "interactive" guardians. He is a perfect example of this perhaps basic, but necessary bit of guardianship.

  3. I had tried my hand at writing descriptions for two people (both are people I interact with/fellow ally members) however, I don't know for sure if this is what you're looking for.

    I had been waiting to see if there was any elaboration on the title doc texts, or an outline of information to be included on it. There hasn't been, so here's my attempt:




    Guardian's Echo


    Awarded this title for being the most silent of the guardians.

    Perseverance is with this one, as daily, he would tend to Bob, speak little, but watch much.

    This title is the epitome of the root role of a guardian, and further proof that grand deeds are not always required to show ones dedication, deeds such as simply being there are just as important.





    Guardian of Bob

    Awarded this title for his dedication to his role as the Guardian of Bob.

    Through his ongoing persistence, much of the realm was made aware of Bob the Tree. Throughout time past, even with the promise of fame and status, his dedication did not waver. He is one of the most dedicated Guardians of Bob in the history of MagicDuel.


    Knight of Slumber

    Awarded this title for his ability to nap for extended periods of time with one eye open.

    Although his activity has waned in recent times, he is still known to haunt the

    Path of Loneliness. Many have mistaken his silence for absence, and received quite

    the surprise when realizing he is silently watching.




    This is something I had already encountered, and became content with one idea I had hopefully you'll agree. Power's Ascent is only three scenes away from the lighthouse. My plan was to attach a barrel with the mix on a pole through the center and then mount the pole on either side of the water falls allowing then the waterfall to cascade on top the barrel. Physics will go into action and begin rotating the barrel mixing the ingredients and allowing us to then transport it down to the lighthouse in buckets which are already available. Power's Ascent will serve as our natural mixer but will also supply us with water for the mix.



    Adding fins to the side of the barrel would allot the mixing to be more efficient, nice idea :D and the small amount in a bucket can easily be mixed by hand with a stick or a bone to keep it from hardening.

    So.... You're going to take the barrel UP the mountain, to the waterfall on the other side of the mountain, let the waterfall do the mixing, and then get it back down the mountain how?


    A 20kg bag of cement, lots of sand, lots of water, rolling a really heavy barrel down a mountain... That doesn't sound very safe :P

  5. Kitty toy - small plush ball with a few feathers attached and stuffed with catnip. Useful for entertaining kitties, rumored to be good at distracting Lag Monsters as well.

    Brush- Wooden paddle with several small tines attached to one side. Useful for personal grooming, as well as getting tangles out of your Knator's fur.

    Bag of feathers- a medium size bag stuffed with feathers from winderwilds. Use it to have a comfortable place to sit, or a place to rest your head during naps.

    Rain coat- a leather coat well treated with oil to keep you dry during random bouts of rain

    Fishing pole- a long pole with attached eyes at intervals. Rather useless without string and a hook. May be used instead for jousting or fencing competitions

    Scarf- woven fabric or strip of fur that is much longer than it is wide, wrap it around your neck to keep warm and help keep vampires away

    broken mirror- several shards of reflective glass, very sharp and dangerous to fingers




    mostly ok, you have no clue about "no mirrors" unspoken rule in md, but thats ok, what can i expect from an ancient player, lol

  6. id 104866


    Wheelbarrow- wheeled cart commonly used for transporting bulky or heavy goods from one location to another

    Shovel- Simple tool constructed of a flattened peice of metal attached to the end of a rod. Commonly used for digging, but may have other uses

    Child's tea set- Two cups, one pot and a small fancy plate for sweets, commonly used by children to hold imaginary tea parties.

    Water skin- a simple yet durable container used to hold water or other liquids for personal consumption.

    Bandages- Several long peices of cloth or gauze, used to dress wounds or dress up as a mummy.

    ladder- object used to increase one's reach by increasing one's height. Useful for grabbing things above your head or seeing over walls

    Recipe book- small fragile book containing recipes for tea, cake and other things. Editable. Multiple uses may cause pages to fall out and be lost.

    String- uses may include weaving, braiding, a substitution for thread, or to leave a trail behind yourself in the event of entering an unknown area so you don't become lost. (reference to Minos and Theseus)



    *edited because some items may have had coding requested to make them functional.



    not as bad as myth's but not ok, the can all be requested to made functional as they are

  7. Another idea could be able to make fertilizer (i'm thinking similar to the recipe for tea) to speed up the regen of depleted resources. Say it's down to taking 3 days to regen, applying fertilizer could half that, or if it's at regular regen levels, then the next regen could produce 2 of the resource.


    Downside would be it would take time to make, for example you have to let it set for 3-4 days to "ferment/compost" before using.



    *edited to expand on idea a little

  8. thus the emphasis on CAREFULLY. You don't have to start at the top, you could even roll it along the beach with enough manpower. If none else, mix small quantities at a time (like a quarter of it), after all, if you're going to be doing all these repairs by hand, you don't want it to harden before you're half done.


    (RL note: it's not uncommon to mix 20lbs/9k in a wheelbarrow using a shovel to mix, small amounts can be done easily by hand)

  9. Some kind of mixing implement is required to mix the concrete. One idea is to attach a barrel to Golem's mill but then there is the issue of transporting it. Somebody needs to find a solution to the aforementioned problems. I'll reward them with a spot on my ship going West :) And maybe bubbles too...


    Seeing that golemus is a mountain, why not just put it all in a barrel, and roll it CAREFULLY down the mountain? By the time you reach the bottom, should be good and mixed.

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