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Everything posted by Jubaris

  1. Roudolf - 6 gc
  2. Yes, you were a Savelite less-briefly than Z. It seems Loreroot is a 'dirty' past of many vets :)) Pamplemousse, former master archivist(?), and Jester, also an archivist, becoming Necro leaders, is interesting to me.
  3. Here's a thread for all of those who wish to share an interesting detail from MD's history, that many would find hard to believe. For a start: Shadowseeker was in Children of the Eclipse Zleiphneir was briefly in the Savelites
  4. While you are logged out you can get teleported, and abilities can be used on you (for instance kill items), by the way.
  5. @No one: "No jump" scene tags are good indeed, but are rare and in 'specific' locations'. I'm not sure where are they all are, so far I've seen one in Necrovion, and maybe somewhere else, so sorry, will need an update for this one, in the meanwhile, I'll assume they are hard-to-get-to. How can I get into Necrovion? If they are not hard to get to, then what's the point, someone can just walk towards you. Furthermore, they are static, they are fixedly in places where they were assigned, what we want is a dynamic system (I guess). I (generally speaking, not me specifically) don't want to go to a place so I can't be disturbed, I want the a place where I am now not to be disturbed. Some principles of both logic and magic are followed of course. If I am in an open location, I should be easily disturbed. If I am a Marind Bellian, and I'm trying to hide in Necrovion, a powerful Necrovion wizard should be able to easily get rid of me. But if I am in a high-viscosity rarely visited location, that I happen to have high identity relations with (principle of transposition), why should you be able to transfer me to GoE while being anywhere in the realm against my will? (since you don't have to be in the same location to cast teleport to GoE, plus, you can cast it on array of targets. Doesn't sound OP, really??)
  6. week reset system, but rather than going in the capitol, keep it randomized as it is now? I like that system. What's the current cooldown of the book?
  7. Jump to Labby link is an admin support thing, the mentioned spells are player spells. Admins have no problem providing help and ensuring an event happens undisturbed, but I don't think that's the point. I don't get it why does Eon's "I'll mess up every quest I can" attitude finds a lot of sympathies here. He should have an opportunity to do it, but his targets shouldn't have only three options as some suggested here, getting council protection, kissing ass to eon, paying for protection (this was the funniest one). Balance the power system.
  8. I was against the overpowered teleportation spells before, and I am now too, so this announcement is the step in right direction for me. What I would like to see is that the teleportation spell casts be very valuable (because you have a few casts, because you have a huge cooldown, etc.) so that the caster needs to think good whether he will use it or not. I would more look towards the way of the player to defend against teleportation spells by some spell wards or location-based wards, rather than attack at the very teleport spell (other than limiting it a bit like with this announcement). Currently, MD doesn't have an interesting aspect of hiding and secluding, even though we have a lot of hard-to-get-to locations, because of the plentiful location and teleportation spells. I always thought about motivations for choices in MD to be largely hypocritical, so the fact that DD being the reason of this announcement may be hypocritical doesn't bother me at all, I am used to this. Objectively-wise, I think limiting teleportation spells is a good step, so I'll settle with that. Thumbs up Mur, don't let them get you :D
  9. Chewy mentioned he, Mur, the council, etc. can't find a solution? Why? Because everything that made this situation was systematically made possible. There were series and series of wrong decisions by Mur (and perhaps to lesser extent by others after him, but that's less impacting, situation got more 'fair' and law-ish but not completely), that I'm certain he knew they were wrong, but used them as a sacrifice to achieve something else. That 'something else' tends to fail at points, and we get a double lose situation. I remember a lot of events, with kingships for example, how they started - everything about them was an improvisation and a sacrifice for the 'greater' cause, which seems not to be accomplished by the way. I remember wish points were gave out for ridiculous reasons to friends and loyal servants, not in any objective way, Dst tracked down some of them and made a forum topic about it. Did something happen to those wish points or the one who was giving them? No, it was a willing sacrifice, who cares about corruption if that makes us closer to autonomous parts of MD which makes it easier to run it. It was probably signalized to Dst, so she backed down of pushing the matter, stating how she is satisfied it will not happen again because she noticed it the first time... Gazillion of such instances. And something you all know about, the 'common sense' rule. I'm not sure when did the teleport to GoE spell origin, but I know it was used for regulating Heads contest for those hiding in restricted locations. So when someone was a good person to mod it, the player was given a spell, which was also a blessing because the player could use it elsewhere but "with common sense". I don't know if that's how it worked in that particular case, but I know that it is indeed how things are done here. 'Common sense' was backed up by presence of Mur that could arbitrary decide what's good and what's bad. What happens when we don't have a Mur? (and things weren't shining when he was here, I tell you) A number of people with a lot of OP abilities that are only backed down by 'common sense'. I respect the fact that people will do something I don't find proper as characters, but if certain abilities were given with accent on responsibility and they are 'misused' then that's a problem, and I don't see it as Dst (since controversy always follows her) to blame when she does something I don't agree with, I blame the system for allowing and encouraging the breach of common sense (no apostrophes this time) for a good game. This particular case showed us how overpowering simple teleport spells are, limited casts into consideration. Dst/Eon had their reasons to do something about the event, and it just happens they can do a lot more than Dark Demon can. Find a way to balance the system, yet don't mettle with "social issues" as the council puts it. The worst thing the admins can do is to do nothing, which I have a hunch they will do just that. A reaction, even a bad one, would be better than nothing. A lot of people left our game mad - not a social issue, a system issue. I never heard of someone leaving Minecraft angry at the 'injustice' inflicted upon the player. :P
  10. Happy birthday Marind Bellian muchacos! May your wishes come true!
  11. Not sure if this was ever brought up: How about when you kill a creature, all of its effects/auras drop? For instance, you manage to kill a reindrach, from that moment on, his freezing aura is annulled, as well as his boost to the gg drach? Also, the III'' suggestion: Initiative giving lead has sense, but the ID portraying the 'fixed' age of a creature is also interesting to me, giving advantage to an older creature - since it is a matter about auras, and not actual attack, the whole spiritual level, it being stronger as it evolves, so makes sense to me that an older creature would unleash its aura first as it is 'stronger' in that aspect. This is a bit controversial since it overrides the 'age' stat of the creature, making its ID 'the actual age', but still...
  12. Sanctity in case of Marind Bell is manifested only in the form of attitude of players towards the land, not in mechanics, which still keeps the situation contradicting to the one described at the gates. Protection against shades has already been partly discussed in the previous posts, Chewie's #3 post question, and my response on #11 post. The theme of other lands... I'm missing a "stomach" feeling about them to be engulfed in visions and 'surely this is it' feelings, which is why I postponed covering them from my perspective. Golemus and its interest in magic and technology I would like to see manifested in some practical and 'useful' abilities. Something that makes them the best in pure combat techniques for instance, practical solutions opposed to somewhat spiritual found in MB and NV. (those spiritual stuff can still affect combat, but just in a different direction rather than the one where Golemusian one goes) That old prot-freeze spell would be in that mood, for instance. We don't have to be held back on combat alone, I just can't find different associations at the moment applicable in our realm. For Loreroot, I would carefully step somewhere in the direction of healing remedies, herbs, lots of people I talked with are of an opinion Loreroot should have a good knowledge on the effect of various plants. Lashtal told me about his ideas for poison recipes. Maybe that would be Necrovion's reflection of Loreroot's knowledge, tainting the purpose of the one making the medicine into something more sinister. (suggestion for Necrovion to taint abilities of other lands, rather than host up a number of original abilities?) Since it is a forest, I would suggest us to ponder upon invisibility ability (it rhymes, therefore it is a magical suggestion :P) while in the forest itself. It seems very difficult for the implementation to be balanced straight away, if the intention is for the new features to be the soul center of magicduel's everyday life, but I think the brainstorming first has to pass that 'true to land' phase.
  13. Precedent: When Ravenstrider disbanded the Necrovion sentinels, Jester had an option to revive them by spending one trust point. I personally don't think the Council should take 1 trust point off of Mya/whatever, good reasoning can be made as it was called for by the Council, but as a last resort, they should have that option, no? Personal reasons: Realm without alliances such as the Sentinels and GoTR seems much poorer. Ever since Firsanthalas I was never a fan of what GoTR was doing, but the hope for a better future remains, The activities of such 'main' alliances may be dubious, but their presence means something to me as a player, I like the symbolism of the Guerrilla, GoTR, Sentinels, SoE, even though the players somehow don't play as per my imaginary expectations, that includes myself as a SoEr I guess. MD loses a lot without them. If GoTR goes to slumber, I hope it will come back one day stronger, although different than what was till now.
  14. I don't remember the exact details, I just know I lost a lot of fights with it from random rituals. I used 1% slider (just to have some regen, if they get killed so I don't need to heal them, lazy protocol). 4 aramors, soulweaver to grab some stats because I have squat if I meet someone with lots and to use as an all damager, and a snowman. Things changed to better when I swapped the snowman for a tokened chaos archer. Of course, such stuff can't do anything serious because it's vulnerable to a lot of things, freezes, VE, angiens... But on a lower level, for weaker mp5s, it should be alright for them to be able to fight with such creatures, between each other and use as such creatures a legit way to try to beat the training rits of grinders, at least. I'm way off what's going on in combat, so maybe that's already present, but what I want to emphasis the transition period of an mp5 player when he still doesn't have angiens, or stats, or drachs, etc. Giving more room to single-target creats as a means to enhance potential of that transitional period.
  15. The respective announcemenets are: http://magicduel.com/page/Announcement/view/131 and http://magicduel.com/page/Announcement/view/133 They do not speak about the reasoning of the system, for instance protection of new players, just explain that the effect of the lesser amount of rounds for alliances will be less energy loss. Because you can't rely on a single-target creature to win a fight. For instance, I'm playing around with aramor anniversary auras, and in each of the 3 rounds, the aramor kills one creature, but in the end, I usually lose the fight because I lost more VE (enemy pope extracts too much VE, or the damage my opponent did to my other creatures, because aramor was taking 1 damage, was higher in combination than what that one aramor did to my opponent's creatures), even though the fight would clearly be won if the aramor had a few more rounds to take out the other creatures. My question is, why don't we stimulate the diversity of creatures following the fact that a lot of creatures aren't chosen simply because they aren't all-attackers (and by that naturally weaker than those that are, for ally fights, they are just devalued further)? In that concrete example of anniversary aramors - you are already weakened by the fact that you hit single-target per round and that the 4 aramors you use in a ritual don't have a single freeze/antifreeze aura, so you sacrifice a lot, only to be decapitated by the fact that you can't finish off your opponent because of a round or two missing. Why do you think, if we increase it, we necessarily need to take 40 rounds fights immediately? Although total-combat sounds interesting to play around with, I would first aim towards 6 or 10 rounds. New players usually don't join alliances that fast, plus, when they do, they don't join it because of hoping to get 3 rounds per duel, at least I haven't heard of such cases. Are we really still protecting the new players with this rule? The mentioned trillion stats cases make sure the weaker players are obliterated, I don't think that a few more rounds of damage that didn't kill them in the first 3 rounds is that newbie-unfriendly. Because of fighting for only a few rounds, ally fights shouldn't be called magic duels, but magic skirmishes. x) Unless you 1-hit kill your opponent, then it's a proper duel. Perhaps there should be some kind of option box, rather than enforce this type of fighting? Leaving the option to fight the old-school way by not being in alliance simply is not good enough, because it contradicts our desire for a player to be deeper in MD.
  16. It was a plus back then maybe, but I think all of you will agree its outdated. We have such fighters that one attack is enough to finish the duel. Small number of actions just hurts single target creatures, which should be an alternative to the mainstream trend with ultimate rituals. what do you guys, combat knowhows, think about a possible increase in number of rounds/actions, how much if yes?
  17. Of course, I'm talking about 6 vs 6. Attacking with a single creature is a rarity/stupid with all the freezers, so you won't be seeing it around. Maybe the short amount of rounds is meant to symbolize the difficulty in using all 6 aspects of yourself, so the duel can last only that short, with a game mechanic encouragement to use lesser amount of creatures, but 5-6 creatures due to mentioned freezers is an axiom, if you really want to fight, so the encouragement today is null.
  18. Not sure is this mentioned, since it is a leeeengthy topic - but why don't number of rounds in a combat concerning players in an alliance increase more than just 3?
  19. You should put your paper on "Transparent(Custom)" mode, and use this code in the html part, just edit out the source for the image: <div style="background-image: url(http://WHATEVER_SIR_BLUT_LIKES_AND_APPROVES);"> At the end of the section you want to use the background image for, you will have to close the div tag with </div>
  20. Death should be something final, not getting killed, then resurrected, over and over again, it loses the weight really. And that's only if we ignore that our ghost can still 'write memoirs', use physical items (rather than cast spells, which should be more logical) and manifest his physical presence in all of the ways I mentioned above and probably some more. Regarding Necromancy and your problem with it - Temporary animation of bones, not because it is such an ability that lasts temporary by default, but because of the lack of power to permanently raise a corpse, after some time it wears off. Maybe it can be permanent at some advanced level obtainable differently, not through shared items but through individual role evolution. When the magic wears off, you become a corpse again.
  21. Happy birthday :)
  22. Jubaris


    I like the conclusions very much on the research level. In practice it would be very hard to pull it off, due to availability of kill weapons, chaos it can create to the gameplay and work effort of years killed in a moment. There were numerous starting ideas from Mur on how should MD work but that didn't go in that direction because of very hard implementation. For this to be actual, appearance of death should be very very rare.
  23. Very weird and unexplainable? 'Death' in MD is just a state of paralysis, (death in MD has no research base btw, interpretations can be built along the way, but it was not introduced as a natural part of the system) it's a state where you can chat, jump to leader, use items, send messages, receive messages... So I am really impressed that your logic system broke just now. The effect of the purge would be just that, damaging shock that would paralyze the target for an appropriate amount of time, death mechanism fits perfectly into it. I agree that leaving it labeled as 'death' rather than just rename it (like renaming ghost stance into a cloaked character for cloak items) is debatable, but there are several arguments that can support it (maybe not eventually win the discussion, but, surviving a round or two ^_^). In regards to your remark about offensive MB ability, the defensive suggestions where the first in the topic - but already existent, or with a few tweaks. Maybe it is 'interesting', but for those who don't wish to see.
  24. Here's a few first suggestions for new abilities: Purge One of the rare(only?) sacrificial-offensive abilities MB should have. land affiliation: Marind Bell Ability:Temporary kills the target for a few hours, drains all of the caster's AP and VE (caster has to have at least 50% of VE and AP full before casting the ability), requires 4000 heat. Cooldown should be at least several days, maybe a week or so. Definitely not more, since real kill items have high cooldown valuing in months. Related item that could carry this ability: Special rosary artifact, help to the mantra used to focus and channel your energies. Connection with the land: Angien's energy burn and their sacrifice to attack, Heretic Archer's initial focus on revenge where he loses his former self, focus of MB on your isolated inner self Necromancy This one is probably brainstormed by a lot of Necros through the history, I'm not sure will this suggestion of my entirely satisfy but let's see. One of the most popular forms of magic in fantasy, yet not present here so far. Can be interestingly combined with the caster of Purge ability. land affiliation: Necrovion Ability:Resurrects a killed player into a(n illusioned, game mechanics wise?) state of a raised corpse. Temporary state, lasts for days/week, because the killed players still have their will left in their corpses, so they can't be subjugated into control. The player should lose some connection with his account abilities while in this state - so no to current alliance, special avatar of a raised corpse (skeletons, something like that), his creatures should be Necro predefined, depending of the current player's collection. If he has draches, he will have same amount of windies in this new state, tormented souls and unholy priests by default, plus maybe something more. Stats are kept, now the player can fight against Molquert's guards on his own. Once the temporary state ends, he returns to being a corpse, unless resurrected along the way. Reasons to raise someone would be to ask for service of the raised corpse. If someone is having a hard time getting resurrected, or is getting constantly killed, he may find an alternative in this state for some time by getting raised number of times, depending of the agreement with his Necro 'masters'. Cooldown should be around a week or so. Like Purge is an 'inferior' kill spell, so is Necromancy an 'inferior' resurrect spell Related item that could carry this ability: To be brainstormed, because of the numerous options. Connection with the land: Obvious, though someone might say stereotypical. Good, since the world of symbols doesn't shun stereotypes. Dark, occult, tainting nature and death symbolism of Necro connects with Necromancy.
  25. Soothing Sands presented a nice view, Ary. Plus, the very fact that there are few more potent parties than the rest is a reason enough, even if we forget that MD had wars (and it's not that impossible to have one now) - such difference manifests somewhere else rather than just seeing someone is kicking your behind. There is nothing to war about, you can't take anything/compete about, but if we want to go into a direction where we have action and conflict of stimulating nature, of course this balance has to be covered. Such development is irrelevant only if MD in stasis is alright, but is it?
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