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death ray

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death ray last won the day on January 16

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About death ray

  • Birthday 12/01/1984

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    go karts motorcycles mini bike harbor freight predator engines
  • Playername
    Death Ray

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  1. 02/23/2024 was my last one to receive. They popup all the time but I never actually get them. I got to where now I don't click on them anymore, I just leave it alone and it gets in the way. I was getting them fine back in 2023 based of my emails.
  2. So, will Eggdar be able to move and/or follow players latter on? Is or will Eggdar be trainable to traverse MD independently and with instructions? Will we be able to equip Eggdar with say, spell stones or other usable items to use as per requested? Say someone is stuck somewhere due to AP. Would another player be able to give Eggdar the appropriate items to pass to them? Or in general deliver items??
  3. got some 5k aged colored jokers?
  4. Welcome to Magic Duel!

  5. Welcome to Magic Duel!!

  6. death ray


    @Mallos but look where Handy P. Is now. No more kitty cat... maybe actual active vets
  7. death ray


    Could work kind of how things work for the player when they are a citizen of a land, like take the land bonus and apply that to your mountable creature. Or build up heat to use to ride the mounted creature
  8. death ray


    Agreed. This should be a thing. At the least let the vets get a MD pet, say for MD anniversary. I still haven't got a vet tag and I been here since 2009 same character and all. But would accept a pet as well in place of that if I don't meet the requirements for vet status
  9. I still have mine in my garage floating around somewhere, crazy enough. But yours is pretty cool, I like it! Should mail it to a fellow MD'er, haha!
  10. So what's up on the rewards for this? Submitted 7/01/2023
  11. I think @Muratus del Mur and @Sir Blut have brought some great ideas to the table. Perhaps we should put some effort into this and these ideas, also since there is a greater player presence during the holiday season... Maybe plan it for or around a holiday. Or would it be more appropriate to schedule this for the MD birthday? I kinda vote to plan it on MD's next birthday. That should give plenty of time for planning. Work and home keep me plenty tied up, but I could aim to set something if somebody would like to help me. I welcome some help. Lets make this a ritual things every year for MD birthdays! A new MD tradition? I think yes.
  12. Actually, since you mentioned "Zoom" that honestly sounds like an amazing idea. I don't recall ever going on a zoom meeting with everyone from MD. That would be a phenomenal idea and feat to pull off. Would really be great to chat, even if briefly. Would add some depth do us as individuals. Like you said, from 20 to 40 we are different people at those ages. Maybe a vote is in order to see if everyone is OK with a Zoom meet and greet. And see what time frame works best for everyone. May need to plan for two meetings, to cover everyone.
  13. I think we the remaining population, those of us who remain loyal and supportive of MD and wish to never see it fade away. I think we should all have a get together when time allows. I really feel that we need lift up and give some praise to Mur and Chewett. They have and continue to do a phenomenal job with all things MD. All these years and MD still stands strong, even with a now small population. Those of us that remain call one another friend and would have otherwise never meet and have had the joys of sharing our spare time with each other. We've lost many, but their memories remain here in MD and forums and in our hearts. I really don't think any of us would say otherwise, it's not said or showed enough our gratitude to the contributions These two have done. Now I know there have been others in the past and of course now currently. But from my view point it has always been these two, @Muratus del Mur and @Chewett. These two are like the mom and dad of MD. I'm happy to say I've grown up with my MD family. I was in my early 20's then and now reaching 40. MD is a very solid staple in my life as I am sure it is with many others. I hope to never have removed. Maybe we can come together soon before the holidays take form and our time and have a moment together and if nothing else say a few words. Put our mind sets back at the beginning and be thankful for all the hard work and effort involved in what we all partake in and enjoy for so so many great years!
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