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Handy Pockets

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Handy Pockets last won the day on November 11 2011

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About Handy Pockets

  • Birthday July 3

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    United States
  • Playername
    Handy Pockets

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  1. The Heads contest use to be a wild event. The first year I watched as a new to the dreams here in MD. I ran to the bridge and climbed over it to see someone jump down the cliff to the underground pathway. I understand that the Heads Contest has now changed, those were the days. We would come together at a certain time of the contest, all players were to stand at the G.O E. They had to stay in the crowd untiil the game was won. I remember being stressed and tired after this stage. We would set our creatures to defend us. I have lost most of my knowledge who of my creatures I would set out to defend Heck even to get a burst, and now my creatures are getting lazy. The winner was the one with the most heads at a clock count down. There was a lot of pushing the rules, dare I say even, cheating. But I was in a crowd of fantistic players and enjoyed the conversations that filled the air. I know that players pushed rules, I think that Aia's rules are pretty close to the Wild event I remember, with some rules worded differently, to keep everyone truthful.
  2. Hello

    I still can not log in,   I  have given Chewett what I thought he needed.  I could be wrong.  Is there a way you can help me figure out what he needs to help me?


  3. I would like to collect wiyya
  4. I am sorry I took so long to answer. I will pass on this quest. thank you for waiting
  5. I would like to contribute but I will need time. Like Ailith, I too, will need a couple of days. (PLACEHOLDER)
  6. Item 1: x 1 25 plushies Item 2: x1 80 plushies Item 3: x1 25 plushies Item 5 x 2 10 plushies item 7 x 1 15 plushies Item 8: x 1 15 plushies Item 9: x 1 15 plushies 185 plushies total
  7. I have "Secret Ingredient". A small glass bottle containing a white powder. Label says Secret Ingredient use just before a fight , it will give a small (or large) boost to creature battle. Not necessarily a boost to make creatures stronger.
  8. We, all of us , can find and figure out the LW. Send me a messenger pidgeon if you want to join up in a group
  9. Well now I see this is in the wrong topics
  10. There is a 100/100 resource in Loreroot, No Name Report please Territory: Loreroot Coord: 1_-3x3_1 Might not be the right place to report this. But yeah, my first post.
  11. The Linen from flax that can be grown in the gardens that are at different locations. A weaving loom could be in MB made from fine lumber. simple , I think called carding tools can be made. Needles from bone. glass would need high temps in oven. I think lovely items can be blown from the melting glass from a kiln. Might be lots of tools to do this glass blowing.
  12. Hello Chewett, I see you are looking for me.
  13. Handy Pockets AD 1473 volition 23.22 Grinding, yes as I wait for Awiiya.
  14. In my beginning, I only played Handy Pockets. Then one day I had to read about Nacirema. I loved the name so much I made Nacirema Asu. She has not walked around the lands in a long time. I would tell those I talked to that I was *kets if the conversation turned to one that I thought I should say who my main character was . Did Nacirema break some rules in her early days? Yes, did she change her ways? Yes. After a while i enjoyed the avatar part of an alt so Nacirema could wear avatars that I would buy because I did not want to change who *kets was as far as her avatars look. My very simple reason but one I enjoyed.
  15. Player Name to receive reward: Handy Pockets Period of Trial: August 2012 to 6/16/13 Proof of Pain: Still recovering from pain Could not remember my password, I missed out on so many things in MD. I missed all the fun :cool:
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