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Everything posted by MRWander

  1. MRWander


    just wow
  2. MD has opened up banks O.O

    1. Maebius


      Interest-ing. :D

  3. Slenderman has been seen in the trees of LR beware children!
  4. Perhaps something more along the lines of a cactus that does it in response to being attacked... like ti targets what damaged it last turn...and through the evolution sorta like a necro version of a walking tree
  5. MRWander

    New ideas

  6. Since item gathering is actually implemented why not make the ingredients needed to see them needed to be actually harvested? So the new players can learn to use/harvest items and the hookah as a cauldron to mix it and stuff
  7. a change on how some creatures are recruited OR storymode change [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/11383-creature-recruitment/"]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/11383-creature-recruitment/[/url]
  8. @child: I wouldnt expect it to be the only way to get crits unless Mur wanted to kill stat grinding xD and if you were to get all barrens from randomly given crits maybe you could out heal the damage for a win? xD
  9. i was thinking not to replace story mode but something like a ministory mode that gets unlocked or found somehow the idea was actually quiet vague to begin with
  10. [quote name='duxie' timestamp='1326392957' post='100570'] [size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]i guess people would start taking the story line depending on the creature they want. new ones would start re-rolling their chars just to get the wannable creature [/font][/size] [font=verdana, geneva, sans-serif][size=3]not all of course, but many of them [/size][/font] [/quote] which is exactly why i said it should be random but based on your choices should increase the chance of getting a certain creature not making it 100% likely still. As for creating alts to get certain creatures Mur does have a limit on alt abusers And Hollow warriors can be useful if you know how to use them
  11. I m sure its far too late in the game far a drastic change as this but what if creatures were given out in a way LIKE story mode a sort of choose your own adventure mini story that depends on your choices gives a higher percent chance to give you this crit instead of that crit though it would have to be random or it could be abused. but say for an example you hug Marind in storymode instead of telling her to go away it increases your chance to get a barron soul cause of your kindness rather then a fighting creature.
  12. Not sure if i count as a fossil who just came online for christmas or not do log in very sporadically through out the year though i did log in more often then usual because of christmas ^^;
  13. 98) All the MR accounts had their names changed and are still active just hiding in plain site.
  14. I m running around in tribunal and it says ap loss 24-40 on the arrow when i move i actually only lose 1 ap
  15. [quote name='Udgard' timestamp='1309922599' post='87202'] On the concept of "limited cast", I think you've mentioned somewhere that when we cast a spell, we leave a part of ourselves there, used up a portion of ourselves. Running with that theory, I think it is logical that spells have a limited number of cast. For "temporary spells", you leave parts of yourself containing the memory of that spell as you cast them, and when you've consumed all parts of yourself that is connected to that spell.. *poof*. You no longer can use them. Even with permanent spells we have limited casts because we cannot use up so many parts of ourselves at once (without serious consequences), but with rest, some part of us might regenerate, allowing us to once again cast the spell, perform the ability that is already engraved in yourself. [/quote] This seems the most realistic to me and perhaps (depending on personalities and dna though this may require more of the dna questions we received when logging in a while back) there would be ways for some to recharge this part of them they left behind, i.e. meditating in a certain place which influences them some people need secluded far away places near the beach others work better in the mountains etc... its another way to reinforce the new visc and keep exploration up for some atleast.
  16. Note this has nothing to do with me for those old enough to remember my old name...
  17. MRWander

    Stop Ggg

    [quote name='Sparrhawk' date='03 June 2010 - 10:02 PM' timestamp='1275631339' post='60962'] Better yet take a moment to think before you post a ridiculous suggestion. have you even read any of the topic. [/quote] Nope I havent even read the title to this thread i am completely illiterate and post my opinions on random ideas i have anywhere in the forum you can tell by my high post count and how i m always being flamed for spam.
  18. MRWander

    Stop Ggg

    [quote name='Sparrhawk' date='03 June 2010 - 09:44 PM' timestamp='1275630242' post='60960'] A stat wide reset and close all training grounds right, what will happen then? either people most likely people who spent money on stat boosters will consider leaving. other than that the ones who have token rits and drachorn rit will just go around and boost their stats fast again, or people will continue their combo training circles and farm up there stats again quickly. it wouldnt really solve anything. [/quote] use your head i m eventually you ll figure it out...i m not here to babysit or play school teacher this game is SUPPOSED to be about thinking and using your brain maybe it try it sometime then you ll see what it will achive.
  19. MRWander

    Stop Ggg

    As a MR i m sure this wont come as a surprise but i like the scorched earth policy... nobody will be happy no matter which way it goes...my suggestion game wide stat reset. then the fun can begin again...
  20. [quote name='Kamisha' date='27 April 2010 - 08:27 PM' timestamp='1272428830' post='58755'] Regardless how much we dislike them or don't want this group to interfere they are bound by the same rules we are. I am not advocating them or supporting them I am simply speaking the facts. [/quote] and one simple fact is the community gets choices i am merely pointing out one option that will probably be overlooked.
  21. [quote name='Kamisha' date='27 April 2010 - 07:32 PM' timestamp='1272425579' post='58749'] Ban those people that's looking at this not from murs point of view but ours. Murs personal point of view as he had to remind me once or twice in the past is that you can have open expression and open speech. His moral code has the simple result that he can only ban those who cause direct damage to the game community its self. This does not count as direct damage as marinids killer being revealed is collateral damage from those who wish to see this. So on a technicality this does not count but on the other it does not so it causes the conflict that he cant ban them. Now however on the other hand if somebody who did know went around telling everybody he could ban them as it would be considered a spoiler and we can only give hints by game rules. [/quote] To me this is very much like full metal jacket since we are being punished repeatedly due to actions of certain people i think we should have a right to excommunicate them do to the simple fact they are ruining the game for us. he has said himself that they are forcing him to reveal a big gear which in long term will be damaging to the game it shall open a pandoras box and it will in essence twist and destroy the game bring up MORE problems due to the simple fact that its the wrong order of revealing things our bet hope is he comes to realize this before he does act. And as for him not be able to ban him for it just because they bug him I am trying to take it out of his hands and let the community help decide if its better to force Murs hand in such decisions or let them unroll naturally by US the community as it is supposed to.
  22. Perhaps it is better to let things slip gracefully in the night instead of destroying it. Every year this same thing occurs and every year we get punished for it. As a community I feel we should have a right to ask you to ban those people rather then keep getting punished on their behalf. But then again what do I know I am a mere grinder. (Should anyone else feel this way perhaps a poll would be more helpful)
  23. Basically most of you realize i have been away and not playing the game lately just recently i ve slowly been coming back into it and as of yesterday i finally began learning about how angiens work and i have to say they are worse then the regen rits AT ANY MP LEVEL. those of you that understand the fighting system will understand what i mean those that dont OH WELL maybe you ll learn. So as a warning for those who care or dont want to take the chance of getting hit with random rits anytime i am idle at goe this is to be considerate and let you know about its randomness.
  24. It seems more and more people who have used the GGG over and over want to do away with it or change it for themselves now that they have gotten their use out of it. We, the MRs made our training public to help others since a multitude of those people are now turning around and are not happy with it anymore the way it is I formally withdraw MR support as a whole like usual individual MRs are more then welcome to help out if they wish but if the community wants to keep the GGG for gaining wins it is you the community that will have to work it out amongst yourselves. Use the same rules we had change them its all up to you guys.
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