there is a low amount of data out there in the game that player can find about history of this realm, about the people who did such and such things except the Adventure log that is pretty much sticking to its own story.
It's been a long time since I originally planned to write History of Loreroot, but it wasn't up till now that I actually started writing. Waiting for so long to start lead me to the conclusion that this won't be regular "summarizing up" post, but extensive research about whole of its history till the present day (the important facts). New generations of Lorerootians would surely love this, (even I want to know some things I didn't heard much about before, and there is number of stuff) about all those famous people of our beloved land, why happened when and how, by who that very much shaped us all now
I intend to do this as objective as possible, and it will take some time know that, for I have little of it right now, just waiting for the first holiday to pop up so I can concentrate on things I like more.
The reason why I'm making specifically history of Loreroot is not unknown to any of you, I'm sure my character is related to Loreroot since my starting days and it will be so till I'm gone, this sort of activity is also corresponding to the role I'm trying to make with Savelites of, among other things, possessing certain knowledge (call it a mixture of legend speakers, archivists...) for the public good, and I'm not pushing away the possibility of doing something similar like this for any other land.
what I'm asking of the community is this: I am not here since forever, there are many gaps that needs to be filled in my knowledge about all the events, and I'm asking for volueenters to help me with their experience in this realm, specifically those veterans that were present during the first alliances, Nelya's arrival in Loreroot with Guardians of the Root, also chronology is very important to me and this project, so do care for that.
Thanks to the archives of this forum, I've managed to make a summarized picture to a certain point (it's still under construction, like I said, it will take some time), but I need help, so better then to hunt those individuals I think can help down, I ask that you come to me.
Offer your knowledge through PM (you can announce it here if you like, anyways those who help will be in my "thank you" intro once the project is made:P) if you are eager to help this.