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Everything posted by Jubaris

  1. Jubaris

    Hollywood, baby

    You're right, there's a big difference. Though I'm not convinced the blatant copying you mention is that all-encompassing and mainstream, some of the specific pieces you mentioned seemed more inspired by rather than copied (samurai jack for instance), but maybe I'm wrong. Just to clarify, I'm not defending Hollywood, I just like try to add more perspectives to the table: so what if we have copied movies? If we are not aware of the original, in our perspective we are seeing something new? If people weren't seeing them as new they wouldn't watch and such movies wouldn't bring money and Hollywood wouldn't shoot them. So it's not a waste, as long as it's a copy of a good movie The important thing at the end of the day, if you enjoyed a copy-movie, is not to idealize people behind it, but that should be the case with anything,people are never perfect, geniuses that are wonderful human beings etc, there's always some uncanny detail lying somewhere. I liked Samurai Jack, I don't necessarily think it's the most brillitant piece made by unbelievably creative and original people
  2. Jubaris

    Hollywood, baby

    Even when you look at 'the original', there's a good chance it's a retelling as well. I mean look at The Bible/Christianity. Revolutionary religion that swallowed a big chunk of the known world, but its concepts were all already present in other religions. It's how stuff always worked, as Newton said we are dwarves standing on the shoulders of giants, or standing on the shoulders of dwarves which are standing on the shoulders of other dwarves... (pardon my poor rephrasing, maybe Newton said it somehow differently)
  3. Jubaris

    Hollywood, baby

    In regards to Hollywood, I think it got a bit weaker with all of these streaming services. I mean, Netflix is spending money on shows left and right, which brings money to new antipattern stuff, now is the best chance to break Hollywood's domination. When it comes to Japanese influence, I think it's a crime not to mention The Power Rangers! But seriously, like others said, you always take inspiration from somewhere. In case of movies, a bunch of them were copied, some from Japan, some from other countries (a lot of European movies, anywhere where you can find quality material that couldn't reach global peak because of language/low budget production). It's hard to be original too, even when you try there's a good chance somebody told something similar. There were so many movies made, there were so many stories told, and most of them revolve around some archetypes.
  4. As far as I remember skillvampire aura makes a sum of opponents creatures stats (influence and tokens included) and redistributes a percentage of it to your creatures evenly, depending on the difference to your stats. Soulweaver additionally deduces that same amount from enemy's creatures. With this shard, you wouldnt calculate percentages but just swap them entirely. I'm not sure did I answer your question or just repeat my original post
  5. How about this mayheem: nosferatu, upgrades vampiric aura to 100% (swaps stats entirely)
  6. There might be creatures that have some shade of purple (at least in my male simplistic eyes) like the pimped grassan and the 14th anniv hollow. Or are those shades of pink
  7. Some of these are very nice, but at the same time it will get so hard to keep track of all the abilities going around But to suggest something rather than only prattle: toxicblades - Toxic Blades, attacked creatures are paralyzed (frozen) for 1 round. (appliable only to melee weapon attacks? or to arrow attacks too? seems too OP at the moment, but maybe you'll use it somehow) (something similar) ensnare - Ensnare, neutralizes winged supremacy effect for targeted creature for 1 round
  8. This kind of quest brings back from the dead, count me in!
  9. This is an important issue. I liked several suggestions here, the solution I think, is an amalgam of your propositions: - Allow cross mind power fighting - Attacking higher mind power big honor benefit - Attacking lower mind power huge honor loss (thus encouraging people giving wins to lower MPs) - Cap the heat given in such cross mind power fights (so someone doesn't overflow newbies) - (?) Possibly handicap higher mind power player in stats, token, creature freezes, in a gradual way (mp6 vs mp5 no issues, mp5 vs mp4 smaller issue, mp5 vs mp3 huge issue)
  10. How did it not depend on other players? After the first few steps, you wait a lot for the next story checkpoints with nothing to do as there are no other mp3s and no people to talk to. I didn't say that you mechanically require players to finish the intro, just that without that part it's not half the product it's supposed to be. At least the island keeps you occupied. Ofc it can and should be continuously improved. Magohi mentioned some shards, I don't know all the details but generally am for simplification and am against forcing newbies on keeping track of useless features.
  11. Even tho I like your story, I have to disagree with you Mallos, although the old intro was amazing, it can't work in current circumstances because MD doesn't have required ingredients for it anymore. The old intro was dependant on the (awake) presence of other players and LHOs to some extent, which simply are not there anymore, and a new player would have nowhere to interact, except read a lot of story mode chapters (as cool as they are). The Island tries to implement some limited single player stuff, and allows a new player to actually play something. As unfinished as it is, it's still a better option. Once they leave tho we have the same problem, but at least they will obtain some sense of basic MD features until that point. In my view, old intro can only be brought back (modified or not) once the community revives.
  12. Does everybody have broken icons on the forum?

    1. Ungod


      now that you mention it...

    2. Syrian
  13. The reason why I like it a lot is mostly for main alliances (such as GotR for LR, Guerrilla for GG, etc.) rather than the guilds which I don't find particularly interesting (but they should definitely be automated). Main allies are closely tied to the land, it doesn't make sense to have a leader based on loyalty stat (which is a nonsensical stat, land loyalty stat is much better) that can kick everybody out (other than the King/Queen, of course, but there are times when the land doesnt have a monarch). Such alliances should last while the land lasts (forever), so it makes sense for those to be automated as well. With some good requirements specific to the nature of the land/alliance to maintain the badge of course. It would be awesome, further increase single player playability of MD, but maybe too much of a fantasy to actually happen
  14. I like the idea of 'automated' path to (some*) alliances. But alliances with that feature shouldn't have 'kick member' option, it should simply be 'if these terms are met, you can maintain the badge'. It would solve many social problems we're having around here and I think it would be in line with MD context. *I would implement that scenario on a case by case basis. Ideally, I would see this for every alliance, but it's hard to project automated terms for most of alliances outside of guilds. For instance, how to automate Seekers of Enlightenment invite, when it was mostly research based alliance in recent times? So, implement it for straightforward groups such as resource guilds, and implement it also for other alliances if someone gets an idea that makes perfect sense for his ally. For instance, Knights of the Bell requiring for you to have more MB land loyalty than in other lands + some combat stat requirement + maybe some MB scene visit periodical stat counter, etc.
  15. @Chewettif it's ok for more people to take the same prize from the pool?
  16. Nice! You got it right. Although, maybe you should have edited Willow's walk as a cherry on top Here's another one: napio se ko majka Literal translation: got drunk like a mother Origin: probably something to do with alcohol as an anesthetic for women in labour
  17. Wonderful quest! (also, glad to see you becoming more involved Tacitamuta! ) I picture this outside of Wind's Sanctuary. The song is gentle and brings ease to mind, which is why the scene is in Marind Bell, but it also has this feeling of a journey that is starting, like we are going on a road with a mission in mind, that's why the scene is a place outside, open plains and the road ahead of you, which Wind's Sanctuary exterior has. -- However, I'm having a little dilemma. This combination works for me personally, as I'm at home there and the place is very familiar, however, objectively speaking Wind's Sanctuary as a capitol and with the angien traces surrounding it, the place has a certain dramatic aspect to it, perhaps it wouldn't be a 'start of the journey' for everybody else... Counter-argument for the dramatic aspect would be that it is the most easily accessible capitol, and that the others are 'familiar' with it as well.
  18. I'll have me some of these: Item 9: 14th anniversary spicy pickle. Price: 4 plushies Item 10: silver coin. Price: 3 plushies
  19. When you say his direction is known, do you mean like we know he is on route 66 just not where exactly on the route, or that he's heading north-ish, from somewhere unknown whether that be Paris-London or Istanbul-Moscow where we only know he's going up? And is there a limit to thos grass field or is it infinite?
  20. Weekdays: EU evenings Weekends: Whichever
  21. Just an update, the mentioned problematic clickie was fixed, there should be no obstacles in the quest anymore (other than obsolete infos :D)
  22. Welcome aboard, happy to see you finding your way! As a curiosity, you are one of the rare cases in MD, as far as I know, that successfully went with the land vote / land crier citizenship process and got accepted by most of the citizens directly
  23. Yokin, I've got no idea where do you get that text from, I've re-checked every clickable I have active or inactive, and I couldn't find such text. What clickie are you getting it from, with what password? The closest thing to what you're showing me is this one, which makes me think that somehow you got an old copy of the quest (perhaps you are trying to continue something you played years ago, I have no idea, you tell me): In here I'm asking about the first king of Marind Bell, however, that next stepped is bugged and I can't access that clickie. On another note, please answer me through messages as I've originally written you there, so we don't clutter the topic, especially with spoiler-ish infos. Until the clickie can get fixed, you can message me your answer of the clickable and I will paste its content from my archive so you can continue on your journey. I'm sorry that you ran into difficulties, hopefully the next parts will be of use to you to justify the hardships
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