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Everything posted by Jubaris

  1. A quest in the name of the Red team! *points with his sword to the sky in the fashion of He-man* So let's get this started! There are four mainlands, for convenience sake I will name them (but in abbrevations since I am lazy): MB, NV, LR, GG. (Someone will probably mention that I would save more time writting the actual names than disclaimers about why I don't want to write them down...) Pick one of the lands to portray their land memory in the following way: Identify a scene in that land that represents its memory/library, for instance Lore Manor in Loreroot, and portray your visualization of the place here. How do you imagine it to be, other than what you see in the scene? Try to be a bit creative, what kind of books does the library hold, are the book covers of some special material, what are the book titles, etc. :) There are no restrictions really, you can make a drawing, you can do whatever you want for us to understand your vision, the point is to have fun. Having fun with a combination of thinking about libraries and books equals lots of lots of lots of fun.
  2. Congrats to USA for the blitzkrieg in the world cup. Serbia is happy with its silver, hopefully there will be more finals in the following years!

  3. Many of us will vote for your arrival, but in case your voting fails (purely for the inaction of an amount of people, rather than somebody not wanting you here) just check the alternative ways to get the citizenship here: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/15199-getting-a-marind-bell-citizenship/ p.s. I like your forum avatar :)
  4. "Basketball is back home", Serbia is in Mundobasket finals!

  5. Sure, why not! Although, if the popularity is high, you can replace me with new active people. I won't accept fossils more inactive than me! :D
  6. Spam can clearly be seen as spam if you look at the names behind those spamming points that repeat themselves constantly. It won't affect the general rating of a post if most of people understand that "player X obviously dislikes player Y and is constantly neg repping player Y on new posts". Furthermore, if the amount of total rep difference is not shown on a forum profile, then spamming someone doesn't really have a point, it has more chances to backfire because the society should figure out player X as a player that cannot weigh posts of others properly, and he will lose a percentage of his credibility. If the points are already shown, then the spam does work in the interest of the spammer, because the spam point hides behind the number. Touche on the weak minded part, but not all of us are totally independent of cunning subconscious messages, and we are trying to minimize the distortion of an image a random post has. After all, it's about who dislikes it, not how many dislike it, I thought MD prefers depth, goes against the mainstream and hates democracy :)) --------- to help visualize the first part, imagine you, dst and eon neg repping dark demon's posts in shifts, so his every post has "by default" -2 or -3 points. A random average dude will be more quick to disregard his post because he will not bother a lot to see who liked/disliked it. But if he notices it is the same group of few people repping his posts, he will be more prone to disregard the mentioned reputation points. Of course, we can say that a person should be able to individually rate a post, and not be radically affected by those reputation points, but those red and green numbers are direct suggestions for you to be more (or less) approving of a post, let's get rid of that trick. Just keep a number of the amount of people that repped the post as a default value, to signify whether it is a popular post, rather than implying it is a good or a bad post.
  7. @No one: You haven't been paying attention, Chewett's dilemma was a natural conclusion of the current reputation system, so we're suggesting alternatives. What I mean is that the reputation box of a post would not display a current sum of reputation points on it until you click it to see who liked/disliked it. The box would not show a number, or it would show the total number of people liking/disliking it, rather than the difference between liked/disliked, that's even more practical if you want to see which post stimulates most reaction. The reason why it wouldn't the rep difference be blatantly shown is already explained. The red/green number stimulates presumptions for a lot of people, and is not helping for a reader to individually rate the post. When he wants to see opinions of others on the post, he will click the box and see which concrete players have liked/disliked a post, rather than becoming deceived by the glowing difference button. edit: gave you a neg rep for not paying attention for the stream of the topic nor actually reading what I said there... and as a personal vendetta for neg repping me (and rophs) :D
  8. It could be worse, you could have named your character Princ Rhaegar :P (I would seriously like for a name change option to be possible for older players, just let the old names be logged on a new "paper", like the public log, or something. Maybe I should start a new topic about this...) Anyhows, the problem is only if your name symbolizes something that doesn't have anything to do with your character/who you are. The name Change is not such, because you do manifest change, with this topic for instance. If you do not like change, then it's still a legit name because it is your opposite, and opposite is just the other side of the same coin, let it be an ironic name. I don't think you should be concerned with activity days too much, this isn't really a race. This is a game after all (despite the warning sign that it is not a game), so you play it to have fun and learn something from the experience, go where your gut tells you to go, if that means make a new character, do it. Don't concern yourself with the evolution of other characters, just go where you feel comfortable in wider sense. You shouldn't try to make 99% of your activity days represent a perfect character and an achieved life, whatever, that sounds a lot stressful. Also, certain characters that you mentioned weren't as consistent as you imply them to be, such things are rare.
  9. The downside of the reputation system has been brought up, as well as why it should be here. What we can do (can we, Chewie? :D), to avoid the subconscious distortion of someone's image with "a lot of green/red points", is to make the reputation (on a post - the profile reputation sum has already been brought up) hidden until a click is made. So (bottom line), reputation point difference on a post is shown with a default value until you click on the box to see who liked/disliked the post. I think this solves a lot of problems, and doesn't have any negative side-effect, on a first glance anyway, please correct me.
  10. Happy birthday Necro(-)man :)
  11. Jubaris

    Teams? Teams!

    Always red.
  12. Very sad news. I didn't know him much, but from what I did, it was clear that he was a very good person and very capable in what his profession, coding. Rest in peace Cutler
  13. Happy birthday Aelis :)
  14. Eh, all these questions "what would you like" are kind of a mood breaker, assign someone appropriate and responsible to make a solution, and keep the mystery and fun for the others. The problem doesn't seem too radical to solve, and there are even previous records of what the cave held as a reference.
  15. There's a number of works made by MB people, I would just require some time to collect them all and post/link them here :) Bash Chelik has a lot of poetry, there were few drawings and such. Looking forward for the evolution of this topic :)
  16. Sounds like fun, but sadly(? :D) I'll be on a vacation till 24th
  17. Happy birthday, you fossil! :) Nonsense, February is the month for biggest minds, plus, Aquarius is the coolest sign! Not to be a party pooper I'll grant August a temporary second place! :P
  18. What's happening with some ally pictures, they won't load?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    3. Intrigue


      as far as I know, GoB doesn't have a pic (it's never loaded if there was one)

    4. Chewett


      Thats the only one that doesnt have a picture

  19. Happy birthday Curi :)
  20. The task is indeed impossible. An Eulerian trail, or Euler walk in an undirected graph is a walk that uses each edge exactly once. If such a walk exists, the graph is called traversable or semi-eulerian. A graph is called semi-Eulerian if it contains an Eulerian trail. For the existence of Eulerian trails it is necessary that zero or two vertices have an odd degree (number of edges/lines coming out of a vertex/point). In your case, number of such vertices are 4, therefore it is impossible to make an Eulerian walk. Closest thing would be one missing line, which is easy. Do you want to adjust the rules?
  21. Is there a concrete ongoing plan for us to reach the stage to be 'advertiseable' or are we in confused stage? (@admins)
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